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2:40:17 PM

i am plagued with this as well. i cannot get any help where i come from. do you know a good parasitologist that i can call? thank you

11:34:13 AM

Well, I was happy to have a diagnosis that maybe could get some treatment and some respect. But a blood test for stronglyiodes antibiodies came up negative. The doctor explained to me that testing for DNA of parasites does not prove that there are 'live' parasites in the body. The DNA is there even if 1 lone dead parasite got into the system through food, etc. DNA testing does not prove infestation.

Metamextrix needs to go beyond this testing for us. They need to isolate DNA results that are similiar
amd start charting them. How much of a particular DNA is found in a sample? Also - How about a reduced rate so that we can get the testing done as much as needed to get some answers.

PS - I would like to know what research you have been doing and what your results have been. Thanks

1:32:10 PM


I'm about to be thrust into the medical mafia world due to work pressures. Do you mean this herb is good for disseminated Strongyloids? Just want to be clear that Strongyloidiasis is definitely the disseminated kind. I can't find a proven expert in Strongyloids in NJ.

Does anybody have a list? I used the Metametrix list and don't find any are under medical specialists. Will look at the alternate medicine, but my manager will have a fit!

gettingbetterslowly (?)

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