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The Testimonials Page is a microcosm (cliff notes version) of our site. It has been created to bring forth the most important information (knowledge) found here and share stories of encouragement and progress from those within our community.

It is with immense gratitude and great pleasure that we dedicate this testimonial page to our devoted friend and webmaster, John Waiveris of Invisible Gold.

This could never have been accomplished without his unselfish willingness to help others. I could have never gotten this far along with the web site without the endless hours of his generosity.

I will always be grateful for all he has done for all of you.

God bless you John,


This website has grown so large that in order to see the transforming impact that our protocol is having in the lives of Morgellons sufferers and their families, one must now wade through a massive volume of information.

Therefore, we decided to create a special place that is dedicated to sharing medical updates, progress reports, and encouraging stories from those who are having their health restored. The posts shown here are unsolicited and unedited, and are taken from our own forum. They appear in order of their historical appearance.

The person who invests an hour or two to review this collection of posts will notice an emerging pattern of transformation here. Many arrive here in a condition of hopelessness and despair, often isolated and estranged even from their loved ones. They find here a place of safety and compassion, a place of learning and inspiration, a place of encouragement and admonition to "First Do No Harm".

They devour the information available here and begin the process of improving their daily choices as they take back responsibility for their health. They begin to first stabilize, then to improve their health to a place where they are functional and productive again.

Their Hope restored, and "having their life back again", they begin the process of identifying what specific challenges remain and they may venture off to explore new interests or opportunities.

One thing should be perfectly clear from those who have reported improvement; they have all consistently stated that they have diligently stayed on the entire protocol.

The first three posts are without a doubt the longest, but they contain vital information that will give you a better understanding of how and why the protocol works and what one can expect when you have your herxheimer (detox) reaction.

You will find that the reading pace quickens thereafter. Each post or thread of posts is separated by a horizontal line. Sometimes threads were included to capture an original thought or train of thought in its entirety.

This testimonial page will be updated regularly. Anyone wishing to share encouragement and Hope may submit their story via email to:

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Thread: Purging "The Red Cardinal" One Year Update


Date Added: 9/22/2020
Date Of Original Post: 1/24/2019

My Dear Friend,

My heart sings with joy over your much earned success. You are such an inspiration to all of never fail to make good choices...and it is all starting to pay off in such a wonderful way!

I will continue to pray for you until you cross the 100% finish line...which I think is so close you can almost touch it. You are such a beloved part of our community. I remember when you first were determined to learn everything you possibly could and apply it. You weren't shy about reaching out to others to seek support, and then later you were just as enthusiastic in your desire to offer support to others.

Your kindness shines through, and so many of us have benefited from your generosity of spirit.



Thread: Purging "The Red Cardinal" One Year Update

Donna M

Date Added: 9/22/2020
Date Of Original Post: 1/24/2019

Hi Everyone,

Again, I thank you all for the nice posts and comments. It means more to me than you know.

Life is getting so much better! I have returned to attending church regularly for over a year now. I am visiting my family and friends. I am seeing and spending more time with my children and grandchildren. My son, who lives out of town, spent the night in my home for the first time in fourteen months. These are huge milestones, as all of these things had come to an abrupt stop when I first came down with M. Sometimes the fear is still there, but it is becoming less as my health improves. When fear rears its ugly head, I just pray. This always helps!

I am not quite at 100% but I believe I am really close. I am so grateful to God for leading and carrying me through this journey. He gave me strength and the hope to keep going. I am blessed and thankful for everyone that I have met in this journey. I have learned to pray more, trust more and most importantly believe and know that God will heal me in His time. As you can see, it has been a time of learning and reflecting on life. Though sometimes hard, it has absolutely been good for my mind, body and soul.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel! There is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! You just have to never give up hope, have a strong relationship with God, listen to Mel and follow the "sum of the parts" Our timelines may vary but I do know in my heart that we all will be healed and life will be better than ever.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

God Bless you all.



Thread: Purging "The Red Cardinal" One Year Update

Donna M

Date Added: 9/22/2020
Date Of Original Post: 1/18/2019

Hi Katharine,

Thank you for the nice post and encouragement. I didn't realize that we came down with M at the same time. It is so frustrating that we all have many of the same symptoms and doctors think we are delusional. God answered our prayers for help by directing us to Mel and this protocol.

I also had difficulty with the WPS. I was afraid of it and so was my husband. He never stopped me from taking it, but did express his concern. After reading and reading on the forum, I realized that everyone who got well took the WPS. At that moment, I knew I had to take it if I wanted to get well and perhaps went at it a little too aggressively.

You are so right - it is important to keep close to God. I always considered myself to be a faithful person, but since getting this disease, my relationship with our Lord has increased tremendously. I feel that this is part of the journey - to become closer to Him and trust Him completely, even when we don't understand. Truthfully, I don't know how I would have gone through this without Him in my life.

I know once you sell your house, your stress will lessen and you will get better. Stress is the worst thing for this disease and in my opinion the hardest thing to overcome. I call myself - "a worry wart". I always have worried and I am learning that worry does not change anything. So when I find myself worrying, I pray instead. I give it to God and this helps so much.

Thanks for the tips to gain weight. I have and continue to do most of those. I think once I am completely well, the weight will come back on. However, I noticed that you said you eat bread. I have tried Ezekiel bread which is one that is not made with flour and it doesn't agree with me. So in general I don't eat bread unless it is something I make with almond or coconut flour.

I hope you share your journey with us in the future. Just keep fighting the fight and you will get well too!

God Bless,


God Bless,

Thread: Purging "The Red Cardinal" One Year Update


Date Added: 9/22/2020
Date Of Original Post: 1/11/2019

Hi Donna,

Thank you for all of your kind words.

I'm so happy for you, knowing that you are almost at the 100% mark.

Your faith is strong and you are always an example to me. I appreciate your prayers and friendship so much.

Everytime I see a picture of a red cardinal, I think about you. It will be great fun to meet you in person one day :-)

Numbers 6:24-26 (NIV)

The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make His face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn His face toward you
and give you peace.


Thread: Purging "The Red Cardinal" One Year Update

Donna M

Date Added: 9/22/2020
Date Of Original Post: 1/6/2019

Dear Leslie and Cheryl,

Thank you all for the kind words of encouragement!

Leslie - You are always such a happy and outgoing friend! I have such a positive outlook on everything I am going through after speaking to you.

Your faith in God is so beautiful. You knew He would bless you with the right job and He did. I know you will be doing the happy dance very soon. Thank you for cheering me on!

Cheryl - You are such a sweet, happy and compassionate friend. You always give me such a wonderful perspective on my journey.

Your faith is also immeasurable. I love how you pick a bible verse each year. For 2018, it was "Nothing is impossible with God". Many times I have told you how this verse popped into my life. I know it was our Lord - giving me "God Winks". Thank you for continuing to give me encouragement even as you fight your own battle. I know you will be healed and I will get to meet you in person one day, too.

I pray for you both that the God will bless you with healing.



Thread: Purging "The Red Cardinal" One Year Update


Date Added: 9/22/2020
Date Of Original Post: 1/3/2019

Hi Donna,

Thank you for your heart-felt post. 2019 will definitely be your year to cross the finish line.

One day soon you will be doing what you love best. You will be spending as much time as you want with family and friends, especially your beautiful grandchildren. You will be able to do that without any worry or anxiety because you will be well.

You have been so steadfastly committed to your journey. You really are an inspiration and great encouragement to me and others in this community.

God bless.


Thread: Purging "The Red Cardinal" One Year Update

Donna M

Date Added: 9/22/2020
Date Of Original Post: 1/3/2019

Dear Karen,

Thank you for your beautiful post!! I have met so many wonderful people in this community. They have become friends that I will cherish forever. That is one positive thing I have gained through having this disease.

You have become a dear friend and I am sure a forever friend. The picture Mel put up on the post surely describes us, although we have never met in person - yet! I feel like I have known you forever. I agree, we will meet on the gazebo under the Evangeline Oak this year. I am so looking forward to that, my sweet friend!



Thread: Purging "The Red Cardinal" One Year Update


Date Added: 9/22/2020
Date Of Original Post: 1/2/2019

Donna M / aka Sneakers,

Thank you so much for sharing your inspirational story.

Routing for you and can’t wait for the Happy Dance!

Your running, to the finish line, I can see it!


Thread: Purging "The Red Cardinal" One Year Update


Date Added: 9/22/2020
Date Of Original Post: 1/1/2019

Dear Donna,

Your post paints a vivid picture of where you started and the journey to where you are now. Thank you for sharing will help others who are just beginning their journeys. Your experiences mirror all of ours, and it's so good for others to know there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I look forward to the day when we are both at 100% and can meet on the gazebo under the Evangeline oak. I believe that day will definitely be in 2019.

There are so many bad things that we experience with this disease...but...there are good things too, and making friends with someone who understands the same war zone is priceless.




Maria A

Date Added: 9/22/2020
Date Of Original Post: 2/14/2019

No cause could be worthier, and no man is more deserving of our help, gratitude and appreciation than Mel.

I've only known Mel a relatively short time, but I have come to understand that he is a man of integrity, a healer, and a man who has dedicated his life to God, and to helping others.

I credit him with saving my life, and my daughter's life, too. Every day, I feel grateful for Mel's help, and for the supplements made by his friends at Logos.

They are filling the huge, desperate gap left by the medical community who has yet to acknowledge Morgellons even exists.

I hope you will consider making a donation--any amount will be helpful.

Thread: "TENTH ANNIVERSARY CONTEST"; Win free coaching this coming's how

Donna M

Date Added: 9/21/2020
Date Of Original Post: 2/10/2019

Hi Mel,

Thank you so much for all you do and congratulations on the 10th anniversary of the website! Thank you also to Cheryl, Anna and Karen for all your hard work and for Mel allowing me to work with you on the Anniversary Call. I enjoyed what I consider to be the best call ever (at least since I have been a member of the community)! As Tracy said " This was a very uplifting and inspiring call."

Another big thank you to all of the manufacturers! I would like to especially acknowledge John B and Glen from Logos Nutritionals, who were able to join us on the call as well as sponsor three contest questions . Cathee from Natural Genesis who posted in the forum and joined us for a few minutes as well.

And last, but not least, thank you to all the members of this community who were able to attend. It was
a great turn out and I think everyone had fun participating in the contest. We were also blessed to hear from one of Mel's angels, Laura, who is now living a full life after Morgellons.

If you missed it, please do yourself a favor and listen to the recording of this wonderful call!

Love to all,


Thread: "TENTH ANNIVERSARY CONTEST"; Win free coaching this coming's how


Date Added: 9/21/2020
Date Of Original Post: 2/9/2019

Thank you Mel,

John, Glenn, Cheryl, Karen and Donna for this 10th Anniversary conference call!

Thank you for all the work put into this entire website and all the information shared today by each of you.

Thank you "Aunt" Laura for sharing your life after Morgellons! Anna, for the Tips for Beginners that makes it so easy to follow!

This was a very uplifting and inspiring call.

In His hands, Tracy

Thread: "TENTH ANNIVERSARY CONTEST"; Win free coaching this coming's how


Date Added: 9/21/2020
Date Of Original Post: 2/6/2019

Hi Everybody,

On Saturday's 10th Anniversary call, Mel will be giving away 10 free 10 minute coaching sessions to those who hit star 5 first and answer the following questions correctly.

Yes, that's right. The 10 questions that will be asked on Saturday's call are listed below, along with a helpful clue.

Hello All,

Fun questions!!...Logos Nutritionals would like to sponsor numbers 5, 7 & 8. as well! That's two gifts on those three questions! WOW

We will donate 1 Renaissance Activated Whey Protein 372gm, Chocolate or Vanilla on those three questions.

An 11th bonus question will also be asked. The person getting the bonus question right will win a Natural Ginesis Toxic Disease Starter Kit.

You don't want to miss this call!


1. What is #3 of the Magnificent 7 Guiding Principles?

(Clue - Read the subheadings.)

2. How many tennis shoes is the elephant in the forum wearing, and what color are they?

(Clue - Look in Donna's updated thread.)

3. Which products are included in the Natural Ginesis Toxic Disease Kit?

(Clue - Look for the big picture in the thread, What's New from the Manufacturers.)

4. What is the name of the Red Tailed Hawk that Mel made friends with over 12 years ago?

(Clue - Click on the Hope and Inspiration subheading at the top of the page.)

5. Which thread was created to post diet friendly recipes? You must give the entire name.

(Clue - Look on Page 2 of the forum.)

6. A new section of the website was created for beginners by 2 of our current warriors. Name the section created and the warriors.

(Clue - Look at the subheading links at the top of the page.)

7. Name the 5 most common reasons for failing to achieve the desired results.

(Clue - Click on FAQ in the subheadings at the top of the page.)

8. In the thread, "This website works, it really works" John B. posts the Logos company slogan. Their slogan is also included on the heading of the invoice we receive with our supplements each month. What is Logos' slogan?

(Clue - The thread is on page 3 of the forum.)

9. Which thread gives you one year+ of reading and six months+ of past conference calls by viewing extraordinary videos made by our very own Margo?

(Clue - Type "Videos" in the Search Engine and the answer comes up first, or enter "Margo" in the Search Engine and it is number 3.)

10. What encouraging thought does Mel put at the end of his posts?

(Clue - Look in a thread that has Mel's name as the author.)


11. What is the name of the most famous dog on the website to date?

(Clue - It's not who you think.)

Thread: "TENTH ANNIVERSARY CONTEST"; Win free coaching this coming's how


Date Added: 9/21/2020
Date Of Original Post: 2/5/2019

Hi Everybody,

This coming Saturday, February 9th is going to be very special because it will be celebrating the tenth anniversary of this site. Mel will write more about this in his weekly post "More Communication is Better," but there's one part that will require a bit of prep for those of you who'd like to win free coaching.

To commemorate ten years of service, Mel will give away ten free ten minute coaching sessions to those who answer questions correctly. These questions will be asked periodically throughout the conference call, and the first person to hit star 5 and answer correctly wins.

So...get ready! Put yourself at a higher chance to win and read read read. Some obvious places to be aware of would have to do with the protocol, Guiding Principles, diet, supplements, etc.

Of course, you can always have your computer open to the site during the call...but it would help the most to at least have an idea where the various information is located to help you get to the answers preparation is key.

That is just one part of the call. Mel wants to make it special and offer great information and encouragement to all. He'll post more about this later in the week, so stay tuned.

Please plan on joining us and be ready to WIN a free coaching call session. There will be TEN of them, so the odds are good!



Thread: WPS dose


Date Added: 9/21/2020
Date Of Original Post: 12/13/2017

Hello Elle,

I wanted to say welcome to this website! You have come to the right place for healing.

It sounds like you are doing a great job already in fighting this, keep up the good work and read and get on the conference calls as much as you can.

Love always, Paula

Thread: WPS dose


Date Added: 9/21/2020
Date Of Original Post: 12/13/2017

Thank you Mel,

For your prompt response.

I always appreciate your suggestions.

I have had success with WPS baths every second or third day. The first bath was filled with red fibers and there so many fibers on my body that I had to get back in the tub and rinse off again.
suggest one showers off after a bath Cool water rinse!)

The next day, while using a water pic, my gums started bleeding, which they never have before and it seems that I was purging something from around my teeth. I rinsed with WPS and this has not happened again.

The Kleen Green has been a miracle and I use it on myself and every surface in the house.

I have experienced a huge reduction in biting, crawling, etc. So things are looking up, I am getting better slowly but surely.

A special thanks to everyone on the forum, your support and kindness is beyond meaningful and your advice invaluable.

Thread: Newbie Appreciates This Forum


Date Added: 9/21/2020
Date Of Original Post: 2/6/2018

Hey Katharine,

I am really glad you were able to come to the conference call Saturday and the Prayer Meeting Sunday.

It is always such a blessing to know that someone else is getting the help and encouragement that Mel offers here.

And you are already adding to this community by attending the calls and by posting.

Thank you for mentioning Karen's ACV tips. I am going to take another look at those!


Thread: Newbie Appreciates This Forum


Date Added: 9/21/2020
Date Of Original Post: 2/6/2018

Hi Katherine,

Welcome! I'm so glad you've joined us. :)

That vinegar post was actually my very first short post...glad it helped!



Thread: Newbie Appreciates This Forum

Laura (aunt)

Date Added: 9/21/2020
Date Of Original Post: 2/5/2018

Dear Katharine,

It is wonderful to see that you have started a thread in this community. This is an important part of overcoming our disease as it is therapeutic. Please share your journey, your concerns, your questions, and your accomplishments.

In the beginning there is so much to read and think about. So I encourage you to take it one day at a time. Read other journeys in order to recognize the things you are experiencing; others have also experienced. Slowly but surely make the needed changes until it becomes a habit.

You are not alone and the most reassuring part of this community is that the science and research has already been done.

God Bless you as you begin your journey of restoring your health and regaining your life. Please have Faith and perseverance. You can do this!

“The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped... Psalms 28:7

In Christ Love,

Thread: An Honorable Man


Date Added: 9/21/2020
Date Of Original Post: 2/2/2019

Hi Leslie,

Very sweet and true Leslie...and not too long :)

Thanks Mel!

Encourage one another daily!

Thread: An Honorable Man


Date Added: 9/21/2020
Date Of Original Post: 2/2/2019

Hello everyone!

Warning - long post - please excuse the typos as I’m sending this from my iPad.

True love is compassion, respect and honorable acts that prove love.
An honorable man is fair even to his enemies.

When you live with dignity no man will ever take it.

I have gotten to know Mel over the pass 7 months after I realized I had this toxic disease and have experienced all of these characteristic are apart of Mel’s character.

Mel is a man full of compassion. He have compassion for this work he’s committed unto the and committed his his life to.

Mel’s respectful even when he’s beating you with his hockey stick and we all know he’s not the most gently giant but very loving.....sometimes he has to give tough love and direct chastisement due to the number of us in the community as it’s growing (unfortunately) on a daily basis.

I can’t even began to phantom how he do all he do. I think that’s a honorable and compassionate person who gives on themselves van call him anytime of the day (even on his days off) and he still responds. How many people do you know do that.

He’s given up Church for a few months just to be available for and to us and have just recently returned so that he can receive his refilling to keep himself in touch with his relationship to keep filling us. I’m a Pastor and know how that is to empty yourself for others and go get your refilling to give more. Mel does a lot!

How many of us, if not all of us have been neglected, and rejected by our families, spouses, and friends because if this toxic disease. I certainly have. The loneliness is so unbearable at times but Mel have made it possible for all of us to feel loved, supported and joined together as family. I have met and established I believe life long friendships in our loving community.. well Mel have made this possible for all of us.

So, why and what am I saying? I’m asking each and everyone across this global network to let us all be kind by showing our thanks and appreciation to Mel. once in a while by purchasing a coaching session. We all benefit and he does not charge those who can not afford Coaching. I’m writing this asking us to be generous.

This is something we all can do collectively as a community.

You won’t find this wisdom, compassion, kindness, love or the ability to reach out to no one else like Mel who’s available ALWAYS.... I can write many scriptures but chose not to and make this appeal for us to be thankful by showing our financial kindness (paying it forward) for all we receive.

In all honesty; I don’t know how I would have ever beaten this thing without Mel.

Lord I thank you for Mel! Mel I thank you for being here for me.

Show your support with buying coaching sessions, subscribing to our website and give something to the He Cures All Foundation as it helps others who’s in need but can’t afford the protocol.

Now that I’m working again, I will start next week with buying more than a coaching session.

I beseech you to PLEASE HELP with giving,

In The Master’s Hand



Date Added: 9/21/2020
Date Of Original Post: 1/26/2019


Thank you for such a gracious and beautiful gift you have donated to be auctioned to benefit the He Cures All Foundation!

I am one of the blessed recipients of HCAF receiving the supplements needed to bring restoration to my body and I am getting well!!

I pray everyone comes to the call for the auction of this beautiful piece of art, from one who knows the battle we are in and who has restored her health and giving back to this brave community of warriors.

What an amazing gift this is of love, kindness and hope bringing new life to those in need!!

In His care, Tracy


Donna M

Date Added: 9/21/2020
Date Of Original Post: 1/25/2019

Hi Everyone,

As Cheryl and Karen expressed so eloquently, we are very thankful to Ellen for donating her beautiful painting to be auctioned. Ellen (a cured warrior) is extremely talented and has graciously used her talent to pay it forward. The proceeds from this auction will go to help the He Cures All Foundation which is such a worthy cause!

Ellen, this is such a beautiful and meaningful painting. I think it is symbolic of many things - journey, hope and trust just to name a few.

Karen and Cheryl, in their posts below, also pointed out so many benefits of this first ever auction. I am looking forward to hearing everyone on the conference call tomorrow as either a participant or guest. I know it will be a great call as always!

Just a reminder on the time changes:

Please mark your calendars for the upcoming Saturday's Coffee, Tea with Me.

Times, phone number and access code are listed below.

Conference call line 712-775-8962, access code 664059

Problems Connecting? Try this Number
Back Up Line 302-202-1112, Access Code 664059

Saturday's Coffee, Tea with Me
10:00AM--11:30AM (Pacific)
11:00AM--12:30PM (Mountain)
12:00AM---1:30PM (Central)
1:00PM---2:30PM (Eastern)

God Bless,

Donna M



Date Added: 9/21/2020
Date Of Original Post: 1/25/2019

Hello Everybody,

What a lovely way to raise money for our dear foundation friends!

Ellen's painting is symbolic for us all...a visual representation of the journey we take to get to the beautiful horizon beyond. What's even better is that Ellen has actually arrived at the pink horizon and is now residing there in restored health.

It reminds us that there is light on the other side and to not be afraid as we cross the parts of the bridge we cannot yet see.

Thank you Ellen for creating this touching picture story of hope and encouragement.

We all look forward to joining you on the health horizon as well.

And...the operative word is, "we."

"We" includes our community family...which also embraces our foundation family...and "we" are all enhanced when we reach out a hand to our fellow pilgrims.

Tomorrow's conference call will be beneficial for multiple reasons...

1. To celebrate and be encouraged by those who have gotten to the other side (Mel tells me some of those who are now well will be on the call)

2. To continue to learn and share so that we all may benefit from our pooled knowledge with Mel making sure we stay on track (as in "first do no harm")

3. To have the privilege of potentially contributing to the foundation and enhancing the beauty of the home of whoever buys Ellen's painting. This one's a win / please join us and consider throwing your hat into the bidding ring.

Another added benefit is that the cost of the painting will be tax deductible as well!

Much love,




Date Added: 9/21/2020
Date Of Original Post: 1/25/2019

Hi Ellen of Troy,

It is very thoughtful and kind of you to give such a nice piece of art for the first ever He Cures All Foundation auction.

Thank you so much for being willing to pay forward the help and encouragement you received on this website.

The auction tomorrow will benefit the HCAF and that means a tremendous amount to me, being a recipient.

My favorite part of your painting is the lovely sunset. Somebody will truly be blessed to have this painting to hang on their wall.

God bless you for your kindness.


Thread: More Communication is Better


Date Added: 7/18/2020
Date Of Original Post: 4/10/2020

Good day All,

Pray everyone is safe & staying home!

This is going to be epic!

I am so honored to join with all the Warriors who have gone before us and are living the healthy life. with restored health..

I am happy forAll of us who are in the 90percent club...

But most of all, looking forward to encouraging all newbies.

See you Saturday Lord Willing!

In The Master’s Hand

Thread: More Communication is Better


Date Added: 7/18/2020
Date Of Original Post: 4/8/2020

Hello Everyone and Welcome,

May I have your attention please! Last week's BYOQ (bring your own questions) was incredible and if I'm not mistaken, it was the highest attended call of this year! It was really great to have at least
10 members of our community join us who haven't been here for a while. People do come back to get refreshed, ask a question or just to say hello and share their time with all of you.

Great call so be sure to listen in the player below.

Even though this is very short notice I would like to invite any past, present or future Warrior to join us this week on the 1st "Warrior Call" ever!
This will be a fantastic opportunity for all our newbie Warriors to hear from our more experienced travelers about their roads to recovery.

So, if you're a Warrior now, be there and if you're a Warrior from the recent past, well I'll be looking for you with a hockey stick if you're not there.
If you're an Oldie but Goodie who comes back to join us, well I'll just smile from ear to ear!

Always remember your comments can save a life!

I'll see you all on Saturday and remember everyone is welcome, these calls are free and the information is all right here in this thread, More Communication is Better.

Times, phone number and access code are listed below.

Conference call line 712-775-8962, access code 664059

Problems Connecting? Try this Number
Back Up Line 302-202-1112, Access Code 664059

Saturday's Coffee, Tea with Me
  • 11:00AM---12:30PM (Pacific)
  • 12:00PM---1:30PM (Mountain)
  • 1:00PM-----2:30PM (Central)
  • 2:00PM-----3:30PM (Eastern)
Sunday's Prayer Meeting
  • 11:00 AM (Pacific)
  • 12:00 PM (Mountain)
  • 1:00 PM (Central)
  • 2:00 PM (Eastern)

Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 04/04/20

Loading the player ...

I look forward to speaking with you soon.

God Bless you all; It's really true that those who did not give up Hope got well


Please Like us on FaceBook and remember the quickest way to gain the most information that will help you in the beginning is to check out our YouTube Videos.
Our YouTube videos are also now a subheading on the menu banner as Toxic Disease Pioneer.

Thread: More Communication is Better


Date Added: 7/18/2020
Date Of Original Post: 10/31/2019

Hello Everyone and Welcome,

The HICM website is back up and running and a "BIG THANK YOU" to our webmaster, John W., who worked tirelessly to get us back online!

Last week's Coffee, Tea with Me, with special guests John B from Logos Nutritionals and Robert Scott Bell host of The Robert Scott Bell Show, on the subject of mold was incredibly powerful. Please note the specific post about the call from our very own Chrissie. Click Here to Read Chrissie's Post

Please read Chrissie's post and if you missed the call it can be heard in the player below or in the player on Chrissie's post. So very important...this is a MUST as mold affects so many more people than realize!

This week's Coffee, Tea with Me is very happy to announce a call by Donna, The Happy Dance Donna, aka. "Sneakers" and our very own Leslie, "98.6". The title of this call is "If You're Really Serious About Restoring Your Health". Donna and Leslie will discuss their individual roads to recovery, the similarities, the differences and their approach. Be sure to join us this Saturday as Donna, aka. "Sneakers" and Leslie, General of the Army lead our conference call to victory and don't forget, please bring a pen or pencil and some note paper.

Please mark your calendars for the upcoming Saturday's Coffee, Tea with Me and Sunday's Weekly Prayer Meeting.

Times, phone number and access code are listed below.

Conference call line 712-775-8962, access code 664059

Problems Connecting? Try this Number
Back Up Line 302-202-1112, Access Code 664059

Saturday's Coffee, Tea with Me
  • 11:00AM---12:30PM (Pacific)
  • 12:00PM---1:30PM (Mountain)
  • 1:00PM-----2:30PM (Central)
  • 2:00PM-----3:30PM (Eastern)
Sunday's Prayer Meeting
  • 11:00 AM (Pacific)
  • 12:00 PM (Mountain)
  • 1:00 PM (Central)
  • 2:00 PM (Eastern)

Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 10/26/19

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I look forward to speaking with you soon.

God Bless you all; It's really true that those who did not give up Hope got well


Please Like us on FaceBook and remember the quickest way to gain the most information that will help you in the beginning is to check out our YouTube Videos.
Our YouTube videos are also now a subheading on the menu banner as Toxic Disease Pioneer

Thread: More Communication is Better


Date Added: 7/18/2020
Date Of Original Post: 4/5/2017

Hello Everyone and Welcome,

Last Friday's BYOQ (bring your own questions) was extremely well received with great participation much information shared.

Saturday's Coffee, Tea with Me "What Truly Is the Sum of the Parts" for restoring ones health is what I believe is the most comprehensive description that has ever given on the subject. This is one call that I believe will benefit every person who comes here now or in the future. I think this call describes everything that is necessary to do to restore ones health. If you were unable to attend, please, please, please take time to listen to the call in the audio player below.

For the first time since we started our conference call and prayer meetings we will be canceling all three this coming weekend. Due to the ever increasing number of people new to our website I have fallen behind in my work to the point that I must dedicate this time to catch up on a backlog of phone consultations and emails.

We will return Friday April 14th, Saturday April 15th and Sunday April 16th. I can tell you in advance that Friday April 14th we will have our regular BYOQ (bring your own questions). Saturday's theme has already been selected and will be titled Children and Morgellons update. Our special guest roster will be announced next week. Sunday the 16th we will be back with our weekly prayer meeting.

Last Friday's BYOQ and Saturday's Coffee, Tea with Me can be listened to by clicking the player below.

Please mark your calendars for the upcoming Friday's BYOQ, Saturday's Coffee, Tea with Me and Sunday's Weekly Prayer Meeting. Please remember, we will return Friday April 14th, Saturday April 15th and Sunday April 16th.

Times, phone number and access code are listed below.

Conference call line 712-432-3011, access code 664059

Friday's Coffee, Tea with Me BYOQ
  • 4:00PM-5:30PM (Pacific)
  • 5:00PM-6:30PM (Mountain)
  • 6:00PM-7:30PM (Central)
  • 7:00PM-8:30PM (Eastern)
Saturday's Coffee, Tea with Me
  • ..9:00AM--10:30AM (Pacific)
  • 10:00AM--11:30PM (Mountain)
  • 11:00AM---12:30PM (Central)
  • 12:00PM---1:30PM (Eastern)
Sunday's Prayer Meeting
  • 3:30 (Pacific)
  • 4:30 (Mountain)
  • 5:30 (Central)
  • 6:30 (Eastern)

BYOQ (bring your own questions) Friday 03/31/17

Coffee, Tea with Me Saturday 04/01/17

I look forward to speaking with you soon.

God Bless You All, those who never gave up HOPE, got well.


Thread: Tina's Journey


Date Added: 7/16/2020
Date Of Original Post: 3/16/2019

Hello All fellow Warriors!

Can't believe it's been almost a year since posting. MY BAD!

How easily I forget my promise to myself that if this thing ("website,protocol,etc...) could help me I would always stay on here actively to help the next person. So I apologize for that and will do better.

After renewing coaching with Mel a couple months ago I was definitely "goin thru it". I called Mel and described my symptoms of headaches and horrible mood swings, totally fatigued that seemed to be lasting a good solid month at least. This thing "M" sure is relentless! Especially towards the end.

HOWEVER after speaking to Mel he once again explained the herxing! Especially towards the end. I remember one of Karen's posts saying how totally frustrating it was for her towards her finish line and it just seemed to keep going on without a break.

I am at the 1 year anniversary of the protocol (March 9, 2019) and honestly thought: I should be better now! This is ridiculous! Why am I not 100% yet?(mood swings)

Even though I was light years feeling better than I have since getting "M" I tend to be really hard on myself comparing myself to others who were healed faster than me.

In all fairness though I could have done much better with the diet and exercise part which I have corrected in the past 2 months and then BAM!! I felt like a heavy blanket was lifted off of me! Almost like I could feel it dying! So I talked to Mel again last week about it and updated my progress and was able to honestly say I believe I've reached the 95% club.

This freakin thing is the most bizarre and intelligent "whatever" that really doesn't wanna let ya go. But what I've been so humbly taught; is that we are Warriors with God and Mel on our side! To feel 95% is THE BEST FEELING EVER!

Please, Please do what you're supposed to do to rid this evil thing!

PRAY!! & Protocol!!! NEVER GIVE UP and may God continue to walk WITH you during this and count it a blessing that we're chosen NOT forsaken!

In Jesus' Holy and Precious name!

Thread: This website works , it really works


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 3/20/2019

Thank you Laura, Jamie, and Tracy for your feedback and your commitment to this community. It's also nice to read scripture and faith that God is at the helm.

I should have started my post with my experience with overuse of antibiotics which most certainly brought my immunity down and then it set the stage for Morgellons and Candida and perhaps Lyme.

I had a bone graft done back in Dec. 2016 also known as a sinus lift. The jaw bone is opened and cadaver bone is inserted to give the jaw more mass to support dental implants. My body rejected the material which was highly refined human bone. My face was infected for months and I was prescribed a high dose of antibiotics which I took about six weeks straight.The pain level was at 10 . It hurt so much often I cried . I wanted to go to the ER to have it removed and in retrospect I should have.
I think this is an important testimony in the dangers of antibiotics. This would also include chemicals like permythrin and antiparasitics like Ivermectin and so many other things that made the situation so much worse.
I was also given a "low dose" of bactrim and an antifungal - I can't recall the name.
I just wanted to illustrate the point that medications do not help this disease as our bodies are already in turmoil. In my case, I was killing the good bacteria necessary to maintain the balance of yeast in the body.
In a panicked state I made almost every possible mistake in search of a quick fix.

The only thing that works is this protocol.

I was once just about symptom free and then I got the respiratory infections leaving me no option but to take antibiotics for my lungs. This was the important piece of medical history I left out and it clearly illustrates the damage they do.

Be very careful my friends.

I know this disease will bring you to your knees and when it does; don't forget to pray and come right back here to the solution.

Peace and Love,

Thread: Mel-o-riffic


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 10/6/2019

Hi Everybody,

Yep..."Mel-o-riffic"...that's what I call Mel.

And's a term of endearment...but not altogether.

Mel is amazing in so many ways...and the indisputable way is that he is

Without fail.

He created this community to help...and at the end of the day every day...that's his purest intent.

At one point, Mel had suggested that I might like to coach. I told him NO WAY. If even had to do what he does for 24 hours, he'd have to rush to the drug store and buy a super sized bottle of anti-depressants and then wait about two years for me to come out of my room.

No idea on this earth how he does it day in and day out.

But he does.

And he does it because he believes it's the right thing to do.

And it is...thank God.

Mel runs this whole operation on a frayed shoe string. He can squeeze a penny until Lincoln screams and he can do without more than anyone I know. This alone would scare me to death...I couldn't live this way...but this doesn't rattle him too much. If he gets close to running short, he just holds tight and somehow things seem to work out. Financial hardship on a personal level doesn't stress him like it would for anyone else...but...

Oh Lord...can he ever get stressed over thinking the Foundation is running short. That scares him...he NEVER wants to let anyone down. He cares so much...and he's sustained that level of caring for years upon years.

When Mel get's stressed, he goes into major Mel-isms. Then he becomes "Mel-o-riffic" on steroids and not in a good way. He can be ornery when he's in a good mood, but he can be ultra horrible to deal with if he gets worried about one of our community members or the foundation funding. I've often told him he is truculent and incorrigible and that his behavior is sometimes even egregious. Not fit company for anyone.

It is a rare person who has never seen the backlash of this side of Mel's personality. It is not fun...but...hey...who said this guy had to be perfect? I mean really...he is not a funded program from some entity with deep pockets. He doesn't have an office with a team of paid staff. He is just a guy who is trying to help. We get the benefit of getting well if we follow his road map...and that's...well...that's EVERYTHING.

If he gets stressed out and even sometimes when he's not, we get to see the not fun stuff...impatient...doesn't listen...interrupts...butts in...and uses his supreme talent for saying the absolute wrong thing at the wrong time...well's really kind of understandable. I'm not saying it's ok...because Mel can tell you...I get furious with him for talking roughly to people...and to me. He sure gets to hear about it and I let him know I am NOT HAPPY.

But then I think about how he sits in his apartment day in and day out filtering all this stress and trying to do good. His heart is 100% sweet...but his mouth is sometimes the polar opposite. I don't know how he hasn't gone crazy...but he keeps coming back again and again.

Ok...with that being said...Mel has been on a major Mel-ism bender for the last couple of weeks. I'm just going to go ahead and say it...this is because he lost a foundation donor right after he put someone else on the foundation. He doesn't panic for himself...but he does panic if he thinks he can't cover what he's promised someone who's sick.

I've told him to expect some money from me toward the end of the month when I'm able to do so. He didn't ask me to write this, and I'm not even sure he'll publish this considering how hard I slammed him in this post, but I hope he does.

I'm throwing in some money to the foundation, and I'm reaching out to all of you to do the same. Please donate to the foundation. It'll be a blessing to the receivers and to the givers as well. We all suffer indescribably with this disease...but those who can't afford the protocol suffer even more.

We're all in this together...let's reach out and help our fellow community members. It should never have to be a choice of who gets the help and who doesn't. That's not how it works. It works when we all reach out to help one another. This is the most loving community I've ever been a part of. Let's show our love through helping our dear friends.

You'll feel so good when you do.



Thread: MEL

Ruth Ann

Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 10/22/2019


I must have hit the wrong key as I was planning on saying more but things don't always go the way you want them.

So here goes -

I've been on the forum for about 8 months now. When I first found Mel's site I had no idea what to expect.
I read what I could, not being a member.

I did contact Mel and he called me, most don't do that. Good.
We talked and he asked me some questions. I had previously determined that I had Morgellons but he wanted to make sure.

Mel told me I could get well by following "the sum of the parts" and not giving up hope.
That gave me hope which I didn't have at that time.

I had researched a fair amount and no one offered me hope to get well.

Thank you Mel for your assuring me there was hope and I could get well if I would take the protocol, get on the conference calls and be diligent to follow what I learned.
I didn't really know what all that meant.

Following the diet plan has been the hardest for me. I still struggle with it some days but I have stuck with it.

I know I don't want to go back to what I went through before finding this site. Do I believe I will get well, yes I do but
it hasn't been and isn't easy.
I miss my cookies and blueberry muffins. I love to bake but tend to not do much of that anymore. I love my macaroni and cheese but I haven't eaten any since I committed to get well and eat right. Now the holidays are coming up - turkey & dressing, Christmas dinner, desserts containing sugar etc. I guess its all about commitment and not wanting to go back to the way it was before
I found Mel.

Mel has been such a blessing for me, he is a coach and doesn't even make $20,000 never mind $200,000's a year as many coaches do, or much more.

Thank you Mel for being available when we need you.

I concur with Jamie,

My life didn't have much hope and I had some of the same thoughts she talks about in her post. I don't have them anymore and am better after 7 months on the protocol and attending the conference calls every week.

My question to all new people - where will you be in 6 months,
12 months or 2 years without the path to wellness this WEBSITE offers you?

Ruth Ann

Thread: It’s Awful to Be Ungrateful


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 10/3/2019

Hello Everybody,

I have not posted in the forum for sometime but bet your bottom dollar I participate in the community. It’s really hard not to be thankful for the wisdom, knowledge, understanding of the help we receive on this forum and through this community.

Mel, is one of the most knowledgeable and giving person I have met in my life. He’s committed his life to the vow he made with the Lord 14 years ago “Lord if you help me get well, I’ll commit my life to helping others get well”. I know he’s doing that.

I can plug a whole bunch of scriptures into this post but I just want to talk to us without making anyone feel guilty in anyway. Mel has helped you right. Mel is always there when you call (even in his days off) Right. Mel has gives each of us an opportunity to not go through this TDS alone right.

Well, all he’s ever asked is for each one of us to pay it forward by posting in the one on one coaching thread, so he may to procure new Coaching Client’s. Once Mel gives you friends and you no longer depend on him as you once did.

Coaching is for YOU and not for him.I could never gotten this close to my restoration without his coaching. Neither could all the other's who's health has been restored here!

So he can live and provide for himself and the forum. It cost money to run this website right down to paper & ink for a printer etc...

My heart is broken because many have become ungrateful and some have gone away, with their own opinions of who & what they think about him.

I must say, we all know Mel can be a little tough but I can say from experience, it’s all for your good, Please understand it’s only one
of him and probably 100 plus of us he speak with on a monthly basis,
So at times he can be short with us. We want him to stay around for as long as the Lord allows but also don’t want him to be stressed and burdened DOWN where it’s not possible for him to live a decent life as well. I apologize for the long post but think it’s necessary.

I work for a team of twelve and some times it gets a little overwhelming for me when everyone is depending on you to pull things together so, I can’t even begin to imagine how Mel feels.

So, let’s be kind. Let’s be financially supportive by buying coaching at least ONCE a month. Let’s keep Mel in your daily prayers. Let’s give to the foundation on any level to help those who aren’t as fortunate as us.

Mel and this Foundation saved my life and I’m giving back as I promised to help others.

We need each other and Mel needs us.

I love you all & appreciate those who’s doing their part.
Let’s show Our Mel some love & appreciation.

Written with much love and concern.

In The Masters Hand

Thread: *** Free Weekend Access**** To help restore ones Health


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 9/22/2019

Hi Everybody,

I was talking to Mel on the phone this morning, and he told me that there were 367 "Visitors Right Now" the last time he checked the forum last night. The time he checked was 8 p.m. Pacific, 11 p.m. Eastern.

Those 367 visitors were from around 15 countries.

That is quite a LOT of visitors and countries!

God bless,


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