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The Testimonials Page is a microcosm (cliff notes version) of our site. It has been created to bring forth the most important information (knowledge) found here and share stories of encouragement and progress from those within our community.

It is with immense gratitude and great pleasure that we dedicate this testimonial page to our devoted friend and webmaster, John Waiveris of Invisible Gold.

This could never have been accomplished without his unselfish willingness to help others. I could have never gotten this far along with the web site without the endless hours of his generosity.

I will always be grateful for all he has done for all of you.

God bless you John,


This website has grown so large that in order to see the transforming impact that our protocol is having in the lives of Morgellons sufferers and their families, one must now wade through a massive volume of information.

Therefore, we decided to create a special place that is dedicated to sharing medical updates, progress reports, and encouraging stories from those who are having their health restored. The posts shown here are unsolicited and unedited, and are taken from our own forum. They appear in order of their historical appearance.

The person who invests an hour or two to review this collection of posts will notice an emerging pattern of transformation here. Many arrive here in a condition of hopelessness and despair, often isolated and estranged even from their loved ones. They find here a place of safety and compassion, a place of learning and inspiration, a place of encouragement and admonition to "First Do No Harm".

They devour the information available here and begin the process of improving their daily choices as they take back responsibility for their health. They begin to first stabilize, then to improve their health to a place where they are functional and productive again.

Their Hope restored, and "having their life back again", they begin the process of identifying what specific challenges remain and they may venture off to explore new interests or opportunities.

One thing should be perfectly clear from those who have reported improvement; they have all consistently stated that they have diligently stayed on the entire protocol.

The first three posts are without a doubt the longest, but they contain vital information that will give you a better understanding of how and why the protocol works and what one can expect when you have your herxheimer (detox) reaction.

You will find that the reading pace quickens thereafter. Each post or thread of posts is separated by a horizontal line. Sometimes threads were included to capture an original thought or train of thought in its entirety.

This testimonial page will be updated regularly. Anyone wishing to share encouragement and Hope may submit their story via email to:

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Thread: What is under our control


Date Added: 4/17/2021
Date Of Original Post: 4/11/2019

Dear Chrissie, Laura, and Maria,

Thank you SO much for your feedback. Your kind words help keep the positive momentum going, and that is a key factor in dealing with this disease.

These Youtube videos have given me much to think about...they really illustrate how our thoughts and words can affect the outcome of...well...just about anything.

I think our prayer meetings harness the power of doing this as a group...which is of course something the Bible teaches us...

Matthew 18:20 New International Version (NIV)

"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

I believe we were all led here to help each other...and I think we are doing a very good job of it too!

If you are new and reading this...if you are out there and suffering and have no idea of who to believe or what works or even if anything works...then...please pause for a moment and take a breath. God has led you here and has provided a group of strong and caring individuals who will understand and offer much practical and emotional support. I know this is true because it happened for me and for every person here.

We hear this story over and over again from every person in the community...words like...I was at my breaking point and had tried so many things. I prayed and asked God to please help please show me what to do...and then I found this site.

There is a way to beat this disease...and there are many people who have gotten well and stayed well over the years using this protocol. There are answers...not easy ones...but there are definitely answers that work.

And you are most welcome here.



Thread: What is under our control


Date Added: 4/17/2021
Date Of Original Post: 4/7/2019

Hi Karen,

Thank you for your beautifully expressed post. This video also is very powerful, evocative and so true.

It is so important that we all focus on the things we have control over. It is imperative that we don't lose our sense of self to this disease. We are NOT this disease, we may have it, but it is not who we are.

Before i joined this community, when I was flailing about trying to fight this on my own I was lost. In the times that the disease was taking over my body I thought I had no control. I didn't know about the diet, I didn't have the means to get the meds I needed. I felt as if it was engulfing me. I felt as if I could never be happy not when dis-ease was having a field day/week /year at my expense.

The truth is that the very time when we need to think or express ourselves in a positive way, is WHEN we are SICK.

We all need to challenge the sad thoughts, face the fear and throw it out the window, it won't help, it will hinder.

When we are fearful, God's love can't get through, fear blocks the love. If we allow worry and fearful thoughts to dominate our bodies, our immune function will stay depressed also.

We have the knowledge and life experience and community now. We know what we can do with , 'the sum of the parts,' the correct food, water, rest, fresh air, protocol.

Yes Karen, you are so right! A huge part of healing is watching our thought processes and our words.

Are we making a conscious choice every minute of every day to disregard the unhelpful thoughts and words and focus instead on what will be nurturing, positive or helpful. Both for ourselves and for other people?

In times of struggle do we dwell on the difficulties or do we choose to focus on something that will help us or others to feel better?

We have to have hope. We have to be positive both for our own health but also for others around us.

This is not an easy illness. It is a difficult journey. No one has ever said it would be clear sailing. But even in the days when it feels too much, it is better to rest and sleep rather than over think it. It is better then to tell our thoughts, that's enough for today. We must learn to be gentle on our minds as well as our bodies.

We must learn to be loving to ourselves and also loving to each other. The protocol works because it is a synergy of wonderful nutrients, herbs and vitamins all working together to help us to heal physically.

Like you say Karen, we have to be holistic, in body, mind and soul. In this way our body will have the emotional and spiritual nutrients it needs in order to fully heal.

God bless,

Thread: What is under our control


Date Added: 4/17/2021
Date Of Original Post: 4/6/2019

Hi Everybody,

I've been thinking a lot lately about attitude. Maybe attitude isn't the right word. Maybe a better term view.

A holistic approach to healing involves body, mind, and soul, and I believe our community has much to offer in all areas., I "accidentally" found something that has reminded me of the limitless power of our thoughts.

The name of this thread is "What is Under Our Control." One of the hallmarks of this disease is the feeling of a complete loss of control, but in reality we have much more control over our healing than we might think.

Mel often talks about the "Sum of the Parts." One of the biggest areas of control we have is over each small decision (there are dozens daily) related to staying in compliance with the "Sum of the Parts" in our lives. Those choices are physical...we choose to take our supplements, eat the right foods, get enough rest, drink water, etc.

WE are the ones who make these endless small choices, and each of these has a cumulative impact on our healing.

However...there are other very powerful decisions we can make that will have a direct and powerful impact on our healing.

We decide what we think...and...we decide what we say.

As mentioned, I'd been thinking about view...just some random thoughts rattling around in my head while I was driving. And then...this morning...something very "interesting" popped up. I picked my phone up and was doing my usual morning internet check suddenly the following Youtube video popped up.

I decided to listen to it, and...all I have to say is...there is no doubt in my mind that this was a direct heavenly message I needed to hear at this point in my healing.

The truth of this video touched me in a very profound way.

And of course...I wanted to share this with my sweet and precious friends in this community.

Here it is. I felt very empowered after watching it...and I hope you will too.

Much love,


Thread: What is under our control


Date Added: 4/17/2021
Date Of Original Post: 2/5/2019

Hi Everybody,

I hope you will all take a few minutes to read this thread. Especially watch the fascinating video of Dr. Masaru Emoto's Water Experiment, which is only a few minutes long, and read Karen's 10 tips on how we can get a handle on our emotions and send positive signals to our bodies.

I was going to post my favorite of the 10 tips here, but they are all fantastic. I would only add to #2 that when my mind gets caught up in circular thinking, and I realize it (It usually takes a few minutes of that kind of thinking for me to realize what I am doing.), I start combating the negative thoughts with what I call intentional thinking.

No matter how hard I try, I can never get myself to just stop thinking about something negative. However, I can intentionally add positive, good thoughts.

So, I might intentionally think of a Bible verse or song that I like a lot, or something I have been reading. I might intentionally think about something I watched on TV or YouTube, or listen to the Bible on YouTube. (David Suchet, who played Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot on PBS has a great reading voice, and reads the Bible on YouTube).

As long as those bad thoughts keep coming, I keep adding good thoughts. The bad thoughts will eventually stop. The truth of the matter is that it usually doesn't take long for that to happen. Once your mind grabs onto an interesting positive thought, it will usually think on it for awhile.

You can't stop negative or scary thoughts from popping into your head, but you don't have to welcome them with open arms. There are things you can do to combat them.

Watch and really think about what is shown in the video below. Try implementing some of the tips and suggestions shown in this thread into your own life.

If anyone has other ideas on how to combat negative thoughts, please post them here. Your ideas might help somebody else.

Philippians 4:6-8 (NIV)

6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.


Thread: What is under our control


Date Added: 4/17/2021
Date Of Original Post: 1/7/2019

Hi Anne,

Thanks so much for the tip on the Inner Talk recordings. I bought an Mp3 recording off the site but had some problems with downloading...and the transferring to my phone was another whole app that got a little complicated.'s an easy option...Youtube has some of these recordings. I found one about stress that we could all really it is...

It's great! Thanks again for the idea.



Thread: What is under our control


Date Added: 4/17/2021
Date Of Original Post: 12/31/2018

Hello Everybody,

We all know the downside of these toxic diseases...and dealing with them can be so difficult that we sometimes become discouraged and feel like victims. Victims are those who feel they have no control over their situations...and it's easy to develop a victim mentality when facing this disease.

If you ever find yourself sliding into a victim mentality, then remember...the opposite of a victim is one who is in control...and...if you think about it, we actually HAVE the control. It's not easy...but the ball is definitely in our court. So...with this in mind, here are some things to remember that will keep YOU in the drivers seat:

1. You can get well. Evidence supports this. The evidence is in the large numbers of people who have gotten well and stayed well using this protocol. It's not easy, but it can be done.

2. Time plus effort will equal the results you desire.'s a long period of time to get to the finish line, but it's do-able. In life, there's always a flip side to every coin. We know the negative aspects of this disease...but there are positives too...and this experience offers us the opportunity to learn consistency, patience, discipline, and management of our emotions at a higher level than we'd have ever thought possible. Morgellons is a great teacher (not one any of us would have ever signed up for...but we can learn much from this experience, nonetheless).

3. You CAN manage your emotions. That is the hardest part...not giving in to despair. Management of your emotions is important because it has a very direct impact on your physiology. Many of you have already heard of Masaru Emoto, but if you haven't please take a moment to enjoy this link:

(video no longer available)

It clearly illustrates the effects of emotions on matter. The "matter" involved is water. A very high percentage of our bodies are water, thus...our emotions have a direct effect on our physical bodies.

We can use this to our benefit or to our demise.

We choose. can we make ourselves calm down enough to take advantage of the benefits of positivity? How can we do that when we're so very scared and dealing with the range of symptoms that would make anyone want to get extremely upset? Well...I've given this a lot of thought...and here are some tips that have helped me:

1. Get the "sum of the parts" under control. Do what ever you can to get your food organized, your of it. Don't obsess on house cleaning...just simplify everything as much as you can and clean reasonably using non-toxic methods. Shove stuff into garbage bags and park it either in the trash can, or in another room until you get better and get a chance to go through it. Keep everything super simple for now. It won't be forever. I'm going through things now that I put away a couple of years ago and I'm fine. You will be too.

2. If you find yourself going into that circular thinking of how your life has changed, how it will never be the same again, how in the world am I ever going to ever get through this, am I contagious, where did all my money go, how unbelievable the medical community is, how disappointed you are in the medical community...and how, if they've missed something this obvious, how can you know what to trust from them ever again, how your family has treated you...any of this...if you find yourself going into that kind of thinking, do this. The minute you start the thought, mentally (or even out loud if you're alone), yell STOP. You have to do this quickly to stop the neurotransmitter loop that will perpetuate the circular thought pattern. Then get up and move. You have to physically move to stop the thought process. Go outside for a minute if you can. If you have a rebounder, hop on it and jump a few times...that will offer other benefits as well.

3. Surround yourself with positive things. Youtube people. Read this forum and take notes. Get a big spiral notebook with tabs in it to separate your notes into topics. That will increase your sense of control and that always makes us feel better. Find a friend from this site to communicate with. That person will understand what you're going through and you can help lift each other up. Bear in mind that Mel will not automatically give you numbers of others. He is very thoughtful in how he does this. You might ask for someone's number, but he will also have to ask the other person if they want to communicate before numbers are exchanged.

4. Stay OFF of other sites. I was the world's worst offender on this. Most other sites have at least some negativity...and we all know the negative side...but dwelling on it even in the most minor way does not benefit us.

5. Create one beautiful corner in your home where you spend the most time. I put a pic of a tea corner I made in my office in the post "Hyacinths for the Soul." It's really important to have some beauty in your life. You don't have to go out and buy anything...everyone has "stuff" around their house...just take a mental inventory and maybe use something you already have in another way. One example of this is an old vase I had that holds a "bouquet" of combs and brushes in my bathroom. I also use a pretty glass coaster to hold my "about to take" supplements. I have the spot I sit in at home surrounded by pretty and functional things. My big box of supplements (a lovely floral decorated box with a lid)...tea laptop...a pretty tablet and pen...all are in close proximity to my rocking chair by the fire. I keep this area clean and organized at all times. It just makes my life less stressful. I also don't ever allow junk to pile up in this mail or flyers...magazines...nothing is allowed to stay past the time I'm actually reading it, with the exception of magazines or catalogs that I really enjoy...but I have a special shelf close by for those things, and I keep them neatly organized. I try to do anything I can to alleviate stress, and keeping visual clutter down and practical things handy helps to do this.

6. Figure out snacks and meals you can eat, cook ahead, and don't get yourself in a place where there's nothing you can eat in the house. Keep it simple. One of my favorite things on a cold day is egg drop soup (super easy and recipe is in the recipe post) and hot tea. There are really a lot of food options...take the time to read the Beginners post that Anna wrote...there are lots of good ideas about foods.

7. Take a bath...not super hot...and not every day. Mel says to alternate baths with showers...but the plus side to baths is that you can add things to the bath water like epsom salts, baking soda, and essential oils. These things are very soothing...and it's nice to take a bath with low light (candles are nice) and soft music...that is very calming. Lavender is very relaxing smells wonderful as well.

8. Chamomile tea is very soothing and most of us can drink it with no problems. I like to sweeten it with stevia and lighten it up with almond milk. It's very calming and tasty too.

9. Listen to past conference calls, and attend current ones as well.

10. Read the forum every day, and make posts often. Don't be shy. If you have a question, ask. We are here to support each other, and that makes us all feel better. We cheer each other on and delight in every small step forward for each and every one of our community members.

Once again...a very long post from me, (and I apologize) but...I'm hoping it offers something of value in positivity and in keeping YOU in the drivers seat.



Thread: Diet Suggestions


Date Added: 4/14/2021
Date Of Original Post: 3/28/2010


8 to 10 glasses of purified water per day
Fresh vegetables
Green vegetable juices (try adding a Granny Smith apple to the juice for flavor)
All fish except shell fish
Free range or organic chicken and turkey, eggs
Lemons, limes, fresh cranberries, Granny Smith apples
Well-cooked grains: brown or wild rice, millet, buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa, spelt, teff
Pasta made from any of the above recommended grains
Beans and lentils
Raw fermented foods
Essential fatty acids like flax oil and olive oil
Plain unsweetened yogurt
Unsweetened rice or almond milk
Raw almonds and seeds, raw almond butter
Herbal teas like chamomile or peppermint
Stevia or SweetLife

Sugar intake: sucrose, fructose, maltose, lactose,
glucose, mannitol, sorbitol, galactose, maple
syrup, brown, raw and date sugar, honey and
artificial sweeteners
Wheat and yeast
Alcohol, soda, coffee, ciders
Condiments, sauces and vinegar products
(mayonnaise, catsup, MSG, pickles)
Dried or candied fruits such as raisins or dates
Processed fermented foods such as soy sauce
Fruit juices
Fruits, except those listed above
Dairy and cheese

Thread: Conference with Cathee


Date Added: 4/14/2021
Date Of Original Post: 5/18/2020

Hi Freddie,

Thank you for giving us an overview of Saturday's call with Cathee.

Cathee is one of my very favorite people that Mel gets to come on the conference calls from time to time because she is such a knowledgeable, kind, and patient lady. She always has something interesting and useful to teach us and she takes the time to thoughtfully answer our questions.

Not to mention that Cathee's company is Natural Ginesis, which sells absolutely terrific products.

Cathee also kindly gives us a discount on her products when we use the discount code MORG15. I think that applies to all Natural Ginesis products except for the Toxic Disease Starter Kit, which is already discounted a lot more than 15%.

I was not able to attend the call Saturday, but no doubt like many others, I do plan on listening to the recording. So, thank you again for an overview of the call.

God bless,


Thread: Conference with Cathee

Fredddie bean

Date Added: 4/14/2021
Date Of Original Post: 5/16/2020

Hi Everyone

What a really great call......

Our very own Cathee from Natural Ginesis was the guest on this Saturdays Conference call ... she has such a wealth knowledge so never disappoints, we all learn something new each time Cathee kindly comes on to the calls.

We all learnt so much about all the different Essential oils today, how to prepare by adding drops into a carrier oil, what each one helps with and where to apply, also where NOT to apply that being your pets!

Of course lots of talk from everyone's all time favorite product, Kleen Green no getting away from it, Kleen Green is just an excellent performer and so versatile, yes a good all rounder on just about everything.
(Don't forget to dilute)

So very informative as always Cathee, thank you so much for taking the time to be this Saturdays guest speaker and thank you Mel for making this call happen

Freddie x

Thread: In The Beginning....


Date Added: 4/14/2021
Date Of Original Post: 7/25/2019

Hi Leslie,

Thank you for sharing your story with us. It's fantastic that you are 96% well! I'm glad that God directed you to Mel's site, and now you are almost ready to do the Happy Dance :-)

I'm glad that you put in your post that your journey was a journey of ups and downs, because it helps others to understand that the journey out of toxic disease and into wellness is not just a journey of up, up, ups. The disease cycles, and there will be downs as well. But you stayed with it through the ups and downs of this disease and the ups and downs of life, and now you're almost at the finish line!

I'm glad to hear that you're still remaining consistent with doing all of the Sum of the Parts.

It's fantastic that you now have a great job and an apartment that you love. I'm very sorry that you ever had to experience being homeless. I'm glad that Mel and others in this community were here to support and encourage you through that hard time.

You're right that the HCAF is truly a wonderful blessing. Huge thanks to Mel, and everyone who gives to it. It's very kind of you to vow to give back to the foundation and to help others.

I hope you have a lovely time in Barbados, with a safe trip and beautiful weather while you're there. It's great that you're already thinking of many other fun vacations up ahead :-)

Psalm 139:17-18 (MEV)

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How great is the sum of them!
If I should count them,
they are more in number than the sand;
when I awake,
I am still with You.

God bless,


Thread: In The Beginning....


Date Added: 4/14/2021
Date Of Original Post: 7/23/2019

Hi Leslie,

I am so happy for you that you are almost at the finish line. You have worked very hard and overcome so many obstacles which really tells me that even in the harshest conditions anyone can make it if they persevere.

You are truly a warrior in every sense.

I too enjoy listening to your prayers. I would love to be able to talk to God even half as spiritually as you but I know He hears my prayers as well.

Praying for a very speedy Happy Dance for you.


Thread: In The Beginning....


Date Added: 4/14/2021
Date Of Original Post: 7/21/2019


Congratulations Leslie to be well on you way to do the famous Happy dance.

I've listen to you on the calls since my first day on the call and was amazed at how serene you sounded and persistent you were to get to where you are now.

Praise God for bring you to the best Protocol I know.

God is going to use you to help others like myself. Thank you for the calls and conversations we had in such little time but powerful chats.

Love Ya

Thread: In The Beginning....


Date Added: 4/14/2021
Date Of Original Post: 7/21/2019

Good day fellow warriors,

I must add an addendum to my earlier post....

A great BIG thank you to the He Cure All Foundation for blessing me months of the Protocol when I could not afford it. Mel with his great big heart placed me on the foundation and I have vowed to pay if for forward by giving back into the foundation and helping others anyway I can.

The HCA foundation is for those who are not able to afford the protocol or coaching. I ask that you all please help support the foundation so that others who can not afford it can get well.

This foundation has blessed many and still blessing many to receive the protocol at no cost.

This is a GOD sent website with awesome leadership in the person of Mel with his hockey stick. LOL

Give and will bless your life as it have done me and so many others. Luke 6:38 (New King James Version) Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be out into you bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.

I dare you to give and see what God will do for you as he’s done for me.

In The Master’s Hand

Thread: In The Beginning....


Date Added: 4/14/2021
Date Of Original Post: 7/20/2019

Hello Warriors,

Pray that everyone is well and standing in the Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Well I have not told my story and have decided it’s time. I’ll keep it as short and brief as possible.

I contracted this Terrible disease in 2017 I believe and think I caught it pretty quickly, but not quick was contracted by being bitten by bedbugs at a family member’s home I was staying with.

However, it doesn’t matter how but I am so glad and thankful to the LORD for directing me to Mel’s site.

I had seen another Natural Pathic Doctor but she would not acknowledge it was “M” but did help in some way.

I ordered Mel’s Protocol on June 18, 2018 where my healing journey began…an it’s been a journey nevertheless with up’s down’s highs & lows.

Through it all I had to trust the LORD to bring me through. I can now say it’s been Thirteen months as of July 18th and I’m 96% there and almost ready to do the “Happy Dance.”

Thanking God I have not had issues with fibers & lesions but had a lot of upper body issues with my head, eyes, ears, nose and that crawling sensation almost drove me completely nuts for at least 6 months and then
I was able to get relief after spraying myself daily with the WPS & Kleen Green as Mel instructed me to do daily … This is a good segway to the things I learned.


* First I joined the website for a small fee of $5.00 a month and read
through the entire website
* I Invested (I don’t like to say purchased) Mel’s coaching - they are
necessary, needed, crucial and vital to your healing journey
* I listened to 1 year of conference calls & participated on the calls
rarely missing a Saturday call
* I posted in the forum as Mel requested (those who participate & post get
* I was determined and remain consistent with doing ALL the “SUM” of parts
and not “SOME” of the parts
* I did not mix Protocol’s – if you do you WILL NOT GET WELL - Stick to
the Protocol
*I immediately changed my diet ridding my diet of all sugar and used the
search engine for meal ( was not to but all the things I needed but kept
eating what I could afford until I was able to do better – I was blessed
to be able to buy Organic foods.
*I read about the Lemonade drink which helped me to get around a little
after six months ( see the food guide) it works!
*I attended/attend Sunday’s prayer meeting and fellowship “you gotta get
some fellow’s in your ship” i.e. why we do fellowship after prayer
service. There you connect and make everlasting friendships.
*I RECEIVED/RECEIVE so much support, love and encouragement each Saturday
and Sunday from participating on the calls

My journey has not been easy but had some very challenging moments with being fired from my job because of the TDS, being isolated about 6 months because the pathogens was giving off some kind of effect off my body causing people to itch like they had fleas when I came into a room or presence.

I became homeless for 5 months and had to make a decision to go into a shelter because the family member I lived with was so mean toward me and stressed me out so badly. And I thank GOD through it all JESUS kept me and the entire community of Warriors helped me through with much encouragement and support with Powerful Words of Prayer and one supported me with small financial gift when I needed it the most. I must say the shelter was a challenge in every way but God gave me much favor because I was able to cook my food at a family member home or friend home to have my healthy meals. GOD was/is still in control of all our affairs - Psalms 46:10 BE still and know that I am GOD. HE surely has proven himself in my life.
I now have a beautiful apartment as of March 2019 with many perks added :)

The beginning was no picnic in the park but I learned so much about myself, people and drew me even closer to GOD. And I don’t regret one minute of it. Ecclesiastes 3:1 Everything that happens in this world happens at the time God chooses (Good News Translation). Mel found his purpose after making his vow to the Lord asking if you get me well I will commit my life to helping others and he is doing just that.

MEL- BIG HUGS & THANK YOU FROM ME TO YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. Without you, I don’t know where this would have taken me. I so appreciate you, your gifts and wisdom.

I have gained my life back totally but never really lost it because I still went to Church but sat in the back, still went to family functions, found a perm job and am very happy and now going on my first of many vacations on Friday July 26th to the good island of Barbados … YAH! Watch out Barbados!

Just a little long snippet of my story.

God Bless you ALL – Those who don’t give up HOPE get WELL!

In The Master’s Hand

Thread: Morning, Afternoon and Evening Conference Call


Date Added: 4/14/2021
Date Of Original Post: 5/10/2020

Hello My Fellow Warriors,

I have to agree with Freddie B, our Saturday calls are always so inspirational and informative for all of our newbies.

Joining the community by joining the Saturday calls is the way I learned so much on how people were getting well. Everything is on the table for discussing. You can ask any question you want. This is such a fantastic way to learn from others how and what they are doing to get well.

There are several people who are 95% well. " One of them being myself." We are so happy to give advice, as we have all been where each and everyone of you are right now. I just love helping in any way I can. I want you all to know there is "HOPE."
You can get well as long as you follow the protocol and come to understand the meaning of THE SUM OF THE PARTS!!!

You must always follow the diet
You must always take the protocol
Don't ever miss taking your dose of WPS
Get coaching from Mel, it is priceless!!!
Slow and steady
Get lots of rest
Drink more water then you ever have before.

I have been doing this for over 2 years. I have never once giving up. I will make it to the end of this journey.

I will do my "HAPPY DANCE."

Mel has helped "Hundreds" get well. We will be on that list soon.

If I can do it, so can you!

Come to the Saturday and Sunday calls. I will be there to do anything I can to help anyone who has a question that I can answer.

God Bless you all as we go through this journey together.
With Mel's help and our faith in God we can all get well.

Your friend,

Thread: Songs Of The Journey


Date Added: 4/14/2021
Date Of Original Post: 4/19/2020

Hi everyone,

I am overjoyed due to being able to breathe normally again at 99%, instead of years of breathing through the mire an O2 Sat. ranging from low 80's to low 90's. That in and of itself is a miracle!

My thanks goes out to Mel, Logos Nutrionals, the folks at Solvereign Silver, Healthy Way and each and everyone of you in the community.

God bless you and heal you all and may you have a wonderful day today and always.

Don't ever give up HOPE.

Thank you all, Sue!

Thread: Songs Of The Journey

Sue H

Date Added: 4/14/2021
Date Of Original Post: 7/18/2019

Hi Cheryl,

Thank you so much for the support and appreciate your post with words of encouragement.
I am very fortunate to become a member of the community! Everyone is so kind and caring.

It's nice to be a part of something that affects so many of us with restoring health is the goal.

Being here is truly a blessing from God. This is one way we know our prayers have been answered.

I'm glad you are back and feeling so much better!

Warmest regards,
From Sue.

Thread: Newbie here


Date Added: 4/14/2021
Date Of Original Post: 12/31/2019

I have gone through river of emotions reading other's journeys.

I believe with all my heart that it is no coincidence that I am beginning my journey at the beginning of 2020. New year, a new journey, a new commitment that I intend to see myself giving a wonderful testimony of how my Father God sent me looking desperately for what I could do to alleviate these terrible and unbelievable symptoms and how I found an answer to my prayer for help.

I searched one day and found Mr Mel and his wonderfully informative and lovingly accepting community.

After taking the time to read and read some more, I have to agree with those who believe there is always HOPE! Never give up!!


Thread: children and morgellons


Date Added: 4/14/2021
Date Of Original Post: 12/29/2019

I'm just beginning this Journey this rainy December day.

I almost had to be hospitalized, but my son and grand children kept me going. Is it true everyone in the home gets this.

Mel Say's it might appear that way because of your circumstance, but that's not normally the case!

I see signs in my son diagnosed with Autism but he has no complaints. My 3 yr old granddaughter has all the symptoms symptoms I have. What can I do for her?

Mel Suggest that you read this entire thread to learn that children are much easier to restore than adults, then let go of anxiety related to worrying about the children. We can Discuss this as well on Sunday or set up a time this week.

Hope this helps.

God bless,

Thread: Dance, Dance and Dance some more

Freddie bean

Date Added: 4/14/2021
Date Of Original Post: 12/27/2019

Hi Everyone

As many of you know I love music and dancing, well I had been invited to a friend's evening Christmas celebration and they had a disco, well I danced nearly non stop for three hours it was such fun. I wore a flapper dress which has lots of bling however the unfortunate thing was my dancing was a little too energetic the dangle sparkly fringe bits kept falling off, I had a good few in my handbag by the end of the night!

To all the newbies reading this I was very poorly 18 months ago or thereabouts, I was just giving up on life after doctors and skin specialists were telling me I was delusional when I found Mel and How I Cured Morgellons web site, when I read an email from Mel saying "I think I can help you" it was like a great weight had been lifted, I smiled laughed and cry all at the same time.

I haven't had much energy since 1998 when I got myself Lyme's, although I recovered enough after three years to go back to work part time, I was never really myself and struggled but I didn't look back because I was so much better than I was, I just thought this is me I am older this is what happens at my age, how wrong was I!

Mel has got me to the place that I am at how, with his protocol and his selfless support and guidance, Mel knows everything about this toxic disease when ever I need he a little extra support he is there at the end of the phone to coax me on.

I am nearly back to my old self a fun loving person, friends use to say if there wasn't smile on my face there must be something wrong. I smile all the time now, people at work think I'm weird ha ha...if only they knew what I have been through and now coming out of....

From a very Happy

Freddie x

Thread: Toxic Disease Pioneer Presents - New Stories From Those Who Have Restored Their Health


Date Added: 4/14/2021
Date Of Original Post: 2/11/2020

I’d like to thank Margo and Daisy for the video on this thread. Mel thought I would appreciate listening to it, so I did, and he was correct. I found it to be a source of inspiration and hope.

We are all on this journey together, even if our individual experiences with MD & Lyme and other toxic illnesses vary from person to person in relation to the symptoms we experience and the degree to which we experience them. Everyone’s body is different.

However, as I listened to Daisy, it struck me that much of what she said, I could have said about my own experience. In the beginning, everyone is overwhelmed. Once we start the protocol, it starts to do its magic. Once we become involved with the forum, we are given immense support and hope. Slowly but surely, our bodies start to heal. Although I am not completely well yet, I hope to be someday, as we all do.

I think it is important to listen to the stories of individuals who have gotten there. Since I started the protocol, I have seen Donna get better. Leslie is inches from the finish line. So many others that I know and love have shown improvement in the year and a half that I have been around.

Thank you, Mel, for a website that enables us to view videos like this in order to reinforce how important it is to never give up hope and to trust in God, the ultimate healer.


Thread: For Newbies by a Newbie

Freddie Bean

Date Added: 4/14/2021
Date Of Original Post: 11/29/2018

Tips for Newbies from a Newbie

I still class myself a newbie as I still have so much to learn on this disease but things are fresh in my mind at what I was told when I joined this great forum some three months ago.....

Don't be scared you are not alone, just please remember that there are plenty of people here with so much experience on this disease to help you through this you will not be on your own.

Try to stay calm as the Morgellons get worse when you get upset and agitated. It thrives off your stress hormones, this is so true because my stress level which was through the roof dropped when I found this forum and bingo the crawling and itching lessened.

Change you diet tomorrow, this is so important cut out all sugar and get your Carbs down to 30 a day you can check the amount of carbs in a product take the car gram figure and subtract the fibre gram amount that will give you the net grams you are after. This diet has been a godsend and it will be a good start for you and again many people on here can help you and there are some lovely recipes on here too. Yes at the beginning it's not easy but it will get easier and will become second nature.

We all need to build up our immune system, as this is why we have got sick our immune system was so compromised that it couldn't fight off this disease, so now we need to take good vitamin supplements to build ourselves up before embarking on ridding us of this disease.


Brain Fog well I still suffer with this but it is getting better so be assured this is just a blip and as you start getting better so will the fog and you will soon see things through it.

Thread: Holy Saturday Conference Call


Date Added: 4/14/2021
Date Of Original Post: 5/5/2020

Dear All,

I know it has been a few weeks since this conference call but these calls are timeless and also extremely precious!

I urge anyone who hasn't listened to the Call from 04/11/20 to do so :-).

I agree wholeheartedly with Freddie, Linda and Ruth Ann just how important these calls are.

This call in particular was such an excellent idea by our very own Mel who in the space of a few days thought it up, rallied together all the troops and seamlessly brought it all together. You go Mel!!!!!:-).

The call brought together 11 warriors from the past and the present and some who will be healing into the future.

James was there which was extremely pertinent as he was the fourth person Mel helped on the website, well over a decade ago. He said that finding Mel was a, 'godsend.' At the time he was going to school and had a job and was still able to heal himself re the protocol. He went on to train as a registered nurse. He felt that the protocol gave him a, 'rebirth,' like he was, 'born again.' This is because through building his health up, he felt better after he got sick than he did before. Mel encouraged him to be brave. He said to listeners that through prayers, patience and following the protocol... it worked!!! He keeps healthy nowadays by keeping up the basic protocol.

Mel said to James, " well we are all here because of a 40lb Red Tailed Hawk who talks." Love it!! :-).

Next on the call was Ruth from England. She was the first person that Mel helped in Europe and she comes back when she can to encourage others. She said that God answered her prayers when Mel phoned her!! Ruth said the forum helped tremendously also, she read it an hour every day for six weeks to acclimatise herself with everything. She encouraged people from the UK to get the protocol from Logos shipped to them and to get Sovereign Silver too!

Monica came on and It was personally wonderful to hear her. I had followed her journey religiously when majorly struggling before I had properly joined the community. She and her journey and her words and experience and knowledge and faith had been a crutch for me back then. To hear her talk I was bowled over!!! I used to say to myself, "what would Monica do?" That's how much reading her journey had meant to me.

Monica stated emphatically that Mel and John had given her the tools to save her life!! She said she couldn't imagine her life without the knowledge she has now. She stated that she's happy that her journey helped so many people :-). She said she also needed to journal for her own journey to learn and grow psychologically and spiritually. She said that the whole healing journey makes you question how much you love yourself. You learn to eat healthily. You realise how much you want to live. By taking herbs, food supplements etc, she said you learn to Love yourself every day!!! Powerful sentiments indeed from Monica.

Our very own Cheryl came on the call. Cheryl with her gentle, intelligent and thoughtful ways, stated that for her James is a, 'symbol of hope.' That his posts have always been important to her. They encourage her to keep going in her healing journey and to never give up.

It was so nice to hear everybody!!!!!!

Deborah and Carrie (mother and daughter) came on. Deborah said that scriptures say,"pain in the night, but joy in the morning." That through the consistent and persistent working at the, 'sum of the parts,' and cleaning the bioterrain, they both healed.

Carrie said that as a child it was hard to take meds. But she survived by listening to parents, trusting in God and listening to Uncle Mel :-). She said Mel has got, 'good advice.'

Mary came in and stated that Mel is fearless and we all owe so much to him. In 2014 Mary got Morgellons. Her name in the forum was Mary the canonite woman. At the time she was the mother of a ten year old. She said the protocol woke her up and that she didn't cheat.

Mel said it depends on how much people love life, if they love it, they work at their healing and follow the protocol.

Donna said that God led her to Mels website. It was the right place for her absolutely. She urged people to follow the protocol and said that coaching with Mel really helped her along her healing journey . Donna read other people's journeys like Mary's. Her friendships with friends on the site also encouraged and helped her along the way.

Peter came on and said the protocol really works! He is now a healthy 67 year old who works with seniors in a community centre . God allowed him to heal through the protocol. He said that Mel delivers Hope and that God comes and walks us through our healing journey. I know that Peters healing journey on the website has helped many a person through the years also :-).

Leslie who is almost completely healed now stated that past warriors gave her Hope!! She encouraged people in their healing journey to be bold, brave, get coaching and listen to Mel even If he has his hockey stick out :-).

Kelly said that Monica was her Rock Star!!!! Your not alone there Kelly! She said that many people in this community are Angels and that we are all incredibly lucky to have found this site.She said there are ups and downs in the journey but that setbacks get shorter and shorter. Finally, one day Mel tells us we can do the Happy Dance!!! :-).

Aunt Laura said she was thrilled to be on the call, able to lift the spirits of people listening. She stated that it takes time but don't give up. Have Hope. Believe it!!! Research the protocol, get the knowledge, good food and start your own healing journey. Aunt Laura emphasised to everyone 'YOU CAN DO THIS.'

Well my friends, I was one of the eleven warriors past, present and future. But I cannot tell you what I said on the call. I know I was tickled pink to speak to Monica and loving hearing everybody on there. However, I cannot go back and listen to ma wee squeaky Scottish voice on the recordings. Ha ha, you will just have to listen for yourselves :-).

Thanks ever so much for slotting that call together Mel, like an amazing, multicoloured jigsaw puzzle. Pieces coming in from all over the globe, but in the end fitting perfectly together!!

God bless everyone who came on the call and shared their individual journeys.


Coffee, Tea with Me 04/11/20
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Thread: My Journey With Morgellons


Date Added: 4/3/2021
Date Of Original Post: 12/14/2019

Hi Everyone!!

I never shared my beginning with Morgellons or shared my story because until I found the website and Mel, I didn't understand much of anything! All I can say is that I was in bad shape.

I ate horribly, didn't sleep much, and had terrible symptoms. All on top of family that did not believe me! At first, they were sympathetic. But, I couldn't tell them how to help me, because I didn't know how to help myself!!

I went to doctor after doctor ( MD's, Dermatologists, a mite specialist, and eventually a pchyiatrist). I spent all of my savings, over $10,000.00 dollars which was all I had in the world, trying to find help... to no avail.

And then... an answer to my prayers! I found the website and Mel Friedman!! It was a turning point in my life!!

Our road in the battle of Morgellons, Lyme Disease, Co-Infections and other toxic diseases is not an easy one. Everyday brings new challenges. Some days are good and some days are bad. But, we are not alone!!

I have more "family" than I have ever had! And God has taken the negatives in my life and turned them into positives!! Its hard to believe, but many good things have happened because of this disease!!

It seems to me that we become the best people we can be through suffering and trials. We certainly learn from these experiences. If that's what it takes for me to be where God wants me to be,...I'm OK with that!

Even though I am fighting this disease everyday, I am happy! I have hope! Through God, family, Mel, the community, friends, and my decisions each and everyday, I can win this battle!!

I am nowhere near to being well...yet. But, each day brings me closer to that goal!!

I pray for all of you continuously, for the healthiest, fullest, and richest bodies and lives we can have!!

Until later, HUGS & LOVE, Rockin Robin

Thread: Happy Thanksgiving / Be Thankful


Date Added: 4/3/2021
Date Of Original Post: 11/28/2019

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Mel, THANK YOU for your beautiful post to each one of us!

'Tears of Joy', as I read with tears streaming down my face, with a heart full of gratefulness of the beauty brought about by such a thing as Morgellons!

I thank the Lord for you, and everyone here with hearts full of love that is a result of our tribulations and trials.

I will praise You, O LORD, with
my whole heart;
I will tell of all Your
marvelous works.
I will be glad and rejoice
in You;
I will sing praise to Your
Name, O Most High. Psalm 9:1&2

May God keep you all in joy today, Tracy

Thread: Happy Thanksgiving / Be Thankful


Date Added: 4/3/2021
Date Of Original Post: 11/29/2019

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!

I’d love to start by thanking everyone for your posts and for sharing about your day. It helps me to remember that truly everything is okay and that I am reminded that I should be content with my surroundings, no matter my circumstances.

I’m thankful that this toxic disease is ONLY temporary, and that when we have moved on and our health is restored, that I’ll have friendships/new family that will last forever. I’m so grateful for Mel and for this site, for the strength in this community, and for the support we give to one another. Thank you!!

I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever. Psalm 86:12

Prayers & Blessings go out to all of you!

Thread: Riding the Wave


Date Added: 4/3/2021
Date Of Original Post: 9/29/2019

Hello, Karen!

As you know, life has been rather challenging for me. When I spoke with Mel earlier today, he ordered me to read your post. When Mel orders me to do anything, I do it because I know that he always knows just what I need.

All of your posts are incredible, but this one is especially exceptional. Regardless of what stage of the game we are in (I am somewhere in the “endless 80%” (that’s what I call it, anyway), it is important to be reminded that getting well is a lengthy process, filled with ups and downs, victories and setbacks. In the end, though, we will prevail if we just keep plugging along and refuse to give up hope.

It’s the middle of the night, and I should be sleeping. I’m having one of those nights that have required some rather strong lemonade to calm the little critters down. I don’t often have nights like this anymore, but they happen to everyone. I’m not letting it bother me, though...I’ve been meaning to catch up on my posting anyway!

I know you have been tremendously busy with selling your house and trying to find a new place to live. Please know that my thoughts and prayers have been with you through the entire process.

Thank you for taking the time to post something so inspirational!

Love you, Karen!


Thread: Shout Out


Date Added: 4/3/2021
Date Of Original Post: 10/24/2019

Hi Mary,

I totally agree with your post. I do feel like we are a family. Everyone is so kind and supportive. I dont want to think about where I would be right now without this website and Mel

I'm so glad you are here as well. You are a real sweetheart and a powerful warrior.


Thread: Everything happens for a REASON /AKA / CHOICE


Date Added: 3/27/2021
Date Of Original Post: 9/8/2019

Today I learned I am a MORGELLONS WARRIOR! A child of God !
I learned NO MATTER how bad things seem I HAVE A CHOICE ...

I'm no longer afraid
2 days ago God whispered ever so quietly in my ear "Fear not my child, for I am here and I have not forgot you" "It is in my time child , not yours." "Fear not because I need you" . "you must go into the forest and THROUGH the woods to get to the other side". "Be a brave warrior for those behind you in need. Those behind you who can not see. Fear not I'm here with thee.

Don't forget to be QUIET & FREE. I gave you WILL for a reason child, use it."

Had I not been still and quiet myself I would not have heard the whisper.

So what if something is there. Relax ,enjoy, be free, Go find something beautiful to see or create. Nothing lasts forever and this too shall pass.

It's been about a week I'm on just the basic protocol of vitamins clean diet and water. Nothing more and I feel so much better. yes i still have A LOT of issues but i don't care.

I BELIEVE and I see the light at the other side of the forest to guide me through the woods like the north star did Jesus or whoever it was. sorry I'm not good with biblical references...

I hope to have made you laugh, was supposed to be funny. Hope I didn't offend anyone.

I can only imagine how I will feel out of this stress with a quiet place to rest. AS you all heard on today's call. I can only apologize for my room mates behavior. If I can do this under this amount of stress with such little rest ...we can all do anything.

Thank you my warriors ahead of me and good luck to all those who follow.

Thank you God for creating Mel and making him such a warrior to have blazed the trail and kept the light so bright for all of us to find our way. What an amazing feat you have accomplished SIR.

I only hope i can help as many as you do.
God bless and good night to all.

P.S. cheap store brand tomato juice got the gunk off my hands. I believe the technical term is biofilm...Ok i'm just learning

Much Love,

Thread: Even in Hawaii you can get better!


Date Added: 3/27/2021
Date Of Original Post: 9/15/2019

Hi Daya,

It's FANTASTIC that you are 90% better. That truly is a reason to celebrate!

It's tragic that there are so many people with Morgellons in Hawaii. You are very kind to try to help the ones you meet, by telling them about Mel's website.

I'm very glad to hear that you have found a church you like to attend. It's great that you were baptized this past Easter. I love how the fruit of the Spirit is growing in your heart

That last 10% of Morgellons will go as well, and you will be doing your HAPPY DANCE!

Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV)

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.


Thread: Deanna and Ruth bring hope!!!!


Date Added: 3/27/2021
Date Of Original Post: 10/7/2019

Hi all,

I'm posting a big fat thank you to Deanna and Ruth for coming along to last Saturdays conference call :-).

It was lovely to hear from them and to hear that they are well and happy and are living their lives now free from toxic disease.

Both ladies still take the basic protocol to help maintain excellent health. They also still maintain a healthy diet and make sure that they get enough sleep, rest, fresh air, watch stress levels. But all in all both are doing great now!!! :-).

Ruth said something really poignant!! She said she's doing well, feeling well and can go for days without Morgellons even entering her head!!! She said Morgellons is no longer in her head all the time. If people take the, 'sum of the parts,' seriously it's a blessing. Ruth said it was an answer to her prayers. It took her three years to get well and she learned from this community how to live a healthy life. She says it CAN be done!!!! She is slowly but surely also getting rid of her metal fillings re a holistic dentist. She said she now always goes to bed early to keep her immunity tip top.

Deanna said she still reads the website and shares the website with others that it will benefit. On this call she introduced us to her friend Helen who is now joining us and learning all she can re what she needs to do to get her health back. She mentioned previously being really alone in this battle, with people turning their backs on her. She had no support from family, loved ones or the medical community. Then she found this website and everything began to turn around (familiar story with many of us!). Deanna eats to be healthy now, monitors the PH balance of her body, drinks enough water. Alongside the basic protocol she still takes some of the extention kit as has some candida issues still. But other than that she is doing really well!!! :-).

Thanks Mel for asking both women to come to the call to share their individual journeys to wellness!

It is so so important for us all to hear about the light at the end of the tunnel. It is music to our ears. It gives everyone hope that if they continue on their own personal journey of rebuilding immunity, they to can get well!! It is not an easy journey as Deanna said, but it can be done :-).

We all just need to keep on keeping on as Mel says :-)

God bless you all,
And God bless Deanna and Ruth,

Thread: Deanna and Ruth bring hope!!!!


Date Added: 3/27/2021
Date Of Original Post: 10/8/2019


Thank you VERY much for your kind words!! It was "truly" my pleasure to join this wonderful community on the conference call last Saturday, to welcome my good friend to the beginning of her healing journey and to let EVERYONE know that this Protocol does work "when" we follow the SUM of the parts!!!

It takes time to heal the body naturally as we are doing but it can and will happen, to ALL who stay the course!!!!

My top three suggestions would be to...

1) READ, READ, READ the Website and then READ the Website again.
2) Listen to the previous conference calls and participate in the current ones as well as the prayer calls too.
3) Eat, Sleep and Drink plain, filtered, water as if your life depends on it... BECAUSE it does!!!

Please know I am praying for each and every warrior here!!!

Love, Peace & MANY Prayers,

Thread: This website works , it really works


Date Added: 3/27/2021
Date Of Original Post: 12/15/2018

Thanks so much to everyone for their kind responses.

Donna, for your kind words. I also enjoy listening to you on the calls and asking questions that I never think of.
You are so correct, without faith in God we don't have a chance against this disease.

Chrissie, I can't tell you how much hearing you means to me. You have an incredible amount of knowledge and research your facts before bringing them forward to the community and always great suggestions that have helped so many people!
Your dialect is very special to me as my grandparents were born near Glasgow. It brings back my childhood and I feel so fortunate to know you.

JohnB wow! I don't think we can ever thank you enough for your painstaking work. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be writing anything if not for you, Mel and the logos team.

This is truly God at work.

Thanks so much for your dedication to this community.

With Love to all,

Thread: This website works , it really works


Date Added: 3/27/2021
Date Of Original Post: 12/18/2018

Hi Nicholas,

Thank you for your kind words.

We are all really happy to hear you on the calls and your wee son. Its lovely that he calls Mel, 'the train man,' and that he was singing Happy Birthday to Mel too on Saturdays conference call. Its sweet that he wants to be part of the calls with the grown ups! When he grows up does he want to be a train driver? :-).

It is so good that you are getting stronger every day. And also that you are writing about your journey and speaking more on the calls. When you speak, you too are offering positive insight and encouragement to the community. And also to the four thousand listeners every single week!

Ah, so your grandparents were, 'fae Glesga!'. That will be where you get your good banter from then? :-).

All the best,

Thread: This website works , it really works


Date Added: 3/27/2021
Date Of Original Post: 10/22/2019

Hi Neal,

I am glad that you have recovered from pneumonia, I have had it in the past and sure make you feel bad.

I would like to talk to you if you could please call me when you have time. I want to talk to you about ways you have dealt with breathing issues in the past that might help me.

Please get my contact information from Mel.


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