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Original 3/20/2012 Post

11:26:23 AM

Hi everyone, I'm new and just started. I've learned a ton here, but have some specific questions in order to fine-tune my environment.

-My hairbrush, is a round brush, and I'm determined to keep using it. I will spend the time fussing with it; it's worth it to me because my hair requires it to look ok. So I pick it with a nit comb often and spray after using with rubbing alcohol and/or Cedarcide, then put it in an open zip bag that has some cedar balls in it. I want to tighten up this treatment... I maybe want to know a good solution to dip it in? Maybe Barbicide or something else? I've read about dipping in borax water, but I have not had great luck with borax in the laundry and so consequently borax is kind of on the outs with me currently.

-I have found that lately I want to use strong fragrances (very unusual for me I normally hate them). Anyways, is there a way I could use this to my advantage? I know they hate menthol, cedar, eucalyptus and unfortunately the buggies and I are in agreement on this. Would coconut scents be relevant? Or has anyone had experience with certain fragrances that seem to increase or decrease activity? For example, I have some natural oil fragrances, one of which is vanilla musk and I don't know if the sweetness puts me more at risk or if the strength of the aroma protects? If they detest strong fragrances would there be any benefit in using Shalimar, Chanel No. 5, etc? I have some stuff that smells like cookies that I'm trying not to use because I'm worried that they'll attack. Sorry if this is stupid, I'm new at this, so exhausted and trying to find my way...

On a related note, I've been burning essential oils, lavender, peppermint and orange. I was going to buy some citronella oil and I personally wanted coconut or vanilla, but I need to save every penny that I can, so if anyone has experience to share I would so appreciate. I am not planning to use the menthol crystals for various reasons.

-My feet are thee place to go pinprick-biting or stinging. I have this problem elsewhere too, but it's most consistent and intense on my feet. I have always had nice feet that didn't need any work done on them (I mean working on them with a pumice stone and file) but I am now wondering if this would help- or if there are any specific creams that anyone has had success with in that location. It's likely due to the fact that feet are fungusy, and there's an entire portion of the drugstore devoted to this, but I don't know what specifically would help in this instance. Or just in general to ward off biting feelings. I've been rubbing my feet with coconut oil then putting them in fresh socks before bed and in the morning. This does not seem that effective, but sure is pleasant! Maybe it would help if I switched to sandals as it's getting warmer now... I know that this symptom will go when the systemic condition heals, but would like to do something to help manage for now.

Thank you all for reading and thank you Mel for your knowledge and the endless time and energy you've given to help us all get well!
xo Julie

Responses (Newest First)

8:04:40 AM

Thank you all for this- I got the Nizoral, have been spraying the vinegar all over & the peppermint spray I'm certainly looking into. An added bonus that minty scent also repels all pestilence, which NYC has in great abundance... I must add that, I think my initial post here was a bit overzealous, in retrospect.
Now that I've been protocoling for some months, it's working like gangbusters so I really don't think my former anguish over my psychotic level of cleaning was really necessary. Much like the post Theresa put up recently. I think the potions & cleaning- this is just my experience/opinion- are definitely more of a management tactic rather than the cure. I still clean lots and get anal about the washing, etc, but for me I just don't feel like everything I touch is contaminated.
I should mention here that the home fragrance strategies do seem really helpful. I burn lavender oil & sometimes Pine- these cones made of pine wood.
I don't have much biting/stinging anymore (yay!) but I do notice it more when I get sweaty. Mel, you've mentioned this before. I don't know why that happens. So I have been fussy about keeping cool.
Thank you all so much for input, & for reading, xo

3:43:30 AM

There is a spray called NIT FREE Mint spray. made of peppermint oil,etc non toxic can be sprayed on feet, arms and all over - Bought on Amazon for 12.00 worth every penny & free shipping. (I also spray witch hazel for instant relief).. Also Thera-NEEM Shampoo for 11.00 works

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