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Success for my toddler on the protocol

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Original 5/15/2012 Post

Teresa H
1:35:57 AM

Hi Mel and all of you who are going through the same trials. I am posting in the hope that I can bring hope to others who have children suffering from morgellons.

My child, who has just turned 3, has had morgellons since about 6 months of age. I have had it for about 7 years. We went through all the emotions and frustrations that each of us experience in trying to work out what was wrong and how to fix it. Last December I began to do my own research, finally giving up on the doctors and found this website. Both myself and my little boy have been on Mel's protocol now for about 2 months. I have had some problems with the MMS, but am working through that. My child has also been taking MMS and has not had any problems with it at all. I am, in fact, so amazed at how quickly he responded to the protocol and his symptoms cleared. These days he is almost like any other 'normal' child - full of energy, happy, undisturbed sleep, no more lesions, no more itching scalp and no more white stuff coming from his eyes, mouth and nose. This is directly related to the protocol. There was a period of about 4 days, when I was experiencing some personal issues, when I didn't follow the protocol for either of us, and his symptoms began to reappear - since then, when we recommenced, he is once again fine.

As a mother, I know how others would feel, when you realise your child also has morgellons. It is at first unbelievable and incredibly scary. Mothers would do anything to protect their child and keep them well and safe - I felt quite crushed when I first came to this realisation. I do hope, though, that I can offer a bit of light and hope to other mothers who are going through the same thing. Children are very resilient little beings and react positively to the protocol - usually quite quickly. Seeing my little boy getting so much better each day also makes me feel happy and positive because I know that I am also on the same protocol and, even though my healing is a lot slower and difficult, I know that I am on the right track and am getting better. Of course there are days when things are not as good as you would like them to be, but they do pass.

I have also had success with the protocol, but because I have had this for so long, it will take a while to build up my immune system again. Every day I notice improvements for myself as well.

We have a 14 week old kitten who also has the MMS in her water each day and she is going very well on it. I think perhaps if you have pets, it might be worthwhile to give them MMS as well.

Other things that I have introduced to help in curing morgellons have been the cleaning guidelines, outlined by Mel on this site. My child, as well as myself, never wear clothes for more than 1 day (including pyjamas), I change our bedding every second day, I wash our towels after each use; I soak all our laundry in borax then add it to my washing machine; I have adopted Monica's shower rinse of borax and apple cider vinegar (but only splash this onto my boy); I vacuum our sofa every day, as well as everywhere else. Also, since I began my criticalcleaning routine, I have been using paper towel, rather than cleaning sponges or tea towels and also to wipe hands and face. This is not the best thing ecologically, but it has made me feel safer in that I'm not recontaminating the surfaces that I'm wiping. Perhaps someone can offer me advice on a better way to do this. I do soak some things, like my child's toys in bleach, to clean them - perhaps I could soak cleaning sponges in this as well.

I have had help and good advice to get both my child and myself to this point - without it, we would probably still be struggling. I am happy to answer any queries (where I can), but, more importantly, I would like to offer hope to those who are worrying about their children, and to let you know that, if you're here reading this on this website, you've already taken the first step to help you child.

God bless

Responses (Newest First)

6:06:54 PM

Hello Tina,

No you are not Crazy!! You have come to the right

place. Please join us on our conference call Friday

nights, You can ask question and find out what

should be your next step. Also order the protocol

Mel recommends on this site. It will get you and

your family feeling better. And as for the ones

that don't believe you, try not to focus on that, I

know it is hard to do. I also have a family that

dosen't understand what is going on with me, it is

so hard. But you need to get you and those babies

healed. Contact Mel, He will get back with you.

Love always, Paula

8:31:12 AM

I am reading on this Website for my first time. I have been trying to figure out what has been coming out of my 1 month old daughter and my one year old daughter as well as myself.

Everybody thought I was crazy, laughed at me, even my boyfriend the children's father told me I was crazy.
That I was on drugs and seeing things!

I am bawling my eyes out. Now I finally know what is wrong with us and it don't look like it's going to be an easy road to take.

Please what do I need to do?
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