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New Year's Resolutions

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9:17:52 PM

Morgellons -

Hey Karen,

Someone told me about this great song by Francesca Battistelli called "The Breakup Song". She is not breaking up with a guy in this song. She is breaking up with fear.

I thought I would post her video here, because breaking up with fear is a good New Year's Resolution for me. Maybe some others will be inspired to breakup with fear in the new year too.

2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV)
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.


9:17:52 PM

Morgellons - Is that you Mel, No Karen put your glasses on I don't have red hair
Is that you Mel, No Karen put your glasses on I don't have red hair

Hi Everybody,

It's that time of year...time to think of resolutions for the New Year.

What are yours?

Mine is to stay as close to the "Sum of the Parts" as I can, so I can finally get all the way to the finish line...I'm getting close...but I need to do everything right to break through to the end. One would think that would be sufficient motivation...being so close...but I have to admit...sometimes I'm lazy.

One example is the rebounder...such a great way to increase energy and to help with lymphatic a lot of other wonderful benefits. I always feel great when I do it. It doesn't take long to hop on and jump a few times...and the pay off is a good one.

So...why do I have so many excuses? Don't asking myself the same question.

My latest excuse...well...I'd have gotten on the rebounder but it was already taken (see pic).

I'm going to clean up my act in 2019 move over turn!

