Jamie 6/25/2019 8:51:34 AM | Hey, John! It was awesome to hear you in person last Saturday on the conference call! I must say, I am really impressed with your progress!!! Although I have had some recent progress, I still have a ways to go and am approaching a year on the protocol. I think you might very well break the healing record! Please keep us posted. I, for one, truly respond to the encouragement that others are getting better, and since you are recovering at apparent light speed (!), please share some additional tips with the rest of us. Thanks so much for going “public,” although I am sure Mel got after you with that hockey stick of his! | ||||||
Jamie 5/25/2019 8:52:51 AM | John K., You made me shed a few tears tonight. Good tears, though. After this dreadful—and I mean dreadful—full moon period, it made me feel somewhat deflated, even though I, too, have thrown myself full-throttle for the better part of a year into Mel’s site and the protocol. It was so helpful to see a post today, as I wait for some blood work to be posted later this evening (New England time!) that might suggest how my body is responding to all my hard work, that encouraged me to just persevere. Thank you for telling your story. Part of the solution to this illness is the community that we find on Mel’s site. It probably saved me in more ways than I can possibly explain or even know. I hope you will post more often! And I will look forward to hopefully hearing your “Happy Dance” call!!! Sincerely, Jamie | ||||||
john K 6/25/2019 8:51:34 AM | An Aussie Warrior's Journey - or How Mel's Coaching and the HICM Community gave me my life back, for which I'll always be eternally grateful :-) This is my 1st post - I've been on the protocol plus extension for 4 1/2 months now (i.e. since the start of 2019) - am up to 9 drops of WPS morning and night which I'm tolerating quite well as I have all along. I've now lost 19 Kgs or around 40 lbs of weight, and I no longer have any requirement for blood pressure medication (or any other mediation either) which I took daily for 10 years. I feel really good, I have great clarity of mind and more energy than I can remember. The protocol, silver & WPS are healing me so well I can now see an end in sight to this nightmare. Oh BTW this protocol & diet has also pulled me back from Type 2 Diabetes which I've never had but which with my former weight and habits I was marginal with my blood sugar levels for Type 2 Diabetes. Part of my hesitation in posting has been that since I'd only been suffering with bites for 2 years and I mostly felt OK and that I'd always eaten reasonably healthily, but with 2-3 wines quite often of a night, a modest amount of sweet food and carbs, I felt far more fortunate than many others in this group. But I started to get sores on my legs and ankles that wouldn't heal and it seemed to be getting worse, and it was then that I started to feel I was losing the battle with whatever it was that I had? By some miracle (of God :-) I stumbled across this site although at first I thought is was for US folks only, and Morgellons sounded far worse than anything I thought I had - still have never seen any black fibers or dots coming out of my skin - but I sure have been stung till blood was drawn by barely visible floating or flying white fibre like bugs - but nothing with legs or wings. Yes like many others I've had the full experience of being told by doctors and dermatologists that I was imagining it (DoP?), being given Permethrin cream (30 tubes) & Ivermectin tablets (dermatolgist said guaranteed to kill everything inside you - it didn't), sprayed gallons of eucalyptus oil, vaporized peppermint oil by the litre, UV non-thermal fogged cedar oil with silica - best for hotel bed bugs & fleas?, hot washed sheets at 95 deg C with a special Asko front loader washing machine - used bleach & borax in the wash more recently Kleen Green, vacuumed daily & relentlessly with a strong vacuum & sealed the nozzle between vacuums, blasted ozone throughout the house which appears to work in strong enough concentrations (20 gms/hr in a confined space over 4-6 hours) but it has the effect of starting to dissolve plastics or turn them sticky, and it's harmful to your lungs - i.e. you can't stay in the place you're treating) - even with this bugs still find hiding places and don't get killed. It goes on but basically running around like a dog chasing it's tail for 2 years with limited success - problem didn't go away - but we could live & sleep. Sleeping and everything in life was helped by big powerful air purifiers which seem to suck bugs out of the air - our biggest air purifier would cycle 1000 cubic meter of air per hour (10,000 cu ft ?) - it's wonderful sleeping in a room and house with dramatically reduced dust etc. (And yes, we have spent a fortune pursuing a solution to this problem - and a lot of things didn't work) What changed / what did I learn from Mel & the community? As per the "Sum of the Parts" keeping your environment (e.g. house, sheets, clothes, car etc.) clean is important but it won't get you better on its own - and once your body starts to get better you don't have to be as obsessive about your environment - still clean though. That I couldn't get rid of anything I was feeding and my "not as good as I thought" diet was feeding what I had. Also what I had wasn't just biting me, it was increasingly inhabiting my body to give me sores that wouldn't heal, and that wouldn't stop making me sicker. That I got this "affliction" because I was "flavour of the month" to these bugs which existed in nature i.e. I became a host, because I had a compromised immune system in some way - I didn't know the way but having time to think about it - yes there were points of infection in my body (not 100% sure but I did have a tick I got rid of 2 years ago, MRSA could also have been a factor although I hadn't had a procedure in a hospital for over 50 years, there was bursitis inflamation in a shoulder years back - so yes, wrong diet and inflamation helped me be attractive to the bugs. Thankfully my immune system, the colloidal silver and the WPS are totally eliminating all sores & inflamation - I am getting close to 100% clear, but I still will need another few months to finally be clear and prove I'm clear for 3 months - then I expect to be doing Mel's Happy Dance. The greatest revelation of this whole experience is "that as I fixed my body from the inside" everything in my environment that was bugging me started to go away - I became "NO LONGER flavour of the month" - it's like the greatest weight being lifted off your shoulders. You're just not bothered, life returns to normal and they have "bugged off" mostly from your environment. With time I feel confident it will be a 100% bug off! Mel and the community provided the confidence for me to go down a path to heal my body - so that I could take the plunge and without much help from any medical practitioner (however I don't believe I had any complications otherwise I wouldn't be where I am today) What did fixing my body entail? When this disease takes hold of a person, your priorities change as it "hammers you down to your knees" - many things that are important to others in their daily life aren't important to you. You can only deal with the lowest common denominator of life - appreciate the simplest and most beautiful things - you can see it with Mel's & others' love of nature. And so it was that when I got a sniff that Mel had the REAL SOLUTION - I embraced it with 1000% of my being - 100% cold turkey on alcohol, no sugar in any form, no sauces or condiments, or carbs, never a desert or anything like it - nuts for snacks, almost as much quality protein as you like, truck loads of steamed greens, no processed anything. If it comes in box it probably is not good for us! And believe it or not I started to feel so good that I had zero temptation to ever go back to being attractive to those bugs again. It's those who don't give up hope get well. And those who follow the guiding principles - no heroics - slow and steady, don't jerk around with the protocol, DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT GOING OFF THE PROTOCOL - 3 week to 5 month setback (that was too scary to contemplate). So what happens when you're on the diet, Mel's protocol and the colloidal silver (Sovereign Silver - the best) ? Once you cut out all the bad stuff (alcohol, sugar, excess carbs, dairy, grains or anything with yeast - since yeast and mould are really bad when you're fighting this - a high % of the population has candida and you have to get rid of this too) - but once you cut out the bad stuff your digestive system starts to come to life, and with the Logos Thymic formula the Thymus gland gets a boost and then your immune system gets a boost - to start fighting all that's gotten into your system. In no time after starting the protocol & the colloidal silver my skin started to flare up - pretty much everywhere I'd been bitten became a war zone - and it lasted that way for a few weeks - you thought, what? Am I getting worse ? But no, keep on the diet, nutritionals and silver and all starts to heal - the healing power of the human immune system with the bad food load taken off blew my mind - it's amazing what a healthy body can heal. After about 3 months I got a bit of a cold - everyone in this community says it's a good thing - it didn't worry me much since I didn't have the ache's etc from 'flu. But that too lasted a few weeks and yes you cough up anything bad in your lungs. So things with your health and being left alone by bugs continue to improve as the months go on - almost unbelievable - but such a joy to see your life coming back to normal - but yes it's a battle and only those that stick to the diet and protocol get to come out the other side. Yes I am aware that if you been suffering for years more that I had and you have other health issues the road may not be as simple. Mel asked me to tell my story, especially so other Aussies could believe it also, but so could everyone else in our community. I hope it's been of value to you. Thank you all for the love and effort you put into all your stories and explanations - although I haven't been on the 4-5 AM calls, Australian time as often as I'd like I have learned heaps from others and now I can give a bit back. Warm regards to you all. - John K from Down Under | ||||||
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