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The Testimonials Page is a microcosm (cliff notes version) of our site. It has been created to bring forth the most important information (knowledge) found here and share stories of encouragement and progress from those within our community.

It is with immense gratitude and great pleasure that we dedicate this testimonial page to our devoted friend and webmaster, John Waiveris of Invisible Gold.

This could never have been accomplished without his unselfish willingness to help others. I could have never gotten this far along with the web site without the endless hours of his generosity.

I will always be grateful for all he has done for all of you.

God bless you John,


This website has grown so large that in order to see the transforming impact that our protocol is having in the lives of Morgellons sufferers and their families, one must now wade through a massive volume of information.

Therefore, we decided to create a special place that is dedicated to sharing medical updates, progress reports, and encouraging stories from those who are having their health restored. The posts shown here are unsolicited and unedited, and are taken from our own forum. They appear in order of their historical appearance.

The person who invests an hour or two to review this collection of posts will notice an emerging pattern of transformation here. Many arrive here in a condition of hopelessness and despair, often isolated and estranged even from their loved ones. They find here a place of safety and compassion, a place of learning and inspiration, a place of encouragement and admonition to "First Do No Harm".

They devour the information available here and begin the process of improving their daily choices as they take back responsibility for their health. They begin to first stabilize, then to improve their health to a place where they are functional and productive again.

Their Hope restored, and "having their life back again", they begin the process of identifying what specific challenges remain and they may venture off to explore new interests or opportunities.

One thing should be perfectly clear from those who have reported improvement; they have all consistently stated that they have diligently stayed on the entire protocol.

The first three posts are without a doubt the longest, but they contain vital information that will give you a better understanding of how and why the protocol works and what one can expect when you have your herxheimer (detox) reaction.

You will find that the reading pace quickens thereafter. Each post or thread of posts is separated by a horizontal line. Sometimes threads were included to capture an original thought or train of thought in its entirety.

This testimonial page will be updated regularly. Anyone wishing to share encouragement and Hope may submit their story via email to:

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Date Added: 10/17/2020
Date Of Original Post: 4/29/2019

Hello everyone and welcome,

I am happy to announce, that the creation of our eight guiding principle was a wonderful success.

We had over two dozen entries and many more people
who actually were part of the voting process.

No one Knew the author's names until after the voting.

As in previous contests, we a had a tie for first place and had a second round of voting to determine our winner. We also had a three way tie for second and a five way tie for third.

I wish to thank everyone who participated for their part in making this a truly enjoyable event.

Interesting to me was the fact the the two entries that had the most votes brought God into our guiding principles. (Brilliant)

Our winner is our very own Donna AKA Sneakers, who ironically will be doing her "HAPPY DANCE CALL", this coming Saturday May 4th.

Here is her winning entry:


Thanks again to everyone who was part of this wonderful event!

God bless you all,

Thread: I don't know how I contracted this!!!


Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 5/30/2019

Hi Mrs B,

I am sorry that you have gotten this illness and that your sister and brother are affected too.

Rest assured, we will do all that we can to help you. I am glad that you have reached out to us.

Firstly, I am sad to say that its highly unlikely that an infectious disease doctor will help you. I went to one re the NHS in UK and he did not even take a skin scraping. They assume its psychological or scabies or something like that. It is terribly distressing to go to them. They do not have the knowledge of this disease.

You have come to the right place here, there is such a wealth of knowledge in this website. People here are at various stages in their recovery and others have recovered and stick around to help others.

I will tell you this, if you can at all afford to get the logos protocol then I urge you to get it. It is a wonderful synergy of nutrients, vitamins,enzymes, probiotics, omega fats etc etc that work together to help build up the bioterrain.

You need to fight this first and foremost from the inside out. Topical products like sulphur soap and kleen green are very helpful too.

Tell your sister and brother to get Kleen Green concentrate , dilute it seven to one with water in a spray bottle and spray their scalp and head. It really helps with the crawling sensation. They can also splash their heads under cold water. This disease does not like that much. I would also urge them to take internal medicine re the protocol also.

Drink lemon water, this disease does not like lemons.

Follow a low carb diet and cut out sugar, alcohol, cigarettes. Follow the, 'sum of the parts,' as laid out in this website.

There are many people who are not sure how they got this. I got it from bird mites, others from spiders, fleas, gardening. However, if your immunity had been strong in the first place it would not have taken hold. Many of us had Lyme and Co infections before contracting Morgellons. Something took out our immunity, first which made us susceptible.

If your husband, kids and parents have all a strong immune system, they should be fine. However, I would avoid unnecessary contact, until you start getting your compromised immunity back on track.
You can also use Kleen Green to clean your environment. It's non toxic and safe.

Try and get enough rest.

Hang in there and take good care,

Thread: I don't know how I contracted this!!!

Leslie Williams

Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 5/30/2019

Hello Mrs B!

I have not posted in a longggggggg time but wanted to stop by to say hello and welcome to the form.

I guarantee and put my life on the line that you have found a great family in this community. We share our faith with one another, our experiences, we cry with one another, rejoice, and Lord do we laugh with one another. It’s such a great joy to know you don’t have to feel alone or be alone as we all walk to this road to recovery with patience and great hope. We are the only ones that understand each other. But the main ingredient here is our faith ion Jesus Christ.. and you don’t have to be a believer in who we believe in but he’s our sustainer through it all.

Mel’s a real “PISTOL” but rest a-sure it’s all done in LOVE.. The Hockey stick is coming! ??????

Mel’s protocol is the only one I know of where tons of people including himself have gotten well here.

A few tips:
I encourage you to buy coaching sessions.. you need them
Listen to at least 6months of conference calls - listened to 1yr of them - there you will find answers to your questions
Do the SUM of the parts and not the SOME of the parts
Don’t mix the protocol - stick with how it’s done without adding to it
Diet change is imperative to your healing - many delicious recipes in the starter guide
Sleep, Sleep, Sleep and more Sleep is important and imperative for the healing process. So get as much ??’s as you can.
Kleen Green is amazing for washing your cloths and your hair
Kleen Green essential oils are amazing
As you get better your environment gets better. Trust me is does!!
This will take time and it’s not a quick fix but take much consistency and patience.

Welcome to the family/community Mrs B! We are Warriors!!

PS - please excuse the typos as I sent this from my mobile ??

In The Masters Hand

Thread: I don't know how I contracted this!!!


Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 5/28/2019

Hello Mrs. B.,

This is from Karen...another one of the teachers on this site. Actually...I've been out of the classroom for several years, but I still work in education.

There's not much I can say that Jamie, Maria, Tracy, and Ruth Ann haven't already said very well except to say they are all exactly right.

I wasted a lot of time wanting to believe there was a "magic bullet" out there. You'd mentioned you have an appointment with an infectious disease doctor. One would think that would be the gold standard of medical care for our very strange symptoms. However, not one person, including myself has ever been helped by an infectious disease doctor. I was patronized, and insulted when I went to one and told I needed to see a psychiatrist. I'd have been thrilled to death if this was all in my head and I'd have been running to get the big bad psychotropic drugs they love to prescribe, but I had enough sense to know it wasn't that easy. I've never had a history of hypochondria and had too many things to do to waste time being sick for even a minute. No way I'd have cooked this up in my what end? Who would pretend to have these weird symptoms?

I may have been looking for a magic bullet, but I did have enough sense to believe in myself and what I was observing in my body. The infectious disease doc, the PCP, the dermatologist, etc. etc. etc. didn't provide any help at all. As a matter of fact, if not helping a patient, insulting them, and then charging them isn't against the law, it sure should be.

I finally did find a lyme literate doc who I dearly love. I didn't make much progress with the pharmaceuticals she prescribed, but I love her because she recognized my morgellons. She also gave me a blood test to determine if I had lyme disease...I did. That was a lifesaver because it gave me something to say to others about why I was so sick. I still go to her but for blood tests only to keep track of my progress. It's also good to say to family members, etc. that you're under a doctor's care. That'll help with unwanted advice.

I'd like to share some wisdom with you I wish I'd realized when I first got this would have saved a lot of time.

1. No magic bullet. It's going to take some time. Once you accept that and get going on the "sum of the parts" you'll be that much closer to the finish line.

2. Sum of the parts...did I already say this? Yes! It's because it's so important. It's THE magic ticket. Take some time to read the Beginner's Packet...that will give you an idea of what to do.

3. Discipline...just take one day at a time. It's going to take some practice to get things ready to take to work. There are a lot of supplements...WPS (when you get on the extension protocol a couple of months down the road), and all of your food.

Summer break is coming up though...and that is a perfect time for you to get really on top of everything you need to do and start the sum of the parts. It'll also give you some time to plan how you're going to get everything packed and ready for work in the fall.

4. Let go of the fear. Once you get all set up with your supplements, food, and clean environment, etc., then do anything you can to avoid fear. Fear will generate cortizol and that feeds the disease. I do anything to escape my thoughts if I can. Netflix is my BFF with Youtube and Amazon Prime running a close second. Come to the conference calls and find a buddy to communicate with. That will help you more than you can imagine...because the person you'll be talking to will completely understand what is all but unexplainable to anyone else. There's a real peace in's always great to share tips and ideas.

Relax in the knowledge that there is a long history of many people getting well who have used this protocol. I looked everywhere and had found what you did...the message that you can't get well. That is inaccurate. Evidence supports the fact that many have regained their health over the ten plus year history of this site. I'm in the 95% club and working toward 100%. Mine has been slow...and that's because I'm sometimes a little challenged with discipline...when I do what I'm supposed to do consistently, I see huge progress.

The rest is up to you. YOU'RE in just have to put your foot on the road and start walking. You won't be alone though...we're on the road with you and will keep you company as you head for the finish line.



Thread: I don't know how I contracted this!!!

Ruth Ann

Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 5/27/2019

Welcome Mrs. B,

As with you I thought I had scabies for several months and tried many products to get rid of them. They helped to some point but didn't get rid of them and they continued to spread.

I finally realized after around 7 or 8 months that I didn't have scabies but had morgellons.

It was very hard to accept that because every site had no cure.

Finally I believe the Lord led me to Mel at How I cured my morgellons.

It took me a little time to admit it and to get involved in the community and the conference calls but I did.

I now try to attend every conference call as I always learn new things that will help me.
Everyone on the calls is very helpful and encouraging.

Mel has also been very helpful in getting me started and going - he is very knowledgeable as he has recovered from this disease himself. He always says "Its the sum of the parts" that will lead you to get well.

There are a couple of other teachers that are on their way to being healed of this disease that are on the calls.
I encourage you to join the conf calls on Sat and Sun and to read as much on the site as you can.

Be kind to yourself and try to get the rest you need. I never went to a doctor as I learned early on that most don't know how to treat morgellons.

You are at the right place to learn how to be healed from this toxic disease.

Blessings Ruth Ann

Thread: I don't know how I contracted this!!!


Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 5/25/2019

Hello Mrs. B,

You have absolutely come to the right place--Jamie is spot-on correct in everything she wrote, and I echo her words here.

We seem to get this disease only if our immune system is compromised in some way...I was exposed to mold which made me very ill, and then I somehow caught Morgellons.

My husband and children were also exposed to the mold, but did not suffer ill effects nor have they contracted Morgellons, thank God.

Print out the beginner's packet from the website..brain fog is a problem for many. I had to read everything 5 or 6 times to get it straight.

Silver in the eyes, ears, nose will help clear them. My eyes were terrible in the beginning--I was seeing white flies that did not exist--a common side-effect of the disease, but now my eyes are fine, thank God.

The protocol will immediately start to help you feel better.
Sleep is extremely important--try to rest, nap and sleep as much as you can. It is more important than cleaning your house.
It's hard not to obsessively clean in the beginning, because we are terrified that the things are lurking in our house. But the house will get better, and cleaner, as you get sounds weird but it is true. I have experienced this as I've gotten better (I'm in my 9th month of following the protocol, diet--sum of the parts.)

Diet is of paramount importance--it's undoubtedly hard at first, but it is key to beating this disease. There are many excellent recipes published on this website. You will have to cut out all sugar, reduce carbohydrates to around 30 a day (no rice, no potatoes, no starchy veggies, no bread, or white flour products, no gluten either).

No dairy products except butter.

No alcohol, no diet sodas, no artificial ingredients, no fake sugar except pure stevia.

No real coffee or tea with caffeine.

You will want to eat a healthy, organic if you can, diet full of cruciferous and leafy veggies, eggs, avocados, lean protein--chicken, fish, turkey, beef, nitrate free bacon in moderation, almond milk, cooconut milk, herbal teas, tons of water.
Lentils, pulses and grains like quinoa--very small portions are ok for some people, not ok for others.

Each person is different, so pay close attention to what seems to flare up the crawling and itching, and biting..and eliminate that from your diet.

To get rid of the crawling and biting, drink fresh squeezed lemon juice, mixed with still or sparkling mineral water and a few drops of stevia to taste. Add as much cayenne pepper as you can tolerate, and sip throughout the day.

Western-trained doctors are not usually of any help, unfortunately--I visited many and none of them were able to figure out what I had. They thought I needed psychotherapy. Morgellons is not recognized as a disease by the CDC, as you no doubt know.

But do not fear, Mel is here and you will indeed truly have the opportunity to restore your.

It's not a quick fix, but it works!

Please join us on the conference calls on Saturdays, and fellowship on Sundays. We are a very friendly, caring group of people from all over the country and world, in different stages of recovering our health.

You do not need to be Christian, or religious, to join on Sundays. The point of the prayers is to lift our hearts and spirits, and draw us closer together, to each other, and to God, if you believe in God. While this is not a religious group of any kind, many of us (myself included) find prayer helpful.
t is a frightening, mysterious disease, and very isolating. Being part of the community is very helpful--I have made new friends here that I will I hope have for life.

Mel will help you every step of the way. I have found coaching with him to be extremely helpful...he has gotten me through some dark days and nights. He's a tough cookie (he had to be to beat this on his own), but has a heart of pure not be put off by his at times gruff New York exterior!

I'm a tutor and part-time teacher, as are several of the women in this community. If you ever want to talk, you can get my number from Mel. I have found talking with other women to be very helpful and comforting. It's pure hell in the beginning when this disease strikes. But believe it or not, you will be smiling and laughing again before you know it.

Take heart, always have hope, and know that you are not alone.

Maria aka Mimi

Thread: I don't know how I contracted this!!!


Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 5/24/2019

Hello, Mrs. B.

I am sorry to learn of your struggles but thrilled that you have already made your first post!!! Welcome! :)

I am a teacher, too. There are a number of us on the forum who are teachers. In fact, for reasons still unknown, teachers (especially middle-aged females) seem to be targets of this disease.

The good news is this. You have absolutely come to the right place. I’m sure Mel probably already told you that the disease is not “contagious” in the ways that other diseases are, so I am not surprised to hear that only some of your family was impacted and not everyone. Clearly, you and your sister and your brother were impacted by either exposure to an infecting agent or weakened immune systems or both. I have had the disease for at least three years (possibly up to 10) and have NOT given it to my husband, my two stepchildren, any of my biological family members, any of my friends, or any of my students.

Please brace yourself for the possibility that an infectious disease doctor may not be helpful or even know anything about what you have. Many of us have had the frustrating experience of dealing with a medical community that has been extraordinarily slow to recognize chronic Lyme (which many of us also have, including myself) and Morgellons especially. I wasted the better part of a year listening to a doctor that had me on antibiotics, which did me more harm than good—that was before I found this website which has literally saved my life. A person has to heal from within, and antibiotics just won’t kick this.

You were very wise to immediately begin the protocol. I can reassure you that it works because it has absolutely performed miracles for me in only about a year. I have a thread (A Teacher’s Journey)...please read my recent post if you need some reassurance that it works if you do the things you need to do. My thread isn’t the only success story you should read. There are so many other threads that celebrate TOTAL VICTORIES against the disease. Coaching with Mel is absolutely essential. He has over a decade of experience helping people, and countless people have gone on with their lives due to his efforts, the efforts of the people who run the companies associated with this site, and the support of people on this forum. If you can participate in the Saturday and Sunday conference calls and read everything you possibly can on this site, you will receive a wealth of information and support that will make you feel as though you have received a thousand blessings.

There are a lot of ingredients needed to cure yourself: sleep, tons of water, the correct diet (which will require sacrifices you absolutely will not want to make until you realize how much it will help you), the reduction of stress, the protocol, coaching with Mel, utilizing the forum in many is doable, even when you think you cannot possible tolerate the disease even one more second. You can. If you are a teacher and work with young people, you are already a strong person.

Feel free to ask Mel for my phone number if you would like to speak with a fellow teacher. Although I still have a ways to go before I beat this thing, I can certainly offer my emotional and “career-related support.”

I will say a special prayer for your healing.


Thread: Any hair products that kills morgellons? And brings back healthy hair again?


Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 2/19/2019

Hi Everybody,

I just wanted to share what my best friend (no Morgellons) told me the other day. She'd sent birthday pix of her celebration last week. I noticed that her hair looked just incredible...I said so, and she's that cold water treatment you told me about.

Here is what she texted me:

"I have been rinsing in ice cold water since you told me about it. It really makes a difference. My hair has gotten really thick and healthy"

And then she went on to say...

"Please let Mel know I am so grateful and a believer now for sure!"

I told Mel about this and he was so pleased it has helped another person. It's also encouraged me to start doing it again. I have to admit...I'm not one for doing this in cold weather...but my friend's results have me ready to change my mind.

So...if you haven't tried this, you might want to give it a shot.



Thread: Any hair products that kills morgellons? And brings back healthy hair again?


Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 2/5/2019


After a couple of years with terrible scalp problems, I have experienced a gradual improvement with a variety of treatments. The greatest difference was made by using kleen green, which I continue to use 2-3 times a week.

I am a fan of essential oils, especially lemon eucalyptus and geranium oils, which I mix with coconut oil. I applied oils nightly for about six months, over my entire body.

I love Denorex shampoo, which has salicylic acid and eucalyptus, feels great on the scalp. I also raked my scalp with a nit comb to remove the offensive critters, taking care not to rip out my hair.

My scalp and hair are not entirely better but I have experienced a massive improvement. One thing I've noticed is that my hair is much darker than it was and I don't know if this is permanent.

Thread: Any hair products that kills morgellons? And brings back healthy hair again?

Sharon S

Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 2/5/2019

Hello everyone,

I no longer belong to the site because I haven't had any trouble with Morgellons for a while. It lasted about a year for me and has gotten better.

Every now and then I feel it trying to come back and immediately take care of it. Mine is mainly in my skin so I just start the bathing and treatment protocols right away again before it "spreads".

Anyway, I wanted to offer what worked for me with my hair, and I've tried about everything, and lost a lot of my hair.

I had such huge scabs on my scalp and was in a lot of pain. What worked best for me was a very small bowl with about 2 cap fulls of clove oil, about 1/4 cp of kleen green and a tablespoon of DSMO powder. I stirred it up and filled the rest of the bowl with warm water.

I dumped that onto my hair, massaging it into my scalp and put a shower cap on and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. It does burn, and you don't want to get it into your eyes. Then I rinsed it out and washed my hair with Bonners liquid peppermint soap (you don't need much), rinsed and used peppermint conditioner, which I left in and didn't rinse out.

Gently comb your hair with a wide tooth comb and the conditioner will help so its not tangly and hopefully you won't lose as much hair.

If its too dry and still tangly, use a little bit of coconut oil, but not much or your hair will be greasy. Anyway, I did this twice a week for a couple months, and it seems my hair has stopped falling out and the scabs and soreness of my scalp has stopped, and it is the only thing I've found that worked for me.

I tried the soapberry shampoo, dandruff shampoos, other oils, other types of treatments, vinager, etc....and this was what worked for me.

Hopefully it will for someone else out there too! To whomever receives this, please feel free to post in hopes it will help others.

Thread: Any hair products that kills morgellons? And brings back healthy hair again?


Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 2/2/2019

Hello my brother Mel! This is my post.??

Hello and Blessings to all of you In this fight.

I am involved on behalf of my sister who is nearing the end of her journey with the disease.

My name is Crystal and I have been making herbal hair care products for well over 30 years.

So I know that castor oil and pumpkin seed oil grow hair. Do a 50-50 mixed.

Shake it up before you use it each time.

Don’t overuse it! Use sparingly.

God bless you all,

Thread: Any hair products that kills morgellons? And brings back healthy hair again?


Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 1/27/2019

Hi Jamie,

The following has helped me...and it's basically something that Deanna offered a while back with a couple of my own tweaks.

Here it is:

1. In this case, Natural Ginesis is your BFF. Order some of their Kleen Green, shampoo, conditioner, and sulfur bar soap. It's a small investment, but it'll last a while, and we get a sure to input "MORG15" in the appropriate area when ordering. I know I sound like an infomercial...but I promise don't own part of the company...I just have found that every single thing I order from them has been huge bang for the buck in terms of alleviating my suffering. And like everyone else, I've spent a LOT of money over the years on things that don't work or only work a little.

2. Don't use super hot water when you wash your hair...get it as cool as you can tolerate.

3. Wet your hair, lather up with the shampoo, and then take the bar soap and lather it all over the top of that.

4. Wait five minutes, rinse and repeat. In Deanna's original post, she'd mentioned doing the first lather in shampoo, and the second lather in the bar soap, but I've found that it makes my hair more manageable if I combine the two in both washes.

5. Apply the conditioner, and then lightly add some more of the sulfur bar soap. Deanna didn't do this...but I've found that it gives an extra punch of sulfur while allowing the conditioner to offset any of the dry out qualities of the bar soap. Lather it around, and wait five more minutes before rinsing it off with as cool of water as you can tolerate.

6. Do the cold water treatment as soon as you get home from school...forget the mornings...I have a similar work situation as you and doing it in the mornings when you are working is basically impossible.

7. Spray down your hair at night with Kleen Green. I've even added a few essential oils to the mix. I like Kathee's geranium, citronella, and clove bud. Go easy on these though...too much might sting a little. Massage it into your scalp and comb it completely through your hair. Then put a disposable plastic shower cap on and "sleep on it." Some people wash their hair at night and some in the morning...but...with this treatment, you'll obviously be a hair wash in the morning person.

8. Do the twice a day cold water treatment any day you're home and can let your hair dry naturally.

You may notice tiny white fibers floating in the air later in the day after you comb it. They're hard to see, but I've noticed this if I comb my hair in the car. I can see this floating in the sunlight because I have a black car interior. I think that might be die off of anything that had attached itself to your used to scare me, but now I celebrate it because I think it's one of those "out is better than in" kind of things. It'll eventually go away. It might cycle back though...(and this is what drives us all crazy)...but don't give'll eventually show it who's boss...YOU, and it'll go away for good.

I ordered one of those jumbo packs of throw away plastic shower caps from Amazon...and there are about a jillion in the bag. That's really ok though because besides using them on your hair, you can use them as bowl covers for all the things you have to cook and keep in your fridge all the time.

Oh...and before I forget...don't let the six month mark derail you. I did a post around my six month mark and it's very clear that I'd almost lost was BAD...but then things got better and then I've learned to manage the ups and downs as I move toward wellness. My move toward wellness is probably slower than most because my schedule precludes my being able to do everything I really need to do on the "Sum of the Parts," but I'm moving forward nonetheless and getting close to the finish line.

Congratulations on posting! We all understand how difficult it is to post at makes us feel exposed...but here's a thought that helped me. In your healthy normal state, would you have any reason in the whole world to peruse a site about an obscure and controversial illness with the intent to expose the sufferers in some negative way? No...of course not...who would? First of all...who would really even think of doing that? And who would have time? And for what reason? have nothing to worry about and neither do any of the rest of us.

You do, however, have everything to gain by joining in. We're all just regular people just like you...all people who found themselves with a weird illness that the majority of the medical community has dropped the ball on. We're all just people joining together to learn and offer support to one another until we get well. It helps all of us, and you are most welcome here.



Thread: What I would say to New people on the forum


Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 5/14/2019

Hi Chrissie,

You are so right that laughter is the best medicine. I love the pictures Mel puts on our posts. He always seems to find just the right ones.

Tell Holly that you are not "daffie" at all. Although Zee probably believes I am as well. She has been waking me up at 4 am each day for breakfast. Actually, she makes me laugh. She has broken off 4 tiny pieces of window blinds so she can watch people coming and going. Not really funny but I still laugh every time I see her little face peeking out.

I am so grateful to be a recipient of HCAF and am thankful to God and everyone involved in helping us out every single day. I will kick M's little butts to the curb if it is the last thing I ever do. I want to be well again so badly.

Thank you for your encouragement, I agree patience is hard a lot of the time.

Take care Chrissie and Holly. Zee says woof to you.


Thread: What I would say to New people on the forum


Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 5/12/2019

Hi Linda,

Holly my dog says that I am not always wise, in fact sometimes apparently I'm a big daftie!!!!

I tell her it takes one to know one but yes we all have our moments both of wisdom and silliness :-). Thank goodness for that!!

On that note did I mention in my previous post the importance of laughter in releasing tension and helping us to let go? They call laughter the best medicine and they weren't wrong. It's why Mel puts funny wee pictures on here that make us smile. This disease is grim to deal with, so we all need any laughter we can get.

Holly... Your supposed to laugh with me.. Not at me!!!!!

Note from Holly ("Humans are regularly soo absurd it's impossible not to laugh. I try to look serious but my twitching whiskers give it away!!!!" ).

Linda, I am so glad that you are also on the HCAF and getting help with the protocol. You have been poorly a long long time now with this illness too. It is so important for people ASAP to build up their bioterrain in order to fight this. We don't want people being sick a long time like us and many others. I think it's wonderful that the protocol, the knowledge and the help is all here to show people what they need to heal.

It is also soo important for people to take on Mel's mantra of, 'slow and steady.' So many people get discouraged or give up before they have even began. They don't realise that it took years for their immunity to break down, so it will in most cases take a couple of years or more to build it up again.

Patience is indeed a virtue and if we don't have it yet, we should work on getting it.

Note from Holly ("What do we want.. PATIENCE... When do we want it?... NOW!!!!!!").

Ahem!!!! Well... we should try not to be impatient about being patient.

Though I'm sure we can all work on it gently :-).


Thread: What I would say to New people on the forum


Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 5/10/2019

Hi Chrissie,

This is an amazing post. You are wise and absolutely know what you are talking about. We can all learn so much from you.

Everything you said here is so right on. I agree that if you are sick with this disease, start right away so that it won't take as long to recover. I also am fighting for my life as I have been sick for 13 years this summer. I am getting the help I so desperately needed now and I can't stress how important diet, and coming to the conference calls will be for you. The community of people who faithfully come to the calls on Saturday and Sunday for prayer service are special and genuinely want to help everyone. If there are questions they get answered or research will be done. Pretty much everything you need to know is here on this website or someone will know the answer. I learn something new every time I come on a call.

Like Chrissie said those who are getting better as well as those who are completely recovered come to help new people, people who are partially better and then those who are almost 100% and come back on the calls to encourage us. The calls are what truly turned my way of thinking from dark, dark despair to finally having hope that I will get to the end of the tunnel and come out as a rainbow.

You must fight, it is the only way and there are many who have and their lives are better than before. I want my life to be better than ever before and I encourage you to come and listen.


Thread: Hi everybody


Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 5/14/2019

Hi Cathy,

It is nice to see your post and your kitty is beautiful. I don't post a lot either, I fear I don't always make sense. But I also get on the website every day and read everyone's posts and am so appreciative when people post.

You sounded stronger on the call and I am so happy for you that you're getting consulting with Mel.

Take care and give your cat a hug.


Thread: Hi everybody


Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 5/12/2019

Hello Cathy!

It's so good to hear that you are making progress and beginning slowly but surely to get better:-).

I was pleased to hear your voice on Saturday's conference call as you sounded well and you were giggling away, cracking jokes. That is always a good sign isn't it.

Your cat is lovely as is Jamie's and what a great picture of Freddie's cat Michael looking at Kitty.... Priceless!!

Holly says she doesn't approve and we need some good pictures of dogs on the site now to balance things out :-).

All the best
Chrissie and a disgruntled Holly (woof).

Thread: Hi everybody

Freddie Bean

Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 5/11/2019

Hi Cathy

Great to see your post and your lovely Kitty as you will hopefully see, my cat Michael was very interested in Kitty :)

That's great news that you feel you are making progress sometimes I think due to it being a slow progress it creeps up on you so you don't really notice it, I was the same saying "well I don't feel any different health wise", then it just hit me of course I am getting better, I just needed to stop and think at the things I struggled with and how those things are not such a struggle anymore, we just need to stay focused and as Tracy said "keep your eye on the prize" I love that saying as I am pretty competitive as many have probably realised :)

The new front page picture is lovely, we are so lucky to have this site and to have Mel at the Helm even when he is waving his hockey stick around.... naughty Mel!

When today's conference starts it will be 8pm in Great Britain so I think I will take on the aka name of Sleepy from the seven dwarfs as I can see me dropping off to sleep by 9pm... Mute me Mel if I start snoring as I am likely to!

Hope to see you later Cathy

Freddie x

Thread: Hi everybody


Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 5/7/2019


It is great to see your post!

Our journey is a slow and steady pace, one day at a time with much prayer and hope!

It's good that you recognize that you are making progress and are consulting with Mel.

You are sounding encouraged, so stand strong keeping your eyes on the 'prize' Miss Sleeping Beauty!

In His love, Tracy

Thread: Hi everybody

buddy 1958

Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 5/6/2019

I haven’t posted much and I’m going to try to post more in the future.

I do feel like I’m making progress and as Mel says it’s slow and steady and I tend to get impatient and overdo it.

I really like the new Website layout the background it’s a really beautiful color.

I think Mel is going to put a picture of my kitty with this post.

If you’re not consulting with Mel yet, I highly recommend that you do it.
It is worth every penny, he has a decade of experiences, is very knowledgeable and compassionate.

All he wants is for us all to restore our health.

I’ve heard from Cheryl and I told her that we prayed for her on the Sunday prayer meeting and she’s very grateful and she like the picture of my kitty that I sent her.

Much love, Cathy aka Sleeping beauty



Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 5/2/2019


Congratulations on winning the contest as well as restoring your health. I'm sure it was no small feat and you worked really hard.

"Have faith and perseverance. Trust the Lord" fits in just right as the eighth Guiding Principal. I'm so happy for you and can't wait to hear your story Saturday.




Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 5/1/2019


'Have Faith and Perseverance, Trust the Lord' is the perfect addition to the Guiding Principles!

For where would we be without His hand guiding us?! Congratulations, Donna! You have lived this and know He has brought you through to restored health :)

I am so happy for you!

Mel and John,
Thank you for the great photo holding the painting from the first auction ever to benefit the He Cures All Foundation!

Thank you, Ellen of Troy, for this gift and John for your never-ending generous heart to all of us here!

In all your steadfast work, to make this ALL possible,
thank you!

In His care, Tracy



Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 4/29/2019

Congratulations Donna!

Giving tribute to our Lord is a wonderful guiding principle.

I am happy to hear you won but even more happy to know you have restored your health.

May God continue to bless you! I know you must be enjoying those grand babies now.

Congratulations again.

In Christ Love,



Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 4/29/2019

Hello everyone and welcome,

I am happy to announce, that the creation of our eight guiding principle was a wonderful success.

We had over two dozen entries and many more people
who actually were part of the voting process.

No one Knew the author's names until after the voting.

As in previous contests, we a had a tie for first place and had a second round of voting to determine our winner. We also had a three way tie for second and a five way tie for third.

I wish to thank everyone who participated for their part in making this a truly enjoyable event.

Interesting to me was the fact the the two entries that had the most votes brought God into our guiding principles. (Brilliant)

Our winner is our very own Donna AKA Sneakers, who ironically will be doing her "HAPPY DANCE CALL", this coming Saturday May 4th.

Here is her winning entry:


Thanks again to everyone who was part of this wonderful event!

God bless you all,

Thread: Uncle Mel's Spring Diesel


Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 4/25/2019

Thank you Holly,

For this thread to support our Mel!

I love what you said, Neil, that there is no room for shame! That is right on!

I also think often of where I would be if it weren't for the promise Mel made to God.?! I look back reminding myself how ill I was for years!

I am starting my 10th month on the protocol, HEALING! LIFE coming back into this body and mind! I even am able to work a part-time job now.

It gives me joy to be able to give back to Mel, no matter the amount, it adds up, especially if we all would commit to even $5.00 into Mel's Go Fund Me account.

Let's bless Mel and show our appreciation today!!

Thank you, Mel, for your love, care and dedication to each and every one of us here!!

In Christ, Tracy

Thread: Uncle Mel's Spring Diesel


Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 4/21/2019

Hi everyone it's Neil here.

I used to write under the name old saint Nick or Nicholas.Today, as I battle my disease there is no room for shame. I didn't ask for this disease but now that I have it and confections to deal with also, it has brought me closer to God than ever before.

Thankfully, we all have a community to turn to for inspiration strength and hope. This is made possible by one man who's promise to God to help others.

It just occurred to me that it doesn't only pertain to this community but to everyone we meet in life, that we may help or leave a positive impression on if possible. But I digress...
Where would we be without Mel?

I don't believe I would be alive if I kept on the direction I was going in. I believe many of the community would be in bad shape as well.

So when I can do so, I purchase one on one coaching from Mel who gives back to the world ten fold.
If you can do the same I encourage you to do so.

Thanks so much Mel and
God Bless you all,

Thread: I love life again


Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 4/18/2019

Hi Freddie,

I love the picture of you as a wee girl and the donkey :-).

It's really good that you are feeling so well on the protocol and the, 'sum of the parts'!!

To have your energy back is such a wonderful thing!

It's so good for others who are just beginning their journey to read from others like yourself, who are further along the road to wellness.

I agree, this is such a great community, it helps us all tremendously.

No one needs to be alone whilst suffering this disease. I urge anyone who's unsure about reaching out to us, please do!!

We welcome all with open arms.

Meanwhile, keep on keeping on Freddie, as Mel says :-)


Thread: I love life again

Freddie Bean

Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 4/18/2019

Hi Linda

Thank you for your kind words.

I wish I could go back to those carefree days when that photo was taken :)

Oh yes the diet is so VERY important, we are so very lucky that Mel worked this out for us, so I am virtually itchy, bump, crawling free but I know by my other issues like joint pain and memory problems that I still have a way to go but getting to where I am now is fantastic.

Today I had two hospital appointments and the one specialist mentioned my two stays in hospital a year ago, I had to ask him what I was in for! He said what it was but I cannot remember those two stays, he knows about all my memory issues from way back but unfortunately doesn't accept Morgellons which is fine... I told him this before... that it is not his remit and I would deal with this issue myself :) anyway all my other health issues are all good. So my memory isn't quite up and working properly yet. My next appointment was with a Neurologist my yearly check up of course we all know what the problem is (now) but they don't! I did think about cancelling this appointment but thought no I will ask about Lyme's and what I went through back in 1997 before I could say much she wrote out a blood form for me to have the Lyme's test, I know it isn't going to make any difference other than if it comes back positive to the Lyme's it might over ride some of the stuff on my notes but to tell you the truth I don't really care, what will be will be, I feel so well nothing is going to faze me now :)

I have always fought for what is right when it came to my health, I learnt from quite a young age that doctors do not always know best, you need to listen to your body and go with what it is telling you, I always remember a specialist saying to a trainee..."listen to your patient they will tell you what is going on with their body" he was so right, he later became a Professor, only wish he practised in the field that would help us :)

Freddie x

Thread: I love life again


Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 4/8/2019

Hi Freddie,

I am so glad to hear how well you are doing now. It is always so good to hear you on the conference and prayer calls. I love your accent and the picture of you is adorable.

It is very encouraging to me to know how important the diet is and that it just takes time to get where you are now.

Thank you Freddie,


Thread: I love life again

Freddie Bean

Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 4/6/2019

Aw thank you for your kind words Cheryl,

I think I was about 10yrs old, such a long time ago!

When I first joined this site I needed reassurance that this was the way to go, I knew the diet was a must as I use to think my skin itched worse when I was eating but my brain couldn't connected that it was certain foods, so when I found Mel's site and it stated there was a Morgellons and food connection I knew I was on a winner :) and signed up straight away!

What I was unsure about was the supplements as I didn't really understand about the immune system, however I took the plunge still feeling a little doubtful but oh my goodness I am so glad I did, I know I would never have felt this well if I hadn't.

I spent so much money on lotion and potions trying to cure my skin issues from the outside which in some cases made the Morgellons worse not realizing I needed start from the inside, this all makes sense now!

So telling my story I hope that people will feel more confident that they are in the right place for the road to their recovery x

Freddie x

Thread: I love life again


Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 3/30/2019

Hi Freddie,

You are quite adorable in that picture :-)

I'm glad to hear you are doing so well. It's really nice of you to try to encourage everyone by sharing how much you have improved.

It's great that your skin has almost completely cleared up and your friends are complimenting you on how great you look.

I remember when you were worried about talking on the Saturday and Sunday calls because of brain fog. You now being able to enjoy talking to the people you meet when you go places is fantastic.

I'm looking forward to hearing more good news from you in the future as you continue to regain your health.

Isaiah 40:29-31 (MEV)

29 He gives power to the faint, and to those who have no might He increases strength.

30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall,

31 but those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.


Thread: I love life again

Freddie Bean

Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 3/30/2019

Dear Laura and Tracy

Thank you both for your lovely response. My goodness there is so much hope and I just wanted everyone to know, you will get better I can vouch for that, it's just a slow process so hang in there.

I met up with a few people that hadn't seen me since September...well I cannot tell you how many compliments I got, Mel my hair got a lot of notice too :) None of these people know that I have Morgellons they just know that I haven't been very well.

I was able to wear a dress without a scarf wrapped around my neck as the lumps and bumps have shrunk to pimple size really hardly don't pick or agitate them....they will disappear I have proof!

Also I was able to hold conversations with different people and felt comfortable doing so, whereas back in September I just sat feeling so scared of what rubbish would come out of my mouth, my brain fog although not back to normal is so much better.

Freddie x

Thread: I love life again


Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 3/29/2019

Such a wonderful, encouraging post Miss Freddy Bean!

As Laura said, your post brings HOPE! Not only to the newbies either! And I love the photo you included. It is lovely! Sure brought a smile to my face!

I am so happy you are part of this community and sharing your journey with us.
Thank you...

In His grace, Tracy

Thread: I love life again


Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 3/29/2019

Dear Freddie x,

Thank you for sharing this inspirational post. It is so important that people who are searching for answers see there is hope. That is what your post brings; HOPE.

IT is great to know you are getting better and moving forward with life. The conference calls, the prayer meetings, and posting on the forum are also part of our recovery. You seem to be doing all three. Keep up the faith and persevere to the next level of life.

"We know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." Romans 5:3-4

In Christ,

Thread: I love life again

Freddie Bean

Date Added: 9/24/2020
Date Of Original Post: 3/26/2019

To all newbies

I just want to share with you that I was so very poorly in body and mind prior to finding this community, I couldn't think straight I was so ill all I wanted to do was curl up and sleep and never wake up, yes I was in a desperate place like many of you might be feeling right now, however if you are reading these posts, Well!

You have found the right place to getting on the road to recovery, just hang in there.

From struggling with 4 hours a week, I now am able to work 5 days a week hold down 2 jobs which are quite physical, more than I have done in years! If you listen to the conference call on Saturday,the Sunday prayer and fellowship meeting you will come across me, I don't say a great deal but I really look forward to being surrounded by people that understand and care it is such a great community, I smile all the time now :) like I use to, I can see how much better I am getting thanks to the diet of low carbs and NO sugar, Logos supplements and all the fantastic support from people here.

The diet I know is the main thing that started me on the road to recovery it helped with many of my skin issues, which in turn helped me to stay calm and understand what was going on with me and once I understood, this help with eliminating a lot of my fears, giving me the strength to be able to deal with things that Morgellons seems to throw up.

Stay calm and stay strong, we are all here to support you

Freddie x

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