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2:56:54 AM

You are welcome to look me up if you move to Florida.

1:26:48 PM

I also use paper and it is good advice. I am on 2 antibiotics and the stromectol. I am unsure about how to use the MMS. I need to get out of my mothers house to concentrate on all this. She has it too and when I tell her what it is - morgellons - she says "But I don't see anything???" She's 80 and can't wrap her mind around what's going on. I am on treatment and I am moving to Florida to do Mels protocol. That is if I can get the courage to do the MMS and the know how.

Linda Ross
2:56:54 AM

Sorry for my prior long post.

Wanted to add that hair dyeing can get the critters to come out of your scalp and have been told that perm solution also does the same thing. I have tried the hair dye and it does work but not the perm solution.

Hint for housekeeping: I do not use bath or hand towels. The inexpensive napkins from the dollar store are just the right size for most hand wipeing if your hands are not dripping wet/ other wise paper towels which fill up the trash faster.

To cut down on wash: Paper towels can be used for drying off after bathing, after getting most water off body by using open hand to squeege off the water from your body. May have to use wash cloth or small hand towel for the back.

Do not buy the cheap toilet paper from dollar store, it comes from China. There are so many impurties in it that you don't know if your taking bugs off or putting them back on!!

I would like to say thank you to Mel, Mr. C/S, John B,
Geoff N. for sharing their information and all the effort they have put forth to make this happen and give us hope. Want also want to acknowledge Pam and her efforts and thank all of you for the helpful hints and information. I believe we will all come through this following Mel's protocol some sooner, some later. There is light at the end of the tunnel. LD