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The Testimonials Page is a microcosm (cliff notes version) of our site. It has been created to bring forth the most important information (knowledge) found here and share stories of encouragement and progress from those within our community.

It is with immense gratitude and great pleasure that we dedicate this testimonial page to our devoted friend and webmaster, John Waiveris of Invisible Gold.

This could never have been accomplished without his unselfish willingness to help others. I could have never gotten this far along with the web site without the endless hours of his generosity.

I will always be grateful for all he has done for all of you.

God bless you John,


This website has grown so large that in order to see the transforming impact that our protocol is having in the lives of Morgellons sufferers and their families, one must now wade through a massive volume of information.

Therefore, we decided to create a special place that is dedicated to sharing medical updates, progress reports, and encouraging stories from those who are having their health restored. The posts shown here are unsolicited and unedited, and are taken from our own forum. They appear in order of their historical appearance.

The person who invests an hour or two to review this collection of posts will notice an emerging pattern of transformation here. Many arrive here in a condition of hopelessness and despair, often isolated and estranged even from their loved ones. They find here a place of safety and compassion, a place of learning and inspiration, a place of encouragement and admonition to "First Do No Harm".

They devour the information available here and begin the process of improving their daily choices as they take back responsibility for their health. They begin to first stabilize, then to improve their health to a place where they are functional and productive again.

Their Hope restored, and "having their life back again", they begin the process of identifying what specific challenges remain and they may venture off to explore new interests or opportunities.

One thing should be perfectly clear from those who have reported improvement; they have all consistently stated that they have diligently stayed on the entire protocol.

The first three posts are without a doubt the longest, but they contain vital information that will give you a better understanding of how and why the protocol works and what one can expect when you have your herxheimer (detox) reaction.

You will find that the reading pace quickens thereafter. Each post or thread of posts is separated by a horizontal line. Sometimes threads were included to capture an original thought or train of thought in its entirety.

This testimonial page will be updated regularly. Anyone wishing to share encouragement and Hope may submit their story via email to:

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Laura (aunt)

Date Added: 2/1/2024
Date Of Original Post: 11/12/2017


First of all please know you have come to the right place for answers. We have all been where you are and there is definitely hope! Understanding the science behind this disease is beneficial. My experience with many doctors is; they have not done enough research on this disease and therefore do not have answers for us.

The protocol used on this website is based on facts from years of research by people who lived with this disease. They are now free from the disease and are once again living their lives.

We have a foundation title "He Cures All Foundation" that is for people like you who are unable to pay for the protocol. You should consider putting your name on the list for receiving the protocol until you are able to pay for it. Mel started this organization to help people in need. So once you are in a position to give back to the foundation it would be a way of helping others that arrive here after you.

I would also encourage you to use the search engine to find answers to your questions such as diet, environment, hair, etc. I do not have and never did get the lesions. All the more reason to start the protocol as soon as possible. One thing I know for sure is; you must treat this from the outside in and the inside out. Kleen Green is another product beneficial for your laundry and environment.

Once again, you were led to the best community for restoring your health. Stay strong and know we are here for you.

In Christ Love,


Date Added: 1/27/2024
Date Of Original Post: 3/14/2023

There was a lot of information in this call. Seth Quinto spoke about the benefits of Copper and Silver and how beneficial they are for MD. We were on the topic of dental health and he gave three websites to help find a holistic dental practice.
3 sites that were recommended were

Laura and Kelly both gave great testimonials about how they're sickness began with biting and itching and how they have been healed. The stories were very relatable, and it was wonderful to hear that they were able to overcome the symptoms and dis-ease that we are currently experiencing by using the sum of the parts = the protocol, diet, coaching, silver, kleen green, WPS, water, rest, and the community/forum.

I hope you will take the time to listen to the call.

Take care.

Coffee, Tea with Me Saturday 03-11-2023


Date Added: 1/27/2024
Date Of Original Post: 2/22/2023

Hello Ya'll,

Another one bites the dust!

My doctor reduced my meds and stopped 2 of them!

She really thinks what I have been doing (our protocol) has really helped everything, she said to keep up with what I have been doing! So sticking to it!
We talked about Lyme and diet she really appreciated that I changed my eating habits!

Now for funny story Monday my middle grandson spent the day with us and I was showing him how the dog was backing up when he saw a snake on our deck AND i tripped and landed on my buttocks think I broke my tailbone again! But at least it got me up from sitting on my bottle! Helped get me motivated. But the funny part was the look on his face! He looked over at his papa like what to do!? Then helped me up! He was off this week and has been here helping clean the Yard thank the Lord!

More later gator


Date Added: 1/27/2024
Date Of Original Post: 2/4/2023

Hello Everybody and Welcome,

Yesterday I Received this email and it took me back 50 years, but even more important was the the memories of how crazy Howard and I were at that age.

The thought of his offer put me in a frenzy, for sure, I was happy he was following our website these few years, but a manager is not I Need.

It's the funds to built a clinic to be able to help more people, My dream from the first day of the website February 3rd. 2009 .

But thank you my friend and may god bless you with good health!!

My brother from another mother.

Now to add more humor to this post;read his email and check the picture !!!!


Everyday we change we get closer and closer to our maker.

I am following your saga with anticipation as to your next project and I wait with a baited breath. I don't know how this translates because I don't know how to use spell check correctly, take care brother all is good.

I've offered my services to you gratis to help you in your quest to heal people. I am coming on as a business manager for you. It's easier to sell a used car than it is to sell a new car.

Folks you should have seen him in his Kit Fox coat back in the day when he was a high fashion model. That's how far back we go.

Have a good day and blessings to all of you

God bless,


Date Added: 1/27/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/23/2023

Hello Everyone and Welcome,

Started off with a wonderful prayer and fellowship Call, not highly attended, but beautiful prayers and an opportunity for every one on the call to fellowship with one another. A couple of good stories and some funny and not so funny Jokes.

Then around noon I peek over at visitors right now and was pleasantly surprise to see 55 people from 12 countries reading on the website.

United States of America 40
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 4
Russian Federation 2
Germany 2

Other 1
Singapore 1
Canada 1
France 1
Netherlands 1
Brazil 1
India 1

My day ended with the Hanging of some pictures in my office, A good dinner, and part of a hockey game!

All in All, that was a good day.
God bless you all,

PS Lets restore your health together, for those who did not give up HOPE, GOT WELL!!


Date Added: 1/11/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/16/2023

Hi Nancy!

For the sauce, I simply used kerrygold butter, finely chopped garlic or garlic powder, oregano, Italian seasoning and pepper. If you wanted to make make your sauce thicker, use some coconut cream and some low sodium veggie stock!

I hope you enjoy!


Date Added: 1/11/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/5/2023

Hello Everyone and Welcome as Always,

I HOPE this will help many of you.!

Any questions do not hesitate to contact me.

May GOD bless you All,


Date Added: 1/11/2024
Date Of Original Post: 9/3/2022

Congratulations Joe & Karianne!

I am so excited that Delilah has arrived healthy and that Mama is doing well. A true gift from God you have been given, she is the quite the angel. We will continue to lift you up in prayer. What an amazing blessing that you were given to bond with this beauty that the Lord has given you.

Karianne I am sure she will have your sweetness, your beauty and your tender voice and Joe I know she will look up to you to keep her safe. I am sure she is going to be quite the cutie so you are gonna be busy Joe, yet the kind and protective father I know you will be, she will look up to you for so much. And thankfully you will have plenty of time before you will chasing them boys away!

I am so excited for the beginning of this amazing new journey for your Family!

Prayers, Love and hugs!

Children are a gift from the Lord. They are a reward from Him.
Psalm 127:3

Every good and perfect is gift is from above, coming down to us from God our Father who created all the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 1:1


Date Added: 1/11/2024
Date Of Original Post: 12/3/2022

Hello everyone,

Hope you are all on the path to wellness and enjoying the day.

It's been a long while since I have written in this thread, and I do so in sadder times.

To recap, last September, I met a woman, fell in love, and ended up moving in with her. By this time I was still cautious to not overdo things, and still concerned with managing everything while I was back at my place, but slowly opening up to life again.

Her place was remarkably dry, warm and clean. I mean we went through winter without the heating on, and the temp/humidity controller in the living room reported temps in the 20's and humidity in the low to mid 30's. No mold! Our flat was filled with sunshine, warmth and plants :)

I had completely forgotton about symptoms by January. Not to say do this, but I didn;t have to consider food choices (still avoided sweet foods - not a huge fan) but we would drink, go on nights out, it was great. And then, we broke up in Feburary. I moved out and back to the house.

The house is moldy. I have isolated and safeguarded to a degree, but I got into November and bam, it hit me again. Bites appeared on my body, basically felt like it did right at the start. Tried to firefight, but was looking at it from the wrong angle. In hindsight, the reason why symptoms were coming on and whatever was biting on or within me, was doing so because my immune system must have been affected again. Most likely by the mold, which had gotten considerably worse as I was away with water ingress into the front rooms and roof.

My skin was starting to dry and become scaly. And then last Saturday I went to a friends birthday. It was in a basement bar. It stank of mold, they were lighting incense. I shouldn't of stayed, but there were people I hadn't seen in a long time and my judgement seriously erred, despite my numerous insistances that I was leaving, I got convinced to stay. Something was very wrong, I felt nauseous, and off, but put it down to too much of the free drinks.

The next day, the skin started to break out into red bumpy, itchy rashes, and it just started to amp, massively. All over my chest, upper arms and shoulders, forearms, stomach, my belly button was white with red rings. On top of that headaches, sleep disturbances, cognitive issues. Seriously, seriously, bad, very scared and disorientated.

A part of me wanted to fool myself in thinking that I had moved past this, and to be fair at a point, my body had. And yet, as Al Pacino says, just when I thought I was out, they drag me right back in again. Mold. It is very, very serious. It compromises the immune system and opens up the freeway for every other vector to go nuts. Staring at the white fungus growing in my belly button, was a shocking site.

I started back on the supplements, applied coconut oil (natural antifungal) to the skin, along with drops of silver in the belly button, and trying to slowly clear out the mold load through DE binding. MMS also helps to neutralise some mycotoxin poisoning.

I'm not going to lie folks, I'm scared. I hadn't had the skin problems this bad, nor cognitive issues. It's my fault, but it's a choice that I had made, and it's the path my life has taken. Priority is to find employment again, I'm under in credit. Second is to extract myself from the house and not return here. It will take time, but it's my singular focus beyond surviving now.

Hope this message could of been sent in better times, it's a learning and growing experience. Love to you all.


Date Added: 1/11/2024
Date Of Original Post: 12/15/2022

Merry CHRISTmas Everyone!

I wanted to bring this thread forward because Christmas is coming!! I will be sharing some favorites to listen to & I hope you will too!! My first pick this year is Little Drummer Boy by For King & Country!!

Stay strong and rejoice the true meaning of Christmas!



Date Added: 1/11/2024
Date Of Original Post: 12/3/2022

May Archangel Gabriel walk with me at my left,
may Archangel Michael walk with me at my right,
may Archangel Uriel walk with me at my front,
may Archangel Raphael walk with me at my back,
and may the Holy Spirit and the love of God shine down from above.

And to you reader, in the darkness, you bring the light.
Always shine your light for others, no matter how dark it gets.


Date Added: 1/11/2024
Date Of Original Post: 11/27/2022

Hi Claire!

I know that hair can always be a battle for some us, so treating with essential oils are always helpful. Everyone is different, but for me I did cut my hair to my shoulders just long enough to be able to put in a ponytail and I treat my hair in the morning and before I go to bed every night. I just use Kleen Green in the morning to comb it out, pat dry with a paper towel and use clove, lavender and just a few drops of Stevia with some alaffia coconut lotion, approximately nickel size, and rub it in.

In the evening I repeat the same exact thing except I use WPS at night instead of Kleen Green. I only wash my hair twice a week as well. I hope you find this helpful!

Take care!


Date Added: 1/11/2024
Date Of Original Post: 11/12/2022

The sun was shining today! Thank God but everything is still soaking wet! Just wish it would dry out! Karen we made the taco soup today again it is so good made almond cornbread to go with it. I had to do something to cheer me up. I hope everyone try’s the recipes. I appreciate everyone that puts the recipes and pictures on line. It really helps so much! Praying everyone is getting better it just seems like it takes along time when when it upsets your life. It really makes you appreciate the little things. You really met some wonderful people here that is a good thing. It makes our life better and it is nice to learn new things and know everyone understands how we feel. Just wanted to say hello and may God Bless everyone!


Date Added: 1/5/2024
Date Of Original Post: 11/19/2022

Hi Claire,
I am a past warrior and very familiar with this skin situation. One of the things beneficial was using all natural aloe on my skin.

Aloe contains a compound found in the plant that has anti-inflammatory properties that aid in the skin-healing process. In addition, "The leaf of the aloe plant is rich in water, particularly in the innermost layer, so it helps to hydrate the skin and lock in moisture." (National Liberty of Medicine)

You might try using aloe and alternate that between the best healthy practices your are already using.

In Christ,


Date Added: 1/5/2024
Date Of Original Post: 11/8/2022

Hi Nancy, Claire, Tea and Chrissie and All,

You're words are very encouraging. It is very important to keep this in the forefront of one's mind. It also helps to have individuals in one's life that can help us see the good and to be reminded of the blessings. The HCAF is a blessing and everyone who comes to this site is a blessing.

I heard a phrase that will always stick in my mind that I do not believe I have shared on here yet. It says, that if you complain you remain and if you praise you raise. It also reminds me of what someone once said about being in a state of gratefulness because gratitude attracts .

Yes, illness can be discouraging, but there are always silver linings and like Claire said, the Lord knows the good He has planned for us. He can also turn what was meant for bad into good, like he did for Joseph.

May God bless you all,

Dodie & Kipp

Date Added: 1/5/2024
Date Of Original Post: 9/30/2022

Hello everyone,

I not saying We are 100%, but we sure passed 90%!

Come watch the Colorado Dancers!!!

Dodie and the cowboy

Rockin Robin

Date Added: 1/5/2024
Date Of Original Post: 10/27/2022

Hello New Members,

Here are some skin treatments that might help with skin irritations, sores, pink bumps, the see improvement feeling of irritation or itching etc...

Simple Solutions: Apply
1. Kleen Green
2. WPS (diluted solution)
3. Sovereign Silver Liquid
4. Sovereign Silver Gel
5. Cortizone 10 (Intense Healing Formula)
6. Sulfur Cream or Ointment
7. Coconut Oil

All of these are good, some may work better than others for you!

More Complex Treatments:

1. The Hallelujah Treatment - Spray the Diluted WPS Solution ( 1 oz. WPS to 1 oz. water, this is what you go by...3 oz. WPS to 3 oz. water) Spray area wait til it dries. Then spray Kleen Green ( 1 oz. to 7 oz. water is the norm, 4 oz. to a 28 oz. spray bottle ) However this was too strong for me, so I use 2 to 3 oz. in a 28 oz. spray bottle. Let dry, then apply stevia mixed with some water. I use organic stevia extract packages that you can get at most grocery stores. It is a lot cheaper than the liquid Stevia Clear. I save the Stevia Clear for food and eating and drinking. Do this maybe twice a day for a couple of days, you should see improvement!

2. Robin and Tea's Magic Formula using essential oils - in a small condiment bowl mix 4 drops tea tree oil, 2 drops clove, and 4 drops peppermint oil, add half a small package of stevia and about 1 T. of Sovereign Silver Gel and 2 or 3 T. of Sovereign Silver liquid. Stir well and dissolve and mix. Enough for several applications. This helped tremendously around my hairline and neck for breakout buimps,.2 days applying this and they would disappear. If you don't have the SS Gel, just use all SS liquid.

3. Leg and Foot Soaks/Body Soaks - Look in the Forum for this post - " Newbies Essential Oils For Your Skin", Tea explains how to Use essential oils and other products for body treatments.

Remember everyone is different, so you can always weaken or strengthen solutions, but always use caution so you don't harm yourself! Hop these help!

Love & Hugs,
Your Sister In Christ,
Rockin Robin


Date Added: 1/5/2024
Date Of Original Post: 9/12/2022

Hello Everybody!

Just wanted to share with all about my first experience with kosher meats. Mel has long said that buying kosher is probably even better than buying organic grass fed beef. I decided to give it a try and found a grocery store that sells kosher. I bought a three pound brisket and two small chuck roasts.

It wasn't cheap...$12.50 a pound for the brisket, but I do have to share that it was the best brisket I've ever had. The good part started even opening the package. I'm a bit ocd, so when I get any kind of meat, I'm always prepared with paper towels layered on a pan to drain the meat after I give it a good wash. However...there was no red liquid or smell...which was a pleasant surprise.

Mel shared with me that the standards for kosher are extremely strict...and now I get it!

I probably won't get these cuts very often because of the price, but I'd really rather wait to have a cut of beef for the occasional treat than to buy anything else substandard. They didn't have ground beef, but maybe when they do it won't be as expensive as the other.

So...if you're in the market for a good cut of beef of very high quality, you can't go wrong with kosher.




Date Added: 1/5/2024
Date Of Original Post: 9/22/2022


I was looking for green stevia powder, like the kind my parents used to use. I found this website which sells some in bulk. Just thought I'd add it to the list of options. There aren't any additional fillers in this either. Not sure if it's heirloom, but seems like a good option to try.

I see someone else also posted a bulk stevia option without fillers as well, which sounds nice.

Here is the link:



Date Added: 1/5/2024
Date Of Original Post: 9/8/2022

Hello Everyone and Welcome,

The recording you are about to listen to was made 9/6/2022.

It will be added here sometime later today9/8/2022!

We were honored to have our very own John Burgstiner, as well as Robert Scott Bell and Dr Edward Griffen, less we not forget lovely Tatiana our natural immunogenetics

I am positive you will find this recording riveting as well as informative.

I am sure that once hearing this call you knowledge on this subject will be magnified many times over.

So kick back and increase your knowledge!

May God bless us all,

"Copper" Conference Call - 9/6/2022
with John Burgstiner, Robert Scott Bell, Dr Edward Griffen and
Tatiana our Natural Immunogenetics liaison.

Lady T

Date Added: 1/1/2024
Date Of Original Post: 9/27/2022

Hello Everyone,

This is Lady T here.

I was online today getting website info for the project Mel and are working on. I realized there were some comments here - and so I will reply to them and then I also wanted to send a note to everyone. :)
First, thanks to those who left me a note.

Gail, thanks for sharing your story. I am glad the Neem Oil is working for you. I had some of neem oil soap early on, and Neem spray, and found it was nice to change things up - but nothing beats the WPS (as Mel always reminds us) because the spray bottle of WPS that he suggests is really effective.
Also, Gail, regarding your drinking the lemon water - I am STILL amazed at how a glass of lemon water can provide so much balance to the body. Lemon alkalizes the body and also offers cell support from Vitamin C and Bioflavonoids (and I try to keep lemons around as much as possible) it leaves us feeling so well. Once in a while I even have the lemon water and teaspoon of baking soda (but it was never around supplement time or when taking the WPS).
Robin, thanks for your note and your encouragement - your words brought a smile and it was my pleasure to share. God is so good (all the time) and it truly is awesome to share when I can.
Tea, appreciate your note here too and love how you reminded everyone of this:
"It’s not if we will, it’s when…. When we get better…"
Amen to that! XX

That leads in to my note to everyone.

I hope that you are all having a nice start to Fall 2022 and that you are finding ways to encourage yourself - especially if it is a challenging week or a time with herxing or fatigue. Be encouraged! Do not give up hope and find what you need to stay the course.
Remember to stick to the protocol!
-- Smile more (because even a forced smile can reduce the stress hormones that feed toxic disease symptoms)
-- Maybe sing or whistle (like Mel does)
-- Take five minutes to do square breathing (or just practice deep breathing techniques)
-- Be sure to drop the frown and release any spirit of heaviness with praise and with a smile.
-- Fill your environment with positive vibes. I listen to a variety of Christian radio stations (BBN, WPER, Z88.3 - all available with apps or online) and it constantly floods my environment with a good vibe (and sometimes gives me a few minutes of empowering worship time) - and the content of the ongoing music (and mini sermons or bible verses) feeds my inner spirit and that is crucial for strength and wellness (not just in healing - but in living a successful life that involves joy and thriving).
-- Remember that you do NOT go into this day alone. God is in us and with us - and He will make the crooked way straight. We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.
-- And embrace the community here because we are better together.
“None of us is as smart as all of us.” – Ken Blanchard, Author

Okay - that is all from me today.
Thanks again for having me host a call with Mel - and I look forward to doing another call sometime.

Take care and God bless
Lady T

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

Rockin Robin

Date Added: 12/30/2023
Date Of Original Post: 9/28/2022

Dear Amber,

SO........glad you are seeing progress and feeling better! Just keep up the regimen and do what Mel tells you; you will get better and better. So many people here helped me when I was new, most are healed and gone now! Can you believe it?

We are always glad to help each other. No one truly understands unless they have this disease.

Please keeps us informed about your progress.

I am so happy for you and will continue to pray for you and your healing.

Love & Hugs,
Rockin Robin

John W

Date Added: 12/30/2023
Date Of Original Post: 9/10/2022

If you don't want to receive emails from this website, please click the unsubscribe button at the bottom an email we send. This will take you off the list right away. This will help ensure that others that want to receive the messages keep getting them.

Sometimes people click the "report spam" button in their email program thinking it's just an easy way to opt out. It's with good reason as we don't always trust the unsubscribe button on spam ads.

Though this causes trouble for legitimate companies. Marking an email as spam involves the "Email Feedback Loop" also known as the "Email Complaint Loop". The sender receives an unsubtle message of "remove these addresses or else". They also err on the side of caution so other members that want to keep receiving the emails get removed from the list too.

So, the best thing you can do for the community is click "unsubscribe" at the bottom of an email if you want stop receiving it.

If you are not receiving emails, as you once were and wish to be added back. Please just rejoin the email list, just click the picture!

Thank you!


Date Added: 12/30/2023
Date Of Original Post: 8/20/2022

Hi Jessi,
Welcome to our group. You are in a good place and really the only protocol that works.
I’ve been on the protocol for 8 months and I am about 90% recovered. You will go through some tough times with increased activity and herxing but it’s all a reminder that you are healing.

Please make a commitment to eat the correct diet and stay on the protocol as directed. I DO NOT WAIVER. I feel that this is a reason that I am healing so quickly. I am committed to eating only healthy; no sugar, low carb, non dairy food. I also only use single ingredient foods. I don’t make sauces and casseroles. I stick to eating lots of broccoli, cauliflower and green beans, salad and a protein with a little salt, pepper and garlic powder. It makes life easier and I feel it helps your body heal quicker.

I also don’t take super hot showers, and not many baths. Luke warm or cold showers are best.

You’re going to do great if you follow the protocol.!!!

Let us know if you have any questions.

I wish you health and happiness!!!!



Date Added: 12/30/2023
Date Of Original Post: 8/25/2022

Yes! I absolutely agree with y’all!

The dedication that’s given to maintain it all is quite the undertaking, so a big THANK YOU for all you do!!!

Helping others completely transform their lives starting with our health is what is shown to work.

Of course everyone’s journey is unique, but keeping steadfast and having this community while still having Hope, makes this all worthwhile.

Thank you a million Melman!



Date Added: 12/30/2023
Date Of Original Post: 8/15/2022

Lady T,
It was wonderful and very inspiring to hear your story on Saturday. The insights you provided were extremely valuable and it gives our group so much hope when we hear from those who battled and won over this disease. This is truly a battle! I am going to use many of the insights you provided to get me past the finish line. I am so close!

Love and Light,

Coffee, Tea with Me Saturday 08-14-22


Date Added: 12/30/2023
Date Of Original Post: 8/15/2022

To all the angels here,

Words cannot express my appreciation to all of you. I feel so grateful that god lead me to this website and saved my life.

Literally I probably wouldn’t be alive without your help.

I’m a lot better comparing to what was like one month ago. There’s hope for this disease. Several days ago I had a major step back and I reckon it’s due to full moon.

Haven’t started WPS yet so I’m quite looking forward to it.

At the moment I’m trying to get a place to settle down so I can start to cook myself and treat the environment.

Hope we all restore our health!

Pray and pray,


Date Added: 12/30/2023
Date Of Original Post: 8/15/2022

Lady T,
It was wonderful and very inspiring to hear your story on Saturday. The insights you provided were extremely valuable and it gives our group so much hope when we hear from those who battled and won over this disease. This is truly a battle! I am going to use many of the insights you provided to get me past the finish line. I am so close!

Love and Light,

Coffee, Tea with Me Saturday 08-14-22


Date Added: 12/28/2023
Date Of Original Post: 6/13/2022

Hi Jane,
I’m very sorry you are struggling. Please know that in time you too will feel better. I’ve been on the protocol for 5 months and I am feeling wonderful. I have little to no symptoms. They go away a little at a time. Anxiety and insomnia are very common symptoms that will ease as you get better.
Some things that helped me are; sleepy time tea just before bed and CBD/THC. I vape cannabis as opposed to using gummies because it gets into your system faster. I take two puffs while in bed and it knocks me out. There are also Logos supplements for sleep and anxiety. They are called two different things but they are same supplements (Anxietame, Sleep Advance). This may help as well.

You will feel better as time passes. You really really need to stick with the protocol Including the diet. It’s very important to stay away from sugar, carbs and dairy. It’s not worth the aggravation to eat poorly.

We are all here for you! Stay strong and have hope.



Date Added: 12/28/2023
Date Of Original Post: 7/3/2022

HI ya'all,

Saturday’s call was bring your own questions!

The BYOQ calls really gets a lot of helpful information out to everyone

One of the main questions was about hair what to about hair loss and itching head. Everyone is different, we learned to wash hair every other day 2 times with Head and shoulders then with sulfur soap and rinse with cold water.

Also about staying on protocol and diet which are the main things to do, as well as mastering "THE SUM OF THE PARTS"

There are a lot of great recipes on our site, in the forum thread "Delicious Ideas for your Dining enjoyment / recipes 2022-2016"

Everyone try’s to help the newbies to get well.

Coaching is very important.

The HCAF helps support with people that need help you have to be approved first.

Come to the Sunday calls for prayers, fellowship and jokes.

Everyone have a safe and Happy July 4th

Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 07-02-22


Date Added: 12/28/2023
Date Of Original Post: 6/25/2022

Hi Gail,

Sorry to hear about the trouble you're experiencing. Many use Alaffia Everyday Coconut Body lotion and it seems to help. You can get it on Amazon for about $16 - it's a big 32 oz bottle and it's made with virgin coconut oil. I'm attaching the link below....


Date Added: 12/28/2023
Date Of Original Post: 3/29/2022

Hi Carol!

Thanks for your kind words, and so glad you’ll be trying them! Please share any new snack or meals that are safe! We are looking for new ones.

I think it’s great we’re all here to share and lift one another up. (and with good food! ;-) Whatever one can do for themselves, when possible they should always do for someone else!!


Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 02/20/21


Date Added: 12/28/2023
Date Of Original Post: 3/30/2022

Now that I am the new “full moon lady”, I just had to pursue the reason behind this statement that we all read every month: “…but basically it seems that by splitting the WPS, you are interrupting the reproduction cycle of the organism which is accelerated during the full moon phase.” As my grandchildren always say: “But WHYYY?” So below is a brief explanation which I found on the website

Parasites exhibit biological rhythms. Researchers continue to study how the biological rhythms of parasites are regulated and exhibited. Disrupting parasite rhythms can be helpful for eradicating parasites.

The full moon is associated with higher parasite activity. Your body’s circadian rhythm responds to the moon’s cycle. Parasites are more active and reproductive coinciding with your circadian rhythm. (Circadian rhythms are 24-hour cycles that are part of the body’s internal clock, running in the background to carry out essential functions and processes. One of the most important and well-known circadian rhythms is the sleep-wake cycle.)

During the full moon, we produce less melatonin and more serotonin. Melatonin is the neurotransmitter that helps you sleep and helps to control your immune system. With lower levels of melatonin, your immune system does not fend off parasites as well.

Serotonin, your “feel good” neurotransmitter, increases during the full moon. Like humans, parasites have receptors for serotonin. Parasites use serotonin to help them move. With access to more of your serotonin, they have more movement. The combination of less melatonin and more serotonin, gives parasites a heightened ability to move around and cause issues.

I hope this information was helpful.

God’s blessings to you all,


Date Added: 12/28/2023
Date Of Original Post: 3/30/2022

Now that I am the new “full moon lady”, I just had to pursue the reason behind this statement that we all read every month: “…but basically it seems that by splitting the WPS, you are interrupting the reproduction cycle of the organism which is accelerated during the full moon phase.” As my grandchildren always say: “But WHYYY?” So below is a brief explanation which I found on the website

Parasites exhibit biological rhythms. Researchers continue to study how the biological rhythms of parasites are regulated and exhibited. Disrupting parasite rhythms can be helpful for eradicating parasites.

The full moon is associated with higher parasite activity. Your body’s circadian rhythm responds to the moon’s cycle. Parasites are more active and reproductive coinciding with your circadian rhythm. (Circadian rhythms are 24-hour cycles that are part of the body’s internal clock, running in the background to carry out essential functions and processes. One of the most important and well-known circadian rhythms is the sleep-wake cycle.)

During the full moon, we produce less melatonin and more serotonin. Melatonin is the neurotransmitter that helps you sleep and helps to control your immune system. With lower levels of melatonin, your immune system does not fend off parasites as well.

Serotonin, your “feel good” neurotransmitter, increases during the full moon. Like humans, parasites have receptors for serotonin. Parasites use serotonin to help them move. With access to more of your serotonin, they have more movement. The combination of less melatonin and more serotonin, gives parasites a heightened ability to move around and cause issues.

I hope this information was helpful.

God’s blessings to you all,

Rockin Robin

Date Added: 12/28/2023
Date Of Original Post: 5/7/2021

Dear Lily, Desiree, Jolanta, Diane & Joshua, Diana, & Neal ( and anyone else I may have missed),

I am so glad you are here. Some of you have been here for a little while and have already learned a lot! Reading will answer a lot of your questions. When I first came to the website, I read everyday until I had read nearly everything under each heading on the webpage site. Some I came back to later for more.

I learned a lot about help with symptoms from posts between members and in the search engine. You will learn a lot about diet that way too under Articles and Diet and the post Delicious Dining for Your Enjoyment. Keep some separate notebooks for the following: 1. conference calls, 2. diet and recipes, 3. prayer and devotionals, 4. information, medicines, and supplies. (phone #'s and emails for companies that sell our products) & help for symptoms. The reason being , is that if you put it all in one notebook, you will constantly be looking and looking for what you wrote down. I found it so much easier to organize and separate these. I like the 5inch by 7 inch or 5inch by 8 inch smaller spiral notebooks. This saves enormous time!! You will be filling them up and buying more, but it does slow down after a while.

I thought I would mention some of the food and meals I eat and are approved.

Meats - free range chicken, very lean pork, canadian bacon, turkey canadian bacon, ground lean turkey, free range beef-very lean, ground lean buffalo -delicious, Mel loves Kosher meats!! Lunch meats- that say no nitrates, no hormones, no anti-biotics, all natural. There are several brands in all big chain grocery stores. I like Hormel's All Natural Oven Cooked Turkey & Ham !4 oz. pkgs. Wild - Caught fish & shrimp

Vege's - cabbage, onions, bell peppers, garlic, celery, brussel sprouts, broccoli, califlower, califower rice, asparagus, mustard and turnip greens, okra, green beans, yellow squash, and zucchini squash, artichoke hearts, spinach, lettuce, kale, tomatoes in moderation. I buy all of these fresh or in frozen bags= nothing in them but the veges. No sauses, or extra ingredients in bags.

Other - Eggs, Eggs, & Eggs - you will eat a lot of eggs! Almond milk unsweetened, Vanilla almond milk unsweetened, and chocolate almond milk unsweetened. For a sweet treat a glass of vanilla or chocolate unsweetened almond milk with some stevia in it. ( occassionally) Olive oil and coconut oil only, Kerrygold Irish butter, Brand- Chosen Avacado Oil Mayo or make some homemade from articles and diet on the website. No regular condiments! Recipe for ketchup on website too!

Fruit- To start strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries - IN MODERATION
1/4 CUP A DAY!. I have mine with breakfast. I usually buy 2 kinds at a time. Later when Mel says its ok, you can add green apples - 2 TBS. cooked cinnamon apples.

I use lots of lettuce leaves for wraps! They are my tortillas and breads. Example: ground turkey with chili powder & cumin salt & pepper inside lettuce leaf with avacado and tomato on top. I have many different things to put in them! Lunch meat, chicken, almost anything. Salads with meat toppings! Oil and apple cider vinegar dressings. Approved mayo and lemon dressing.

Teas- Peppermint, Red Rooibus, Moringa, Green and there are others that are good, I buy all caffine free. Dandylion & coconut tea makes a wonderful substitute for coffee. add some flavored almond milk (vanilla or chocolate) and stevia and wow, it is good!

Drinks - Water, Teas, Lemon Cleanse or plain lemon drink, and Apple Cider Vinegar/ Cinnamon Drink ( with all these drinks, you have to experiment with the lemon juice or apple-cider vinegar to determine the strength you like mixed with water).

1. Lemon Cleanse - lemon juice, water, cayenne pepper ( stevia if you like, I do! )
This drink helps with the crawlies, they don't like it !!!
2. Lemon, water, stevia
3. Apple Cider Vinegar, water, cinnamon, turmeric & stevia
I love these on ice or freeze it to a slush. Mix or stir before drinking each time. All of these drinks are good for you!!

Snacks - fresh ground almond butter or in a jar. Nuts!!! Pecans, walnuts, almonds and my favorite pumpkin seeds without shells - the crawlies hate them!!

There are many other things you can add to this as time goes buy and other recipes on the website. But, this should give you a good start !!

You will bake, broil, steam and pan fry or cook most of these, plus microwave some of the vegetables etc....

NEXT - Some of your weapons for fighting this disease:

1. Protocol - Get on this right away!! This will heal your immune system. Talk to Mel.

2. Kleen Green - you can put this everywhere on your body but not in your eyes , nose, or face. It is ok in the hair. Kleen Green is your friend and kills the pathegens!

3. Sovereign Silver - You can put this on your face, neck, in your eyes, nose, ears, and sores and rashes. Mostly anywhere and you can take it orally. 1 tsp. under the tongue for a min. then swallow morning and night. There is a sovereign silver gel that is great for the sores and rashes and break-out bumps etc... However don't put the gel in your eyes, or mouth ( not orally ).

4. WPS - this is something you won't use orally until Mel tells you the right time to start it. He will instruct you on WPS. However, you can begin using it in the laundry and for me it was wonderful. After several washings, there are no pathogens in my clothes, Still using it over a year later!

5 . Stevia - can work on break-outs, rashes and sores. Mix with a little water. The Pyure brand is a good brand and Sweet Drops. Pure Organic Leaf Extract Stevia
I buy the packages, some prefer the liquid.

6. Sulfer Soap - You will bathe and shampoo with it. A miracle for sure!! I also use Tea Tree & Mint shampoo ( Walmart )

These 6 above are GOLD!!!! Your friends and you need them to manage this disease!!
5 & 6 I added because I have had great success with them!

The diet calls for organic veges and special meats and things that are expensive, you may not be able to afford all organic and special meats in the beginning but you will pick and choose and eventually work it out so your getting the best quality without the junk they add to foods and on foods ex. pesticides, hormones, dyes, and preservatives, etc...

I hope this helps all of you newbies, I floundered at first, Be patient with yourself! This is a lot of info. when you first find the website. It does take time to get it all organized and going smoothly. But, You can do it!! Take one day at a time, one hour at a time! You won't believe where you will be in 6 months or a year!!! Don't be afraid to call Mel or ask for help or advice from any of us!! We're here and we care!!!

Love & Hugs, Rockin Robin Romans 5:1-5 Have FAITH & BELIEVE !!!

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