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Original 7/16/2012 Post

2:25:57 PM

Welcome everyone.

A special thanks to Debra, Peter and James for their kind comments about our last teleconference call. Debra, in that post, you asked an excellent question that has been asked of me three times in the last ten days from three different parts of the globe:

"Is there anyone else out there who has been cured?"

In a word, absolutely!

However, that begs a couple of other questions, such as "What does being cured from Morgellons mean?"or " How do we know when and if this nightmare is behind us?".

To me, it meant waiting for three months after stopping the MMS and all prescription drugs to be sure I had no lingering effects before I pronounced myself cured. This was approximately six months after my doctor had pronounced me cured in a newspaper article.

I know the very first person that I ever helped celebrated their second anniversary of being Morgellons free last Christmas as a practicing registered nurse, but she hasn't talked to me in eighteen months.

Why you say? In her attempts to help others on this website, she used her last name only to find that once her health had been restored, she found it very difficult to get employed because background checks kept bringing her name up in association with Morgellons.

Hence, we amended the website to remove her name (as we have for others) and created Rule # 4: For your protection, please do not use your full name or email address within a post(for clarity's sake, you do need to share your email address to make a post, but don't share it in the copy of the post).

Anyway, I do truly miss talking with MB.

As I have said many times, when this website first began, I had no idea what to expect. I only knew that I had to share the message about how I eradicated Morgellons from my body.

I had never received any training for such an endeavor, so it has been a learning experience. I had to learn to deal with people in a new way. I was very tough in the beginning, and often misunderstood.

I have a gruff, aggressive nature that I had to learn how to soften in order to be able to communicate more easily with people. I had to learn to be more patient with others and to develop a better sense of humor. So maybe in the beginning there was a certain lingering resentment, even from those who got better. I can understand that.

Most everyone who comes here is looking for answers on how to get well; NOT "How can I serve the Morgellons community?" I cannot control what others do. We are all called to serve one another, but only a few answer the call in earnest. Though initially I found this very disappointing, I came to recognize that each person who was being led across my path was there for a reason... and typically only for a season.

I cannot begin to tell you how gratifying it has been to see so many lives transformed from hopelessness and despair to wholeness and productivity. The process typically looks like this:

1. Their brain fog is lifted.
2. They start feeling their energy restored.
3. They see their acute symptoms (lesions, fibers, black specks, etc.) diminish.
4. They begin reintegrating with society.
5. They start contemplating or actually going back to work.
6. The lingering symptoms (stinging, biting, etc.) go away.
7. We rarely ever hear from them again.

Their purpose is not to serve this website. Rather, the purpose of this website is to serve them; to assist them in getting better and moving on with their lives. They do generally thank me, but most of them choose to remain anonymous thereafter. It is their privilege to be freed from the stigma that is attached to Morgellons.

On rare occasions, we do get unsolicited posts from those who has had their health restored. For this I am grateful. Let's start with Deborah from New Jersey's pronouncement in our Testimonials dated 6/3/2011- The Only Way to Kick This Affliction. Or Michelle's last post dated 3/10/2012. Lest we not forget, LD, a political worker who has recovered, and who finds the time to come back every couple of months to share hope and encouragement.

So here and now, once again, I solicit others who have had their health restored to post in this thread or I Wish to Thank This Website, even it is under an anonymous name, to share their story and help respond to this question.

The testimonial page created September 28th,2010 was added to make it easier for newcomers to see the impact the protocol is having at different stages without having to wade through the eighteen or so pages of the Forum. Therefore, some of the posts are dated prior to the formation of the Testimonial page (as they were all taken directly from our Forum).

I ask every person who comes here to read everything they can. I now ask every one of you to read every testimonial and make your own decision. With all of the recent enhancements we have made to the website and the increasing activity level we are experiencing (creating ever greater demands on my time), I have been somewhat remiss in keeping up with updating the Testimonial page. I apologize for that and will try to do better in the future.

However, it will never be possible for you to see and hear what I have seen and heard as I have interacted with thousands of people whose lives have been hijacked by this disease.

One must thoroughly read the FAQ's to understand the demands and the expectations of this multifaceted protocol. You are going to be asked to change the way you think (extremely difficult for anyone), the way you eat (seemingly impossible after many years of conditioning but doable), the way you approach your daily lives.

For me these choices were simple. Incorporate these changes into my life or face the distinct probability of an early death. I never expected that a large percentage of you would be able to become so regimented in your lives, yet we endeavor to move forward in the hope that the percentage of those who get well will increase.

In closing on this subject, I want to say that as far as I know, approximately a hundred people have had their health restored to date. Even if it was only one other human being that had been given a second chance at life, I would feel that my life has been justified and all the work we have done would be worth it!

This website has never been about me. It was designed for all of you. I serve the highest power because of a promise I made to God... and now it appears that finally, maybe, I am getting a little help. So many people promise so much, but very few do what they say they will do. I have resolved to try to have the greatest impact possible in the lives that providence leads into my influence, and leave the results and the glory up to Him.

Most people are not really interested in history, but in "what have you done for me lately".

In that respect, our efforts have certainly been blessed these last seven months with the emergence of the new wave of warriors, who appear to be just as determined as I am to transform not only their lives, but the lives of others.

For better or for worse, they agreed on a regular basis to post all of their experiences along their eighteen month journey of recovery. They are the first two and only two ever to volunteer this undertaking.

God Bless them and God Bless all of you,



Responses (Newest First)

Theresa S.
12:30:40 PM

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to chime in on Mel's post about others being cured following this protocol.

When I 1st came to this website, I was desperately looking for a cure for this mysterious, crippling disease. I had searched and searched and found nothing but fear, horror stories, arguing and expensive 'solutions' that seemed to only curtail symptoms but not completely cure them.

I looked for Doctors that could assist me in eradicating this condition and only found Dr.'s that wanted to charge huge amounts of money just to walk in the door and then charge huge amounts of money for testing and guaranteed NOTHING. If you could even find a doctor that was willing to work with you, from what I read the majority had no answers or would most likely label you delusional and send you off to a psychiatrist.

I choose early on, that this was hard enough to battle without having to deal with the extra monetary expense (on disability and could not afford it anyway) or the emotional toll it would take on me.

In my darkest hour, I cried out to God to help me. I know many of you can understand that and have done it yourself. Very soon after I found this site and Mel. I read his story and reached out to him for help. I was paralyzed by fear and wanted to end it all, period. Somehow he reached deep inside of me and assisted me in finding the strength to go on and to fight.

I had no money and he sent me 2 months of the protocol for free. It was what I needed to get on my feet and proceed to fight this battle. He called me regularly and PUSHED me on. I have since asked him, why did he do these things and assist ME in this way? Why me?

He said, he could here something in my voice that I was a fighter, he just knew it. Of course he was right, although I had temporarily lost myself in the struggle, I am a Warrior Woman among other things, lol.

Mel gets no compensation or kicks backs for promoting the products he does. He does it because they worked for him and others. Mel does not charge people for the countless hours he spends on the phone with them or the myriad emails he responds to. He does not charge for website access. Mel takes money out of his own pocket to send people protocol free of charge.

Mel does all this and gets very little donations, if any.

The real question is not about Mel or the protocol but about ourselves. In the face of all he has done helping people get cured and regain their lives why do we as a community do nothing in return. I can count the number of people on ONE hand that are actively helping others on the forum.

Mel has shouldered this responsibility for several years now and I don't understand how on earth, without God's spirit and assistance he is able to do this. Frankly, I wouldn't.

Have people been cured? Yes. But these people for various reasons move on, but some of their stories are here. One need only feel their own shame and fear in dealing with this situation to understand why so many cured ones want to leave this whole ordeal behind like a bad nightmare. I know I would.

I had no other viable options to a cure. I had to do this or die, period. Did I initially have my doubts about Mel and his 'cure?' Yes, I did. While I am progressing steadily towards my 'cure' I know this - I am no longer suffering as I once did. Please feel free to read my story at, Experiencing less itching on me and my dogs, to follow my progression towards my cure.

Is the path easy? HECK NO! Would I rather take a pill or rub on some cream and be done with it? Absolutely! I soon realized that temporary fixes would not cure the real underlying issues that allowed this to take place. My body as a system was severely compromised on many, many levels and I needed to start dealing with it, immediately.

In this day and age where scams and schemes are prevalent, I understand the need to question everything. Will this work for you? That depends. Are you will to give it everything you have to make it work for you? Are you willing to do EVERYTHING required and fight to the very end?

Without making the necessary lifestyle changes, dietary changes, emotional and spiritual changes you will LOOSE, period. It is not the cure that failed, but the unwillingness to put our egos to the side and our will on the back burner and GOD upfront to change our lives over and make us anew.

Are you willing to fight with everything you have to be cured?

What are you willing to do to payback what has been graciously gifted to you?

It is all to easy to examine others under a microscope and pick them apart, while never being willing to do the same to ourselves. This journey will require you to examine yourself closely and honestly. Are you willing to do that?

I find in doing so I have little time to examine others. I find that in this honest examination of myself, I have a huge amount of work to do on me and I proceed to do it.

So I forge ahead on this path that God has so graciously given me. This has been a blessing for me because I have to live my life conscientiously and aware now. I can no longer sleep walk through life or live as a victim to my circumstances, or just get by day to day. I must take full responsibility for my life.

I invite you all to walk this path with me onto your own victory and graciously give back what has been gifted to you.

I send you love, light and healing.

Theresa S.

Deborah B
1:33:12 PM

Hi Peter,

Thanks for the encouragement. . . everything you said is resonating with me and I believe will be true for my family too. I am reading, reading, reading, as Mel recommends, in order to get ready to begin the protocol at the end of this week when my supplements arrive. Even my conversation with the folks at Logos was a big encouragement today. Everything about this approach gives me courage and hope.

Your account of how the protocol has helped you is great news. It's nice to see someone just three months ahead of us reporting such great results. I am particularly looking forward to the lifting of 'brain fog'! ;-)

Glad you are doing so well and thanks again for the boost in confidence today!


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