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Question to John Burgstiner about Batch /Quality Testing of Logos Products

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Original 12/12/2011 Post

10:59:11 AM

Hi John,

Hopefully I will get started on protocol very soon but have some questions about ingredients and quality controls. It recently came to my attention that many of the 'health products' on the market are loaded with fungus and molds, toxins and other contaminants, and/or heat damaged from processing, etc. which defeats the purpose of taking a nutritional supplement. What kind of batch testing do you do on your products to ensure that these issues are not present in your products?

I read on one site that through their testing they have found that the current supply of blue green algae, spirulina, etc. were found to be contaminated and one practitioner has stopped selling them because of this.

Please understand, I am NOT saying your products are contaminated or compromised in anyway. I have read the testimonials and see many have been cured of Morgellon's using your protocol.

My concern is that from one batch to the next, contaminants, toxins and pollutants that were not present before can show up now. I want to beat this thing (M) and to know that your products are tested thoroughly on all levels. As you know we are already working with a damaged immune system and need to know that the supplements we are taking are not contributing in any way to our illness.

I truly appreciate your time and patience and look forward to your response, as I am sure others will too.

Responses (Newest First)

1:41:06 PM

Hi Gabriele,

Thanks for your inquiry. After Mel spoke with you on the phone yesterday, he alerted me to your dillema. It is my understanding that he sent you our customer service manager's email address as well as the direct phone line to Logos Nutritionals.

Jill will be contacting you via email if she has not done so already. Logos can never predict how customs will react to any given shipment, but we have not experienced any problems shipping into Germany in the past.

If you go ahead and place your order online, Jill will contact you with the correct shipping charges for your authorization before processing your order (international shipping rates are not calculated automatically on the website).

Thanks again for your interest in Logos. Please know that you are in our prayers, and let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.



Gabriele Petry -Erickson
4:43:33 AM

Dear Mr. Burgstiner,
couldnt get a telephone-connection with Logos because the toll free numbers from the Logos webside cannot be used when someone calles from germany. My question: Can the Logos morgellon cure products be ordered overseas? do they pass the borderline?
>I live in germany and was infected with morgellon end of february. please respond and if ordering is possible, maybe the lady called Jill from Logos can give me her mobile phone number , I will handle this with discretion and will never pass this number on to anyone else, i am just an infectet victim of this desease, thats all, i am very desperate.
yours sincerly, Gabriele.

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