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Light at the end of the tunnel

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11:41:14 PM

I heard you on conference call say you had to get specialist to get rid of certain mites. Id really like to chat with you about that I'm trying to figure out if I have a separate issue or if it's just more Morgellons critter I am seeing on my clothes

2:18:59 AM

Hi Bill,

Thank you. I have taken a look at that site, however, since we are in the same area, I was wondering if you could possibly get in touch with me so I can set up an appointment with your actual Lyme Dr.?

I heard you have just had surgery on your shoulder. I am sorry, I am sure its beating the poop out of you temporarily!

I am sending you well wishes and praying for a quick recovery! God IS good!!

Thank you kindly.

Bill M
9:10:54 PM

Hi Shari and Nan,

In July of 2014, I posted his information for those who are looking for a Lyme doctor:

If anyone is looking for a Lyme doctor to get yourself tested, you should be able to find a doctor in your area on Google. In addition to Google I would also suggest going to this web site for Integrative Medicine doctors: ….ACAM -American College for Advancement in Medicine.
Here is a good article from Natural News which explains just what ACAM is and how they differ from “Main Street Medicine”…….

When you locate the Lyme doctors in your area I would check out their web site and their credentials and then give them a call.
I would suggest calling at least 2 or 3 in your area and if ask if you can talk with the doctor, which you may or may not be able to do. If you can talk with the doctor, have your questions ready because you will have only a few minutes to talk with them, and the key question is how they can help you get back to good health. If you cannot talk with the doctor get as much information as you can from the office staff. Because of the spread of Lyme disease there are more doctors treating patients but I would recommend going with a doctor that specializes in Lyme disease.

I hope this information is beneficial to you, and a bit of encouragement for those of us who have Morgellons or Lyme disease, is that because of the rapid spread of these diseases that right now there is much more research taking place…..…worldwide. I am confident that one day there will be a cure that will make it much easier to eradicate these diseases from our body.

Blessings to all……
Bill M.

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