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The Testimonials Page is a microcosm (cliff notes version) of our site. It has been created to bring forth the most important information (knowledge) found here and share stories of encouragement and progress from those within our community.

It is with immense gratitude and great pleasure that we dedicate this testimonial page to our devoted friend and webmaster, John Waiveris of Invisible Gold.

This could never have been accomplished without his unselfish willingness to help others. I could have never gotten this far along with the web site without the endless hours of his generosity.

I will always be grateful for all he has done for all of you.

God bless you John,


This website has grown so large that in order to see the transforming impact that our protocol is having in the lives of Morgellons sufferers and their families, one must now wade through a massive volume of information.

Therefore, we decided to create a special place that is dedicated to sharing medical updates, progress reports, and encouraging stories from those who are having their health restored. The posts shown here are unsolicited and unedited, and are taken from our own forum. They appear in order of their historical appearance.

The person who invests an hour or two to review this collection of posts will notice an emerging pattern of transformation here. Many arrive here in a condition of hopelessness and despair, often isolated and estranged even from their loved ones. They find here a place of safety and compassion, a place of learning and inspiration, a place of encouragement and admonition to "First Do No Harm".

They devour the information available here and begin the process of improving their daily choices as they take back responsibility for their health. They begin to first stabilize, then to improve their health to a place where they are functional and productive again.

Their Hope restored, and "having their life back again", they begin the process of identifying what specific challenges remain and they may venture off to explore new interests or opportunities.

One thing should be perfectly clear from those who have reported improvement; they have all consistently stated that they have diligently stayed on the entire protocol.

The first three posts are without a doubt the longest, but they contain vital information that will give you a better understanding of how and why the protocol works and what one can expect when you have your herxheimer (detox) reaction.

You will find that the reading pace quickens thereafter. Each post or thread of posts is separated by a horizontal line. Sometimes threads were included to capture an original thought or train of thought in its entirety.

This testimonial page will be updated regularly. Anyone wishing to share encouragement and Hope may submit their story via email to:

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Thread: Even in Hawaii you can get better!


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 9/14/2019

Thank you, Daya-Chi, for your inspiring post!

Although I have never been to Hawaii, I know many people who have visited the islands, including my oldest friend who spent her honeymoon there back in the 1980s. The pictures from their two weeks were just gorgeous!!!

I was unaware that Hawaii is so plagued with Morgellons. What a tragedy that is, especially with so many international travelers.

This disease is spiritual journey for individuals who allow it to be. I am glad it has been for you, as it has been for me. Congratulations on your 90% don’t have far to go at all!


Thread: Even in Hawaii you can get better!


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 9/14/2019

My name is Daya,

I just celebrated my 3rd year with "M". I say celebrated because I am 90% better!

It looks beautiful here but It isn't easy living in this year long humidity with people from all the world coming in and out on a daily basis... bringing they're international contagions with them.

I haven't posted in a long while because I had to make sure for the sake of our wonderful spiritual family that my post was uplifting , positive and inspiring.

Thanks to Mel... (after I finally realized he DOES know what he's talking about, ) I listened to everything he told me to do. I was stubborn at first but despite how bossy he can sound at times..LOL, he has a heart filled with love for each of us.
Listen to him..He's been there and his guidance will save us years of experimentation and confusion.

My other piece of advice is if you're planning to take a vacation you may want to consider some place other than Hawaii...Hawaii has many many people who have Morgellons and have no clue what's wrong with them.
Mel told me to move off island, but I now find myself stragely grateful to be here so that I may pay it forward my sending those I meet who are sick with "M" to Mel and to the open arms of our wonderful community of healing. I help as much as I can on my end. There is joy in this process.

Another blessing:
I must confess that I had my doubts at one point about beating this.
I prayed constantly,,,, every day, several times a day. .
I started going to church and was baptized this past Easter. My life turned around and I became a new person filled with hope, gratitude, faith and compassion. I realize now that everything happens for a reason and this
toxic dis-ease healed my heart.

There is a wondrous light at the end of the tunnel. NEVER give up!

If I can get better, so can you! Listen to what Mel has to say. He is a gift to all of us who need healing.
Extreme gratitude also goes to John B. for his fabulous Logo's supplements, as well as the team of Glenn and Jill,,, and of course Patty and Cathy at Natural Ginesis. THIS is the place to get better!

So... 10% to go.... I'll keep you posted.

God Bless - Never Give Up!!

Thread: A Warm Welcome to Newbies & Newbies Once Again


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 9/7/2019

Hi Everybody,

It is great to see that more newbies have joined this community since I wrote the post below.

If you have recently joined this community, WELCOME! We are glad you are here!

I hope that all of you will take an active part in the community by posting in the forum and coming to the Saturday conference calls. We have Sunday prayer and fellowship calls as well that I hope you can attend. All calls are free.

We look forward to getting to know all of you newbies better, and encouraging you as you begin your journey to regaining your health.

God bless,


Thread: Doing a little better


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 7/17/2019

Hello everyone,

I wanted to give you an update.

I had a relapse because I was overdoing it and fighting the disease too much. I know it’s a slow and steady but I interpret that as fast and furious LOL.

The fatigue is better and that really helps a lot even though I still have a lot of debris coming out of my body.

I know a lot of you are struggling and I pray for you.

Thank you for those of you who have called me recently and I love to keep in touch with all of you.

I still need a lot a rest but I’m able to do a few things around the house.

Mel says I’ve got to not do so much and rest and take care of myself.

I hope you are all are doing better.

God bless you all, Cathy aka Sleeping beauty

Thread: Attitude is Everything and WE Choose our Attitudes


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 7/31/2019

Hi Everybody,

I haven’t been around in a while...I’ve been very busy with “life,” but hopefully things will get less intense soon and I'll be back around as usual.

Something has been on my mind for a while that I’d like to share...and it all has to do with mindset and attitude.

It’s a well known fact that our attitude and thoughts can shape our realities. The most basic example of this is the placebo effect. I won’t go into an explanation of this because everyone knows what it is, but this kind of connection (mind / body) is nothing new. There are endless books written on the topic.

We are dealing with a complex disease that offers challenges on multiple levels. Coordinating the “sum of the parts” requires monumental focus, determination, and consistency. Keeping these balls in the air on a regular basis for months and even years on end requires a powerful mindset and a will of steel.

And that’s just the physical other words...what we physically DO every day.

Then there’s the emotional part.

Not only have we been abandoned by the medical community...we have been abused as well.

Not only have we not received the treatment we sought...we have also been discredited and declared mentally unbalanced.

The cherry on the cake for me was when I paid the guy $160 to use the DOP cop out that made him feel a-ok at the end of the day (after all...he was only going on what he’d been told by the CDC) and me to feel even worse than had $160 of my hard earned cash to do so! I guess he took the part of the oath that says "first do no harm" on the most surface level possible. Obviously he didn't feel compelled to look at any deeper evidence than which made him feel the most comfortable...that which came from the CDC.

Ironically, it actually takes the opposite of mentally ill to deal with this disease. It takes the most balanced kind of person to manage the “sum of the parts” on a long term basis especially while feeling extremely ill, having little or no support...and even having the abuse of being declared mentally unbalanced.

So...we all know how important it is to stay positive and focused. It takes a deep level of effort and the ability to listen to one’s own truth. That’s not easy...we’re told from early on that doctors are basically Gods...and they “know best.” It takes courage and a quantum shift in thinking to say…”No! The emperor has no clothes (’re wrong...I really am physically sick).

The most wonderful thing is...SO many people do this...they listen to their own truths...they find a better way that makes sense (“sum of the parts”)...they evaluate the protocol and see that it works...then they stick to their beliefs even when others (who don’t have this disease) want to offer advice that better fits with their model of how the world should be. After all...don’t the doctors know best? How many of us have kept our mouths shut while someone who's not sick offers various opinions? I know I have...and I know why. It's terribly difficult and unsettling to have your view of what the world is supposed to be like shaken. So...our responses to others take us to even higher levels...not only are we suffering...we are essentially making it "about them" to protect them from having to ever really understand the raw and terrifying fear of this disease. We suffer...we take abuse...then we protect others.

And it takes a toll on us.

However...we have true warriors here...and a long track record of people who have “done it” in spite of the monumental odds.

That means got well.

Not into remission.

Not just got better.

Got well.

Like Mel…

Mel is WELL.

And like so many others.

So...evidence is there...we CAN get well and stay well.

I’ve listened and read this site for three or four years now. And the thing that’s stood out to me more than anything else is that those who have gotten completely well have made the Herculean effort to stay positive, and they’ve sustained this positive attitude over the long haul.

That’s because a negative attitude is not only’s downright counterproductive. If our thoughts have the power to drive our outcomes and realities, how destructive is it to put the thought out there that we cannot get well? I’d have to answer my own question with...pretty destructive...and completely unnecessary.

My doctor acknowledges Morgellons. I asked her on my initial visit, “Can I get well?” And she said…”yes.” I wanted to put a fine point on it, so I asked more questions…”do you mean remission or do you mean well?” My doctor said…”well.”

It is just so important to keep one’s mindset pure and positive...and moreover...if someone offers the idea that Morgellons and other toxic diseases are “end of days” evidence in Biblical terms, I’d have to seriously question why a person would offer such an opinion. And that’s exactly what it opinion. Think about this...we’ve had terrible diseases in every century. Most have been wiped out over the years...but I’m sure many a person at the time declared that...let’s just say typhoid for example...was evidence of Biblical “end days.”

My grandmother used to talk about how scary it was to get sick before antibiotics came out. Any of us can look back a few generations on our family trees and see big families and also note that almost every family had one or more offspring to die in childhood. This was from diseases that have long since been wiped out. I’m sure many during those times thought these diseases were evidence of “end days” as well.

So...if you’re tempted to buy into the fear porn of these diseases being evidence of “end days,” then take a breath and use your cognitive reasoning to think it through.

Before I end this long post, I do want to offer up the most marvelous example of a warrior who has, in my opinion, one of the strongest positive attitudes of anyone I know. She also quite obviously has a tremendously strong faith in God and is one of the best examples of what Christ taught us to be like in the New Testament...and that is Love...toward oneself and all others.

It is our dear Leslie.

For those of you who don’t know, our Leslie had it BAD. I won’t go into all of her circumstances...those are hers to share...but suffice it to say...she had to dig herself out of one of the deepest holes I’ve ever heard of. I used to hear about it and worry so much for was she going to deal with all of this? Any mortal would be hard pressed to keep from going into a serious depression over any one of her challenges...but Leslie didn’t.

Leslie BELIEVED she could get well.

Leslie BELIEVED God would help her.

Leslie loves God...and it shows in everything she says and does. She takes the highest road in her interpretation of all things Biblical...never giving into the temptation for any negative and / or punitive interpretations. She just accesses and projects Christlike love in all things. You could actually feel the positive energy pouring out of Leslie even during her darkest hour...and she just encourages us all every time she speaks.

It is an inspiration to hear her pray...and to hear her acknowledge God and Jesus in the most positive way in everything she says. She declares God’s love...power...mercy...and protection, and guess what? That’s what she gets.

And Leslie is just about well...and many many wonderful things have happened in her life this last year as a result of her positive attitude and strong faith.

And so...two things.

We CAN get well. Many have...and many are on the road to same. Don’t allow yourself to buy into anything else. We decide our thoughts and our thoughts drive our results.

And...the thought that Morgellons and other toxic diseases are an “end days” Biblical thing OPINION, not a fact.

So...stay strong, and stay positive, and I’ll meet you at the Finish Line!



Thread: How to manage your nutritional protocol


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 10/5/2018

Hello Everyone and Welcome,

Another wonderful idea for a thread, thanks to Freddie bean.

I used a different approach to my supplements as seen in the Picture. I think it needs to be a personal choice as I believe both are good options.
Options I have always liked options.

God bless you all,

It's true, those who did not give up HOPE got well.

Thread: Hope is a Good Thing


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 7/4/2019

Hi Everybody,

In the process of moving this mountain called Morgellons, it's sometimes easy to get bogged down and lose sight of the end goal.

Sometimes things seem impossible.

But there's light on the other side of the mountain...and each step forward is up to us.

We decide.

I hope you can all watch this clip...because it shows the undiluted joy of breaking through to the golden sunlight. Andy Dufresne (the main character) said...

"Hope is a good thing...maybe the best of things...and no good thing ever dies."

So today...just for a moment...close your eyes and savor what life will be like when the big M is behind you like forgotten dust in the road. See the good things...and remember all the joy that comes with good health. Feel it deeply and hold onto it tightly in your heart.

I'll meet you at the beach!



Thread: The Fish Lives ! ! !


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 6/27/2019

Hello everyone and welcome,

Last week during fellowship part of our Sunday prayer meeting we had a fun little contest;

We had all those who wish to name that fish and give there version of the original story, a chance to do so.

Cheryl was our winner and down below is her version.
The original story has been brought back as well and is
and was truly amazing!


Hi Mel,

Here is my story about Buddy, told as if it were Pamela Mae telling the story now.


My Buddy, the Beta fish, is the happiest little fish I know, swimming around to and fro, playing. But, that was not always the case.

One evening, back in 2009, I started to turn off the light, when I realized that my usually life-loving little Beta fish appeared life-less. Buddy was floating on his side on the surface of the water!

What does a person do when their much-loved pet fish appears life-less? What has helped me fight disease and get stronger and healthier?

With tears streaming down my face, I ran for the MMS and lemon juice. (That's what it was called in 2009, and we mixed it with lemon juice back then.) But how much to put in Buddy's fish home? Instinctively, I put 3 drops of MMS and 15 drops of lemon juice.

Feeling very sad, I went to bed.

I woke up the next morning, still thinking of Buddy. Could the MMS have helped him? Would I see a sign of life? Maybe a wiggle or 2 of his little tail?

When I walked into the room to see if there was any change at all in Buddy, I was amazed. There was Buddy, life-loving and happy once again, swimming to and fro in his fish home! I cannot be certain, but I think Buddy even had a brand new sparkle in his little fish eyes.

Ever since then, I have faithfully put the same amount of MMS in Buddy's water once or twice a day.

And that is how my Buddy, the Beta fish, became the happiest little fish I know!

Thread: Hello to all in the UK!!!!!!


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 7/10/2019

Hello All!

I think that it is excellent that non paying guests can come to this forum and see the first two posts in each thread. They can also listen to the last two Saturday calls in, 'More communication is Better,' to get a feel of the rich pulse of our community.

Recently, there have been many people from the UK joining our website. For a tiny sum of five dollars a month there is a plethora of knowledge, experience, insight, support, camaraderie and hope! However most are too shy to speak up. Timothy recently joined us and he quickly participated in the calls and the forum, which is great!

I myself am from Bonnie Scotland. I do find however, that many people in the UK tend to be a bit reticent about speaking out in the forum or joining the calls. I can assure you that it is a safe space, a caring community and very integrated despite the fact that we all live in various corners of the globe :-).

It makes a HUGE difference whilst dealing with toxic disease if you have the proper support and help around you.

Please anyone from the UK who is not sure about joining, do so, you won't be disappointed.

Anyone who has joined and isn't sure about speaking up, we will welcome you with open arms and do our very best to help you.

All the best,

Thread: Skype glorious Skype!!!!!! :-)


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 8/9/2019

Hello to All,

I am so happy that Mel encouraged me to Skype a year and a half ago. It has made a big difference to me. Being able to call Skype to Skype to anyone across the globe completely free is amazing!! Also being able to phone landlines in the USA for pennies is pretty fantastic too. The wonders of modern technology!! Its also essential to join our weekly Saturday and Sunday conference calls from outside the USA and is very easy to do.

I just spoke to another lady in the USA who is going to join us:-). She just went onto the Google play store on her computer and clicked onto, 'Skype free IM and video calls,' which enabled her to install the Skype App. She then had to set up an account with her email address and a password. Skype makes it easy to set up the account:

Click on the first two instructions that pop up after you've installed Skype. The first says "lets go!". The second says "sign in or create".

This takes you to a sign in page. Below "sign in" it says in smaller letter coloured blue "no account? create one!.

Click on the blue and it will take you to a page that asks for your phone number. Below this is more blue writing. it says;

"Use your email address instead". Click on the blue writing.

From here on you supply the information Skype asks for. When you've completed that section, Skype will help you get started.

So....join up today. It's quick, easy and you can then fully join our community and get the support that you need to fight this!!

You don't need to be alone!

Best wishes,

Thread: Funniest Story Ever Told Contest


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 7/27/2019

Hi Everybody,

We had such fun on the conference call today (7/27), listening to everybody read their stories. I know I laughed an awful lot!

Each person read or told their own story, and Mel counted the votes after each story was read.

Debbie and Ruth Ann, you two were not left out. Mel read the stories posted here, and everyone had the opportunity to vote on them.

The story that won the contest was Katharine's hilarious story, about her amazing ability to put on lip liner, even in a dark movie theater :-D

Congratulations Katharine! I hope you enjoy your prize, which is a Natural Ginesis Toxic Disease Starter Kit.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the contest by telling a story and\or casting your votes.

If you missed the contest but would like to hear the funny stories, Mel will have the audio posted later this week. You can listen by clicking on More Communication in the subheadings at the top of the page, or by clicking on the More Communication is Better thread.

Thank you, Mel, for thinking up such a fun contest that had us all laughing. Thank you for providing such an amazing prize as well.

God bless,


Thread: Happy Post!


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 6/6/2019


My name is Mackenzie as some of you may know from the calls.

I am 15 turning 16 in September.

In my free time I like to paint, draw, write, watch Netflix, and do other arts and crafts.

On Sunday mornings I teach Sunday school to children. My favorite subject in school is business law.

Linda is my grandmother. We are so grateful to Mel for all his help and all of you for supporting us!

I am as healthy as ever! Though I have only been listening to the calls for a little while I absolutely love being part of such an amazing community of such amazing people. Thank You!!!

Love, MacKenzie
:) <3

Thread: An Aussie Warrior's Journey - or How Mel's Coaching and the HICM Community gave me my life back

john K

Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 5/21/2019

An Aussie Warrior's Journey - or How Mel's Coaching and the HICM Community gave me my life back, for which I'll always be eternally grateful :-)

This is my 1st post - I've been on the protocol plus extension for 4 1/2 months now (i.e. since the start of 2019) - am up to 9 drops of WPS morning and night which I'm tolerating quite well as I have all along. I've now lost 19 Kgs or around 40 lbs of weight, and I no longer have any requirement for blood pressure medication (or any other mediation either) which I took daily for 10 years. I feel really good, I have great clarity of mind and more energy than I can remember. The protocol, silver & WPS are healing me so well I can now see an end in sight to this nightmare. Oh BTW this protocol & diet has also pulled me back from Type 2 Diabetes which I've never had but which with my former weight and habits I was marginal with my blood sugar levels for Type 2 Diabetes.

Part of my hesitation in posting has been that since I'd only been suffering with bites for 2 years and I mostly felt OK and that I'd always eaten reasonably healthily, but with 2-3 wines quite often of a night, a modest amount of sweet food and carbs, I felt far more fortunate than many others in this group. But I started to get sores on my legs and ankles that wouldn't heal and it seemed to be getting worse, and it was then that I started to feel I was losing the battle with whatever it was that I had?

By some miracle (of God :-) I stumbled across this site although at first I thought is was for US folks only, and Morgellons sounded far worse than anything I thought I had - still have never seen any black fibers or dots coming out of my skin - but I sure have been stung till blood was drawn by barely visible floating or flying white fibre like bugs - but nothing with legs or wings. Yes like many others I've had the full experience of being told by doctors and dermatologists that I was imagining it (DoP?), being given Permethrin cream (30 tubes) & Ivermectin tablets (dermatolgist said guaranteed to kill everything inside you - it didn't), sprayed gallons of eucalyptus oil, vaporized peppermint oil by the litre, UV non-thermal fogged cedar oil with silica - best for hotel bed bugs & fleas?, hot washed sheets at 95 deg C with a special Asko front loader washing machine - used bleach & borax in the wash more recently Kleen Green, vacuumed daily & relentlessly with a strong vacuum & sealed the nozzle between vacuums, blasted ozone throughout the house which appears to work in strong enough concentrations (20 gms/hr in a confined space over 4-6 hours) but it has the effect of starting to dissolve plastics or turn them sticky, and it's harmful to your lungs - i.e. you can't stay in the place you're treating) - even with this bugs still find hiding places and don't get killed. It goes on but basically running around like a dog chasing it's tail for 2 years with limited success - problem didn't go away - but we could live & sleep. Sleeping and everything in life was helped by big powerful air purifiers which seem to suck bugs out of the air - our biggest air purifier would cycle 1000 cubic meter of air per hour (10,000 cu ft ?) - it's wonderful sleeping in a room and house with dramatically reduced dust etc. (And yes, we have spent a fortune pursuing a solution to this problem - and a lot of things didn't work)

What changed / what did I learn from Mel & the community?

As per the "Sum of the Parts" keeping your environment (e.g. house, sheets, clothes, car etc.) clean is important but it won't get you better on its own - and once your body starts to get better you don't have to be as obsessive about your environment - still clean though.

That I couldn't get rid of anything I was feeding and my "not as good as I thought" diet was feeding what I had. Also what I had wasn't just biting me, it was increasingly inhabiting my body to give me sores that wouldn't heal, and that wouldn't stop making me sicker.

That I got this "affliction" because I was "flavour of the month" to these bugs which existed in nature i.e. I became a host, because I had a compromised immune system in some way - I didn't know the way but having time to think about it - yes there were points of infection in my body (not 100% sure but I did have a tick I got rid of 2 years ago, MRSA could also have been a factor although I hadn't had a procedure in a hospital for over 50 years, there was bursitis inflamation in a shoulder years back - so yes, wrong diet and inflamation helped me be attractive to the bugs. Thankfully my immune system, the colloidal silver and the WPS are totally eliminating all sores & inflamation - I am getting close to 100% clear, but I still will need another few months to finally be clear and prove I'm clear for 3 months - then I expect to be doing Mel's Happy Dance.

The greatest revelation of this whole experience is "that as I fixed my body from the inside" everything in my environment that was bugging me started to go away - I became "NO LONGER flavour of the month" - it's like the greatest weight being lifted off your shoulders. You're just not bothered, life returns to normal and they have "bugged off" mostly from your environment. With time I feel confident it will be a 100% bug off!

Mel and the community provided the confidence for me to go down a path to heal my body - so that I could take the plunge and without much help from any medical practitioner (however I don't believe I had any complications otherwise I wouldn't be where I am today)

What did fixing my body entail? When this disease takes hold of a person, your priorities change as it "hammers you down to your knees" - many things that are important to others in their daily life aren't important to you. You can only deal with the lowest common denominator of life - appreciate the simplest and most beautiful things - you can see it with Mel's & others' love of nature. And so it was that when I got a sniff that Mel had the REAL SOLUTION - I embraced it with 1000% of my being - 100% cold turkey on alcohol, no sugar in any form, no sauces or condiments, or carbs, never a desert or anything like it - nuts for snacks, almost as much quality protein as you like, truck loads of steamed greens, no processed anything. If it comes in box it probably is not good for us! And believe it or not I started to feel so good that I had zero temptation to ever go back to being attractive to those bugs again. It's those who don't give up hope get well. And those who follow the guiding principles - no heroics - slow and steady, don't jerk around with the protocol, DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT GOING OFF THE PROTOCOL - 3 week to 5 month setback (that was too scary to contemplate).

So what happens when you're on the diet, Mel's protocol and the colloidal silver (Sovereign Silver - the best) ? Once you cut out all the bad stuff (alcohol, sugar, excess carbs, dairy, grains or anything with yeast - since yeast and mould are really bad when you're fighting this - a high % of the population has candida and you have to get rid of this too) - but once you cut out the bad stuff your digestive system starts to come to life, and with the Logos Thymic formula the Thymus gland gets a boost and then your immune system gets a boost - to start fighting all that's gotten into your system. In no time after starting the protocol & the colloidal silver my skin started to flare up - pretty much everywhere I'd been bitten became a war zone - and it lasted that way for a few weeks - you thought, what? Am I getting worse ? But no, keep on the diet, nutritionals and silver and all starts to heal - the healing power of the human immune system with the bad food load taken off blew my mind - it's amazing what a healthy body can heal. After about 3 months I got a bit of a cold - everyone in this community says it's a good thing - it didn't worry me much since I didn't have the ache's etc from 'flu. But that too lasted a few weeks and yes you cough up anything bad in your lungs.

So things with your health and being left alone by bugs continue to improve as the months go on - almost unbelievable - but such a joy to see your life coming back to normal - but yes it's a battle and only those that stick to the diet and protocol get to come out the other side. Yes I am aware that if you been suffering for years more that I had and you have other health issues the road may not be as simple.

Mel asked me to tell my story, especially so other Aussies could believe it also, but so could everyone else in our community. I hope it's been of value to you. Thank you all for the love and effort you put into all your stories and explanations - although I haven't been on the 4-5 AM calls, Australian time as often as I'd like I have learned heaps from others and now I can give a bit back. Warm regards to you all. - John K from Down Under

Thread: My Journey Through Poetry


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 4/17/2019

I wanted to bring my first post forward to give all the newcomers hope. This post was made a little over two years ago. I have since moved on remarried and started a new life. It can be done so please never give up.

My Journey Through Poetry

My life has forever changed,
I am not sure of the moment or day.
But I know I have started a journey
which was lonely in every way.

I began to search for an answer;
that not one doctor had.
My health was beginning to fail me,
and my heart became very sad.

Why is this happening to me?
I tried to live a life that was right.
I prayed for God to just take me,
I did not have the courage or fight.

I would look in the mirror with disbelief,
again to the Lord I would pray.
Why God has this happened to me;
is there anything I can say?

Each morning I woke up to this nightmare
Not understanding what I could do.
I became very angry with my Savior
Still not believing that this could be true.

And still I would search for some answers,
Because of my children’s undying love.
Knowing that somehow God could save me,
My eyes looked to the heavens above.

It has been almost two years that I have been trying,
to get healthy and become all I can be.
Through this journey I have come to realize,
God has a new plan for me.

So now I embrace my Lord daily,
Praying for the strength somehow.
To severe my God with the Glory,
He has deserved both then and now.

I know he has answered my prayers,
and led me to a place that is true.
So vitamins, rest, and have faith,
are the most important things I need to do.

Each day I start off reading scripture,
God’s message is very profound.
I learn from the people he sent me,
Understanding there is love all around.

It is my goal to stay through this journey
The rewards will one day be great.
I have beautifully amazing grandchildren
I want to hold before it’s too late.

I will embrace this new life God has sent me
Knowing he is leading and guiding the way.
I realize GOD chose me to help others,
And this I must do every day.

I now walk through this life without fear
Because my GOD has a mission for me.
Thank you God for the courage and strength,
I Love you and your truth; which now has set me free.

Thread: Game Changer


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 6/8/2019

Hello Everybody,

I haven’t really been posting as much as usual until recently. That’s because this last two months of my life have been challenging to say the least. It’s been the busiest time of year at my job, and...I had surgery on April 18th.

I haven’t mentioned much about the surgery, but after considering some pretty compelling factors, I’ve decided to share because if someone else has had a similar experience, my story may help.

But first...the backstory.

Of course...I can’t write a post (or anything else) without the details.

Basic facts:

I first got bitten by “something” in May of 2014. I got Morgellons symptoms in October of 2015 and immediately went spiraling downhill to acute illness. I found a doctor who diagnosed me with Lyme and Morgellons in January of 2016, and I started various prescriptions. They helped some...but then I’d just go backward.

I actually ordered my first protocol from Logos in March of 2016...but I really didn’t do much with it...I took the supplements sporadically until December of 2017 when I finally decided that Mel’s site was the way to go. I’ve been on the protocol since.

That’s two and a half years...I’m kind of the opposite of my buddy “Sneakers”...I’m in the slow boat to China club.

I’ve been dragging around the 90% club forever...sometimes getting a bit better and sometimes going backwards a little. The going backwards was always a result of my dropping the ball on implementing the protocol in some ways...and the ways were always some kind of cheat on the food…”forgetting” to take supplements...and outright exhaustion.

Actually...the exhaustion from the pace of my life is what always kick started the spiral down to losing ground...but...I'd always get back up on the horse and move forward. Still...even after having months in a row of being the protocol police on myself, I just couldn’t get to the finish line.

Of course, I’ve wondered why...but life just kept moving forward, and I’d keep at it. It was / is obvious to me that I feel SO much better when I do the sum of the quitting has never been a option...but I really wanted to get well.

So...about a year ago...or a year and a half ago...I don’t remember, there was a conference call with a past community member named Thomas. Thomas was talking about his progress at the six month mark. It was a great conference call...but if by the hand of got even better.

A past member named James decided to “drop by” after being well for some years. James got completely well with Mel’s protocol. The timing of it was the most amazing thing. We all needed to hear about someone who had gotten well and stayed well. James kindly gave us his story, and it was so encouraging.

One of the things that James mentioned that stood out in my mind was that he had the metal fillings in his teeth removed. He said he felt that really helped him move forward to getting well.

I’d thought about that over the last year or so many times and had started connecting some dots. One big dot is...foreign stuff in your body related to having a toxic illness. Easy enough to see that wouldn’t be a good thing.

I too, have metal fillings...and I’d wondered about having them removed...but...I also had something else.

I had a lap band, which is a silicone device that goes around the top part of the stomach to keep a person from eating much. I had the lap band “installed” in 2004. I really wasn’t severely overweight...but after a friend told me about her husband getting one, it seemed like a fast and easy way to get some weight off and not have to really knock myself out to do it, so I found a way to get one for myself.

Well..guess really worked. I had a wonderful and conservative doctor who would only fill it (which is what tightens it) a little at a time, and I lost the weight very gradually, and I never had any trouble with it like others I know of had. It was great!

I wasn’t that hungry either, and I couldn’t eat a lot at the first time in my life, I could eat anything I wanted and keep my weight down. I mean the choices were so much fun...I never ate all that much, but I could have a Snicker’s bar for lunch and wash it down with a Diet Dr. Pepper...and the day continued with even worse choices.

My life has always been busy and I loved being able to grab anything I wanted to eat and go at top speed. Sugar and caffeine fueled me, and I could just get SO much done. I had always been healthy and thought I’d go on forever being able to do what I wanted. I didn’t worry much about nutrition, even though I certainly knew better. I was going full speed ahead and living my life to get things done. I assumed I’d be healthy forever.

Silly assumption.

Fast forward to my getting sick. Obviously I stopped the bad eating and got careful pretty quickly after I got sick...but I didn’t really think much about still having the lap band.

For a little more clarification, a lap band is a laproscopically installed doughnut shaped “band” around the top of your stomach that keeps you from eating very much. The “doughnut” is fillable...a saline solution is injected into a port right under the skin to either make the band tighter or to pull some of the fluid out and make it looser depending on the circumstances. There’s a tube that goes from the band itself about eight inches to the right and that’s what connects to an egg shaped “port” that I could actually feel under my skin. That was the injection site for the saline solution.

By the way...this was not an intestinal was a very low invasion procedure. As a matter of fact, there was no pain at all involved in having it put in. I just had to get over the general anesthetic and then learn to eat differently. It was a real no big deal thing at the time.

And so...after being on the protocol for a couple of years, I got to thinking. Why am I not getting “there” yet? I could certainly attribute the slow movement to some of my fall from the “sum of the parts” from time to time, but I wondered if there was something else.

I didn’t even tell Mel about the lap band until I’d known him for a year or two. I just didn’t want the lecture...but I finally broke down and told him. He said I needed to get it out. I thought about it, insurance is so crummy...and I knew it would cost me a bundle out of pocket even if the insurance decided to cover it.

This rattled around in my mind for some time...but about ten months ago, I started having other problems with it. I’d get what I now know was acid reflux at night...and it was a really big problem because of swallowing all those night supplements. It was hard to stay awake and upright to allow the night supplements to get past the band, and I’d end up going to sleep and waking up later feeling like I was choking...or that some liquid had gone down the “wrong pipe.” I'd have to cough my head off to get a breath. It was scary.

I just kept thinking about what James said about his improvement when he had his fillings I asked Mel about it. The question I posed to Mel was this…”if I had to choose between getting my metal fillings removed and having the lap band removed, which do you think would be the most important?”

Mel didn’t even hesitate...he said...get the band removed.

So...even though I was super busy at work...I finally got an appointment with the lap band doc and told him my story. He was so nice. He said...let’s just take it out. His office staff dealt with the insurance and I did get it covered because of the acid reflux...I guess that’s what “saved me” because if I’d have had to pay for this surgery out of pocket, it wouldn’t have happened.

I really couldn’t take off much work because of the time of year, so...I just took off the Thursday before Good Friday, and had the surgery done on that day. It was an out-patient kind of deal, and the doc conceded to me going back to work after a week when I’d told him I really couldn’t miss much work. I read later that the recommendation is to miss two to four weeks of work, but that wouldn’t do it for me. I went back to work the following Monday...four days out of surgery. That seemed kind of like a week-ish to me.

Actually...I didn’t think having it removed would be a big deal. Having the band put in didn’t hurt at all. I had no idea it would be so incredibly painful to get it out, but it was. Here’s why...I found out later that the whole silicone contraption can get wrapped around your organs and create scar tissue. My doc said mine was and was also really embedded in my abdominal wall.

Judging from how much it all hurt and how long it took to get well (the surgery was on April 18th, and I just was able to start sleeping on my stomach again a few days ago), I guess mine was pretty embedded.

A google search revealed some people saying that the silicone lap bands start to disintegrate after a while. Ok...embedded in organs...disintegrating silicone...a toxic disease that I can’t get completely well from...and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to connect the dots.

Before I had the surgery, I'd asked long do you think it’ll take for me to see an improvement in my symptoms after I have the surgery? He didn’t even hesitate...he immediately said…”about two months, you'll really notice a difference.”

I just want to does he KNOW this stuff? But he did.


It’ll be two months since my surgery next week.

I have made such a quantum leap forward in so many ways, I can’t even believe it... and here they are:

1. Increase in energy level...and good thing too because this last two months has required it.

2. Decrease in biofilm in problem area...a significant’s still there, but improving every week.

Those are huge...both of them. The decrease in biofilm is remarkable. I’d told Mel that I felt like I was purging what felt like white “plastic.”

It’s now going away.

Could it have been the disintegrating silicone leaching out into my system? Would that have purged out of my skin?

I don’t have a definitive answer, but logic tells me that getting the band out has preceded one of the fastest leaps forward I’ve experienced since I started on my journey back to health.

It kind of adds up, doesn’t it?

In any case, I’m sharing all of this epistle in the hopes that it might help someone else with similar circumstances.

A lap band and / or metal fillings aren’t the only “foreign” things that a person can have inside his or her body. There are any number of things. My thoughts are...if it’s something you can do without...get rid of it.

Doing so has really helped me.

I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel. It may take some more months to get to the finish line, but now I have no doubt that I’ll make it. The lap band removal has been a game changer.

Mel had asked for some encouraging posts...and I’m as encouraged as I’ve ever been. As a matter of fact, I’m downright ecstatic!

Getting well is just the best!





Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 5/25/2019

Hi Mel,

Here is a link to the video I hope this works. (video no longer available)


Cathy AKA Sleeping Beauty

Thread: What I would say to New people on the forum


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 5/8/2019

Hi there,

First of all.. welcome to all newcomers you have come to the right place !! :-).

Im a very grateful and blessed community member who is getting help to get the protocol via the HCAF. Every day I am grateful for the medicine I have as it is a complete and utter lifeline for me.

Having been with the community for some time I have seen it evolve over time. I agree with Mel when he says that now it's a very tight knit bonded community. It really, really is.

Apart from when I am really sick I am on the weekend conference calls come hail or rain or shine and I have been since the end of December 2017. It is important for HCAF members to learn, grow within the community and give back to others too. We do this through attending calls, posting on the forum or talking to other members. It is especially important for newbies to hear from others further along in their healing journey.

There is a wealth of knowledge to be gleaned from the conference calls. The Saturday conference calls are recorded and in average 2000 people worldwide listen monthly to them.
There are Guest speakers come back, who have regained their health.

Manufacturers come and we learn re the products that will help us.

This community and forum has existed for over ten years, so there's an awful lot to learn from Mel and other people involved here too. People are very lucky to have the calls as a resource, they are free to join also.

The Sunday prayer calls are not recorded to allow a greater openness and self expression. We get to know each other better during these calls. We come together in fellowship to pray and to connect with God, but also we connect with each other. This weekly oasis of calm helps sustain us all and I cannot recommend it enough.

It makes me a bit sad that not many people from the UK or Europe join the calls. Honestly, being fully immersed into the community including taking part in the calls truly helps in the healing process.

The call's help because although shunned by the medical profession and often family and friends, people are welcome here with open arms.

We do not encourage discussion of the Sci fi or grotesque, bizarre, weird aspects of this disease as its disturbing enough to deal with. I have heard that other forums or other phone ins regards toxic disease, with other organisations have been utterly depressing to take part in. Our organisation however, does its very best to be upbeat, bring hope, camaraderie, knowledge and a sense of normality.

I say the word, 'normal,' as though it is a strange and difficult disease, no one in the community will find any individuals symptoms strange. We get it. We know. We live it too or have lived it. We are just at various stages in the healing process.

So what do I want to say to newcomers on this journey?....... Well, I will tell you this, I was very very sick for six and a half years with Morgellons, Lyme, Epstein Barr virus, I think mrsa at one point , systemic candida, Bartonella. I was alone, I was lost, I thought my life was basically over.. I was just treading the water.

I got severely infested with Morgellons three times full blown, with weeping sores and lesions all over my body and big long cat scratches and long black fibres..Constant crawling and biting.. For get the idea...... BECAUSE I WAS NOT ON THE PROTOCOL. Because I was not doing the, 'sum of the parts.' At first I didn't even know what this disease was and when I did find out I did not have the money to get the full amount of medicine that I needed to heal this. A little medicine here and there does not work.

So after over six and a half years of suffering Mel gave me this lifeline and helped me to get the meds I needed. Being on the protocol has given me hope. It helps my symptoms daily. It will take me longer to heal than most because I was full blown three times and for those years the disease managed to take hold. But every day I am grateful for the help I get and the medicines I have.

Recently, six weeks after my operation I had a setback. The pathogens tried to take hold again more white, black fibres, crawling, biting,Epstein Barr virus sores flaring up too. It was scary but I truly believe that the protocol stopped me becoming full blown for a fourth time. The protocol fought for me... Thank God and thank Mel!!! This also showed me that we need to be careful when our immune function is low and we are rundown to take extra care. This is because stealth pathogens will take advantage if there is any weakness in our system at all. So if you are particularly unwell not just with toxic disease but with other illness too, be extra careful and gentle on yourself. Honestly, I would have been done for if I hadn't had the protocol to attack back!!!!!!!

The f1000 research paper on Morgellons disease called it, 'a, multi systemic infectious disease process.' it is a very complex, multi faceted disease that can incorporate bacteria, viruses, fungus, parasites, various Co infections, Lyme, and various other pathogens. We don't all have that complete extensive list, but we have many of the same things in common.

You cannot continue to eat sugar and get well. If you are buying the meds and eating sugar you are never going to heal.

You cannot drink alcohol and get well.

You cannot smoke cigarettes and coffee is bad for you too.

You have to go as low carb as you can manage. Many are keto.

You have to look at stress levels as cortisol feeds this disease like sugar, so staying calm and watching fear, anger, worry, stress is paramount.

Many of us are only learning to love and appreciate ourselves now. You have to be gentle on yourself.

If you are exhausted, you are not lazy!!!! If I had a penny or cent for everytime someone said to me that they are lazy I'd be a rich woman :-).

It's important to realise that we are sick. That our immune systems were taken out and that we are fighting serious, chronic disease. It takes time, it takes rest, it takes self love to heal. So people need to give themselves a break.

Don't think you have it worse than everyone else and that others can heal but you can't. If you tell your mind and body that you cannot heal.. It won't!!!!! Watch your negative and self defeating talk. I know it's very difficult when you are struggling,but you have to fight.

Every single day,you have to believe in wholeness, wellness and a time when you will be well. It won't happen over night, you have to have trust and perseverance as our Donna said when she recently won the 8th guiding principle competition.

It also helps if you have faith (as Donna also said) and God has certainly gotten many of us through the darkest times.

We know what you're going through because most of us have had severe, horrendous symptoms too. However, in time and with hard work and, 'the sum of the parts,' I promise you that bit by bit you will see the light at the end of the tunnel.

So..... Its amazing, for people like Donna to get well in 16 months with the, 'sum of the parts.', Donna was sick a few months before she found this website and got the help she needed. She has healed quickly because she wasted no time and got the medicine and the knowledge and became a much valued member of the community.

If new people reading this take away anything it is this.... If you are sick with toxic disease and are sitting on the fence not sure what to do.. Take action now.. The sooner you get the protocol and do the, 'sum of the parts,' and join the community for support the sooner you can heal. Don't leave it until this disease takes a further foothold into your body, because the longer you have this and the more times you are infested.. the harder it is to heal from it.

Please learn from our experience. Many of us have fallen down or went down the wrong paths, or had trials and tribulations so that you don't have to.

People are truly, truly blessed and lucky to have this forum, this community, the knowledge and the medicine to heal. Take advantage of what we know. Trust in what we have learned.

The good thing about community also is it has a domino effect. Mel teaches us community members,(as does John B and Cathee) and then we in turn teach you... And then you in turn teach others. This ripple effect is profound and soo important. As this world we live in becomes more and more toxic and more people become affected by toxic disease, we need to get the knowledge out there. Knowledge is power.

Take your power back today. Do what you can to fight this. Don't waste any time, just do it.

That's my message today :-).

God bless everyone,

Thread: Hello to everyone worldwide.... Join us for our second free weekend


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 5/4/2019

Hello there!!

This is our second semi annual free weekend.This weekend everyone world wide will be able to partake in the website

We are hosting this weekend in honor of Cheryl, our arch angel and beloved warrior :-).

This weekend beginning Friday May 3rd midnight EDT. to Sunday May 5th midnight EDT. everything will be available to read, listen to and partake thereof all weekend!!!

Be sure to join us on Saturday's conference call, when our very own Donna (aka Sneakers) talks about her total health restoration, in just 16 months.

Sunday, if you choose, you can join us for prayer and fellowship. People even if they do not pray or speak, when feeling the pulse of our community say they never feel alone
in this journey any more.

If you need any help to set up Skype so you can partake in the calls, give Mel your email address to pass on to me.

I will do my best to help you join us.
Skype calling worldwide is actually very cheap and easy to do.

Become part of our community, find your voice, ask questions directly to Mel, other members or guest speakers, Or just listen.

You do not need to be alone in this. Reach out, you can be supported you through this journey. Its not an easy journey, but it's a lot easier when we come together to help one another through it.

Our Cheryl just went through her third surgery in a year. It went well, but there have been post surgery complications. She is a wonderful trouper, she just gets on with it! She is incredibly stoic!

We are all praying for our dear Cheryl. We value her very much, her gentle nature, empathy, subtle ability to get on with everyone.

Please join us, we will welcome you with open arms!

Kind regards,



Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 3/22/2019

Dear Ruth AM,

First of all, welcome to this community where people do overcome this disease. Please understand this requires perseverance. They say slow and steady wins the race and that applies especially to MD.

Please continue to read information from this website regarding nutrition and remember "one size does not fit all." In other words since you are struggling with other health issues, you must determine the right foods that that will help with heart issues as well as high blood pressure.

I have found that researching information from this website is beneficial and helps to ease my fear. As they say "knowledge is power."

Hopefully you have already started the protocol. It is very important to restore the integrity of your bio-terrain with the proper supplements. Again, I encourage you to research; supplements and the many benefits each one has.

Lastly, please take sugar or of your diet. You must not feed this disease. There are so many healthy alternatives you can enjoy. After eating a sugar free diet, when ever I have something sugary it is too sweet for me. I have found many healthy alternatives for my sweet tooth.

Please continue to post on this forum. We are here for you. Mel is staying true to the promise he made to our Lord by helping people in this community. So you have definitely come to the right place.

This journey may be difficult at times but God is with us every step of the way. "Ah Lord God! Behold, Thou hast made the heaven and the earth by Thy great power and outstretched arm; and there is nothing too hard for Thee." Jeremiah 32:17

In Christ Love,

Thread: Out of the Forest / Into the light


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 3/27/2019

Hi Robin,

I love the name of your thread. It says a whole lot with just a few words.

So sorry you lost your original post! I have lost one or two of mine also. It's awful when that happens. Now when I make a long post, I copy it, hit "Post Response", and then paste the copy in an email to myself. That way if Mel does not receive my post, I can go into my email, copy the post I saved, and paste it in the thread to try again.

That might not help you, as you said that you lost your post when you hit the wrong button. But I have actually done something like that too. If you hit the button to go back to the previous page qick enough, your long post might just still be there. This has worked for me at least twice.

It's great that you have decided to become a part of this community. It's always nice to hear you on the calls. I'm glad the tips you received on how to help your eyes feel better helped a lot.

I'm not diabetic, but I would trust John's wisdom concerning that. He has been working with the toxic disease community for years, and has a wealth of knowledge and experience. If you are already doing what he suggested, and it's working without you having a negative reaction, chances are your healing is not being affected.

I know you must have already talked to Mel concerning your diabetes. Maybe you could discuss it with him some more, and go over what John said with him. Maybe that would help put your mind at ease.

You definitely want to try to avoid being anxious as much as possible. Stress causes your body to make cortisol, which will be worse for you in the long run than a few strawberries. One thing this disease feeds on is cortisol.

So if you begin doing something regarding your diabetes while on the protocol, and it needs some tweaking as you go along; Mel, John, and other kind people like Maria and Deanna, will give you suggestions as you move forward in your journey.

Lamentations 3:22 (NIV)

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail.


Thread: Thanks to my God sent helpers


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 8/12/2019

Hello, Mary!

I’m glad to hear that you have been on the protocol for four months! That’s terrific!

It’s been nice to hear you on the calls!

Hang in there and reach out if you need to...there are so many caring and compassionate individuals on the forum!


Thread: Purging "The Red Cardinal" One Year Update


Date Added: 7/15/2020
Date Of Original Post: 2/19/2019

Hi Donna,

I'm so very happy for you. You have traveled the difficult path and now you're seeing the light. It won't be long now Friend!



Thread: Purging "The Red Cardinal" One Year Update

Donna M

Date Added: 7/3/2020
Date Of Original Post: 2/14/2019

Hi Everyone,

Happy Valentine's Day!!

I have now been on the protocol for 13 1/2 months and commented to Mel a few days ago how great I was feeling. In typical Mel fashion he said, "Well, write a post about it!" So here it is.

My symptoms are so infrequent that most days I forget I have M. My appetite has increased and I have gained three pound which is great. The last two small spots on my face are almost healed. They have faded and decreased from the size of an eraser to the tip of a marker. Granules purging from the skin has 99% stopped.

A little embarrassing to say, but I am still purging a tiny bit from the bowels. For these reasons I am considering myself to be about 97.5% healed. That finish line is getting closer.

A funny side to this post - the day after I told Mel how great I was feeling, I got a cold/sinus drip.

Now there are 2 positives about this:

1. My immune system is kicking in as it is recognizing other germs, bacteria, etc. that it needs to fight, not just M. I had a cold in October and December and now. It seems to be happening every other month. I never thought I would be excited to catch a cold, but I am!

2. The irony in all this is that I caught this cold from my grandchildren. I am always so worried that I may give them this disease, but I am elated over the fact that I got this cold from them.

So this Valentine's day, I celebrated by purchasing more coaching, which not only helps me, but Mel as well. I hope you can also celebrate this day showing love to all those in your life, and Mel and this community.

But most of all, remember to show love and give thanks to our Lord, who makes all this possible.

Love and God Bless,

Donna (aka Sneakers)



Date Added: 7/3/2020
Date Of Original Post: 2/2/2019

Thank You to my long time friend and fellow model Chrystal, who is also Daya's sister, for sending this video to us.

Very uplifting and apropos to our situation.

In Japan, instead of tossing broken pieces of china in the trash, some craftsmen practice the 500-year-old art of kintsugi, or “golden joinery,” which is a method of restoring a broken piece with a lacquer that is mixed with gold, silver, or platinum. This is interwoven with the philosophy of wabi-sabi, which means to find beauty in broken or old things.


God Bless you all; It's really true that those who did not give up Hope got well


Thread: Newbie Appreciates This Forum


Date Added: 7/3/2020
Date Of Original Post: 2/4/2019

Hello Katharine,

I have found drinking straight freshly-squeezed lemon juice (you can add stevia if you wish, to make it more palatable)

It really kills the crawling, tingling and wiggles immediately.

I bought an electric juicer, a cheap one, and stock up on lemons.Make a full glass of the juice and chug it down quickly, see if that helps.

It helps me every time so I hope it works for others too!! Hang in there.


Thread: An Honorable Man


Date Added: 7/3/2020
Date Of Original Post: 2/2/2019

Hello everyone!

Warning - long post - please excuse the typos as I’m sending this from my iPad.

True love is compassion, respect and honorable acts that prove love.
An honorable man is fair even to his enemies.

When you live with dignity no man will ever take it.

I have gotten to know Mel over the pass 7 months after I realized I had this toxic disease and have experienced all of these characteristic are apart of Mel’s character.

Mel is a man full of compassion. He have compassion for this work he’s committed unto the and committed his his life to.

Mel’s respectful even when he’s beating you with his hockey stick and we all know he’s not the most gently giant but very loving.....sometimes he has to give tough love and direct chastisement due to the number of us in the community as it’s growing (unfortunately) on a daily basis.

I can’t even began to phantom how he do all he do. I think that’s a honorable and compassionate person who gives on themselves van call him anytime of the day (even on his days off) and he still responds. How many people do you know do that.

He’s given up Church for a few months just to be available for and to us and have just recently returned so that he can receive his refilling to keep himself in touch with his relationship to keep filling us. I’m a Pastor and know how that is to empty yourself for others and go get your refilling to give more. Mel does a lot!

How many of us, if not all of us have been neglected, and rejected by our families, spouses, and friends because if this toxic disease. I certainly have. The loneliness is so unbearable at times but Mel have made it possible for all of us to feel loved, supported and joined together as family. I have met and established I believe life long friendships in our loving community.. well Mel have made this possible for all of us.

So, why and what am I saying? I’m asking each and everyone across this global network to let us all be kind by showing our thanks and appreciation to Mel. once in a while by purchasing a coaching session. We all benefit and he does not charge those who can not afford Coaching. I’m writing this asking us to be generous.

This is something we all can do collectively as a community.

You won’t find this wisdom, compassion, kindness, love or the ability to reach out to no one else like Mel who’s available ALWAYS.... I can write many scriptures but chose not to and make this appeal for us to be thankful by showing our financial kindness (paying it forward) for all we receive.

In all honesty; I don’t know how I would have ever beaten this thing without Mel.

Lord I thank you for Mel! Mel I thank you for being here for me.

Show your support with buying coaching sessions, subscribing to our website and give something to the He Cures All Foundation as it helps others who’s in need but can’t afford the protocol.

Now that I’m working again, I will start next week with buying more than a coaching session.

I beseech you to PLEASE HELP with giving,

In The Master’s Hand


Donna M

Date Added: 7/3/2020
Date Of Original Post: 1/28/2019

Hi Everyone,

As Mel said "Wow"! The Coffee,Tea and Me call on Saturday, January 26 was absolutely fantastic and inspiring! If you weren't able to join us, please listen to the recording when Mel makes it available.

We had our first ever auction to benefit the He Cures All Foundation, visits from a past warrior as well as some of the manufacturers and attendance MATCHED our highest attended call ever. So so many blessings to count - a successful auction, hearing from a past (cured) warrior and being a part of this wonderful community with Mel at the helm guided by our Lord!

I look at this as a sign of many more good things to come to our community. I think we may have more auctions /fund raising to benefit recipients of the foundation. I also hope we continue to have visits from past warriors as this is so encouraging to all of us. A big thank you to Ellen for starting this by donating her beautiful painting!

As always, I would like to thank the manufacturers, especially Cathee from Natural Genesis and John B. from Logos Nutritionals for supporting this community in so many ways. Congratulations to John B. on getting the winning bid for the work of art painted by our very Ellen of Troy.

So don't forget to listen to this call whether you were able to attend or not. It is definitely worth hearing!!

God Bless,

Donna M



Date Added: 7/3/2020
Date Of Original Post: 1/9/2019

Hi Cheryl,

I'm a big fan of the rescue soup. Here's why:

1. It's super easy to make.

2. It's enough for several servings.

3. It just makes me feel better in general.

4. It's pretty filling, even though it's basically broth with celery leaves in it.



Thread: Plea To All Who Have Been Cured!

Donna M

Date Added: 7/3/2020
Date Of Original Post: 1/10/2019

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to thank Kelly and Mary C (two warriors that have been healed) for updating us. Your post on your threads "Another Happy New Year" and "2019 Greetings and Blessings" were absolutely wonderful.

If you haven't read their posts yet, please do so! They are truly encouraging, uplifting and let us see what we have to look forward to.

Again, thank you both from the bottom of my heart! May God continue to bless you both with wonderful health and blessings!





Date Added: 6/6/2020
Date Of Original Post: 1/8/2019

Hello All!

I just wanted to check in here at the beginning of this new year to let you all know how I'm doing and to inspire hope!

I'm doing great. I'm continuing at 100% cured and I eat everything.

I am focusing on food because for me, that was the big question I had when I was still suffering which was, Once I'm well, will I be able to eat what I want?

I am watching my weight having gained weight due to being able to eat anything now, so I'm trying to lose weight now like most of America at the beginning of a new year in preparation for Summer!

I don't eat poorly most days, but I will have anything I want without any problems (except what I'm allergic to like citrus). Of course, for all people everywhere we should all eat well to nourish our bodies and keep them strong, and we cured people are just the same.

I don't have any fear of getting ill with this again, because I know that I was not living the best lifestyle before and will never go back to that again.

Too much sugar is not good for us! Neither is in vitro fertilization hormone treatment! Nor too much stress!

So, it has been a year of being well and I just want you all to keep following the protocol and don't give up hope and belief in this cure.

Also, I give the glory to God and I truly feel that drawing close to our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ is a very important part of the healing. All that is good comes from them anyway and you all know Mel's story and promise to God.

He is a faithful man and is keeping his promise and we are recipients of that blessing God gave Mel for his faithfulness to his promise.

I know that will be hard for many that aren't believers, who wonder why God would allow this disease to exist, but when you really understand God and how He works, this all makes sense. I encourage all to consider learning seriously from legitimate resources more about the Christian faith because in doing so you may be surprised at the Light, Love, and Peace you find! Right Donna ?

PS: I'd be happy to recommend any books on the faith and audio presentations on the Proof of the Existence of God from a scientific point of view for any who may be interested.

So my sincere praise to Mel for all he does for us tirelessly and my complete validation of his protocol here (supplements and diet) and my personal recommended addition of close relationship with God via this Church.

You can do this! You deserve it! You are precious and so worth the effort is takes!

Much Love and Prayers for everyone's healing...
Yours in Christ,
Mary Canaanite

Peter **

Date Added: 6/6/2020
Date Of Original Post: 7/2/2016

Hello Folks

“Always practice trusting the fundamental principle of consideration for safety in your actions.” (unknown author) This will serve you well.

Then, so that you always choose to give adequate thought to cautious prudent behavior, pay attention to share a healthy regard for the law of unintended consequences. In other words, "go slow and be steady" and "do no harm."

The adversary (Satan) is counting on you to fall for many traps. Don't.

Guard against doubt. "This is a proven way back." Your questions need only be about how you measure the success found in those before you. People like Kathy, Ellen, Roberta, Janelle, Dustin, Tawney, Nicole, Amber, Deborah B. Bill M.....and there are many more. Don’t discount this evidence? Be determined in this truth.

This is a good way to exempt yourself from danger. Because it is "evidence based," remain resolved to the science that is put in motion through this protocol." Then, simply stay the course.

I think it is always wise to surrender to hard evidence. It's always been that way for me. And I don't see this wisdom changing. Trust in resolve and make it where your focus should be.

Strength and Love,


Date Added: 6/6/2020
Date Of Original Post: 7/2/2016

Hi Peter,

That's exactly why I am here.
I needed to be among those who have lit the way.
I can no longer rely on my own understanding.

My efforts were valiant, but incomplete (sum of the parts.)

For all the new people out there (myself included,) when we are up to it, we need to really make a concerted effort to continue the same community spirit as those who have gone before us.

The original "class" has graduated and moved onward and upwards.

If we stay the course we can do the same, we can be the ones who are coaching and encouraging those who will surely come behind us. But first, we must be good students and do all we can do to support each other just as Peter and all those named above have done in the past.

Don't ask me why, but for some reason the song from Ghostbusters just popped into my head lol " who you gonna cal...."

Peace and love


Thread: Trust in Resolve


Date Added: 6/6/2020
Date Of Original Post: 7/4/2016

Hi Peter and Jane!

Thank you for being way showers. I have gobbled~up everything ive heard here and it has strengthened me.

I don't believe in Satan but I do believe in the confused, conditioned mind...and I have lots of it to deal with. The voice of unguided fear is my "enemy" and I found guidance and it's antidote here. I am so thankful for that.

I do love all the references to God or Spirit and I can hear your faith, humility and reverence. I feel part of a soul~family here; my heart opens and I cry as it softens with your words.

There is no way I could have made it to this site without God's grace and assistance; I'm not too sure Id be alive at all since at one point I wanted out very badly.

But I am here, all~ears, open to your mentoring and hoping someday I will be blessed to fill that role myself.

With Love and Gratitude,



Date Added: 6/6/2020
Date Of Original Post: 6/3/2016

Hi Shari! Good to hear from you as always. I will check out your blog. Thank you so much for your super kind words. They made me very happy and touched. I'm glad to know you haven't been sugaring anymore and for a long time, too. I just don't know when I'll be all done with this condition either. I am going to do my monthly post since I missed getting it in before the end of May. So, I'll put my details there. I just wanted to say God bless you and keep you and stay strong and stay you cuz you are awesome and quite a warrior, for God and for this website.


Date Added: 6/6/2020
Date Of Original Post: 7/4/2016


Happy Independance Day to all!

I guess I am writing today because it is an Independence Day of a different kind for me. I am choosing my own way to spend this independence holiday.

Just 2 years ago after or on this holiday I/we became sick wth this illness. July 4th-7th through each Morgellons filled passing year this week has often been difficult for me emotionally since that day when my life changed in 2014.

Over the last month I have been treating my Babesia with my meds from LLMD, and using our silver and certain herbs from the protocol. The protocol timing and my desire to improve has really given me a discipline that others now admire.

New moon and full moon are not generally easy times for me and yesterday I had another bout of Lyme paralysis and my fiancee had to feed me, how humbling a moment, but those are the days I am so grateful for his sense of humor and God leading me to choose a kind, sacrificial, sweet man like him.

Today when I woke up and was able to breathe (I have Babesia and some days I cannot) I took a deep breath and decided I will use what faculties are available to me to the most of my ability because with Lyme and 8 coinfections, I really do not know what tomorrow will look like, I cannot take moments for granted, and I keenly am aware more than ever that I am not promised tomorrow

I am so grateful for so many things so I will just write with gratitude here.

Today, I am grateful for Mel, Peter and this site as well as the first information shared here which got me to this point. The lasting loving friendships I have made on this site that have continued even when they left or they went off the protocol.

I am extremely grateful for my LLMD who diagnosed me with Morgellons coinfection without me saying anything, and when I was even trying to hide it (doesn't think I'm "delusional" at all), listens to me about the diet connection to my symptom diary and is working with me on a 3 pronged protocol to rid me of my Morgellons, but also my many other co-infections 1 by 1 for as long as my body can handle herxes and grateful my that my Medicaid will help me pay for some meds, however temporary, and is also willing to think outside the box for when I cant afford something or where herbs can step in and help.

I am so grateful and love that I still have my fiancee to care for me and to try to help me on my way to health and keeps me grounded in love and reminding me of God's promises when I forget.

I love that we are provided for by God with food, (for the protocol diet) and clothing to wear, if nothing else. I love that God is thus far protecting my liver, kidneys, my gut and heart from these little monsters who want to take over those areas.

I am grateful for my Facebook friends who pray for me and also share knowledge and information with one another in such a loving and non-condescending way.

I am grateful that we have a place to lay our heads and I have a bath here that I can detox in, however temporary.

I am grateful that I have free access to use the FIR sauna and get free essential oils massages.

I am grateful that I have inspired others to eat as I do as well as decide to join me on this difficult diet journey.

I am grateful that my mind is still intact and though I cannot write or text some days, I can still speak and use my mind cohesively and my voice.

Today I danced and I sang songs of praise. My singing voice has been taken away by this condition, but my legs still work TODAY! So.... I danced as I have not danced in quite some time. Really just letting it all go and crying with joy and gratitude that I can still move for today. It was wonderful just praising God and dancing using my legs. He says make noise of joy unto the Lord and sing songs of praise. I have taken it literally today and did so and was able, unlike so many bed ridden days I was able to dance for more than 1 hour as well as eve take a walk outside in the sunny New York/'nice weather we're having" for my vitamin D today.

It's a day of food, drinking, freedom, play, celebrating for most Americans, and I've never even lit a firework, but I guesss there is a first time for everything. I will eat my own protocol food proudly. It is a day for no fear in the battle and ours really has already been won. Thank you Jesus!

I see today that I am God's firework (if I will choose to be) and I plan to fly far up there, be bright and as big as I can (even from a bed) for His glory.

Praying for all those still suffering today-may you find comfort, strength and faith to go on in this unknown journey,
Your sister in Christ,

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