Date Added: 9/24/2020 Date Of Original Post: 5/25/2019
Hello Mrs. B,
You have absolutely come to the right place--Jamie is spot-on correct in everything she wrote, and I echo her words here.
We seem to get this disease only if our immune system is compromised in some way...I was exposed to mold which made me very ill, and then I somehow caught Morgellons. My husband and children were also exposed to the mold, but did not suffer ill effects nor have they contracted Morgellons, thank God.
Print out the beginner's packet from the website..brain fog is a problem for many. I had to read everything 5 or 6 times to get it straight.
Silver in the eyes, ears, nose will help clear them. My eyes were terrible in the beginning--I was seeing white flies that did not exist--a common side-effect of the disease, but now my eyes are fine, thank God.
The protocol will immediately start to help you feel better. Sleep is extremely important--try to rest, nap and sleep as much as you can. It is more important than cleaning your house. It's hard not to obsessively clean in the beginning, because we are terrified that the things are lurking in our house. But the house will get better, and cleaner, as you get sounds weird but it is true. I have experienced this as I've gotten better (I'm in my 9th month of following the protocol, diet--sum of the parts.)
Diet is of paramount importance--it's undoubtedly hard at first, but it is key to beating this disease. There are many excellent recipes published on this website. You will have to cut out all sugar, reduce carbohydrates to around 30 a day (no rice, no potatoes, no starchy veggies, no bread, or white flour products, no gluten either).
No dairy products except butter.
No alcohol, no diet sodas, no artificial ingredients, no fake sugar except pure stevia.
No real coffee or tea with caffeine.
You will want to eat a healthy, organic if you can, diet full of cruciferous and leafy veggies, eggs, avocados, lean protein--chicken, fish, turkey, beef, nitrate free bacon in moderation, almond milk, cooconut milk, herbal teas, tons of water. Lentils, pulses and grains like quinoa--very small portions are ok for some people, not ok for others.
Each person is different, so pay close attention to what seems to flare up the crawling and itching, and biting..and eliminate that from your diet.
To get rid of the crawling and biting, drink fresh squeezed lemon juice, mixed with still or sparkling mineral water and a few drops of stevia to taste. Add as much cayenne pepper as you can tolerate, and sip throughout the day.
Western-trained doctors are not usually of any help, unfortunately--I visited many and none of them were able to figure out what I had. They thought I needed psychotherapy. Morgellons is not recognized as a disease by the CDC, as you no doubt know.
But do not fear, Mel is here and you will indeed truly have the opportunity to restore your.
It's not a quick fix, but it works!
Please join us on the conference calls on Saturdays, and fellowship on Sundays. We are a very friendly, caring group of people from all over the country and world, in different stages of recovering our health.
You do not need to be Christian, or religious, to join on Sundays. The point of the prayers is to lift our hearts and spirits, and draw us closer together, to each other, and to God, if you believe in God. While this is not a religious group of any kind, many of us (myself included) find prayer helpful. I t is a frightening, mysterious disease, and very isolating. Being part of the community is very helpful--I have made new friends here that I will I hope have for life.
Mel will help you every step of the way. I have found coaching with him to be extremely helpful...he has gotten me through some dark days and nights. He's a tough cookie (he had to be to beat this on his own), but has a heart of pure not be put off by his at times gruff New York exterior!
I'm a tutor and part-time teacher, as are several of the women in this community. If you ever want to talk, you can get my number from Mel. I have found talking with other women to be very helpful and comforting. It's pure hell in the beginning when this disease strikes. But believe it or not, you will be smiling and laughing again before you know it.
Take heart, always have hope, and know that you are not alone.
love, Maria aka Mimi