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Breakfast anytime

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9:14:14 AM

Morgellons -

Hello you all,

Hopefully I can go to the store this weekend!

I feel making these recipes they sound so good!
Thank all for sharing!!

It really means a lot to everyone and helps make life better!!!

God Bless,

12:14:40 PM

Morgellons - click the picture for a thousand dietry delights
click the picture for a thousand dietry delights

Hello Jennifer,

I never thought of doing this but it looks pretty good - I think I might give it a try.

Thanks for the tip - always looking for new ideas.

The same old diet gets a little boring after a while.


11:11:26 AM

Morgellons -

Hi Jen!

This sounds amazing and looks so good. I would love the recipe! I bet it’s a great canola cereal!

Thank you for sharing!


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