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6:50:32 AM

Morgellons -

Hello everyone,

What a wonderful letter from Rick about our precious Mel!
May God’s most glorious blessings be upon you continuously!!


The Lord bless thee, and keep thee;
The Lord make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
- Numbers 6:24-26

6:44:16 AM

Morgellons -

Dear Rick,
You are absolutely right, Mel has given so much to help so many with this horrific disease and I for one are very grateful!!!

If Mel didn’t stick with it for so many years I know I would not be around to see my wonderful grandchildren.

This knowledge team that he put together has taught us so much in how to get well!!
I believe I am coming Down the final stretch but the wisdom I have learned will always stay with me!!

So thank you Mel and your team and thank you Rick for sharing.

Rick Solinsky
6:50:32 AM

Morgellons -

Hi Mel,

Its been a long long road.

I remember first meeting you at my friend Dan V's house. You were a very confident self-made man who accomplished a lot in your life. I don't remember exactly how it happened but I heard you had come down with some "weird" affliction and you were telling me about all the things you were trying to do "cure" it. Although I am not any sort of medical practitioner of any sort at all, I treat my body as an ongoing chemistry experiment and I offered some suggestions that you tried: master cleanse, lemon juice fast etc. One time, I came over with my Russian made scenar device to try that on you too. I wasn't prepared for what happened next- you were telling me that another part of your body was reacting to the scenar working on a. separate part of the body- it was pretty weird, kinda like whatever it was, it had an intelligence of its own....You said that all those years ago. that's when I started thinking I may be in over my head. A friend of mine was a naturapath and (its been so long) but I think he recommended that you try MMS and colloidal silver.

Anyway, you did this all on your own. You tried a lot of stuff and kept precise records of what you did and what the reaction was to each treatment. Every time I came to visit, you had little baggies of "stuff" you pulled out of your skin. Had I not known you that well, I would have thought that you had lost your mind always picking at yourself and putting it in baggies.

The good news for the world is it was an obsession for you and your precise record keeping and your friendship with John at Logos, you finally figured out how to win the war against this evil thing in your body.

I remember the day well, when you happily told me that you think you had beaten this thing and you were ready to go back to work and become successful again.

I think I may have been a part of your deciding to help the world instead. After you told me that you had beaten it, I started thinking about how one man could change the world. I went home and crafted an email to you, basically delivering the message to you that although you had all the skills to regain prominence in the business world, you had a unique opportunity that few people have in many lifetimes had and that was you had the ability to change the world if you go public on the way you did it to offer to help people overcome this malaise. Then next day you called me back and agreed that your mission was to exactly that, and no matter what happened you would leave it up to your faith to stay solvent.

Easy for me to say. Do as I say and not as I do. My "sage" advice didn't come with any way to turn any sizable profit from this endeavor. On several times we talked about ways you could make more money from this, but you resisted and told me that the universe would take care of you.

Fifteen years of selflessly giving yourself 14 hours (4AM-6PM) a day to help humanity for any tips people will offer you is a tough row. While others are making millions with their snake oil solutions, you are out there day and night offering support and resolve to all who have come to you seeking help and yet you are charging so very little for your part in their path to wellness.

You are a better man than I as I wouldn't have never lasted 15 years coaching. The good news is you have created an island of serendipity in a sea of insanity.

I wish you well in your future endeavors and keep up the good work.
