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The Testimonials Page is a microcosm (cliff notes version) of our site. It has been created to bring forth the most important information (knowledge) found here and share stories of encouragement and progress from those within our community.

It is with immense gratitude and great pleasure that we dedicate this testimonial page to our devoted friend and webmaster, John Waiveris of Invisible Gold.

This could never have been accomplished without his unselfish willingness to help others. I could have never gotten this far along with the web site without the endless hours of his generosity.

I will always be grateful for all he has done for all of you.

God bless you John,


This website has grown so large that in order to see the transforming impact that our protocol is having in the lives of Morgellons sufferers and their families, one must now wade through a massive volume of information.

Therefore, we decided to create a special place that is dedicated to sharing medical updates, progress reports, and encouraging stories from those who are having their health restored. The posts shown here are unsolicited and unedited, and are taken from our own forum. They appear in order of their historical appearance.

The person who invests an hour or two to review this collection of posts will notice an emerging pattern of transformation here. Many arrive here in a condition of hopelessness and despair, often isolated and estranged even from their loved ones. They find here a place of safety and compassion, a place of learning and inspiration, a place of encouragement and admonition to "First Do No Harm".

They devour the information available here and begin the process of improving their daily choices as they take back responsibility for their health. They begin to first stabilize, then to improve their health to a place where they are functional and productive again.

Their Hope restored, and "having their life back again", they begin the process of identifying what specific challenges remain and they may venture off to explore new interests or opportunities.

One thing should be perfectly clear from those who have reported improvement; they have all consistently stated that they have diligently stayed on the entire protocol.

The first three posts are without a doubt the longest, but they contain vital information that will give you a better understanding of how and why the protocol works and what one can expect when you have your herxheimer (detox) reaction.

You will find that the reading pace quickens thereafter. Each post or thread of posts is separated by a horizontal line. Sometimes threads were included to capture an original thought or train of thought in its entirety.

This testimonial page will be updated regularly. Anyone wishing to share encouragement and Hope may submit their story via email to:

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Thread: New here, Lyme+MD

Rockin Robin

Date Added: 5/23/2021
Date Of Original Post: 2/17/2021

Dear Micaela,

I am so glad You have found Mel & the website and this loving community. I found it when I felt no hope! I feel God led me here and it has truly been a blessing.

Read, Read, Read and attend the free conference calls every weekend. Get coaching from Mel and trust me, in 6 months you won't believe how much better you will be!!

Also, we are all here if you need us. You can post and ask questions and usually several people will answer. Different things work for different people, but we have all been where you are and we can contribute and tell you some things that have worked for us.

You have support here and we truly care about each member! WE also like to share and have fun as you will see!

So...WELCOME sister!! You will be in my prayers!!

Love & Hugs,
Your Sis In Christ
Philippians 4:1

Thread: Gone, but not Forgotten


Date Added: 5/23/2021
Date Of Original Post: 1/3/2021

Dear Linda,

I often referred to the people on this website as my friends without faces. During my recovery, my connections between the people in this community were stronger and more meaningful than the friends I saw on a daily bases. We had one very common goal; to overcome MD.

Thank you for your kind response to my post and I pray you are close to crossing the finish line in overcoming this disease. Stay true to the protocol, posting, and most of all our Lord. Remember, all things are possible with God.

“And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” Luke 18:27

In Christ,

Thread: Gone, but not Forgotten


Date Added: 5/23/2021
Date Of Original Post: 12/22/2020

This morning as I sat reading my devotionals, I made a profound connection to the phrase “Gone but not forgotten.” It occurred to me the many aspects of life this phrase touches upon. This year I lost both my sister and mother within 8 days (NOT covid related). So yes, they are both gone but will never be forgotten. Their memories will forever be in my heart.

Another aspect this phrase touches upon, is MD. Although after many years of learning and overcoming this disease, it will never be forgotten. There will be constant reminders of why it is important to stay true to a healthy diet. There is a constant reminder of the importance of keeping my immune system strong through proper nutrition and supplements.

The message I want to share with people in this community is this; although the disease is mostly gone, it will never be forgotten. Although I have moved on with my life, I will always remember the lessons learned through MD and keep that message forever in my heart.

I pray everyone reading this post NEVER gives up. It takes time to overcome; but it can and WILL happen! Have trust in our Lord! This community and its member’s will also forever remain in my heart.

Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.
Isaiah 26:4

In Christ,

Thread: Green Lantern and Keto (Timothy)


Date Added: 5/23/2021
Date Of Original Post: 7/13/2019

Hi Timothy,

That's great you are getting into the swing of things slowly but surely!

It is sooo helpful to read others journeys that have went before us. At one point I used to read Monica's journey all the time, it gave me knowledge and helped comfort me. Theresa, Peter and Justin also wrote wonderfully about their journeys too.

It is also lovely that you are posting regularly, reading about, 'the sum of the parts,' joining the calls and becoming an active member. You are positively preparing yourself for the journey ahead, eyes wide open, you know what to expect and are laying the foundations down bit by bit.

In our conversation it was so good to hear that you already have every faith in Mels protocol. Your faith, positivity and endurance will see you through :-).

We also need patience, that's imperative. As just as it took a while for our immunities to fail, it will take some time to build up the immunity. It takes longer the longer someone has been sick. I am glad you found us quickly.

I'm sure it won't take long for the protocol to come. You will find the protocol to be a wonderful synergy of herbs, vitamins, enzymes, probiotics, nutrients, that have been used all over the world to help heal people of numerous illnesses. It will build you up from the inside out.

It is good that the silver is already helping the fibres to exit and bringing out the pimples and red marks on your skin. Like layers of an onion it all has to come to the surface to leave.

That's good you are incorporating turmeric and raw garlic into your diet. Both are antibacterial, anti fungal, antiviral and help general immunity.

Have you tried Nettle tea? I find Clipper Nettle tea is excellent, in Nettle or Nettle and Peppermint flavour. I'm drinking some Nettle and Peppermint as I write :-).

Nettle is anti inflammatory, helps with sore muscles and joints. It contains calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamin D and K which help bones use calcium to protect bone density. Nettle contains vitamin A, C and iron is an anti histamine and anti microbial. It is also a diuretic, eliminating sodium from the body and decreasing sugar levels in the blood. It is good for aiding the liver, so can help cleanse the body and blood, flush out toxins and facilitate maintaining a clearer skin. Nettle also stimulates the T cells of the immune system and helps regulate digestion.

I do recommend Steviago tablets from Amazon UK as they are made with pure stevia with no fillers or artificial ingredients. Steviago has a high content of pure Rebaudiosid-A 97%(Reb-A) which is the sweetest component of the stevia plant. Stevia has a zero glycemic index, no carbs and has no effect on blood sugar.

I add four steviago tablets to a mug of cold fizzy mineral water into which I have added the juice of half a lemon. Leave the tablets a few minutes to dissolve. It is my bliss drink... I adore it, absolutely love it!!! :-).

Lemons are nature's anti depressant, the colour, the smell and the taste, especially sweetened with steviago is divine!

Lemons themselves are antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and detoxifying. They also provide anti inflammatory and anti histamine properties and masses of vitamin C. Besides, our disease absolutely hates them!!! So it's a win, win.

You could also get a large jug, squeeze the juice of a whole lemon or more, add some chopped fresh ginger, cold fizzy or still mineral water and steviago tablets(to taste).

Fresh ginger root contains antibacterial and anti viral properties. Ginger can also inhibit the growth of candida, as it contains the antifungal compounds gingerol and shagelol and anti inflammatory agents. The taste of the lemon and ginger together is lovely.

So... "Bottoms up Timothy!!!!"

Although our little tipples are most definetely non alcoholic :-).

Take care and let us know how you get on with the holistic dentist.


Thread: Finding Joy Through Reconnection


Date Added: 5/20/2021
Date Of Original Post: 1/20/2021

Hello everyone and blessings to all!

I know that this disease we're fighting is horrible, not just to our physical bodies but also to our mental health. We've all gone through, and probably still deal with, various levels of loneliness, depression and anxiety. The pain we endure is unbearable and, sadly, in a lot of cases with our community members, we are going on this journey alone. These experiences are painful and can beat our mental health into submission, causing us to look for other supplements or drugs to help us not feel so bad Although I've had my share of ups and downs, they don't compare to the stories I've heard from our community members - especially experiences from my wife who has endured so much pain with this disease.

I can't offer much in terms of prescription or over-the-counter medications and which seem to work well and which have a plethora of negative side effects, but that's not what this post is about. What I can offer is encouragement and a fantastic read of a book my nutritionist recommended me that I recently finished. He battles with his inner demons on a daily basis - anxiety, depression and other mental health issues that have roots in his Father, who, sadly, took his own life about a year ago as he could no longer cope with the pain. The book is called "Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression—and the Unexpected Solutions" by Johann Hari.

Rather than attributing depression and anxiety to a chemical imbalance in the brain, which can still play a role in such diagnoses, the author redirects the root cause to one that is social and how getting reconnected can be the superior solution. Reconnecting to meaningful work, other people, meaningful values, the natural world, sympathetic joy and towards a hopeful and secure future are key areas the author discusses how re-connection can combat challenges with depression and anxiety better than any pill that Big Pharma can provide. I learned so much from this book and already applying it much more in my life and conversations with my wife, Karianne, and it's made such a huge difference.

Again, I'm not saying that prescribed medications don't solve these issues - there could be some form of chemical imbalance at play. What I am saying is if we peel back the layers and ask ourselves how we truly enjoy life, what would we come up with? How do those moments/experiences make us feel? By finding those areas in which we truly find joy and reconnecting to them, I strongly believe we can come out from whatever darkness surrounds us. For me, that's reconnecting with my close friends I first met when I moved to Miami for a few years; reconnecting with my faith life and becoming more involved with my church than ever before; reconnecting with my core values and now being able to share and live those values with my wife. Am I always in a joyful mood? No, there are numerous times when I feel low. But when I get reconnected in the ways that matter most to me, I know I'm a better person who's smiling a lot more.

I encourage you all to dig deep during these trialing times we endure to discover where our true joy comes from and to reconnect to those areas. It may not be the ultimate solution and additional help may be needed, but it's a strong step towards a path of natural healing. I'm praying for you all and hope this message finds you well, no matter what state of being you're currently in.

Karianne & Joe

Thread: Utilizing This Website


Date Added: 5/20/2021
Date Of Original Post: 1/9/2021

Hello and blessings to everyone!

Mel and I spoke a lot this week about Saturday’s (1/2/2021) Coffee, Tea and Me BYOQ call, regarding diet and nutrition questions. Although it was great to hear experience from everyone on what foods they enjoy that fit within our protocol, there were lots of questions and requests for having a nutritional call. While I agree with diet and nutrition playing a key part in the Sum of the Parts, it’s worth mentioning that we recently had a call on just this topic back in October (see More Communication post on 10/22/2020 for the recording that occurred on 10/17/20) - I encourage everyone to listen to that call, whether you missed it live or need a refresher to listen again.

Where I struggle the most, which many of us do, is understanding the amount of information on this website. I know it’s a lot to take in, but we need to understand that when Mel says “read, read, read… and when you’ve had enough, read some more,” he means it and is saying it not to beat up on us, but that the information on this site is all there and is what ultimately heals us when we understand and apply it. What has helped me the most is prioritizing the information in a “digestible” way - meaning I take where I’m at today and focus on a specific area, one topic at a time, so I can really understand the meaning behind it. For me, I need to understand the background and history of this toxic disease and what the overall plan is to defeat it. I built my plan, then, around reading Mel’s story (My Story), Guiding Principles, and the FAQs. After reading any kind of text, I like to hear/watch related videos to understand how the information gets applied. So that then led me to listen to the YouTube videos under Toxic Disease Pioneer. I’m telling you - those videos are life-changing because they involve Mel’s story and how he got better, as well as Warriors’ stories and how they’ve gotten better. Take each video one at a time and start from the beginning with the Sum of the Parts video, which was recorded during the April 1, 2017 conference call. Mel does an amazing deep-dive into the whole plan and includes sooooo much information on diet and nutrition! I’ve listened to it several times now and actually leveraged a lot of that information to help host the nutrition call on 10/17/2020 I spoke to above.

After understanding the history and plan ahead, assess where you struggle with most. If that’s diet and nutrition, there’s no better place to go next than to Articles and Diet! You will find nothing short of a giant cook book that provides not only the kinds of foods we can eat AND enjoy while fighting this disease, but so many recipes alongside (my wife Karianne’s favorite recipe is the Almond Biscuits… I had 2 last night with dinner!). Boys and girls - there are so many recipes in this section and other articles on food in general that any question you might have can most likely be answered here. And then of course, there’s the Forum posts - this is where the majority of reading needs to be focused. With nearly 40 pages of worth of posts since the website’s inception, there is a lot of information here AND the best part?? You can use the Search Engine tool on the website and type in whatever you want to specifically focus on (“WPS,” “Diet,” “Kleengreen and Laundry,” etc…).

The main point I’m trying to drive home is that we all have to do the work. It took us years for our bodies to develop this toxic disease - it was not done overnight. That being said, it’s going to take a lot of work to eradicate but we CAN and WILL do it when we do the work and trust in God! And if you’re struggling where to get started and how to build a plan that suits your needs so you can use the website’s full potential, that’s where coaching with Mel saves the day. There’s not one coach call I’ve had with Mel when I didn’t take down notes and ask a bunch of follow-up questions to clarify something I missed. I take every word he says as Bible when it comes to fighting this disease and wherever he points me next on the website, rest assured I’m on it that week until our next call. Again, I can’t stress enough how important it is to utilize this website as much as possible and get coaching with Mel.

We WILL get better!

Coffee, Tea with Me Saturday 01-09-21

Thread: Saturday’s BYOQ with Newbies


Date Added: 5/20/2021
Date Of Original Post: 1/3/2021

It goes without saying that Saturday’s Coffee, Tea and Me (BYOQ edition with new members) was the most fitting way to end 2020 and start 2021. Mel ensured community members and Warriors were available to participate and help answer questions from couples Erin and Michael, and Diane and Paul. It was a great way to meet these wonderful people who have come to this community in search for hope - which we can all say definitively, “YES! This is where people come to regain hope!”

Topics covering diet and nutrition, protocol supplements, WPS usage and navigating social environments were addressed. There was no lack in community members wanting to provide their own experiences and encouragement to get coaching with Mel, come to the weekend calls, and read, read, read the website forum posts. Mel allowed ample time for each new person to ask questions throughout the call and, of course, provided his insight whenever a more sensitive topic came up.

Such a great call and testament to this community and what we do for each other - we provide the best kind of support, hope and love that no doctor or medical professional can truly understand. To our newest members, this community is excited and looking forward to walking with you through your journey. It is difficult, it is challenging, and it will take time, patience and prayer to recover. But when you come to this place, get coaching with Mel and apply - consistently - the Sum of the Parts, you WILL regain hope and get better.

To all of you - WELCOME!

Coffee, Tea with Me BYOQ Saturday 01-02-21

Thread: Research For Low-Carb Foods

Rockin Robin

Date Added: 5/20/2021
Date Of Original Post: 12/12/2020

Hello Everyone,

I recently did some research on low-carb foods. I was very surprised at some of the information, so thought I would share it with all of you.

***All Numbers below based on 1 cup of veges for leafy veges, stems and flowers. Fruits, roots, and seeds based on 1/2 cup.

LEAFY VEGES: Fiber subtracted from carb count, these veges below have 3 net carbs or less (some have 0) - 1 CUP

Lettuce, endive, escarole, radicchio, romaine, spinach, mustard greens, collard greens, kale, bok choy (Chinese cabbage).
Parsley, cilantro, basil, rosemary, thyme

STEMS & FLOWERS: Fiber subtracted from carbs, 3 net carbs or less - 1 CUP

Bamboo shoots, celery, seaweed, cabbage, asparagus, fennel-less than onions, cauliflower, and broccoli. Brussel sprouts - 4.7 and artichoke hearts - around 6, however, excellent health benefits make these two qualify on the low-carb list.

FRUITS: The part of the plant that contains seeds is the fruit of a plant. BASED ON 1/2 CUP. Fiber subtracted from carbs, 3 net carbs or less except for bell peppers.

Okra, cucumbers, green beans, wax beans, eggplant, 1 med.tomatillo, snow peas, sugar snap peas, 1 Roma size tomato, yellow summer squash, zucchini. Bell peppers have 3 to 5 carbs based on size and color in 1/2 cup.

ROOTS AND SEEDS: Fibers subtracted from carbs, 3 net carbs or less. BASED ON 1/2 CUP except for white, yellow, or red onions.

Radishes, green onions, jicama, rutabagas, turnips. Red, white, yellow onions have 4/5 carbs per 1/2 cup. Green onions are much better with 1.5 carbs per half cup.


Leeks, water chestnuts, beets, potatoes, carrots, winter squash, acorn, butternut, parsnips, green peas, sweet potatoes, corn, plantains.


Strawberries 2g net carbs
Raspberries 2g net carbs
Blueberries 17 net carbs

Hope this helps, I frequently look at this list before ordering groceries.

Love & Hugs,
Rockin Robin

Thread: Saturday's active Conference Call


Date Added: 5/20/2021
Date Of Original Post: 12/19/2020

Well what lovely active conference this Saturday, many members attended, even lovely Joyce who is a long-standing member popped by to say hello, between taking her dogs to and from the vets.

We started by going around the room to see if there were any issues/questions that member might need help with or answered, there were questions on foods that can or maybe shouldn't be eaten. Also, a discussion on what is best worn against your skin along many more. All questions received lots of very good answers and opinions.

Mel then asked us to tell the new members what was the first thing that made a positive difference to us after finding and joining the community, it seemed by the replies diet and Logos supplements were the main key factors. Also, people talked about how having Mel's help and support to guide them through each step was invaluable, others spoke about having such a positive member group was to them inspiring.

Thank Mel for all your hard work behind the scenes, you make everything seem so effortless ?? and a big thank you to all the members for helping this to be such a great safe community.

Freddie x
Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 12-19-20

Thread: Saturday's CT&M with Special Guest - Robert Scott Bell


Date Added: 5/12/2021
Date Of Original Post: 1/19/2021

This past Saturday's edition of CT&M featured special guest Robert Scott Bell, from the "Robert Scott Bell Show - The Power to Heal is Yours!" For those of you who are unfamiliar, RSB is a homeopathic practitioner with a passion for health and healing, who has personally overcome numerous chronic diseases using natural healing principles and has dedicated his life to revealing the healing power within all of us. Robert wasted no time and dove right into the key topic: the healing properties of Cannabis/CBD. Robert addressed question after question, as this has been spoken about and advocated extensionally by Mel (see Mel's many posts to self-educate on the Endocannabinoid System here:

Additionally, Robert spoke about the controversial debate surrounding Kratom - a tree in which the leaves contain mitragynine - a chemical that works like opioid drugs to relieve pain. Although currently listed side effects are both positive and negative, there is really not enough information on the plant and really should be discussed with Mel prior to any kind of experimentation with Kratom.

It was a very informative call with lots of great discussion regarding the plethora of benefits that CBD offers - not just as an additional form of treatment for toxic disease sufferers, but for general health. With all things considered, it's still highly recommended each of us discuss individually with Mel and if it's a healthy alternative to try on. Be sure to listen to the recording when it comes out later this week!

Coffee, Tea with Me 01-16-21

Thread: The Benefits of Pumpkin


Date Added: 5/12/2021
Date Of Original Post: 11/29/2020

Oh, how I love pumpkin anything. So I thought it would be great to do research on all the benefits. When I came across the information I spoke with Mel who encouraged me to speak with John. He was in complete agreement with all the benefits pumpkin has is to offer. So with that being said I thought it would be nice to make a post in the forum with the Nutrional benefits of pumpkin.

Full of antioxidants such as beta carotene, which is a pro vitamin that converts into Vitamin A. Antioxidants are a big help in fighting with chronic diseases, bacterial and fungal infections.

Pumpkin is loaded with fiber. This helps your stomach fill up and feel full longer. It could also helps with keeping blood sugar levels normal and it’s great for your stomach and digestive system.

It’s great for keeping your eyesight sharp and helps promote healthy skin.
Pumpkins have more potassium than banana! Yay!!

Helps to boost your mood. Because it’s full of the amino acid tryptophan, which converts into serotonin, this helps us with our positive moods! This is also found to be beneficial when it comes to getting a good nights rest.

Pumpkin has vitamin C which helps the immune system and also helps in boosting collagen which is also great for the skin.

Another benefit that it’s full of magnesium which is a huge bonus when it comes to relaxing and the digestive system.

Pumpkin has also been proven to help lower the risk of stomach cancer’s and it’s also found to be a great source of vitamin E, iron and folate.

These are just to name a few. I will admit I am a true pumpkin addict and I love using it in so many foods with baking, in my oatmeal, and even in my renaissance vanilla shake! Ha ha!!

The information used in this post was found on these sites:, and

Thread: Boxing Day Conference Call


Date Added: 5/10/2021
Date Of Original Post: 12/26/2020

In England we call the day after Christmas Boxing day, it has nothing to do with fisticuffs though.

Today's conference was again a lively one, even though there was a lower-than-normal attendance. Everyone was in good spirit and there were lots of laughter.

Mel asked us what our wish would be for the following year of course the main response was for all of us to be well

Then Mel went around the table asking us if we had questions, there were a few and these nearly all got answered, topics such as sugar, wps and the passing on of Morgellons, there was talk of a scary room in the house, which I too have, yet as time goes on it doesn't seem half as scary. people that are just a whisker away from being free of this disease, through dedication of the sum of the parts and being focused.

Mel had three wishes, yes that was a little greedy of him but we all hope they all come true, especially the one that he hangs around for another decade....

Freddie x

Coffee, Tea with Me Saturday 12-26-20

Thread: You Don’t Have to Look Too Far to Find Vitamin C!


Date Added: 5/10/2021
Date Of Original Post: 12/12/2020

Hello everyone!
I know this is long-overdue so apologies but wanted post here about the multitude of foods that are packed with Vitamin C. Many whole, plant-based foods carry this precious vitamin and are low in carbohydrates/total calories, high in dietary fiber and very little, if any, natural sugars - mainly these are the fruits. Following a whole, plant-based nutrition for several years now, I incorporate a plethora of these foods into my daily meals - especially the dark leafy green varieties. Take a look at this compiled list of foods carrying loads of Vitamin C and start incorporating them into your meals today!

The Best Vegan Foods High in Vitamin C [Table]

Thread: Research For Low-Carb Foods

Rockin Robin

Date Added: 5/10/2021
Date Of Original Post: 12/12/2020

Hello Everyone,

I recently did some research on low-carb foods. I was very surprised at some of the information, so thought I would share it with all of you.

***All Numbers below based on 1 cup of veges for leafy veges, stems and flowers. Fruits, roots, and seeds based on 1/2 cup.

LEAFY VEGES: Fiber subtracted from carb count, these veges below have 3 net carbs or less (some have 0) - 1 CUP

Lettuce, endive, escarole, radicchio, romaine, spinach, mustard greens, collard greens, kale, bok choy (Chinese cabbage).
Parsley, cilantro, basil, rosemary, thyme

STEMS & FLOWERS: Fiber subtracted from carbs, 3 net carbs or less - 1 CUP

Bamboo shoots, celery, seaweed, cabbage, asparagus, fennel-less than onions, cauliflower, and broccoli. Brussel sprouts - 4.7 and artichoke hearts - around 6, however, excellent health benefits make these two qualify on the low-carb list.

FRUITS: The part of the plant that contains seeds is the fruit of a plant. BASED ON 1/2 CUP. Fiber subtracted from carbs, 3 net carbs or less except for bell peppers.

Okra, cucumbers, green beans, wax beans, eggplant, 1 med.tomatillo, snow peas, sugar snap peas, 1 Roma size tomato, yellow summer squash, zucchini. Bell peppers have 3 to 5 carbs based on size and color in 1/2 cup.

ROOTS AND SEEDS: Fibers subtracted from carbs, 3 net carbs or less. BASED ON 1/2 CUP except for white, yellow, or red onions.

Radishes, green onions, jicama, rutabagas, turnips. Red, white, yellow onions have 4/5 carbs per 1/2 cup. Green onions are much better with 1.5 carbs per half cup.


Leeks, water chestnuts, beets, potatoes, carrots, winter squash, acorn, butternut, parsnips, green peas, sweet potatoes, corn, plantains.


Strawberries 2g net carbs
Raspberries 2g net carbs
Blueberries 17 net carbs

Hope this helps, I frequently look at this list before ordering groceries.

Love & Hugs,
Rockin Robin

Thread: Saturday's active Conference Call


Date Added: 5/10/2021
Date Of Original Post: 12/19/2020

Well what lovely active conference this Saturday, many members attended, even lovely Joyce who is a long-standing member popped by to say hello, between taking her dogs to and from the vets.

We started by going around the room to see if there were any issues/questions that member might need help with or answered, there were questions on foods that can or maybe shouldn't be eaten. Also, a discussion on what is best worn against your skin along many more. All questions received lots of very good answers and opinions.

Mel then asked us to tell the new members what was the first thing that made a positive difference to us after finding and joining the community, it seemed by the replies diet and Logos supplements were the main key factors. Also, people talked about how having Mel's help and support to guide them through each step was invaluable, others spoke about having such a positive member group was to them inspiring.

Thank Mel for all your hard work behind the scenes, you make everything seem so effortless ?? and a big thank you to all the members for helping this to be such a great safe community.

Freddie x
Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 12-19-20

Thread: Saturdays Conference Call with Mel

Freddie bean

Date Added: 5/10/2021
Date Of Original Post: 11/22/2020

At this Saturday's conference call Mel talked through Tables of Contents which can be find via the Home page. This was to help familiarise the new members however I feel it help us old members too! I for one forgot how much helpful information was stored there.

There were a few questions from member about Biofilm, the stages/cycles of Morgellons, the effects on Morgellons when one has surgery, my own issues on surgery were the effects either of the anaesthetic or pain relief had on me, I itched all over, it seemed the Morgellons were stimulated by the drugs. WPS seems to be really at the fore in the last few weeks as it was talked about using it as a mouth wash to help clear up infection this week.
One of our newest members asked how to post a new topic, as she would like to start posting but wasn't sure how, Mel talked her though how to achieve this.

Thank you, Mel, for all your hard work keeping not only the conference calls so interesting every week but what you do behind the scenes. I think you would make a good plate spinner!!

Freddie x

Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday - 11-21-20



Date Added: 5/9/2021
Date Of Original Post: 11/6/2020

Your recent post really caught my heart. I remember being at the same point in my recovery as you are today. Believe me when I tell you, "You are winning"!! You understand what it takes to overcome this disease and accomplish your goals. Ultimately everyone's goal is to start living again.

We will never be the same people that we were before MD. We are a stronger and better version of our past selves. Through this journey we gain knowledge, compassion, understanding, and realize how wonderful other people in this world can be. We gain strength by communicating with others who are learning to overcome this as well.

I commend Mel for keeping his promise to our Lord of helping others. He also knows the challenges of MD and strives everyday to pass his understanding on to others. He also knows the importance of bringing forth the knowledge of others such as John B., Cathee of Kleen Green, Peter H. and past Warriors to keep this community informed.

I will pray for you to remain strong, to continue posting, and most importantly to keep the Faith in our LORD because he does hear your prayer.

Lord, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief.
Psalm 143:1

In Christ,


Rockin Robin

Date Added: 5/9/2021
Date Of Original Post: 11/4/2020

Hello All !! One Year Anniversary!!!

I have been here one and a half years, but in the beginning, I did not have my family's support and had to have a surgery that caused me to have to get off the protocol and everything.

I knew Mel and his advice was the answer so I prayed and prayed and eventually God worked it all out for me, in quite miraculous ways!!

So.....It has been a year on the protocol faithfully!! The difference in where I was to where I am now, is dramatic!!

Back then, I never slept. I had huge dark purple circles around my eyes. My diet from the past was horrible. I was eating an enormous amount of sugar because I wasn't aware of what contained sugar!! I had no energy. I was listless and depressed. I didn't know what was wrong with me and couldn't find help! I wasted all my savings and tons of valuable time and money hunting for a diagnosis!

And, Yes!!! I went to many doctors!!

I had the creepy crawlies. the bites, the stings, the itching, the bumps, the scars or tunnels all over. I was miserable and had said, "If I have to live like this, then I don't want to live!"
This coming from a Christian! That's what kind of shape I was in!

But, I believe God sent me to Mel and his website. Then over time, worked it out so that I had no opposition and could do everything Mel guided me to do !!

The dramatic difference?

1. I can sleep!! Sometimes 8-10 hrs. at a time!! I had never done this before. I lived on 6-7 hours at the most, most of my life. Sometimes 5 ! But, with the Morgellons, I was not sleeping at all! I actually sleep now!!

2. I have a good healthy diet now! I have learned so much about food through this journey, it has changed the way I feel about food and the way I will eat the rest of my life when I am well. Moderation is the key!!

3. I have energy now and want to go outside and do things I have not done in a long time. I am no longer listless and depressed.

4. I rarely feel anything on my body anymore. Just in my feet or head, my two exit points. Yes!!!! It has gotten so much better!

5. I don't feel alone and isolated anymore! I have made new friends here in this community and have rekindled old relationships through facebook and phone, whereas I used to shy away from people because of this disease.

6. I no longer have a spirit of fear! 2nd Timothy 1:7

7. I have found a special friend, guide, mentor, (our HAWK) in Mel. What an honor to have him in our lives!!!

8. I have regained true joy in life again!! True happiness in this community, in friends, in relatives, in daily routines, chores, and success in life!

9. I have written a children's book in this healing process and it is in the process of being published. And, I am working on book # two.

10. But, most of all, the greatest joy of all.... is that this journey has brought me so much closer to God and rekindled a close relationship with God on a deeper level. And, He is speaking to me and revealing wisdom to me like never before!! This to me is priceless!!

Mel has told me before that many that go through this journey, in the end, they are actually glad and wouldn't change anything, because of what they have learned, gained, and experienced while battling this disease, it is worth far more than gold!!

I tend to believe it is true. I believe it will be for me!!! Yes, I have Lyme and Morgellons and yes, it has been rough to say the least ! However, this experience has changed me and is continuing to change me and it is GOOD!

Although I would not wish this disease on anyone, it can be so horrible and intense, I for one, will be glad I fought it and won and be grateful for what I gained through it all !!

I still have a ways to go for complete wellness, but I can see it in the distance and nothing will stop me!!

I have learned to look for the good, joy, kindness, happiness, compassion, caring, and sweetness in others, in situations and yes even in suffering. This attitude makes a world of difference. Philippians 4:11-13 Trust Him and be content in all situations. Paul knew the secret!!!

In closing,
Thank you dear comminity for your love and support!

Mel....there will never be enough words of thanks, love, and honor to you dear friend!!! You have my heart!!!!

SO......Keep going, keep plugging, keep running for the finish line, maybe we can cross it together!!!! I love you all !!

Luke 1:37
Matthew 19:26 Nothing is impossible with God,
with God all things are possible!!

Love & Hugs,
Rockin Robin


Rockin Robin

Date Added: 5/9/2021
Date Of Original Post: 8/6/2020

Dear Diana,

Here are some of the verses I was telling you about. God has truly been speaking to me about afflictions disease, trials, and the reasons for them. Then there is usually a promise from Him involved! It has truly blessed me!

Roman 5: 1-5
Romans 8: 12-30
Romans 8: 16-18 & 26-30
1 Peter 1: 5-9
Ephesians 3: 10-20
Isaiah 57: 18 & 19
James 4: 8

These came over 2 weeks for me. Take your time. I hope they bless you and reassure you!

Love & Hugs, Rockin Robin


Rockin Robin

Date Added: 5/9/2021
Date Of Original Post: 7/19/2020

Hi Everyone!

I just want to say thank you again to Mel and the community for being here week after week on the phone calls, for the support, help, and friendships!

I talked with Diana today and it is so wonderful to hear her excitement, joy, and peace she feels after finding this website and the community!

I could relate so well, because I remember how I felt when I first found the website and talked to Mel. The relief, joy, and excitement at finally finding a diagnosis, someone who knew and understood what I was going through and friends who also knew!

She said her depression had lifted and I felt real joy for her and with her! I say this because I want everyone in the community to know how much each one of us matters, what we share, and say, and pray, and how it helps others and how we help each other.

The smallest thing we share, sometimes means the world to someone else. I feel the Lord's spirit move in this community.

So, thank you for the support and all I receive from each of you!!

Love & Hugs, Rockin Robin

P,S, Diana - You go girl!! So proud of you and your attitude! Your getting the weapons, tools, and wisdom to beat this thing!! I'm honored by your friendship!!


Rockin Robin

Date Added: 5/9/2021
Date Of Original Post: 7/4/2020

Hello Everyone In The Community!

Happy 4th Of July!!!

I hope everyone is happy, confident and feeling good and full of hope!!

I have been blessed this year with many things, and thought I would share with you some of them.

Through my illness, I have drawn closer to God and he is teaching me wisdom about various questions and situations.

My family came around and began to support me in my battle with this disease.

I have rekindled old friendships through facebook and keep in touch with relatives more often which makes me extremely happy!
My two children are well and happy in their lives.

I have made wonderful new friendships in this community and have been blessed with Mel, a wonderful mentor and friend!!

And, I see God working in the people I know. There are blessings every single day, albeit some are tiny, but they bring me peace & joy!!

Everyday is a new day and a blessing and although I battle this disease, I am learning much through this journey. I know I can and will get well!!

I pray and wish each one of you good health, peace, love, and joy!!!!!
Never give up hope, try to see HIS beauty and wisdom in all things and most importantly, meet HIM everyday for a heart to heart.

Love & Hugs,
Rockin' Robin
Philippians 4:10-13
Song: My Treasure By Scott Wesley Brown

Thread: Eruptions-My Hallelujah Journey.

Rockin Robin

Date Added: 5/9/2021
Date Of Original Post: 12/24/2020

Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to let everyone know that I have been using Lee's "Hallelujah Moment" Treatment prescribed by Mel on my feet and ankles and it is fantastic!!! They are healing!! However, I noticed a difference after the first 2 days!! Doing it several times a day, every day now.

If you have not looked it up yet, here it is: Mix 8 drops each of the WPS in a glass glass, let turn dark gold (about a min.). Add 8 to 10 oz. water, stir with something plastic. Pour glass full into spray bottle.

Treatment: Spray WPS mixture onto troubled area, wait 3 min. Next, spray your diluted Kleen Green (according to KG bottle directions) onto troubled area, wait 3 min. Then put liquid stevia on it. Bottled drops are best, but if you have packages, use 2 or 3 in 2 T of water. That's it !!!

Make sure you make the WPS solution fresh everyday. Mel says works for most sufferers, it is definitely working for me!!

Try It !! God Bless !!

Love & Hugs, Rockin Robin

Thread: Eruptions-My Hallelujah Journey.


Date Added: 5/9/2021
Date Of Original Post: 11/24/2020

Hello everyone,

Another Hallelujah moment: Good news.

The eruptions I had on my upper chest and face are completely gone. I followed Mel's suggestions for 5-6 days and those areas are clear.

Still continuing the process to make sure everything remains clear.

WPS, Kleen Green, and Stevia are more than amazing!
Mel's advice through this process is another reason coaching is so critical.
Mel was there for me whenever I needed him.
So encouraging!

Kudos to the persons or person that came up with the Stevia solution!

Thankfully, Lee

Thread: Eruptions-My Hallelujah Journey.


Date Added: 5/9/2021
Date Of Original Post: 11/20/2020

Hello everyone,

On Monday, 11/16, I emailed Mel pictures of 1 eruption on my face and many new eruptions on my right upper chest. It was a a concern, to say the least.

Mel suggested the following to me;

1. Spray WPS on the area and wait 2-3 minutes.
2. Spray Kleen Green and wait 2-3 minutes.
3. Apply Stevia.

After a day and 1/2, the eruptions were diminished by 75%.

Two days later the eruption on my face was non existent and the upper chest area eruptions were barely visible.

Mel called this my Hallelujah moment.
I so gratefully and joyfully agree!


Thread: Saturday's Coffee,Tea with Mel Conference call

Fredddie bean

Date Added: 5/9/2021
Date Of Original Post: 11/14/2020

What a great call, so informative with lots of questions answered, there were questions on....

WPS : Nancy asked about putting WPS in ones closet and Yolanta asked about putting WPS in her car.

Blood: Donald enquired about how and what happens when Morgellons travels through our blood.

Diet: Barbara talked about her struggles with foods that she cannot eat.

Electromagnetics : Ruthann asked about if Morgellons gets worse around electrical appliances..

There were many more questions and if you listen to the recording which Mel will put up very soon, you will get all the great answers.

Thanks to Peter for answering lots of our questions.

Mel you are our shining star, I dread to think like many about what would have happened to us, if we hadn't found and followed you.

Freddie x

Coffee, Tea with Me - 11-14-20

Thread: Saturdays call with Robert Scott Bell

Rockin Robin

Date Added: 5/9/2021
Date Of Original Post: 11/10/2020

Hello Everyone,

This Saturday's call was honored by a popular and well appreciated guest and friend, Robert Scott Bell. Also on the call, was our very own brother in the community, Peter.

Robert gave an update on COVID-19 and basically there is a lot more to be discovered. Pay attention and do not be deceived. There are flaws in the testing methods which can lead to inaccurate conclusions.

He also talked about technology to help with 5G and the challenges in dealing with radio frequencies.

Robert and Peter both brought a vast amount of helpful information about our bodies being like eco-systems in and of themselves. Information on how chemicals in hand sanitizers and other products can be harmful to our bodies.

Members in the community asked questions and were given great answers and information.

The science behind much of what was discussed was phenomenal and provided by Robert Scott Bell and Peter. Thank you so much guys for the sharing of your knowledge and research!

It certainly helps us to better understand what effects our bodies and systems. They gave advice on more natural ways to cleanse and heal our bodies.

This was a great call ! If you missed it, be sure to take the time to listen to the recording of it !!

Thank you again Robert and Peter! What a great job!

Thank you Mel for bringing this forward and always providing us with valuable information to help us on our healing journeys!!

There's a bonus, after this call, Mel, Miles and Joe had a three way call about diet. Just answering a few question Miles had, certainly worth listening to!

Rockin Robin,
For Freddie
Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 11/07/20


Rockin Robin

Date Added: 5/9/2021
Date Of Original Post: 10/26/2020

Dear Newbies,

This is just a letter of HOPE, FAITH, and LOVE. Yes, that which is mentioned in the Bible in 1 Corinthians chapter 13.

First, I want you to know that I'm speaking to you from my own personal experiences and from what I have learned from Mel Friedman, his glorious website, and this wonderful community,

I have been here for about a year and a half and in that time, I have read, listened, and learned a lot from this website. It is truly an eye opener for people suffering with toxic diseases. Over my time here, I have come to understand what toxic diseases are, the theories behind how they are contracted and some of the only ways to heal successfully from these diseases.

This website can give you more than you want to know, everything you need to know, and solutions you will have to know to heal yourself and get completely well. This disease can be very scary; the symptoms make it hard to live a normal daily life. But, be assured there are others here who know what your going through.

If you have contracted Lyme, Morgellons, any of the over 50 co-infections associated with Lyme, or you just need to find a diagnosis for what is wrong with you and your body, this is a great place to start!

Unlike most doctors, who have had little or no training or education about toxic diseases, there is over twelve years of documented cases and healings of toxic diseases here on this website.

There are many people who have had similar symptoms, people who are experiencing the same strange phenomenon that you may be experiencing and people who will believe you, understand you and care about you.

There is great HOPE here! Mel Friedman does not ever turn anyone away, but has dedicated his life to helping others. With time, patience, a faithful regimen, and HOPE, you can get well. Mel has always said, " Those who do not give up HOPE, do get well."

There is Christian faith here if you are interested. However, all people of all religions, nationalities, and races are welcomed and respected here. There is caring for the human race and the human condition within this community. Basic faith is encouraged - the belief that you can and will get well !

We want nothing from you , only to help you. When you join the website, it will open up a vast amount of information that will be helpful in your healing process and it is cheap! $ 5,00 dollars a month. I went to many doctors and spent tons of money and never got any real help!

When you join this community of fellow sufferers, you will find an atmosphere of acceptance, non-judgement, sincere care and friendship. A love and respect for each other and a deep desire for helping and supporting each other is exemplified here. I have never felt more love and compassion from complete strangers who have now become dear friends by phone and posts,

It's a wonderful feeling! I truly love Mel and this community! assured that this is a safe place to be. There are no quacks, cults, fanatics or scams of any kind here, just a group of sufferers who have found an answer to prayers in Mel and his website

A man who was healed from toxic diseases that nearly took his life. His solemn promise to God to help others, has been fulfilled in the last 12 years and is still being fulfilled today!

I am about halfway there to being completely well and am so much better than I was when I first found Mel and the website, I see and know his regimen is working!

I have read and heard testimonies from many people who have gained complete health and wellness from Mel's advice and guidance!

And, during my healing journey, I have found joy again!

My advice to you, whether you are new or just browsing, is don't wait! Join the website; let Mel start you on the program. Waiting only delays your healing and battling this disease takes time. I have seen many who come and go and then eventually return here for real healing. I say from my own experience, don't waste valuable time and money.

Everyday that passes puts me closer to complete healing. I feel better and better as time passes and the symptoms bother me less and less. I have found joy and happiness again which I had lost a year and a half ago.

My wish for you is the confidence to start this program for complete wellness, success and happiness through the journey, and a feeling of deep peace and love!

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

In His Love, Rockin Robin

1. Call or email Mel Friedman
2. Join the website
3. Start the diet
4. Start the Protocol
5. Start coaching with Mel
Those who do not give up HOPE, do get well !!!

Thread: Get To Know Nutrition to Better Feed Your Body


Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 10/30/2020

Carbs - Part 3: Simple Carbs

'Simple' carb-based foods are bad… plain and simple! These foods have been processed down into other 'food' and have been stripped of nearly all nutritional value and injected with other non-natural ingredients and additives - most of which are comprised of sugars that go by names we can't even pronounce. What happens during food processing is the germ (yeast) and bacteria in the whole food gets removed (‘brown’ whole grain becomes ‘white’). Although proponents of food processing claim that stripping out the germ/bacteria reduces the risk of getting sick from eating potentially spoiled food (e.g. “leaky gut” syndrome), the main reason is to extend the food’s shelf life so consumers continue buying (doing it for the money!). Not that you’re eating bread, but if you were to go to the bread aisle in a grocery store and find a loaf that says “100% Whole Grain,” look at the expiration date. REAL, whole grain bread, once baked, should last no longer than 2-3 days. If that loaf of bread in the aisle indicates multiple weeks until expiration, walk away - it’s NOT true whole grain. Think of it as white bread with a tan. When we eat simple carbs, they process very rapidly in the body and can’t digest efficiently. Rather than regulating the body and controlling blood sugar like Complex carbs do, Simple carbs do the exact opposite - they deregulate the body and spike blood sugar (extremely High on the GI). Not only do these foods increase the sugar in your body that continues feeding this toxic disease, but high amounts of sugar can lead to Type II diabetes, which in turn can lead to a host of all sorts of cardiovascular diseases. Big

Big takeaway here is to just avoid Simple carbs (i.e. processed foods) altogether - they don’t do our bodies any good from an overall healthy lifestyle, and they certainly won’t help to restore our health.

Thread: Get To Know Nutrition to Better Feed Your Body


Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 10/30/2020

Carbs - Part 2: Complex Carbs

Begin associating the word ‘complex’ with ‘good’ in terms of carbs. Complex carbs are primarily plant-based that are consumed in their natural state, meaning, they were not processed into some other kind of food. When you eat a carb-based food grown from its natural state, you reap the benefits of all the vitamins, nutrients and, most notable, dietary fiber. Among its many benefits, fiber primarily helps regulate the body and controls blood sugar. Complex carbs are lower in calories and carry 10x the amount of nutrients compared with their processed food counterparts. Some of the best complex carbs that you can EAT NOW include dark leafy greens (spinach, chard, kale…), cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts…), and some fresh fruit and berries. These foods are extremely high in nutrient value and carry very low carb content (in fact, with many of these plant-based foods you actually burn more calories just chewing and digesting the food - neat!). Higher volume complex carbs, which again I stress - DO NOT eat until Mel has provided his guidance - include brown rice, brown pasta/noodles, beans, lentils, steel-cut oats and sweet potatoes. These foods are packed with dietary fiber that provides a host of benefits to the body’s digestion system. They digest slowly and are processed efficiently in the body. However, due to their high carb content and total calories, they take longer to burn off. Given how fatigued our bodies are and not able to expend much energy, a lot of these carbs will not be fully burnt off and end up converting into sugar. (In case I hadn't mentioned before, be sure to clear any carb intake with Mel first!)

Thread: Get To Know Nutrition to Better Feed Your Body


Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 10/30/2020

Carbs - Part 1: the Glycemic Index

Hi Everyone!
Continuing with nutritional information and guidance, I wanted to dedicate the next few posts to carbs... GASP! I know, I know, while on this protocol, especially if you’re early in your journey to restoring health, carbs are the enemy due to how they break down in the body as blood glucose (aka - sugar/sugar alcohol) and, as we’re well aware, this disease THRIVES off sugar. However, the light begins to shine towards being able to reintroduce GOOD carbs as you’re progressing (but not until AFTER you’ve been given the green light from Mel of course!). Before you cheer, toss the confetti, and bring out the cheesecake, you may be asking yourself, “Well wait, what exactly are GOOD carbs?” Great question! Read along the following posts to learn more.

Before reading on, I want to call to attention the Glycemic Index (GI) - “a system of assigning a number to carbohydrate-containing foods according to how much each food increases blood sugar.” Understanding the GI is very beneficial as you’ll be able to determine which carb-based foods have a higher impact on blood glucose. The higher the number, the higher the level of blood glucose. The index provides multiple ranges as to where a carb-based food lies on the GI: Low, Medium and High. Foods in the ‘High’ category should be avoided as they will spike blood sugar the most.

You may be wondering why this is important when you’re consuming an already low-carb diet to fight this disease. Well, not all carbs are created equal in terms of breaking down into blood glucose. Take fresh fruit for example. While apples are ‘Low’ on the GI, bananas are a bit higher and actually cross into the ‘Medium’ GI category. Although both fruits are good and provide healthy benefits such as dietary fiber, bananas have a greater impact on blood glucose levels and you may consider avoiding them or eating smaller serving sizes like half the banana.

This piece from the Mayo Clinic provides a great description of the GI, GI ranges/levels, and examples of what carb-based foods belong to which GI level. I highly recommend getting an understanding of the GI and how you can use it to your advantage! Mayo Clinic - Glycemic index diet: What's behind the claims?

Thread: Get To Know Nutrition to Better Feed Your Body

Karianne & Joe

Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 10/18/2020

Hello Everyone -

Thank you so much for your support and attending the call on nutrition. I thoroughly enjoyed having the opportunity to speak with you and receive further support and guidance from Peter and Mel. You are all spectacular people who want nothing more than to get well, which depends heavily on nutrition and fueling yourselves with the right foods and supplements in this protocol. I know a lot of information was provided so I'm going to take time to post separately on the key items discussed. First up - Sugar...

As we heard on the call, sugar can be known by many names, yet so many are unaware of this and the fact that food companies do not have to disclose those ingredients in the 'sugar' content on the food label makes it especially confusing.

These little pieces by provide good guidance and tools to identifying various sugars in food content and how to read food labels. I highly recommend reading these two short articles as they will add to your arsenal of nutritional knowledge to continue combating this toxic disease.

Article 1: "8 Ways Food Companies Hide the Sugar Content of Foods"

Article 2: "How to Read Food Labels Without Being Tricked"

More to come on other key topics from the call.
Bless all you Warriors!

Thread: Get To Know Nutrition to Better Feed Your Body


Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 10/15/2020

Hello Everyone!

I am super excited for this week's CT&M conference call (10/17/2020) to share with you all my nutritional habits and knowledge gained over the last 5 years, including learning directly from nutritionists and my own research. Much of my talk focuses on why nutrition is seen the way it is in society, how sugar - like the devil - is "hidden in the details," and why so much confusion between factual data (i.e. published research) and medical industry's stance. I'll also provide some tips and guidance that continue to serve me for the better to take out all the guesswork when it comes to "what am I putting in my body?"

With all the different publications and research out there and that I continue "geeking" out, below are some key resources that ultimately led me to maintaining a whole, plant-based nutrition.

The China Study (T. Colin Campbell)
Whole (T. Colin Campbell)
Eat to Live (Joel Fuhrman)

"Why is the Science of Nutrition Ignored in Medicine?" (T. Colin Campbell - YouTube)

"Resolving the Health Care Crisis" (T. Colin Campbell - YouTube)

"The Way We Think About Sugar is Going to Change" (Amazon Prime)
This short (~7 minute) video provides good guidance on identifying sugar in food labels.

Other Articles/Research
"8 Ways Food Companies Hide the Sugar Content of Foods"

While there is a plethora of areas I developed in my own research, I'll try and call out the key items at a very understandable level (nothing too scientific), provide my own best practices, and attempt to answer questions to the best of my ability.

Looking forward to Saturday!

Thread: Saturday's Call with Mel and Peter's story


Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 10/25/2020

This was a very well attended Saturday Conference call. Mel started by telling members how he first became ill, so we then walked with him through his struggles/challenges of suffering with Morgellons, starting back in 2006 when he was the first case of Morgellons reported in Nevada, so a time when there was little known of this disease, Mel was almost left to fight this alone apart from one doctor who kept him from harming himself with check any treatment that he thought he might try next. Days turned into years, left in his apartment alone with only two friends that delivered food to his door, it was such a very difficult time but Mel continued to study day after day, year after year, noting any changes with the different treatments he was trying.

One day John B called him, Mel knew Johns father but didn't know until that day there was a son that was going to help turn his life around, it was a wonderful heart felt story of Mel's struggles in gaining his life back.

Peter spoke about how he met Mel and joined him in Reno, Peter remembers so many things about how he felt and how Mel helped him so much on his road to recovery. Peter answered many questions that were asked by members his answers were kept in layman's terms as he understands that sometimes some of us with brain fog find some things hard to follow, I for one is so grateful that the conference is recorded, as things that I have missed or not quite understood is soon rectified by listening to the conference again, where I can replay as many times as I like. ??

This was really a great call and so interesting, so thank you Peter for your time and input and we are all looking forward to hearing about the first case of Morgellons documented in the 17th century!

Mel thank you for our Saturdays calls and making them so interesting and thank you for making this such a lovely community, where we can come and gain such great information, make friends and above all be kept safe.

Freddie x

Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 10/24/20

Thread: Saturday's Call with Joe on Nutrition

Fredddie bean

Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 10/17/2020

How lucky were our members to have Joe to be our speaker on nutrition, lots of members turned up for this Saturday's conference call and they were not disappointed. Jo talked about his journey from how he got on the road to healthy eating, he covered so many aspects not only what was good or bad for us but how the body responds to the foods we eat, Peter came in with suggestions on some other things that were good for us and that are easily digested.

The book The China Study by Dr Campbell was/is a book that inspires Jo, he mentioned that at the time of Dr Campbell finding there wasn't a need for supplements as there was everything the body needed was in the soli, unfortunately this has changed over the years and for us supplements are a must.

Jo explained how food company's hide ingredients like sugar, the way they mislead us on their food packaging, is to use names like Dextrose, Fructose, Glucose, Sucrose to name just a few. So when seeing prepacked things that say low or No sugar don't get taken in as there probably is! The best way to avoid hidden bad ingredients is to buy clean foods and staying away from processed ones is a must.

This conference call is a real must to listen back to, as there was so much information, far too much for me to do it justice.

Thank you so much for such an interesting talk Jo and really looking forward to seeing the posts you are going to make.

Mel what a cracker of a call ! Thank you so much.

Freddie x
Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 10/17/20



Date Added: 4/18/2021
Date Of Original Post: 9/28/2020

Hello Everyone.

I just want to remind everyone about the importance of coaching in restoring your health. It is truly a blessing that you have found this website.

There is so much knowledge here from people who are better, getting better or just new to this disease.

We all know how hard it is to deal with and impossible to get well without help. Mel is the go to guy for coaching.

He got very sick himself, found the right people and supplements to help him and through trial and error completely restored his health.

He promised God that if he got better be would spend his life helping others. He has met that promise, developed this website and continues to keep us informed of whatever we have to do to get well.

There are so many kind and informative people that post and come to the free weekend calls you won't be walking alone any more.

Read everything you can here. Talk to others and most importantly get coaching from Mel.

If God is for us and there is nothing can stand against us.


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