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Hallelujah treatment

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Original 2/8/2024 Post

9:40:03 AM

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Hi everyone,

We all know how hard it is to get rid of the sore's we get from this disease.
I have had a sore on my nose that keeps appearing over and over again.
I use the hallelujah treatment, but it takes so long for it to go away, and It has
become a very deep scar. Just recently, it started up again and was covered
with the white Filament and bleeding.

I was using the hallelujah treatment and decided to add vvitamin E over the sore
and Hallelujah!it cleared up faster than it has before.

So what I did was the hallelujah treatment : first the WPS, clean green,
silver but before I put the Stevia, I put vitamin E (bit the end of capsule)
then the stevia over it and it cleared up. I am hoping it works for the
borrelia bars, it seem to have soften them ! Hope this helps!

Hope you are all so blessed in his love today and We know All things work
together for good!!


Responses (Newest First)

9:11:19 AM


Hi Debra

First, let me welcome you to this community. Everyone here has endured the confusion and the overwhelming feelings of despair that Morgellons presents. But the good news is that we can and do get better when we dedicate to this protocol and follow the guiding principles that you find here.

I am not familiar with the term "borrelia bars." And so I would need a clarification from Laurie as to what that term represents.I can tell you this. Borrelia Burdefori is the technical term used to define Lyme disease. Actually, this is because it is the name of the man who discovered the Lyme bacteria that fuels the disease.

Now symptoms can be very difficult to reason out. But I assure you that there is nothing about the disease that we cannot come to understand. And if you remain here, you will in time come to understand what is happening in your body. This will reduce our fear greatly. And we are all Happy to share what we can with you and to gracefully embrace and answer all of your questions. This site also has over a decade of testimonies from countless individuals( of which I am one) who have reached remission and are now clear of symptoms.

So try not to be overly concerned with the types and the number of infections that are presenting. We characterize Morgellons as a syndrome that involves many different "co infections" that are assaulting the body together and all at once.

The good news again is that this protocol treats for them all!.

So I look.forward to speaking with you on future Saturday conference calls. It is during these calls that we answer questions and share valuable discovery. I hope this post will help you commit to remaining in our midst. Mel can teach you much! And the love you will find in community members here is precious! God bless you!

Strength and Love,

Debra (neecy)
9:00:18 AM

Morgellons - Hallelujah treatment

Hey Laurie,
I just found out about this treatment at Sunday prayer and fellowship, I wanted to ask anyone what are borrelia bars?
Mel said not to write anything gory, but I seem to have symptoms going on that I can’t find from anyone and I’m scared to write something wrong and get in trouble!( Mel Says("never be scared, it's fuel for toxic diseases, many sufferers have borrelia.")I was just wondering what that was!

I have Morgellons, Lyme, and 3 strains of Babesiosis and I’m just trying to find out if I have something even more yucky!

It has nothing to do with our suffering in the community and around the world, God knows I pray for everyone’s healing of this horrible disease! I just have different symptoms and it scares me so badly!

I don’t even get around anyone unless I have to! Because, I am so terrified I will give this to someone else because whatever is happening to me, spreads everywhere I go!

If that helps at all, thank you so much!

(Mel Says " Young lady you have much to learn, First you must give up the fear, second you must go slowly and this weekend Saturdays call will be a NEWBIE SPECIAL, You most definitely want to come and get answers!!!)