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Reposted For Newbies: Food/Diet Help

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Original 5/7/2021 Post

Rockin Robin
6:20:36 PM

Morgellons - Reposted For Newbies:  Food/Diet  Help

Dear Lily, Desiree, Jolanta, Diane & Joshua, Diana, & Neal ( and anyone else I may have missed),

I am so glad you are here. Some of you have been here for a little while and have already learned a lot! Reading will answer a lot of your questions. When I first came to the website, I read everyday until I had read nearly everything under each heading on the webpage site. Some I came back to later for more.

I learned a lot about help with symptoms from posts between members and in the search engine. You will learn a lot about diet that way too under Articles and Diet and the post Delicious Dining for Your Enjoyment. Keep some separate notebooks for the following: 1. conference calls, 2. diet and recipes, 3. prayer and devotionals, 4. information, medicines, and supplies. (phone #'s and emails for companies that sell our products) & help for symptoms. The reason being , is that if you put it all in one notebook, you will constantly be looking and looking for what you wrote down. I found it so much easier to organize and separate these. I like the 5inch by 7 inch or 5inch by 8 inch smaller spiral notebooks. This saves enormous time!! You will be filling them up and buying more, but it does slow down after a while.

I thought I would mention some of the food and meals I eat and are approved.

Meats - free range chicken, very lean pork, canadian bacon, turkey canadian bacon, ground lean turkey, free range beef-very lean, ground lean buffalo -delicious, Mel loves Kosher meats!! Lunch meats- that say no nitrates, no hormones, no anti-biotics, all natural. There are several brands in all big chain grocery stores. I like Hormel's All Natural Oven Cooked Turkey & Ham !4 oz. pkgs. Wild - Caught fish & shrimp

Vege's - cabbage, onions, bell peppers, garlic, celery, brussel sprouts, broccoli, califlower, califower rice, asparagus, mustard and turnip greens, okra, green beans, yellow squash, and zucchini squash, artichoke hearts, spinach, lettuce, kale, tomatoes in moderation. I buy all of these fresh or in frozen bags= nothing in them but the veges. No sauses, or extra ingredients in bags.

Other - Eggs, Eggs, & Eggs - you will eat a lot of eggs! Almond milk unsweetened, Vanilla almond milk unsweetened, and chocolate almond milk unsweetened. For a sweet treat a glass of vanilla or chocolate unsweetened almond milk with some stevia in it. ( occassionally) Olive oil and coconut oil only, Kerrygold Irish butter, Brand- Chosen Avacado Oil Mayo or make some homemade from articles and diet on the website. No regular condiments! Recipe for ketchup on website too!

Fruit- To start strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries - IN MODERATION
1/4 CUP A DAY!. I have mine with breakfast. I usually buy 2 kinds at a time. Later when Mel says its ok, you can add green apples - 2 TBS. cooked cinnamon apples.

I use lots of lettuce leaves for wraps! They are my tortillas and breads. Example: ground turkey with chili powder & cumin salt & pepper inside lettuce leaf with avacado and tomato on top. I have many different things to put in them! Lunch meat, chicken, almost anything. Salads with meat toppings! Oil and apple cider vinegar dressings. Approved mayo and lemon dressing.

Teas- Peppermint, Red Rooibus, Moringa, Green and there are others that are good, I buy all caffine free. Dandylion & coconut tea makes a wonderful substitute for coffee. add some flavored almond milk (vanilla or chocolate) and stevia and wow, it is good!

Drinks - Water, Teas, Lemon Cleanse or plain lemon drink, and Apple Cider Vinegar/ Cinnamon Drink ( with all these drinks, you have to experiment with the lemon juice or apple-cider vinegar to determine the strength you like mixed with water).

1. Lemon Cleanse - lemon juice, water, cayenne pepper ( stevia if you like, I do! )
This drink helps with the crawlies, they don't like it !!!
2. Lemon, water, stevia
3. Apple Cider Vinegar, water, cinnamon, turmeric & stevia
I love these on ice or freeze it to a slush. Mix or stir before drinking each time. All of these drinks are good for you!!

Snacks - fresh ground almond butter or in a jar. Nuts!!! Pecans, walnuts, almonds and my favorite pumpkin seeds without shells - the crawlies hate them!!

There are many other things you can add to this as time goes buy and other recipes on the website. But, this should give you a good start !!

You will bake, broil, steam and pan fry or cook most of these, plus microwave some of the vegetables etc....

NEXT - Some of your weapons for fighting this disease:

1. Protocol - Get on this right away!! This will heal your immune system. Talk to Mel.

2. Kleen Green - you can put this everywhere on your body but not in your eyes , nose, or face. It is ok in the hair. Kleen Green is your friend and kills the pathegens!

3. Sovereign Silver - You can put this on your face, neck, in your eyes, nose, ears, and sores and rashes. Mostly anywhere and you can take it orally. 1 tsp. under the tongue for a min. then swallow morning and night. There is a sovereign silver gel that is great for the sores and rashes and break-out bumps etc... However don't put the gel in your eyes, or mouth ( not orally ).

4. WPS - this is something you won't use orally until Mel tells you the right time to start it. He will instruct you on WPS. However, you can begin using it in the laundry and for me it was wonderful. After several washings, there are no pathogens in my clothes, Still using it over a year later!

5 . Stevia - can work on break-outs, rashes and sores. Mix with a little water. The Pyure brand is a good brand and Sweet Drops. Pure Organic Leaf Extract Stevia
I buy the packages, some prefer the liquid.

6. Sulfer Soap - You will bathe and shampoo with it. A miracle for sure!! I also use Tea Tree & Mint shampoo ( Walmart )

These 6 above are GOLD!!!! Your friends and you need them to manage this disease!!
5 & 6 I added because I have had great success with them!

The diet calls for organic veges and special meats and things that are expensive, you may not be able to afford all organic and special meats in the beginning but you will pick and choose and eventually work it out so your getting the best quality without the junk they add to foods and on foods ex. pesticides, hormones, dyes, and preservatives, etc...

I hope this helps all of you newbies, I floundered at first, Be patient with yourself! This is a lot of info. when you first find the website. It does take time to get it all organized and going smoothly. But, You can do it!! Take one day at a time, one hour at a time! You won't believe where you will be in 6 months or a year!!! Don't be afraid to call Mel or ask for help or advice from any of us!! We're here and we care!!!

Love & Hugs, Rockin Robin Romans 5:1-5 Have FAITH & BELIEVE !!!

Responses (Newest First)

11:03:47 AM

Morgellons - Reposted For Newbies:  Food/Diet  Help

Dear Nezhla

"Thank you" for your post. I call this the "rainbow diet," and it is the diet that I follow, mainly because it is the least restrictive and most comprehensive one there is. It tells us to eat as many different colors of foods as we can. The chart here then aligns the different nutritional components with different colored foods. Wonderful tool! Please keep bringing truth!

Warmest Regards,

9:17:26 AM

Morgellons - Reposted For Newbies:  Food/Diet  Help

Thank you, Robin!

I really like that diet information. There are a lot of options with what you posted and the lettuce leaf idea for wraps and breads sound delicious. I like that we can have some berries and a small amount of (cooked apples). Sounds like a good idea to me. I'm also so surprised that you can put stevia on your wounds or skin. I've heard of it's amazing healing properties when you take it internally and now there are more facts to be found about it.

Thank you for the encouragement and hope,

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