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How I Cured Morgellons Forum Response

NOTE: This is a discussion list reponse to A Teacher’s Journey: Jamie S.


9:06:27 AM
An Angel on the mend
Dear Jamie,

I am glad that you have joined us! I haven't had the pleasure yet of hearing you on the calls, but I'm sure we will meet on them sometime soon:-).

I thought that your idea of giving your valentine money to Mel was truly lovely and such a splendid thing to do!

And your thread here has been very nice to read despite all the difficulties you have been going through with Lyme and Morgellons.

I never cease to be amazed by teachers like yourself, Micky, Karen and Laura being such troupers! How you have all not only managed to continue working with this disease, but have also managed to be positive, creative and encouraging to the children at the same time... Wow! hats off to each and every one of you, as that requires a lot of strength and determination!

It's lovely that your minister is so kind and thoughtful to you. And your pupil saying you inspired her for life is so touching. And the girl who you fostered who was homeless, you are some lady!!!! :-).

In terms of your scalp, have you ever thought of making a paste with melted coconut oil, essential oils (four or five drops eucalyptus, tea tree or clove) and food grade diatomaceous earth? Quite a few folk have had good results from that.

Regarding headaches, have you tried a cold compress or ice pack, or a little lavender oil mixed with coconut oil massaged into your head. Or a lavender or peppermint bath; ten drops of one oil would suffice. Or an epsom salt and lavender bath for at least twenty minutes, so relaxing.

Re herbal teas; lemon balm helps ease tension. I like loose lemon balm and I add chopped fresh ginger as it helps relieve stress and helps with inflammation. Fresh lavender with chopped ginger, chamomile and rose petal will definitely relax you. Lavender is good for headaches, chamomile is very relaxing, reduces inflammation and Rose helps with self love and grief (so they say :-)).

There are many different things you can buy to put the loose teas in so that you are not eating them alongside your brew :-). Vervain tea helps ease tension and helps with headaches but doesn't taste nice on its own. Valerian tea helps with relaxation, eases anxiety and helps with insomnia. The Victorians used to take a lot of Valerian. Modern day Valium is synthesized from the Valerian herb.

In terms of you wondering why your family never got Morgellons despite the white things being in your environment. Its all to do with the inner bio terrain. Your system must have been weakened in the first place, in order for the pathogens to take hold. Your family members must all have stronger and healthier immune systems. By doing the, 'sum of the parts,' we are first and foremost building up our immunity BEFORE we go in for the attack. All the while continuing to support and build up the immune system. We all would never have succumbed to Morgellons if we had been strong in the first place. So we build ourselves up from the inside out.

In terms of you never seeing black specks, some people don't, though most do. However some only see them when they have looked at their skin under a microscope. Not that I would encourage anyone to use a microscope with this disease. It's always best to focus as much as we can on the healing and not on the debris that comes out.

I will say something though Jamie. At first I only had all the black specks coming out. The first time I noticed white specks was after using sulphur soap and they were coming out in their droves on my skin and on my clothes. I took this to be a good sign that the disease didn't like the anti fungal properties of the sulphur. My gut reaction was that something was being killed off.

I do think that this disease can leave remnants in the environment. But as I say if you build up your immune system, support it, and keep your environment clean, your body gradually gets healthier. You will find that as you get better, your environment will as well. No over the top cleaning is needed.

Many people with our disease focus on their homes as the place that needs most of the decontamination. However, the main focus on getting well from Morgellons should be our own bodies, particularly internally. The white specks/black specks /various debris in the environment is indeed there because we have shed it in the first place. So the main focus has to be our immunity and healing.

I'm very glad that your family haven't got this.
And in time I'm sure with your positive attitude, you won't have it either :-). It's just like layers of an onion being peeled off, it just takes time.

Take care,