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8:55:07 AM

Morgellons -


Thank you for bringing this forward for us to learn from. Although it is not easy to understand the physiological aspects of MD, it is important for us to realize that it does exist. Too often we are confused thinking this can not possibly be real. So again, thank you for this information, and I am looking forward to hearing you and Mel discuss this on the conference call in order to make it easier for this community to comprehend. Knowledge is so powerful!

Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge. Proverbs 23:12

In Christ,

7:12:38 AM

Morgellons -

Hi Nancy,

I want to thank you for making me mindful of how difficult it can be to understand some of the physiological doctrines that God has blessed me with.

And so you've reminded me that it becomes very important to simplify things, especially when we consider that many that are afflicted are struggling with "brain fog."

So I want to inform you that Mel has decided to schedule a Saturday call on in February 3rd where he and I will discuss this discovery with an opportunity to address your questions. We HOPE we can then help you and others better understand the nature of Carnicoms work.

Strength and Love,

6:24:50 AM

Morgellons -

Hello you-all,

Hey Peter, I love your post but sometimes they are so technical that I have trouble understanding then.

I have tried to research some of them but don’t also have time.
Would you be able to explain them in layman terms some, please.

Also thankful for your support and Christian attitude that is one thing I love about our community!

Blessings to you today

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