Date Added: 7/15/2020 Date Of Original Post: 5/8/2019
Hi there,
First of all.. welcome to all newcomers you have come to the right place !! :-).
Im a very grateful and blessed community member who is getting help to get the protocol via the HCAF. Every day I am grateful for the medicine I have as it is a complete and utter lifeline for me.
Having been with the community for some time I have seen it evolve over time. I agree with Mel when he says that now it's a very tight knit bonded community. It really, really is.
Apart from when I am really sick I am on the weekend conference calls come hail or rain or shine and I have been since the end of December 2017. It is important for HCAF members to learn, grow within the community and give back to others too. We do this through attending calls, posting on the forum or talking to other members. It is especially important for newbies to hear from others further along in their healing journey.
There is a wealth of knowledge to be gleaned from the conference calls. The Saturday conference calls are recorded and in average 2000 people worldwide listen monthly to them. There are Guest speakers come back, who have regained their health.
Manufacturers come and we learn re the products that will help us.
This community and forum has existed for over ten years, so there's an awful lot to learn from Mel and other people involved here too. People are very lucky to have the calls as a resource, they are free to join also.
The Sunday prayer calls are not recorded to allow a greater openness and self expression. We get to know each other better during these calls. We come together in fellowship to pray and to connect with God, but also we connect with each other. This weekly oasis of calm helps sustain us all and I cannot recommend it enough.
It makes me a bit sad that not many people from the UK or Europe join the calls. Honestly, being fully immersed into the community including taking part in the calls truly helps in the healing process.
The call's help because although shunned by the medical profession and often family and friends, people are welcome here with open arms.
We do not encourage discussion of the Sci fi or grotesque, bizarre, weird aspects of this disease as its disturbing enough to deal with. I have heard that other forums or other phone ins regards toxic disease, with other organisations have been utterly depressing to take part in. Our organisation however, does its very best to be upbeat, bring hope, camaraderie, knowledge and a sense of normality.
I say the word, 'normal,' as though it is a strange and difficult disease, no one in the community will find any individuals symptoms strange. We get it. We know. We live it too or have lived it. We are just at various stages in the healing process.
So what do I want to say to newcomers on this journey?....... Well, I will tell you this, I was very very sick for six and a half years with Morgellons, Lyme, Epstein Barr virus, I think mrsa at one point , systemic candida, Bartonella. I was alone, I was lost, I thought my life was basically over.. I was just treading the water.
I got severely infested with Morgellons three times full blown, with weeping sores and lesions all over my body and big long cat scratches and long black fibres..Constant crawling and biting.. For get the idea...... BECAUSE I WAS NOT ON THE PROTOCOL. Because I was not doing the, 'sum of the parts.' At first I didn't even know what this disease was and when I did find out I did not have the money to get the full amount of medicine that I needed to heal this. A little medicine here and there does not work.
So after over six and a half years of suffering Mel gave me this lifeline and helped me to get the meds I needed. Being on the protocol has given me hope. It helps my symptoms daily. It will take me longer to heal than most because I was full blown three times and for those years the disease managed to take hold. But every day I am grateful for the help I get and the medicines I have.
Recently, six weeks after my operation I had a setback. The pathogens tried to take hold again more white, black fibres, crawling, biting,Epstein Barr virus sores flaring up too. It was scary but I truly believe that the protocol stopped me becoming full blown for a fourth time. The protocol fought for me... Thank God and thank Mel!!! This also showed me that we need to be careful when our immune function is low and we are rundown to take extra care. This is because stealth pathogens will take advantage if there is any weakness in our system at all. So if you are particularly unwell not just with toxic disease but with other illness too, be extra careful and gentle on yourself. Honestly, I would have been done for if I hadn't had the protocol to attack back!!!!!!!
The f1000 research paper on Morgellons disease called it, 'a, multi systemic infectious disease process.' it is a very complex, multi faceted disease that can incorporate bacteria, viruses, fungus, parasites, various Co infections, Lyme, and various other pathogens. We don't all have that complete extensive list, but we have many of the same things in common.
You cannot continue to eat sugar and get well. If you are buying the meds and eating sugar you are never going to heal.
You cannot drink alcohol and get well.
You cannot smoke cigarettes and coffee is bad for you too.
You have to go as low carb as you can manage. Many are keto.
You have to look at stress levels as cortisol feeds this disease like sugar, so staying calm and watching fear, anger, worry, stress is paramount.
Many of us are only learning to love and appreciate ourselves now. You have to be gentle on yourself.
If you are exhausted, you are not lazy!!!! If I had a penny or cent for everytime someone said to me that they are lazy I'd be a rich woman :-).
It's important to realise that we are sick. That our immune systems were taken out and that we are fighting serious, chronic disease. It takes time, it takes rest, it takes self love to heal. So people need to give themselves a break.
Don't think you have it worse than everyone else and that others can heal but you can't. If you tell your mind and body that you cannot heal.. It won't!!!!! Watch your negative and self defeating talk. I know it's very difficult when you are struggling,but you have to fight.
Every single day,you have to believe in wholeness, wellness and a time when you will be well. It won't happen over night, you have to have trust and perseverance as our Donna said when she recently won the 8th guiding principle competition.
It also helps if you have faith (as Donna also said) and God has certainly gotten many of us through the darkest times.
We know what you're going through because most of us have had severe, horrendous symptoms too. However, in time and with hard work and, 'the sum of the parts,' I promise you that bit by bit you will see the light at the end of the tunnel.
So..... Its amazing, for people like Donna to get well in 16 months with the, 'sum of the parts.', Donna was sick a few months before she found this website and got the help she needed. She has healed quickly because she wasted no time and got the medicine and the knowledge and became a much valued member of the community.
If new people reading this take away anything it is this.... If you are sick with toxic disease and are sitting on the fence not sure what to do.. Take action now.. The sooner you get the protocol and do the, 'sum of the parts,' and join the community for support the sooner you can heal. Don't leave it until this disease takes a further foothold into your body, because the longer you have this and the more times you are infested.. the harder it is to heal from it.
Please learn from our experience. Many of us have fallen down or went down the wrong paths, or had trials and tribulations so that you don't have to.
People are truly, truly blessed and lucky to have this forum, this community, the knowledge and the medicine to heal. Take advantage of what we know. Trust in what we have learned.
The good thing about community also is it has a domino effect. Mel teaches us community members,(as does John B and Cathee) and then we in turn teach you... And then you in turn teach others. This ripple effect is profound and soo important. As this world we live in becomes more and more toxic and more people become affected by toxic disease, we need to get the knowledge out there. Knowledge is power.
Take your power back today. Do what you can to fight this. Don't waste any time, just do it.
That's my message today :-).
God bless everyone, Chrissie.