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Modified Protocol for babies and nursing moms?

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1:18:25 AM

Thanks for sharing your advice! I responded earlier, but for some reason it isn't posted. I am seeing fewer fibers around when i dust and in the air. Hoping that means the infestation has gone down?!

12:03:33 PM

Hi Kate,

I'm so glad you found your way into our midst. Mel has pointed you to some very helpful information found here, and I would add that any time you spend reading here will be time well invested.

Every part of the protocol is valuable because of the comprehensive support it provides to the body's organ systems and cellular energy potential, but if I had to pick the two most critical components I would say the Complete Thymic Formula and the Essential Flora. Those are both safe for you to take as long as your doctor approves, and they provide your body access to a wide array of high quality nutrients. The Liver CS Plus would be next in priority because it helps clear detox pathways, but your doctor would definitely want to clear that one first.

All of the items in the Burgstiner Wellness Protocol perform multiple functions and are designed to take maximum advantage of the natural synergy God placed into different herbs and foods.

Thanks for sharing your questions and concerns. Please let me know if we can be of further assistance.

Warmest Regards,


10:37:43 AM

Hello Kate and Welcome.

Finances are one of the biggest challenges that most Morgellons sufferers face unless they are fortunate enough to find this website before they waste all their money searching for silver bullets.

Unfortunately for me, this website was not yet here, and I too suffered devastating financial losses resulting in a bankruptcy in 2009. In life we all have choices, so this is what I did:

I stopped using my car, cut down use by 90% (gas is not going to get cheaper), and changed my diet completely. The diet change was healthy and saved me money as the wrong foods actually cost more. I could then afford my medications and supplements. Remember, "If you do not have your health, you have nothing"!

As for the children, I highly recommend reading the entire thread called Children and Morgellons and listen to the conference call by the same name. This will hopefully alleviate your fears and help you form a basic foundation of knowledge for your family's wellness.

As you will see, you have been led to a place where you will find support, answers and healing.

God Bless; Never give up Hope!


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