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Cotton and Buying Clothes

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Original 3/5/2009 Post

6:25:21 PM

I am curious Mel if you have noticed these fibers in stores? I sincerely believe cotton is affected/infected.

Being aware of what these fibers are like, I see them in every store, especially by cotton socks, and they are moving in the same fashion as fibers as those I have seen from me. It's not only the socks, rugs, towels, hanging from shelves.

ny thpughts anyone?


Responses (Newest First)

11:08:35 AM

How do you deal with buying clothes or just anything in general?

Like, is there any way to avoid reintroducing fibers into the environment? I thought ordering online would be better but it's all the same. I received a polo shirt in the mail a couple days ago from JC Penny and of course it had fibers in it.

I'm not sure if I should soak it in Kleen Green & MMS or if I should throw it away. Any advice?

To the original poster Katie, I also see fibers everywhere. Literally everywhere I go, everybody I meet, has these fibers! I mean in some cases it could simply be human hair, pet hair or lint (I can't always do an inspection).

But to me, every fiber might as well be morgellons (and I've been proven right every time I managed to do an inspection).

It's crazy how common this is (it spreads so easily) and no one knows about it.

9:14:39 AM

Hi friends...

Internal cleansing is so important, diet .. I feel anti candida is best, and protocol. Lint rollers , the sticky kind are good for removing fibers from clothing.
If you can ever dry sauna is a great way to help alleviate some of the purging sensations by skin elimination with sweating .. Although it may not be good for those with high blood pressure and the Herx may be stronger for certain people.

Wash your clothing in MMS.. Towels if their white in bleach ... It helps. I have found keeping my sons clothes separate from mine to be helpful.

Hair can be washed in anti dandruff shampoos .. It helps if you have scalp issues..

Tyler and I are both doing so good right now.. Occasionally we have a thing happen to remind us we have a little more work to do.
I am on the protocol more than a year and still taking It ..
I was able to return to a full day of school ...
I love what I'm doing ... Although I have my secrets ..
I take breaks to take my vitamins .. I live off of rabbit food .. Every day I have salads ... All of my new class mates think I'm just a health nut! ;)

I find starving the fungal aspect of Morgellons is a good way to minimize my symptoms .. To the point where years of this diet and one year of religious taking of the protocol, I AM LIKE NORMAL!!!

My son Tyler takes a partial protocol , flora and candida rid and he continues to improve... No rashes for sometime now... And occasional fungal hair or two on his body after showering .. I notice it best.. But he was having major rashes , with purging.
He is doing better and is my everything!

Have faith ... Your outcome has a lot to do with your out look... Believe, know, trust that you will conquer .... Be a warrior!! Never Ever Give Up HOPE!!
God has come through every time I trusted him! Even when my perspective looked hopeless may not know the way out, but trust...

I joke with a fellow warrior amber and say ... One day we will be 80 women talking about how we conquered Morgellons in spite if the opposition by the medical community...

We are warriors, affirm your good .. In spite of what you may see The universe led you to a great place, with support by others who have been where you are, are where you are and those who have fully restored there health.
They care so deeply about you ... We are each others support:)

Yours in spirit
All my love ,

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