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The Testimonials Page is a microcosm (cliff notes version) of our site. It has been created to bring forth the most important information (knowledge) found here and share stories of encouragement and progress from those within our community.

It is with immense gratitude and great pleasure that we dedicate this testimonial page to our devoted friend and webmaster, John Waiveris of Invisible Gold.

This could never have been accomplished without his unselfish willingness to help others. I could have never gotten this far along with the web site without the endless hours of his generosity.

I will always be grateful for all he has done for all of you.

God bless you John,


This website has grown so large that in order to see the transforming impact that our protocol is having in the lives of Morgellons sufferers and their families, one must now wade through a massive volume of information.

Therefore, we decided to create a special place that is dedicated to sharing medical updates, progress reports, and encouraging stories from those who are having their health restored. The posts shown here are unsolicited and unedited, and are taken from our own forum. They appear in order of their historical appearance.

The person who invests an hour or two to review this collection of posts will notice an emerging pattern of transformation here. Many arrive here in a condition of hopelessness and despair, often isolated and estranged even from their loved ones. They find here a place of safety and compassion, a place of learning and inspiration, a place of encouragement and admonition to "First Do No Harm".

They devour the information available here and begin the process of improving their daily choices as they take back responsibility for their health. They begin to first stabilize, then to improve their health to a place where they are functional and productive again.

Their Hope restored, and "having their life back again", they begin the process of identifying what specific challenges remain and they may venture off to explore new interests or opportunities.

One thing should be perfectly clear from those who have reported improvement; they have all consistently stated that they have diligently stayed on the entire protocol.

The first three posts are without a doubt the longest, but they contain vital information that will give you a better understanding of how and why the protocol works and what one can expect when you have your herxheimer (detox) reaction.

You will find that the reading pace quickens thereafter. Each post or thread of posts is separated by a horizontal line. Sometimes threads were included to capture an original thought or train of thought in its entirety.

This testimonial page will be updated regularly. Anyone wishing to share encouragement and Hope may submit their story via email to:

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Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 9/24/2020

Dear All (but especially newbies),

This dis-ease is without a doubt the hardest thing most of us have had to endure in our lifetimes. For a lot of us we scrambled around in the dark, often for years before we got the help we needed via this website and forum, the protocol and the, 'sum of the parts.' Thank God and thank Mel that this all exists. Without Mel we wouldn't have any of it.

All this knowledge is wonderful and the support re the website and the free conference calls at the weekend. But it is not an easy path to tread and sometimes sufferers, especially newbies need that extra helping hand re one on one support. That's where Mel comes in!!!!

Mel has healed himself and helped countless others to heal over many years. He knows the pitfalls. He knows about tenacity, endurance and hope. He never gave up hope and neither should anyone else!!! He has extensive knowledge of this condition and what you need to do to get to the finish line.

If you are struggling, reach out. And I guarantee that he will make you laugh, just when you thought you couldn't laugh:-).

Mel will help you to stay on course and encourage you to see that there is a light at the end of this tunnel.

You do not need to do this alone. Mels rates are reasonable and he will work with you at a time that suits you.

Take care,


Donna M

Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 9/24/2020

Hi Everyone,

I was just reading through the forum and stumbled across these posts that Leslie and I made two years ago. The messages in these posts still ring true today! As the saying goes, "Some things never change" and in this case, it is a very positive sentiment.

Coaching is definitely the way to go! Mel's coaching is invaluable. The cost of the sessions are so minimal in comparison to the knowledge, guidance and compassion you will receive from Mel. Do yourself a favor and read the posts in this thread - there are only two in addition to this one.

So in closing, please consider purchasing coaching. It is such a valuable tool in the Sum of the Parts. I know that I can talk to Mel and because of his great knowledge, he can 99 times out of 100 calm me down and answer my questions. This has been and continues to be a great comfort, support and confidence builder for me as it will be for you. One on One Coaching is definitely the way to go.

I am so happy to be celebrating over 16 months of restored health and loving life more than ever! Thank you Mel!!


Donna (Sneakers)


Donna M

Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 10/30/2018

Hi Everyone,

I know I have posted about getting coaching with Mel in the past, but I felt it important to bring Leslie's post to the top of the forum.

As she so beautifully said:

"He's (Mel) the vessel God has use to bring each one of us to this junction in our life and he will not steer you in the wrong direction."

I feel and truly believe that every person and treatment that I have gone through in this journey has been "divine intervention" of our Heavenly Father. If you are here and reading this, you were guided here.

Mel has a big heart and is very generous. I don't know of anyone who could do what he does day in and day out. I know that I absolutely couldn't. He has helped me so many times - too numerous to remember especially with all the brain fog at the beginning.

I wouldn't ask anyone to do what I wouldn't do myself. I purchase coaching and will continue to do so even after I am healed as a thank you to Mel and to ensure that in the future, others will be able to come to this website and be cured.

Unfortunately, I don't see that M is going to be eradicated as soon as we all hope. I pray daily for M to become a bad memory or chapter in the book of diseases like Polio has become. In God's time it will, but in the meantime, He has given us Mel and this protocol. So if you have been helped from Mel and the protocol, please pay it forward by purchasing coaching. Thank you!

Continued prayers for all of you!

God Bless,




Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 7/16/2018

Hello Everyone,

I would like to take a moment to encourage each one of us as to how important it is to have One-on-One Coaching Sessions with Mel.

Mel's coaching will save you from going through a lot of miscommunication and misunderstanding of this disease. He's the vessel God has use to bring each one of us to this junction in our life and he will not steer you in the wrong direction.

Mel's coaching have brought me to a safe place with much love, care, honesty and guidance.

He has answered every question and given his expertise regarding how to get well.

Again, I am encouraging you (especially all of the newcomers) to purchase sessions for a more personal touch in beginning a journey to healing and restoration of you healing.

In The Master's Hand


Thread: Conference call with John Burgstiner

Freddie X

Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 10/11/2020

What a great conference call this Saturday, with our guest speaker John Burgstiner from Logos There were plenty of questions from the members with John answering all of them. John mention about new products and spoke in more detail about the products we with Toxic disease take, this was found to be very interesting to our members. I for one often forget how each product helps our system to gain wellness and how others fight our disease, this conference is well worth listening to again.

Thank you, John for taking the time out of your day to talk to us and with helping us tackle this disease safely, this means such a lot to us all.

Mel as always, a big thanks to you, for all the time you spend organising such interesting calls.

Freddie x

Coffee, Tea with Me 10-10-20

Thread: Saturday's conference call with Mel

Fredddie bean

Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 9/27/2020

Thank you Mel for such a great call, even though we didn't have a guest speaker.

The call was really interesting with lots of questions from old and new members and many answers for all, except for one and that is how to get rid of Biofilm from one's skin, this has always been an unknown.

So, if anyone has any idea if this is achievable please let us know!

Mel says,"when you restore your health it will disappear."

Everyone joined in with lots of the topics.... Apple cider vinegar, Oatmeal and where to buy the best product, WPS and where this can be used , MSM and how this can be so good for us , CBD oil which seems to be a favorite with many to help with sleep issues and where and which one to purchase. and the bane of our lives mold in our homes!

We are so fortunate to have such a safe, honest place to go for information and support during the battle with Morgellons and we are all indebted to Mel for his hard work and patience with getting us through difficult times that we first faced and the positive/can do attitude he promotes, as we gently rid ourselves of this disease.

Freddie x

Coffee, Tea with Me BYOQ 09-26-20

Thread: Another Great Use for WPS

Micky M

Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 9/25/2020

Hello everyone,

Mel asked me to share this with you all.

I had root canal on a tooth with the preparation for a crown 2 weeks ago and the doctor gave me a prescription for an antibiotic which I had already decided I was not going to take.

In the past I had used Sovereign Silver whenever an antibiotic was recommended.

Mel suggested using 8 drops of from both bottles in a "short glass" of warm water. I did this 3x a day for 1 week; I never felt any pain and my mouth never felt cleaner. I go back to the dentist for the permanent crown on Monday.


I believe he will find my tooth in great shape.
Thanks Mel.


Fredddie bean

Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 9/16/2020

My Fellow Warriors,

No one understands as much as Mel, yes, the ones that have this toxic disease understand some of what they are going through, like crawling, itchy skin brain fog..... but only understand what is happening at one given time, as this disease mutates and goes in cycles, coaching is a God send for all of us.

When things change it can be scary, however having coaching with Mel can put your mind at rest, that this is part of progression of ditching this disease.

Mel has been one of the main pioneers to conquer Morgellons, with his determination and courage he found a way, there are no text book case when it comes to toxic disease, so this is where Coaching with Mel comes in, he spent many years reading, documenting and adapting many things to relieve his symptoms he knew he had to keeping fighting even though to a greater extent he was doing this on his own. Just at the right time John B came into his life and together they designed the supplement part of Mel's protocol we have be blessed with today.

Coaching covers everything we need while we all climb this mountain;
Mel sets you on the right path with explanations, he always says that knowledge is power, guidance for when need a helping hand and encouragement when we start to falter, He will some how get you to laugh!

Mel is an all-round good egg, we just need to remember to listen to the answers Mel gives with making notes and then following what he is saying.

Freddie x

Thread: Newbies & All - Song: Just to Brighten Your Day

Rockin Robin

Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 9/14/2020

Hello You guys!

Here's a song to lift your spirits. Play on your phone or computer. "YOUR LOVE BROKE THROUGH" By Keith Green

Also newbies, here are some songs that helped me get through the early days in fighting this disease. I listened to them everyday!!

1. One Moment In Time by Dana Winners
2. The Living Proof by Mary J, Blige
3. Sunny Day by Joy Williams
4. I Wish You Jesus by Scott Wesley Brown

I guarantee you will feel better and inspired after listening to these songs everyday!!!

Hope they bless you as much as they always do me!!!!

Love & Hugs, Rockin Robin

Thread: Conference with Ruth from England

Fredddie bean

Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 9/12/2020

Ruth was our guest speaker at today's conference, I am not being bias when I say how wonderful to hear Ruth from England story, of how she got well from Morgellons. Ruth told her story from the very start of getting Morgellons in 2014 until she was full recovered in 2017 in a really comprehensive way which was easy to follow.

Ruth spoke about the diet being an important part to achieving recovery Wellness, she spoke about still sticking to 30g of Carbohydrate's a day saying that her body has got use to not having the carbs and no longer craves for them. There was mention an interesting fact about the carbs in vegetables for instance Ruth mentioned Broccoli , one of my favourite veggies saying about the amount of carbs, I have never counted my green veggies and was surprised to see by this chart here ...How Many Carbs Are in Vegetables? The amount of carbs they produce and hold.

Thank you so much Ruth for taking the time out of your evening to be our guest speaker, it is going to help so many who were on the call and the ones that listen to the recording once on the forum, to see there is light at the end of that long tunnel, we just need stick with the sum of the parts.

Also, a big thank you to Mel for making this all happen, we are all forever indebted to you.

Freddie x

Coffee, Tea with Me 09-12-20

Thread: Attention Newbies!!!!

Rockin Robin

Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 9/13/2020

Dear Lily, Desiree, Jolanta, Diane & Joshua, Diana, & Neal ( and anyone else I may have missed),

I am so glad you are here. Some of you have been here for a little while and have already learned a lot! Reading will answer a lot of your questions. When I first came to the website, I read everyday until I had read nearly everything under each heading on the webpage site. Some I came back to later for more.

I learned a lot about help with symptoms from posts between members and in the search engine. You will learn a lot about diet that way too under Articles and Diet and the post Delicious Dining for Your Enjoyment. Keep some separate notebooks for the following: 1. conference calls, 2. diet and recipes, 3. prayer and devotionals, 4. information, medicines, and supplies. (phone #'s and emails for companies that sell our products) & help for symptoms. The reason being , is that if you put it all in one notebook, you will constantly be looking and looking for what you wrote down. I found it so much easier to organize and separate these. I like the 5inch by 7 inch or 5inch by 8 inch smaller spiral notebooks. This saves enormous time!! You will be filling them up and buying more, but it does slow down after a while.

I thought I would mention some of the food and meals I eat and are approved.

Meats - free range chicken, very lean pork, canadian bacon, turkey canadian bacon, ground lean turkey, free range beef-very lean, ground lean buffalo -delicious, Mel loves Kosher meats!! Lunch meats- that say no nitrates, no hormones, no anti-biotics, all natural. There are several brands in all big chain grocery stores. I like Hormel's All Natural Oven Cooked Turkey & Ham !4 oz. pkgs. Wild - Caught fish & shrimp

Vege's - cabbage, onions, bell peppers, garlic, celery, brussel sprouts, broccoli, califlower, califower rice, asparagus, mustard and turnip greens, okra, green beans, yellow squash, and zucchini squash, artichoke hearts, spinach, lettuce, kale, tomatoes in moderation. I buy all of these fresh or in frozen bags= nothing in them but the veges. No sauses, or extra ingredients in bags.

Other - Eggs, Eggs, & Eggs - you will eat a lot of eggs! Almond milk unsweetened, Vanilla almond milk unsweetened, and chocolate almond milk unsweetened. For a sweet treat a glass of vanilla or chocolate unsweetened almond milk with some stevia in it. ( occassionally) Olive oil and coconut oil only, Kerrygold Irish butter, Brand- Chosen Avacado Oil Mayo or make some homemade from articles and diet on the website. No regular condiments! Recipe for ketchup on website too!

Fruit- To start strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries - IN MODERATION
1/4 CUP A DAY!. I have mine with breakfast. I usually buy 2 kinds at a time. Later when Mel says its ok, you can add green apples - 2 TBS. cooked cinnamon apples.

I use lots of lettuce leaves for wraps! They are my tortillas and breads. Example: ground turkey with chili powder & cumin salt & pepper inside lettuce leaf with avacado and tomato on top. I have many different things to put in them! Lunch meat, chicken, almost anything. Salads with meat toppings! Oil and apple cider vinegar dressings. Approved mayo and lemon dressing.

Teas- Peppermint, Red Rooibus, Moringa, Green and there are others that are good, I buy all caffine free. Dandylion & coconut tea makes a wonderful substitute for coffee. add some flavored almond milk (vanilla or chocolate) and stevia and wow, it is good!

Drinks - Water, Teas, Lemon Cleanse or plain lemon drink, and Apple Cider Vinegar/ Cinnamon Drink ( with all these drinks, you have to experiment with the lemon juice or apple-cider vinegar to determine the strength you like mixed with water).

1. Lemon Cleanse - lemon juice, water, cayenne pepper ( stevia if you like, I do! )
This drink helps with the crawlies, they don't like it !!!
2. Lemon, water, stevia
3. Apple Cider Vinegar, water, cinnamon, turmeric & stevia
I love these on ice or freeze it to a slush. Mix or stir before drinking each time. All of these drinks are good for you!!

Snacks - fresh ground almond butter or in a jar. Nuts!!! Pecans, walnuts, almonds and my favorite pumpkin seeds without shells - the crawlies hate them!!

There are many other things you can add to this as time goes buy and other recipes on the website. But, this should give you a good start !!

You will bake, broil, steam and pan fry or cook most of these, plus microwave some of the vegetables etc....

NEXT - Some of your weapons for fighting this disease:

1. Protocol - Get on this right away!! This will heal your immune system. Talk to Mel.

2. Kleen Green - you can put this everywhere on your body but not in your eyes , nose, or face. It is ok in the hair. Kleen Green is your friend and kills the pathegens!

3. Sovereign Silver - You can put this on your face, neck, in your eyes, nose, ears, and sores and rashes. Mostly anywhere and you can take it orally. 1 tsp. under the tongue for a min. then swallow morning and night. There is a sovereign silver gel that is great for the sores and rashes and break-out bumps etc... However don't put the gel in your eyes, or mouth ( not orally ).

4. WPS - this is something you won't use orally until Mel tells you the right time to start it. He will instruct you on WPS. However, you can begin using it in the laundry and for me it was wonderful. After several washings, there are no pathogens in my clothes, Still using it over a year later!

5 . Stevia - can work on break-outs, rashes and sores. Mix with a little water. The Pyure brand is a good brand and Sweet Drops. Pure Organic Leaf Extract Stevia
I buy the packages, some prefer the liquid.

6. Sulfer Soap - You will bathe and shampoo with it. A miracle for sure!! I also use Tea Tree & Mint shampoo ( Walmart )

These 6 above are GOLD!!!! Your friends and you need them to manage this disease!!
5 & 6 I added because I have had great success with them!

The diet calls for organic veges and special meats and things that are expensive, you may not be able to afford all organic and special meats in the beginning but you will pick and choose and eventually work it out so your getting the best quality without the junk they add to foods and on foods ex. pesticides, hormones, dyes, and preservatives, etc...

I hope this helps all of you newbies, I floundered at first, Be patient with yourself! This is a lot of info. when you first find the website. It does take time to get it all organized and going smoothly. But, You can do it!! Take one day at a time, one hour at a time! You won't believe where you will be in 6 months or a year!!! Don't be afraid to call Mel or ask for help or advice from any of us!! We're here and we care!!!

Love & Hugs, Rockin Robin Romans 5:1-5 Have FAITH & BELIEVE !!!

Thread: For the 'newly stricken'


Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 8/19/2020

Hello Everyone and Welcome,

We, the three amigos finally agreed on something. How important this call will be for anyone in the early stages of dealing with toxic diseases!

So please, listen and learn and eradicate the fear !! You will have a much better idea of what you will be dealing with in the coming months.

More knowledge = Less fear.!!!
Less fear = easier to move forward.

Thanks to the tank,

God bless you all,


Coffee, Tea with Me 08-05-17
Thomas the Tank shares his six month update

Thread: For the 'newly stricken'

Laura (aunt)

Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 7/16/2018

After Saturday's conference call, I realized this community is cycling through a new group of members.

I started reading over previous threads and found great information in this thread and wanted to bring it forward for all the "Newcomers".

Hope you find all the information helpful as you begin your journey!

In Christ Love,

Previous Post:

The first thing Mel always tells a newcomer is to read, read, and then read some more. Just in case you haven't done that yet, let me suggest a little outline.

Start in the FAQ section and read each one more than once (especially if you are experiencing brain fog) so you understand the sacrifices and challenges that lie ahead of you. Invest the time to listen to some of the Conference Calls (start with the last one first). You will likely find the answers to all of your questions and many that you may not have considered.

The "Follow the Journeys" page chronicles the progress of fellow Morgellons sufferers as they work towards total recovery.

If you have only recently begun to experience symptoms, then that will bode well for you. The sooner you begin the process of rehabilitating your bioterrain, the better your chances of a quicker return to health.

Mel teaches that you begin with Sovereign Silver and the nutritional support from Logos. The Burgstiner Wellness protocol, (Morgellons Support Kit,) will address any nutrient deficits you may have and begin the process of restoring integrity to your body's immune, digestive and detoxification systems. Then his protocol instructs about how you go about adding one of the Logos Extension Kits and then WPS_.

It is the sum of these parts that, over time, return homeostasis and bring forth remission.

We rejoice with you and welcome you here as you begin your journey back to health.

Please keep us posted on your progress.

Thread: For the 'newly stricken'


Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 6/16/2017

Welcome Brenda!

You are in the right place and things will definitely get better. You have much to look forward's a process, but it's one that works. Everyone knows hind sight is 20/20...and so it is with this kind of sharp vision, I share the following.

At first I was a very hard sell on it being the sum of the parts. I kept trying to make it work by piece milling it...and it kind of did work a little bit that way, but once I started getting serious and sticking to the protocol as written, I've experienced increasingly wonderful and positive results.

If I could go back and give my last year's self some advice it would be...don't get anxious (HA!)...don't get in a hurry (double HA!)...but do get educated about the process and then prepare, prepare, prepare. Once that's done, then just get up every day and do what you know to do just for that one day and let go of the constant fear and worry... know in your heart you are a few steps closer to your goal...then do it again the next day and the next. If you do this consistently, then by this time next year, your life will be a totally different story, and you'll have made the journey without making yourself completely crazy with all those negative thoughts we're all so familiar with.

My thoughts ran along the lines of wondering, am I doing this right? Is this really the best way? Is there a faster way? Do people ever really get well from this (Yes! They do!). Why am I having {what seems to be} a set back? Why is this taking so long? Will my life ever be normal again? Why me Lord? What did I ever do to deserve this?...hey...I can almost hear some song lyrics coming through here...etc. etc. etc.

It's those kinds of thoughts that drive us all to the brink, and can derail us from putting our shoulders to the wheel and pushing like we need to...but knowing what I know now I'd not indulge in that kind of thinking so much but would take the long view and understand that it's just a part of the process.

And so...with those thoughts...please do be encouraged...always feel free to participate, and do know you're most warmly welcomed. The people on this site understand and can help shine a light on your path on even on the darkest of days.



Thread: For the 'newly stricken'


Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 6/15/2017

Hello Brenda and Welcome,

Congratulations, You Get It!

I was extremely happy as I read your post this morning. I am extremely happy that very early on you had a good understanding of what we are trying to accomplish here. I am extremely happy that you have chosen to begin the protocol. I am extremely happy you understand the "Sum of the Parts". I am extremely happy that you have embraced "Slow and Steady" and I am extremely happy that you are keeping a journal so you can monitor you own progress as you restore your health.

Last but not least when it comes to wps let me recommend that you go to Hope and Inspiration, read the story of Buttons and watch the video of Andreas Kalcker on You Tube.

Again, welcome and by becoming an active member of our community you have put yourself among the highest percentage of those who get well. Please join us on the conference calls and keep us posted as you restore your health.

In case you don't know it, you made me very happy today and everyone single person who Gets It, got well!

God Bless,


Thread: For the 'newly stricken'


Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 6/14/2017

Hello everyone!

This is just my second post but I wanted to share an update with ya'll about what's going on with my recovery, mostly because I don't want to feel alone with this sickness.

I'm finding this site is my lifeline.
I read the forums every night and listen to the conference calls and prayers regularly and I learn more and more daily. Listening and reading help me to learn more about how to take care of myself.

I believe I have to begin posting more so that I can feel more connected with all of you and stop feeling so alone and isolated as I heal.

I have aligned my diet with the one proposed on this site for over a month and have been on the Logos supplements for 3 weeks.

I just received my order of Kleen Green. I didn't order it at first because I thought it was too expensive but finally decided my peace of mind was more important.

I have just placed my order for my second month of the Logos supplements and must admit I am a bit afraid to take the additional supplements based on some of my readings,
especially the WPS, because I don't know if I'm ready for what might happen or how I might feel physically with the additional supplements and WPS.

I know a lot of people waited to use these products and I'm wondering if that's not the best way for me to go as well. Mel says go slow and I'm finding that the more I listen and do what Mel and Peter say, the better things work out for me.

I have systemic lupus and am on monthly Bentlista infusions. Last week after my infusion it was a full moon and I got the crawlies and am still fighting them today. Mel's lemonade Cleanse helps more than anything, but I have lost my appetite to eat at all.

I eat raw or steamed veggies with high a alkaline ph but honestly I am eating bc I know I must. I found water at the grocery store that has a ph of 7.4 and I drink lots of water.

If I eat something my body can't handle I get the crawlies and I know my body isn't ready for that particular food yet.

I've been keeping a journal since before I found Mel's website and the most wonderful news is that there are some things that have stopped entirely or have gotten a little bit better.
I want to say that again, some things have stopped or are a teeny bit better!

Beyond all doubt I believe that Mel's protocol is what God is going to use to heal me. I know I am being healed.

I am making extreme financial choices because these supplements are expensive, at least they are for me. I decided I want to be healed so I found a way by cashing a retirement security early, which is something I never thought I would do.
I did it without blinking. I want to be healed!

My children and friends think I'm nuts, so I don't talk about this with them, but I know what we all know. This is not a disease for the those unwilling to fight.

I am fighting.

Thank you Mel, Peter and all who post and speak and pray on the conference calls, because I read your posts and I listen to you every day. You are the ones you give me the courage,
strength and tools to fight.

Thank you for that.

I will be posting more regularly because I need to feel a part of this community. I want to be a part of this community.

Thread: For the 'newly stricken'


Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 9/8/2016

Hello Everyone and Welcome,

In the last three months our website has grown approximately 25 percent, meaning there are many more new people than at any time before. I beg your indulgence as I am three weeks behind in returning calls from the overwhelming number of requests I am receiving.

Let me suggest that you be patient and in the meantime let me recommend that you do the following things to begin the restoration of your health.

1) I recommend to all new people that you PRINT the FAQ's. They are the basic outline on the steps, the changes, the challenges of what is necessary to restore your health most effectively. It discusses pitfalls and obstacles along the way as well as the time frame as to how and when to use the Protocol parts.

2) I recommend you go to the Forum and scroll down to topics list and find the thread More Communication is Better. The Coffee, Tea with Me conference call recordings are posted in this thread. Listening to these weekly calls have proved to be the most beneficial approach to relaying information to new people. I would start with the last call first and work your way back to the first call dated April 16, 2016.

Each one of you will get a call, in the meantime a couple things that will help:
Changing ones diet. Articles and Diet
Getting more rest and sleep. (The topic of this weeks Coffee, Tea with Me conference call)

God Bless You All, Those who did not give up HOPE, Got Well


Thread: For the 'newly stricken'


Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 12/19/2015

The first thing Mel always tells a newcomer is to read, read, and then read some more. Just in case you haven't done that yet, let me suggest a little outline.

Start in the FAQ section and read each one more than once (especially if you are experiencing brain fog) so you understand the sacrifices and challenges that lie ahead of you. Invest the time to listen to some of the Conference Calls (start with the last one first). You will likely find the answers to all of your questions and many that you may not have considered.

The "Follow the Journeys" page chronicles the progress of fellow Morgellons sufferers as they work towards total recovery.

If you have only recently begun to experience symptoms, then that will bode well for you. The sooner you begin the process of rehabilitating your bioterrain, the better your chances of a quicker return to health.

Mel teaches that you begin with the nutritional support from Logos. The Burgstiner Wellness protocol, (Morgellons Support Kit,) will address any nutrient deficits you may have and begin the process of restoring integrity to your body's immune, digestive and detoxification systems. Then his protocol instructs about how you go about adding the Logos Extension Kit, MMS, and Sovereign Silver. It is the sum of these parts that, over time, return homeostasis and bring forth remission.

We rejoice with you and welcome you here as you begin your journey back to health. Please keep us posted on your progress.


Thread: For the 'newly stricken'

Justin J

Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 2/18/2013

Hey Tawney and everyone!

You can watch the full documentary Hungry for Change at

It's in the third row down, click on the picture it should take you to the video. Also there are a bunch of eye opening health documentaries on the site check it out !!!

Thread: For the 'newly stricken'


Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 2/12/2013

Hi Betty

About your question on sugar, let me try to explain. This disease involves an overload of destructive yeast and fungus in our bodies that are very toxic and create high levels of internal acidity. Since yeast and fungus feed on sugar, it becomes vital that you eliminate sugar so you can bring your body back to a more alkaline state. Pathogens and disease don't thrive in an alkaline body. The idea behind restricting sugar is to starve the bad yeast and reduce the fungal overload over time.

John tells that that certain fruits like lemons and limes are very good at alkalizing our system. And although the idea is to eliminate all sugar, including fruit sugar, these fruits are the best for low sugar. Don't be confused by the acidic taste of these as they do actually create alkalinity inside us. The body also uptakes vegetables and uses them in a more natural way. So, the more vegetables in your diet, the better!

Hope this answers your question.


Thread: For the 'newly stricken'


Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 1/22/2013

Hello New Warriors




Patience means that you FULLY realize that to get well will take TIME. I have written in past posts that 'the quickest way to race through healing is one day at a time!' ACCEPT THIS. The quicker you do, the better you will be able to COPE with the disease. Remember, there is no quick fix!


Discipline means TAKING YOUR MEDS THE SAME WAY EVERY DAY! It means avoiding ALL sugar and eating the proper foods. It also means taking the time to treat your skin with oils and to GET PLENTY OF REST. LIGHT EXERCISE like WALKING is also important when you feel strong enough as is SUNSHINE!


Diligence means you do these things EVERY DAY WITHOUT FAIL!! It means NO CHEATING on your diet AT ALL! It means bathing and cleaning every day. This is the greatest challenge you will face as it means stepping up when you don't feel like it! For most of us, it means a whole new lifestyle.

Then, as you give your body what it requires, over time the pathogen dies off and you detox it from your body. You can expect to lose weight. This is toxic fat coming off as your body renews. You will strengthen over time and end up with a brand new body and mind and free of the disease.

There you have it. This is what Mel means by ' SLOW and STEADY and THE SUM OF THE PARTS is the only way to get well!'

SOOOO, Get in the fight and 'STAY IN THE FIGHT'

Thread: Cool Mat

Fredddie bean

Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 8/31/2020

Hello everyone

Here is the cooling mat I mentioned on Saturdays call, here is one similar to the one I have.

However there are many out there, this one you do not need to put it in the freezer nor the fridge it just stays cool, I pop mine into a plastic bag and store mine in the fridge, just for that extra instant coolness when I need it.

Freddie x

Thread: Saturday's BYOQ

Fredddie bean

Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 8/30/2020

Saturday's BYOQ conference call,

was firstly directed by Mel to the newbies, Mel talk through that although supplements were a big part at get us well, they were by no means the only thing, we must all remember the sum of the parts. Mel spoke about reading through the web site and forum, the forum is a such a great way in seeing how people are progressing on their journey to reaching wellness.

Mel mentioned it helps to listen to the videos on some of those who gained their life back, you can find all the links to these under "Follow the journey's". Coming to the conference calls and hearing people talk about how they have also had the same issues and for the newbies to come to the Sunday prayer meeting where we also have fellowship afterwards, here we really get to know the members and form friendships.

Posting in the forum is good thing to do, so you can map your progress. After the initial introductions for the newbies Mel went around for everyone to ask any questions, they would like answered. Mel demonstrated that just putting one word in to the search box they could find all the answers there.

There were questions on Palpitations, clothes washing, sleep problems and CBD oil, nausea ,coffee substitute and Kosher meat.

Thank you, Mel, for all your knowledge you share with us, goodness knows where we would all be without you.

Freddie x

Click Link Below to Listen

Thread: The love will come, just not always in the way you expect it to


Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 8/13/2020

Dear Robin, Linda, Karen, Jamie and Terry,

Thanks sooo much for your response re Ossian the seal. It made me happy to see that our connection brought a smile to your faces :-).

I still remember that feeling of utter joy I felt when he heard me call on him and he swam right to me. He saw that joy in my face, he heard that joy in my voice and he in turn was very happy to reciprocate the love back.

I remember how he swam right to the waters edge and lifted his chest out the water, the spotted colours of brown and grey and white and his huge brown liquid eyes sparkling and shining at me, it was one of the most beautiful moments of my life.

I decided to call him, 'Ossian,' because that name is originated from the old Irish Oisin and it is a boys name meaning, 'little deer.' Ossians eyes are big beautiful and almost deer like. And his name is pronounced Aw sheen... And I kind of thought it sounded, like Ocean.

After our initial meeting I longed to see him and I did 8 days later. I called, "beautiful boy," and he swam right to me. Again, he was smiling, eyes sparkling and baring his beautiful chest for me too see. I chatted away to him as one would a long lost friend. And he talked with that seal sound, his whiskers moving and he looked deeply into my eyes.

Five times I have seen him and called and he has swam to me . Once there were other people nearby and though he swam to me he was more reserved. But when I was alone he would always swim up out of the water bare his chest and open his eyes completely and we would look right at each each other and we were connected again

Each time I would walk away my heart feeling warm and my mind content and happy and exhilarated. And this feeling would stay with me for a while as I remembered our meetings in my mind. In my heart, the warm feeling would last for a few hours. Later, in the days that followed I would find myself doing something rather menial in my home and then remember Ossian and all of a sudden a big smile would appear across my face.

I started to research about harbour seals and fell in love with a myriad of pictures of them that I saw on the net. I watched and laughed heartily at a seal bobbing it's head in time to the beat of various songs. I was amazed that other scientists even taught seals to sing ten notes of the, "Star Wars, *'theme tune. I learned they are called,' the dogs of the sea.' As like dogs they are playful, childlike, inquisitive, intelligent and enjoy having fun. I watched videos of rescue seal pups being fed and watered and given soft toys to cuddle and blankets that resembled the feel of their mother's skin. And I cried and smiled when they released them back to the wild again. It's their lovely gentle faces that get me every time, their huge eyes and that bumbling awkward way they have when navigating dry land. And yet when they are in the water, they are elegant and delicate and dip and dive in the most eloquent and delightful way. I am transfixed by their gentle command of the watery universe they inhabit. I think to myself, how can they be so delicate in their swimming when they are such big fellows. Yet they swim like expert ballerinas of the oceans. And they love to play hide and seek, bobbing up and down, now you see me now you don't and teasing the onlooker :-).

We as land creatures can mostly only dream of the worlds deep under the blue yonder that seals inhabit. My favourite pictures of seals are taken deep, deep under the sea showing them swimming in their world. Surrounded by underwater plants dancing and fish darting and water swaying. The colours vivid and beautiful and mesmerising. I would lie in my bed and close my eyes and picture that world in my minds eye. It brought me peace to think of that world.

And so it is with a saddened heart that I say that I haven't seen Ossian for two and a half weeks now. After swimming to me five times, after I called on him, I hoped in my heart that this would be a regular connection between us. But as lockdown relaxes a bit and the world gets a little busier again it seems that the wild animals are now returning to their own worlds again. I walk to our meeting place and I gaze out to the water and I call his name and I look and I watch and I wait. Holly sits and watches and waits beside me. I look left, I look right. I look up, I look down.I think in my mind, "Where's my beautiful boy?" I feel in my heart, " Where's my beautiful boy." And eventually I come away up the road, to my normal life. I guess the essence of me longing for that connection with the wild, the free and the beautiful.

I still have my amazing memories and I'm still hopeful that I will see him again. Whether I do or whether I dont, I still say prayers for Ossian and his family. I hope that they will be all well and happy, with plenty of nice fish to keep them content.:-).i wish them all a long and happy life and a peaceful passing in old age.

I'm wondering what Ossian is doing now.

I dearly hope that he's basking on a comfortable, supportive rock, surrounded by the sound of gentle water, which lulls him into a deep and peaceful sleep.

Love you Ossian,
Chrissie and Holly xxx

Thread: The love will come, just not always in the way you expect it to


Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 8/7/2020

Dearest Chrissie,

What a beautiful story about your encounter with the seal! God’s creatures on this earth possess far more intelligence than we give them credit for!!!

Clearly, your brief chat with the seal lifted your spirits immensely! I don’t think I have ever had an animal respond to me like that, but God sends all sorts of messages via nature.

I recall one day during the first year of my illness, some day between Thanksgiving and Christmas, when God opened the sky on a very dreary day to show me one huge ray of sunlight. It made me feel as though it came straight from heaven with the message that God is always there.

Thank you for sharing such a lovely story...and I am glad that Holly was awed by the seal’s presence, too!


Thread: The love will come, just not always in the way you expect it to


Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 8/4/2020

Dear Chrissie,

SO amazing that the seal came up and interacted with you like that. No doubt in the world this was a direct expression of love and encouragement from God through nature.

It was so incredibly sweet how he responded to "Beautiful Boy!" It's like he knew how much love you were projecting toward him and he responded in a way that leaves no doubt he felt it. He was sending love back to you too!

This experience affected you deeply...but I kind of think it affected "Beautiful Boy" in some profound way as well.

Thank you so much for sharing this story. I was at work when it came up on my email and it completely touched my heart. So moving!



P.S. I think you need to write a children's book about this and title it, "Beautiful Boy."

Thread: The love will come, just not always in the way you expect it to

Chrissy & Holly

Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 8/1/2020

A few weeks ago I was feeling a bit sad and in need of a bit of TLC, so I walked to a local river. In the distance, to my surprise I saw a seal, his beautiful face bobbing in the water. For some reason I then decided to shout out at the top of my voice, "Beautiful Boy!!!! Beautiful Boy!!!!." I shouted it with as much affection and care in my voice as I could. To my surprise and utter amazement, instead of swimming away the seal dipped up and down there times and came to the waters edge to see me!!! I was over the moon!!!! Absolutely very happy indeed!!!

So here we were, the seal looking up at me and Holly and us looking down spellbound at this fantastical moment of beauty and goodness. He rose up and I saw his magnificent chest all spotted brown, gray and white. His eyes were the most gorgeous huge liquid brown eyes I have ever seen in my life and they were happy to see us. He was radiant, his eyes shining bright and sparkling as if he was sending us love. He WAS sending us love!!!!! :-). He was in his element at one with nature and it showed. I have never seen such a happy, content and peaceful creature.

I said to him excitedly, "thank you sooo much for coming to say hello. You are the most beautiful boy I have ever seen in my life!!!" The words were tumbling off my tongue, singing and dancing their way to his ears. He knew I was delighted to be in his presence. He knew he was very special and I was so happy to see him. He looked soo wise.

The seal opened his mouth and talked back his whiskers twitching and mouth open. All the while I kept telling him how special and beautiful he was. He was indeed enjoying the compliments and the affection in my voice!!

Holly didn't say a word which is unlike her. She was quiet as a church mouse and just watched this magnificent creature rise up from the water and share a special time with us.

Then he dipped down and disappeared into the depths below.

I walked up the road ecstatic. I was sooo excitable, almost like a child who had discovered that Santa Claus does actually exist :-).

It was a tremendous gift that meeting. Little did I know that day that I would be sent love by a wild sea creature who would swim to us, fresh from the depths of the water just to say hello!!!

So I just want to say, LOOK for the little moments of pleasure and happiness. Hold onto them for dear life as they will gladden your heart and nurture your soul. We all need that element of surprise, the times when even just for a little while we are happy and we forget our troubles.

Please feel free in this thread, to tell us of any unexpected moments in your lives that have made you smile from ear to ear. Sometimes in the face of adversity, all we have is those moments, they sustain us and for those times they bring some beauty or light or laughter in. And such moments will strengthen your immunity too! :-)

Love Chrissie, Holly and Ossian the seal Xxx

Thread: Saturday conference call with Cathee from Natural Ginesis

Fredddie bean

Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 7/18/2020

Well what can I say, other than another brilliant call with our guest speaker Cathee from Natural Ginesis, who supply us with such fabulous products.

Cathee talked about Diatomaceous Earth, which was so very informative the benefits of DE are vast!.....promotes hair and nail growth ,dental health and helps with bleeding gums, also promotes healthy digestion the add heath benefits list goes on...

Kleen Green one of our members favorite products was mentioned many times, we just love this product of Natural Ginesis, especially during these trying times, Cathee mentioned about carrying a little spray bottle of diluted 1 to 7 in the car so whenever we pop out to the shops we can spray our hands before and afterwards, what a great idea, I for one much prefers to use kleen Green on my hands other than the hand sanitizer which seems to be very drying.

There were many questions on essential oils were asked, on how to use them safely and their benefits.

All in all it was a great conference, so thank you very much Cathee for all the great information you shared with us and answering all our questions and once again thank you Mel for continuing in making these conferences happen.

Freddie x

Good morning Mel,

I was unable to answer full about what plant citronella is derived from.
I believe it was Terry. Here's the answer ....

Citronella oil is an essential oil obtained from the leaves and stems of different species of Cymbopogon (lemongrass). The oil is used extensively as a source of perfumery chemicals such as citronellal, citronellol, and geraniol.

Have a blessed day!
Coffee, Tea with Me Saturday July 18 2020

Thread: Organic Womens Beauty Site


Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 8/25/2020

Hello Ladies

Here is a link to a site that can provide you with organic women's beauty products. It is endorsed by Dr. Marc Hyman, whom I believe we can be confident in his integrity. There is also a $10 dollar coupon within the site link. Hope this helps you avoid hidden beauty products toxicity.

Annmarie Gianni Skin Care

Strength and Love,

Thread: Pilgrim's Progress


Date Added: 4/17/2021
Date Of Original Post: 3/24/2019

Hi All!
Here is the devotion from Sunday's Prayer Call called A Picture of Patience from Quiet Places of the Heart:

The word "patience" as it is used in the New Testament, really has no true equivalent in the English language. Certainly it does not mean merely being placid and phlegmatic as so many people assume.

Patience is the powerful capacity of selfless love to suffer long under adversity. It is the noble ability to bear with either difficult people or adverse circumstances without breaking down....

Patience is the potent perseverance that produces positive results even under opposition and suffering. It is love, gracious, self-giving, pressing on, enduring hardship, because of the benefit it may bring to others....

The patience of the New Testament writers is that of a small donkey bearing enormous burdens of firewood, sacks of grain or other produce for its owner. Year in, year out, surely, steadily, safely it transports loads of goods from place to place in quiet compliance with its master's wishes.
Phillip Keller

Praying for patience for us all.
Many Blessings today and always,

Thread: Pilgrim's Progress


Date Added: 4/17/2021
Date Of Original Post: 3/13/2019

Hi All
It's now been a year since I found this website and 11 months steadily on the protocol. Praises to God as my blood work came back this week with EVERYTHING in the normal range for the first time in I'm guessing over 30 years. My doctor was exuberant and told me to stay on the protocol!

Although I still have some arthritic pain here and there, I am feeling blessed to be energized, active, working, and sleeping so much better at night. I've even gained 2 more pounds since my last post. I have 3 more pounds to go this year to reach my goal - to weigh over 100 pounds.

I am so sorry to have missed so many conference and prayer calls these past few months, but I have not been available on weekends. Once again I leave for Georgia on Friday. Thank you for those of you who reached out by phone or Skype to check on me. I love you all.

When I think of this community, I think of these 2 verses:
"He who walks with the wise grows wise." Prov 13:20
"A sweet friendship refreshes the soul." Prov 27:9

Thank you all for your love and support.
Blessings upon your day,

Thread: Pilgrim's Progress


Date Added: 4/17/2021
Date Of Original Post: 1/10/2019

Hi All
I can't believe it's been over a month since I've posted. As I feel better and better, I find that I am spending less time at the computer and more time working and engaging with others face-to-face.

Its been almost 9 months now since I've been on the protocol and I have been feeling very well. The only set back recently was a runny nose along with a slight headache and aches all over my body for over a week. I'm better now and have gained back some of the weight I lost, which puts me at a whopping 96 pounds. My goal for this year is to break 100!

I'm still pretty strict on the protocol and diet and it has become a way of life. I do, however, have a cheat day every month where I might have pizza or pasta, but, thank you Lord, I haven't felt any ill effects.

I am sleeping much better these nights and continue to nap when I can. I itch occasionally but rarely feel any stinging. I still find some fibers is my bedding but nothing compared to the past few years.

I am grateful to those who have gone before me and continue to post, like Mary. I loved hearing that she remains 100% healed and now eats what she wants. That's very encouraging. I am blessed by my friends in the community who stay in touch even when I am out of touch. Thank you especially Chrissie, Leslie, and Cheryl.

May healing blessings rain down on you all!

When I think about the Lord
How He saved me
How He raised me
How He filled me
With the Holy Ghost
How He healed me
To the uttermost
When I think about the Lord
How He picked me up
And turned me around
How He raised my feet
On solid ground
It makes me want to shout
Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!
Lord, you're worthy
Of all the glory,
and all the honor,
and all the praise!!!

Thread: Pilgrim's Progress


Date Added: 4/17/2021
Date Of Original Post: 9/2/2018

Hi my friends

I continue to press on toward the goal of restoration!
The Lord is my light and my salvation, and I trust in Him!

I'm in my 5th month and presently taking a total of 10 WPS drops. No problem with the WPS, Praise God, as I just keep adding more water as the drops increase.
(Gee that's what I did)Me again

I have been sleeping considerably better this past month and not feeling much of the crawlies; then last night I was up most of the night wanting to scratch so badly. But even in my drowsiness, I could hear Mel saying, "No scratching!"

So I wriggled around in my bed and realized I was doing a Happy Dance. Thank you Lord, for once again putting a smile on my face during a difficult time.

I learned something new from Mel today...not to take a shower every day as the skin needs a rest to heal. The more showers you take, the more damage occurs in the top layer of skin and it has less time to repair itself and recover through natural oil production. Frequent showers also prevent good bacteria from growing on the skin which is beneficial for protecting the skin and body from infections.

And here I was taking a shower every morning thinking I was cleaning off dead stuff. Well, I was, but removing good stuff as well. Thanks again, Mel. :)

Until next time.
Blessings to you all
Micky (also known as The Mouse)

Thread: Pilgrim's Progress


Date Added: 4/17/2021
Date Of Original Post: 8/24/2018

Hi Micky,

It has been wonderful connecting with you also!

I am so glad to hear that you are feeling much better after 4 months on the protocol.

Thank you for your kind prayers and encouragement, which have truly been a blessing to me :-)

1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 (NIV)

23 May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

24 The One who calls you is faithful, and He will do it.


Thread: Karpe Diem, Carpe Deus.

Karen the Librarian

Date Added: 4/17/2021
Date Of Original Post: 6/30/2020

Fellow community Members,

Have felt led to share a few thughts with you all today.
First though, let me explain the heading of this entry:
You may remember the movie "Dead Poets Society" from the late '80s. That film meant a lot to me. Robin Williams was extraordinary (as usual.)

Carpe Diem has come to mean "Seize the Day'. Doesn't that have meaning for each of us in this Community? We have found the site, we have Mel as our coach, we have each other to encourage us! We must "Seize the Opportunity - Day by Day" and keep on keeping on, and not let go of HOPE!

(Well, to continue, please indulge the personal note here: I have changed it to "Karpe Diem", because I was a lifeguard for several years, and taught swimming, and had the nickname "Fish", or "Karp". Since my name Karen, I think Karpe works well! )

Well, Carpe Deus means "Seize God", or literally "Pluck God". Karen's paraphrase is "Seek God with ALL your heart!! He promises we will find Him when we seek Him earnestly! So, this day, be encouraged to SEEK Him, knowing that He knows your challenges, and He is with you, and yearns to encourage you in this day and this time in your life.

This morning, the song "Through it All" by Andre Crouch came to mind. We don't know wny this disease has attacked us, but we do know WHO walks with us. Through it All we can be drawn closer to Him, and somehow, He will bring glory to His name.

Please spend 7 minutes and watch/listen to this YouTube from Brother Andre, and be ministered to:

Karen (the librarian)

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