Date Added: 4/17/2021 Date Of Original Post: 12/31/2018
Hello Everybody,
We all know the downside of these toxic diseases...and dealing with them can be so difficult that we sometimes become discouraged and feel like victims. Victims are those who feel they have no control over their situations...and it's easy to develop a victim mentality when facing this disease.
If you ever find yourself sliding into a victim mentality, then remember...the opposite of a victim is one who is in control...and...if you think about it, we actually HAVE the control. It's not easy...but the ball is definitely in our court. So...with this in mind, here are some things to remember that will keep YOU in the drivers seat:
1. You can get well. Evidence supports this. The evidence is in the large numbers of people who have gotten well and stayed well using this protocol. It's not easy, but it can be done.
2. Time plus effort will equal the results you desire. Granted...it's a long period of time to get to the finish line, but it's do-able. In life, there's always a flip side to every coin. We know the negative aspects of this disease...but there are positives too...and this experience offers us the opportunity to learn consistency, patience, discipline, and management of our emotions at a higher level than we'd have ever thought possible. Morgellons is a great teacher (not one any of us would have ever signed up for...but we can learn much from this experience, nonetheless).
3. You CAN manage your emotions. That is the hardest part...not giving in to despair. Management of your emotions is important because it has a very direct impact on your physiology. Many of you have already heard of Masaru Emoto, but if you haven't please take a moment to enjoy this link:
(video no longer available)
It clearly illustrates the effects of emotions on matter. The "matter" involved is water. A very high percentage of our bodies are water, thus...our emotions have a direct effect on our physical bodies.
We can use this to our benefit or to our demise.
We choose.
So...how can we make ourselves calm down enough to take advantage of the benefits of positivity? How can we do that when we're so very scared and dealing with the range of symptoms that would make anyone want to get extremely upset? Well...I've given this a lot of thought...and here are some tips that have helped me:
1. Get the "sum of the parts" under control. Do what ever you can to get your food organized, your supplements...water...exercise...rest...all of it. Don't obsess on house cleaning...just simplify everything as much as you can and clean reasonably using non-toxic methods. Shove stuff into garbage bags and park it either in the trash can, or in another room until you get better and get a chance to go through it. Keep everything super simple for now. It won't be forever. I'm going through things now that I put away a couple of years ago and I'm fine. You will be too.
2. If you find yourself going into that circular thinking of how your life has changed, how it will never be the same again, how in the world am I ever going to ever get through this, am I contagious, where did all my money go, how unbelievable the medical community is, how disappointed you are in the medical community...and how, if they've missed something this obvious, how can you know what to trust from them ever again, how your family has treated you...any of this...if you find yourself going into that kind of thinking, do this. The minute you start the thought, mentally (or even out loud if you're alone), yell STOP. You have to do this quickly to stop the neurotransmitter loop that will perpetuate the circular thought pattern. Then get up and move. You have to physically move to stop the thought process. Go outside for a minute if you can. If you have a rebounder, hop on it and jump a few times...that will offer other benefits as well.
3. Surround yourself with positive things. Youtube videos...music...movies...books...and people. Read this forum and take notes. Get a big spiral notebook with tabs in it to separate your notes into topics. That will increase your sense of control and that always makes us feel better. Find a friend from this site to communicate with. That person will understand what you're going through and you can help lift each other up. Bear in mind that Mel will not automatically give you numbers of others. He is very thoughtful in how he does this. You might ask for someone's number, but he will also have to ask the other person if they want to communicate before numbers are exchanged.
4. Stay OFF of other sites. I was the world's worst offender on this. Most other sites have at least some negativity...and we all know the negative side...but dwelling on it even in the most minor way does not benefit us.
5. Create one beautiful corner in your home where you spend the most time. I put a pic of a tea corner I made in my office in the post "Hyacinths for the Soul." It's really important to have some beauty in your life. You don't have to go out and buy anything...everyone has "stuff" around their house...just take a mental inventory and maybe use something you already have in another way. One example of this is an old vase I had that holds a "bouquet" of combs and brushes in my bathroom. I also use a pretty glass coaster to hold my "about to take" supplements. I have the spot I sit in at home surrounded by pretty and functional things. My big box of supplements (a lovely floral decorated box with a lid)...tea things...phone charger...napkins...stevia...my laptop...a pretty tablet and pen...all are in close proximity to my rocking chair by the fire. I keep this area clean and organized at all times. It just makes my life less stressful. I also don't ever allow junk to pile up in this area...no mail or flyers...magazines...nothing is allowed to stay past the time I'm actually reading it, with the exception of magazines or catalogs that I really enjoy...but I have a special shelf close by for those things, and I keep them neatly organized. I try to do anything I can to alleviate stress, and keeping visual clutter down and practical things handy helps to do this.
6. Figure out snacks and meals you can eat, cook ahead, and don't get yourself in a place where there's nothing you can eat in the house. Keep it simple. One of my favorite things on a cold day is egg drop soup (super easy and recipe is in the recipe post) and hot tea. There are really a lot of food options...take the time to read the Beginners post that Anna wrote...there are lots of good ideas about foods.
7. Take a bath...not super hot...and not every day. Mel says to alternate baths with showers...but the plus side to baths is that you can add things to the bath water like epsom salts, baking soda, and essential oils. These things are very soothing...and it's nice to take a bath with low light (candles are nice) and soft music...that is very calming. Lavender is very relaxing smells wonderful as well.
8. Chamomile tea is very soothing and most of us can drink it with no problems. I like to sweeten it with stevia and lighten it up with almond milk. It's very calming and tasty too.
9. Listen to past conference calls, and attend current ones as well.
10. Read the forum every day, and make posts often. Don't be shy. If you have a question, ask. We are here to support each other, and that makes us all feel better. We cheer each other on and delight in every small step forward for each and every one of our community members.
Once again...a very long post from me, (and I apologize) but...I'm hoping it offers something of value in positivity and in keeping YOU in the drivers seat.
Karen |