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Pearlessence Soap

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10:42:22 AM

Morgellons -

Thanks Miles! I appreciate you sharing, especially because everything is becoming so hard to find!!

It was so nice to have you on the prayer call Sunday and I hope you continue to come back when it’s possible. It was also good to hear that your making progress!!

Hang in there! I have faith you will overcome this!!


10:42:22 AM

Morgellons -

It's hard to find online. I had to resort to ebay to buy it again. It's also not cheap... but IMO totally worth it.

It's the antimicrobial type of hand wash soap that I buy. It is nothing short of amazing.. I'm not sure what it is in the soap that has such a positive reaction, but it's great. If you end up getting this, and wash your hands or whatever with it, you'll notice immediately what I mean. It also doesn't dry my hands out.

Won't church it up too much more. Try it out.
