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CONFERENCE CALL - Sunday May 22, 2011: PS Reports on Annual Morgellons Conference Pllus This Year's Conference Dates

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Original 5/18/2011 Post

1:22:27 PM

Hiya All,

Welcome as always.

We are fortunate enough to have the head of our Research Department (who is recovering from Morgellons as well as other medical issues) well enough to travel to the 4th Annual Scientific/Medical Conference on Morgellons Disease in Austin Texas.

Sponsored by the Charles E Holman Foundation, the conference was entitled "Searching for the Uncommon Thread", and took place at the West Oak Baptist Church in Austin Texas.

PS will give us a first-hand report on the conference which he attended over the weekend of April 2, 2011. He will share his thoughts on the speaker presentations and information presented for those of you who could not attend.

There is light at the end of the tunnel.

To find out more, call in and join our Conference Call this Sunday, May 22 at:

4:00 EST, 3:00 CST, 2:00 MST, and 1:00 PM PST.

Dial-in Number: 1-218-862-1300
Conference Call Code: 664059

I look forward to speaking with all of you there. As always, John, Pat and I will field any and all questions concerning Morgellons towards the end of the program.

God Bless, Never give up Hope,


P.S. - For those of you who are unable to attend, the conference call will be available next week in the Conference Call Archives.

Responses (Newest First)

1:31:43 PM

We need to join together,

so if you are able to attend the 5th Annual Morgellons Conference on March 24,25 2012 please come.

They welcome everyone!

Additional information can be found on the Charles E. Holman Foundation Web Site!


4:48:54 PM

Hi Mel ! It's me. I would have said Hello but the message is missing the reminder to me about how to
chime in on the call. At any rate, I want to Thank you, Pat and John for the call. I met Pat at the Austin conference and I agree, totally, about the old homecoming day feeling at the conference. Where else can one speak freely about this? And To many diff. people. I plan on going next year as well.
Pat, can you write a blog with the exact info. you were telling me when I mentioned MMS to you.? Do you remember me? Thanks Robin

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