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10:15:59 AM


Dear Darla,

Hang in there I know it's very tough at the start. I hope your air conditioning is working now. Could you get a cheapish air purifier with a Hepa Filter to help you as you're breathing in air that had that horrid insecticide in it? This would be especially helpful in your bedroom as you sleep. And please drink lots of water just now and drink nettle tea to help detox and it helps against allergies if your system struggling being around the insecticide. Most of us have been there numerous times and it it isn't good for us at all.

It's gonna be ok Darla and Linda. It just takes time. It took time for your immunities to be broken down, will take time to build them up. You are both in the right place absolutely. Give yourselves a hug. And get all the help and support you can from this website, from Mel and from the community. You will both get through this, with time, hard work, self love and perseverance.

God bless

1:08:53 PM

Morgellons -

Mel; Nancy to Darla:

It is ruff to get everything set up to get well because everything changes your food, sleep, cleaning supplies and people.

We will help you with any questions. Money is a big challenge because some times you can’t work so you have to work on a budget, but once you get over the first hurdle things get better.

But you can do this!

You are at the right place and people that has already been there will understand and be glad to help. Mel always says read,read, read ask about anything you need help with.

We will pray for you look forward to meeting you on our calls. We all help each other figure things out.

No two people are the same. Hang in there!


11:39:50 AM

Morgellons -

It’s been a rough few days and my gut is on fire . I‘ve been bed bound for a few days , mouth and skin are so dry .

Fatigue is unrelenting and today I couldn’t take anything by mouth.

I found one guy to check air quality in this house and it didn’t help that I used insecticides for the bugs. My AC was not functioning properly , so that was the culprit for higher humidity in the house.

It’s difficult to deal with this and trying to heal.

I wanted to tell you that Linda’s post about diet , was so kind and it’s nice to know that people still care.

I’m still learning the website!

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