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Chlorine as in swimming pool?..

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11:20:30 PM

Have no lesions, however, due to the nature of this thing (or should I say , un-natural-ness..)
I am taking certain precautions.
One is that I nolonger hold my cats who nolonger live with me.
I go to see them and cautiously touch them as little as possible or with gloves.
I take them goodies which they look forward to!Like tuna fish which is opened for them!
: )
Appreciate the reply from both of you, thank you.

It is my goal to understand epidemiology so that hopefully there will be clarity in this realm of the issue.

6:23:33 PM

Debra and G,
I've had this for over 4 yrs. Another individual lived in the house and my 2 labradors. The other individual did NOT get this, but one lab did and died from it. With that being said, I KNOW my lab that died had an immune problem and she loved to lick me (before I knew what I had). My other lab does not have this at this time.
I believe that it can be passed on to others if they have an immune system problem or come into direct contact with a leision. I refrain from any direct contact with individuals and keep most of the leisions covered. So far, no one else I know of has contracted this from me. Be cautious!

5:28:45 PM

G - I was also very paranoid about cooking or being near my family. I have 2 teenage boys. No one in my home seems to be infected by me after 9 months. But I will not visit my other family members - sisters, etc. And I am afraid everyday that this will pass to my sons. One son was treated for 'scabies' and when it seemed to return we had him constantly swim in a chlorine pool. (I am not saying that Mel is wrong, that is just our experience - maybe it works in the beginning.) It dissapeared and has not returned in 3 months. I was on a 6 day steroid treatment and on the 4th day I became so itchy it was unbearable. I was out in the car with one of my sons that day. It is strange because that was the evening my son came down with stings and pimples and extreme itching. It seemed as though it moved to someone else.
I only have the biting crawling version of the disease. No lesions.
I think that if you are on top of your problem and you are not letting it go out of control - it will not spread. But that is only my experience. If I feel something on my skin or stinging, I will bathe, shower and/or apply a lotion that seems to help to a point.
I wanted to answer you because sometimes no one responds and it is very disheartening when you are desperate for answers. It is especially important when it is concerning your children.
Best wishes to you and your family.

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