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Question for Dennis (A2Z) att: Mel

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5:26:03 PM

Hiya Linda,

Welcome as always

I Jumped right in, A2Z corp uses it's products for a variety of Diseases! The way That I take my medicine
or vitamins in our protocol page; is designed for morgellons sufferers.

It includes the proper spacing of time to insure that each Different medicine or vitamin has it's oppurtunity to work !!!!!!!!!!!

I asked you to please focus!

God bless you,

5:26:03 PM

I have all the things I need for the protocol. Reading the instructions from A2Z it says 'For best results consider taking MMS for two weeks before starting silver.' So that is what I am following but was wondering why.

I figured it may be the fact that so many people have had trouble getting the MMS down and making them sick that the 2 weeks is maybe an adjustment period? So far (I'm up to 5 drops of MMS) I've been able to tolerate it but can sense that as I get over 10 that may not be the case.

Was wondering Mel if you jumped right in with using both the MMS and M/silver? Linda