Original 11/29/2011 Post | |
Mel 11/29/2011 11:28:17 AM | Welcome Everyone. A little less than three years ago when our web site first began, I never thought too much about what would happen. I only hoped that people would benefit from what I had experienced so that others could also restore their health. Well, I am happy to say that with God's help, we have accomplished this and much, much more. We have provided HOPE to a community that desperately needed it! From the beginning, we have also provided assistance to many of you who were unable to afford this protocol. The needs have always exceeded the amount of donations. Despite Social Security disability benefits and two part time consulting jobs, I was forced to file for personal bankruptcy in November of 2009. However, as of this date, we are aware of hundreds of you who have stabilized and about 60 who claim that they too have restored their health! Not bad considering it takes a minimum of eighteen months of focused effort - unless you have additional health issues - and then it can take even longer. Six weeks ago I underwent a hip replacement surgery not knowing what to expect because of 40 years of deterioration and the fact that my hip was fused. My team of doctors explained that mine was the worst hip they had ever attempted to operate on. Even they were not sure what the outcome would be. Needless to say, the outcome has exceeded everyone's expectations! The last few days have been the best days I have had - both physically and mentally - for ten to twenty years. On the day before Thanksgiving I gave up my walking cane for good. Also, our new foundation has now been finalized with the state of Nevada. Morgellons-free for three years and no longer encumbered by constant excruciating pain, I am compelled to expand my role in serving my fellow man. With my heart overflowing with joy and gratitude, I am proud to announce the formation of the HOW I CURED MORGELLONS FOUNDATION INC. dba HE CURES ALL FOUNDATION, a Not For Profit (501-C) corporation serving the Morgellons community worldwide! There are a number of organizations that exist to raise awareness of the plight of Morgellons sufferers or to raise funds for researching the cause(s), symptoms, and/or possible treatments of the disease. The focus of our foundation is not to prove that Morgellons exists, but to reach out to those who are caught up in its grip and give them hope, inspiration and assistance to recapture their lives. The reality of Morgellons and perhaps even its chief causes will one day be properly understood, but meanwhile, there are so many needlessly suffering in isolation and despair often experimenting with dangerous self treatments. My life as well as many others' who are following our protocol are living proof that the human body is more than capable of overcoming this challenge when given the proper support. The HE CURES ALL FOUNDATION has short term and long term goals: In the coming year (2012), I plan to make a series of public presentations in order to promote Morgellons awareness and to demonstrate that recovery from Morgellons is not a myth, but an actual reality. The plan is to cover several major cities across the U.S. starting in February with Atlanta. Other cities will include Tampa and New York, Chicago and St. Louis, Dallas and Denver, Los Angeles and San Francisco. I have often repeated the words of the ancient prophet Hosea, "My people suffer for lack of knowledge". In my travels, I hope to shed light on the ongoing tragedy of Morgellons while imparting hope and inspiration to those who are suffering by showing everyone that you can recover from this hideous disease. One day I envision that many of you who are well again or on the road to recovery shall join me in holding hands around the pond where I live in Reno! Our long term goals are ambitious indeed. It is my HOPE and my DREAM to create a holistic clinic here in Reno to treat Morgellons patients in the foot hills of the Sierra Madres. The clinic could possibly be staffed with those professionals that we have already assisted in restoring their health! I have already approached two board members on the approval committee for such things in our state, who have assured me based upon what they have already seen accomplished, we will have their support. The first thing we need to do is to spread the word that the tyranny of Morgellons can be overthrown. We have created the Not for Profit organization in the hopes that more of you will help support our efforts. I will never be able to pursue this dream alone. If those of you who have stabilized or had your health restored will take the time to lead the way for others, it will go a long way to making this a reality. I need your help! For the first time in three years, I actively solicit your support so that we may continue our policy of supporting those who need assistance in procuring the protocol and to help me get out among the people so the world can visually see that you can recover from this dreadful disease. As more and more people are able to reclaim their lives of productivity and purpose, we believe that resources will become available to open a world class holistic medical clinic that is dedicated to providing creative, compassionate and affordable care. This will allow transformation back to a normal life for those suffering with environmental illnesses such as Morgellons. There is so much more work to be done! We heartily solicit your prayers and financial support as we intensify our efforts to change lives for the better. To learn how to donate to this most worthy cause, please visit our Help Us Help Others page. From the bottom of my heart, thank you to those who have already done so. May God receive the CREDIT and the GLORY He so richly deserves. For He has given me more than I ever imagined could be possible and restored the enthusiasm of my youth. God cures all. God Bless; Never, Never Give up Hope! Mel |
Responses (Newest First) | |
joseph 6/21/2012 9:51:30 AM | Hello MEL, ITS been a while since you have made a statement on the web site, and I hope all is well. I did listen to the last teleconference call and you sounded happy and strong! A little update would be nice. THANKS again for all your help! God bless you, Joseph |
mel 12/20/2011 12:51:45 PM | Hi Kathy, Welcome as always. It is heart warming when someone who has been helped by our website is willing to take the time to come back repeatedly to help us help others. Having your life restored and being back at work full time as an RN must be the greatest gift one could receive for Christmas. We rejoice with you and with those that soon will be touched by your kindness as you aid in the restoration of their health. Let me direct you to our new Help Us Help Others page which will afford you the opportunity to make your tax deductible donation either online through Paypal or through the He Cures All Foundation P.O. Box. May God receive the glory for the willing service of your hands. I remember the first time we spoke; you told me that He led you here. We are all glad that He did. God bless you Kathy. YOU never gave up Hope! Mel P.S. - I also rejoice in the first anniversary of the restoration of your health. I have included here a three post thread from one year ago this month: Kathy 12/3/2010 7:35:30 AM Mel,if I had not found this site, I am certain I would not be working again. More importantly, I have a life again. You are truly a wonderful friend. God bless us all mel 12/1/2010 4:59:04 PM Hiya Kathy, Welcome as always; I cannot thank you enough for your willingness to now, reach out and bring hope to others as you have stabilized and continue to recover on the Protocol. I know Pat has enjoyed exchanging stories and information with you. I am sure so will those who attend the conference call on Sunday. I like your slogan 'TOGETHER WE CAN BEAT THIS THING' Thank you for trusting and believing in me, I rejoice in your recovery! God bless, Never give up Hope! Mel Kathy ** 11/30/2010 11:06:36 AM Hi, I want to invite everyone to the teleconference on Sunday,Dec.5,2010.I will be joining the other Morgellons suffers to share our experiences on the road to recovery.I am a Registered Nurse from the southeast and have been a morgellon's sufferer since the fall of 2009.It is my hope that I will be able to give Hope to others thru the progress I have made! All knowledge gained empowers us to move forward. Lets not look backward but forward toward the possibilities we once thought was unattainable. Together,we can beat this thing. God bless all of us, Kathy. |
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